Different types of speeches PDF

Title Different types of speeches
Author Jewell Cellano
Course Purposive Communication
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 5
File Size 120 KB
File Type PDF
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slideshare/JAKEDAPOG/different-types-of-speechesDIFFERENT TYPES OF SPEECHES PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION PHILIPPINE NORMAL UNIVERSITY The National Center for Teacher Education Technology and Livelihood Education Hub South Luzon Campus Lopez, Quezon GED-ENG 01: Purposive Communication BTLE 2 - JHS PURPOSI...



DI FFERENTTYPESOFSPEECHES 1. 1.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONPHI LI PPI NENORMALUNI VERSI TYTheNat i onal Cent erf orTeacherEducat i onTechnol ogyandLi vel i hoodEducat i onHubSout hLuzon CampusLopez,QuezonGEDENG 01:Pur posi veCommuni cat i onBTLE2-JHS 2. 2.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONDi ffer entTypesofSpeeches 3. 3.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONDi ffer entTypesofSpeechesaccor di ngt o: Pur pose Del i ver y Occasi on 4. 4.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONDi ffer entTypesofSpeechesaccor di ngt oPURPOSE 5. 5.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONDi ffer entTypesofSpeechesaccor di ngt oPur poseThe f ourbasi ct ypesofspeechaccor di ngt opur posear e:t oi nf or m,t oi nst r uct ,t oent er t ai n,andt o per suade.Thesear enotmut ual l yexcl usi veofoneanot her .Youmayhavesever alpur poses i nmi ndwhengi vi ngyourpr esent at i on.However ,t hepr i nci pl epur poseofaspeechwi l l gener al l yf al li nt ooneoff ourbasi ct ypes: 6. 6.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON1.I NFORMATI VEThi sspeechser v est opr ovi de i nt er est i ngandusef uli nf or mat i ont oy ouraudi ence. 7. 7.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON1.I NFORMATI VEEx ampl e:At eachert el l i ngst udent s aboutear t hquak es Ast udentt al ki ngaboutherr esear ch 8. 8.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON1.I NFORMATI VEEx ampl e:At r av el ogueaboutt he TowerofLondonAcomput erpr ogr ammerspeaki ngaboutnewsof t war e 9. 9.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON2.DEMONSTRATI VEThi shasmanysi mi l ar i t i eswi t han i nf or mat i vespeech.Ademonst r at i v espeechal sot eachesy ous omet hi ng.Themai n di ffer encel i esi ni ncl udi ngademonst r at i onofhowt odot het hi ngy ou’ r et eachi ng. 10. 10.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON2.DEMONSTRATI VEExampl e:Howt os t ar ty ourown bl ogHowt obak eacak eHowt owr i t eas peech Howt o… j us taboutanyt hi ng 11. 11.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON3.PERSUASI VEAper suasi v espeechwor kst o convi ncepeopl et ochangei ns omeway :t heyt hi nk,t hewayt heydosomet hi ng,ort os t ar t doi ngsomet hi ngt hatt heyar enotcur r ent l ydoi ng. 12. 12.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONEx ampl e:Bec omeanor gandonorI mpr ov ey our heal t ht hr oughbet t ereat i ng3.PERSUASI VE 13. 13.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONEx ampl e:Tel evi si onvi ol encei snegat i v el yi nfluenci ng ourchi l dr enBecomeav ol unt eerandchanget hewor l d3.PERSUASI VE 14. 14.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON4.ENTERTAI NI NG Theaf t er di nners peechi sat ypi cal exampl eofanent er t ai ni ngspeech.Thespeakerpr ovi despl eas ur eandenj oymentt hatmak e t heaudi encel aughori dent i f ywi t hanecdot al i nf or mat i on. 15. 15.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON4.ENTERTAI NI NG Exampl e:Ex c usesf orany occasi onExpl ai ni ngcr i ck ett oanAmer i canThi ngsy ouwoul dn’ tk nowwi t houtt hemovi es 16. 16.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONEffec t i v epr epar at i onr equi r esi dent i f yi ngt hepur poseof y ourspeech.Oncey ou’ v ei dent i fi edy ourpur pose,y ouc anmoveont ot heobj ect i veofy our speech. 17. 17.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONRef er enc e:ht t p: / / www. i smck enzi e. com/ 4basi ct ypesof -speec hes/ 18. 18.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONDi ffer entT ypesofSpeechesaccor di ngt oDELI VERY 19. 19.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONDi ffer entT ypesofSpeechesaccor di ngt oDel i v er yThe easi es tappr oacht ospeechdel i v er yi snotal wayst hebest .Subs t ant i alwor kgoesi nt ot he


21. 22.

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34. 35. 36.

car ef ulpr epar at i onofani nt er es t i ngandet hi calmessage,soi ti sunder st andabl et hat s t udent smayhav et hei mpul set oav oi d“ mes si ngi tup”bysi mpl yr eadi ngi twor df orwor d. 20.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON1.I MPROMPTUSPEAKI NG I ti st hepr esent at i onofa shor tmessagewi t houtadv ancepr epar at i on.I mpr ompt uspeechesof t enoccurwhen someonei sask edt o“ sayaf ewwor ds ”orgi v eat oastonaspeci aloccasi on. 21.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON1.I MPROMPTUSPEAKI NG Theadvant ageoft hi ski nd ofs peaki ngi st hati t ’ sspont aneousandr esponsi v ei nanani mat edgr oupcont ext . 22.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON1.I MPROMPTUSPEAKI NG Thedi s adv ant agei st hat t hespeak eri sgi v enl i t t l eornot i met ocont empl at et hecent r alt hemeofhi sorhermess age. Asar esul t ,t hemessagemaybedi sor gani z edanddi fficul tf orl i s t ener st of ol l ow. 23.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON1.I MPROMPTUSPEAKI NG I mpr ompt uspeechesar e gener al l ymostsucces sf ulwhent heyar ebr i efandf ocusonasi ngl epoi nt . 24.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON2.EXTEMPORANEOUSSPEAKI NG Ext empor aneous speaki ngi st hepr esent at i onofacar ef ul l ypl annedandr ehear sedspeech,spok eni na conv er sat i onal mannerusi ngbr i efnot es. 25.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON2.EXTEMPORANEOUSSPEAKI NG Byusi ngnot es r at hert hanaf ul lmanuscr i pt ,t heext empor aneouss peak ercanest abl i shandmai nt ai ney e cont actwi t ht heaudi enceandassesshowwel lt heyar eunder st andi ngt hespeechasi t pr ogr es ses . 26.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON2.EXTEMPORANEOUSSPEAKI NG Speaki ng ext empor aneousl yhassomeadv ant ages .I tpr omot est hel i k el i hoodt haty ou,t hes peaker , wi l lbeper cei vedasknowl edgeabl eandc r edi bl e. 27.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON2.EXTEMPORANEOUSSPEAKI NG I naddi t i on,y our audi encei sl i k el yt opaybet t erat t ent i ont ot hemessagebecausei ti sengagi ngbot hv er bal l y andnonver bal l y . 28.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON2.EXTEMPORANEOUSSPEAKI NG Thedi sadv ant age ofext empor aneousspeaki ngi st hati tr equi r esagr eatdealofpr epar at i onf orbot ht hev er bal andt henonv er balcomponent soft hespeech.Adequat epr epar at i oncannotbeachi ev edt he daybef or ey ou’ r es chedul edt os peak. 29.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON3.SPEAKI NG FROM AMANUSCRI PTManuscr i pt speaki ngi st hewor df or wor di t er at i onofawr i t t enmessage.I namanus cr i ptspeech,t he speak ermai nt ai nshi sorherat t ent i onont hepr i nt edpageex ceptwhenusi ngvi sualai ds . 30.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON3.SPEAKI NG FROM AMANUSCRI PTTheadv ant age t or eadi ngf r om amanuscr i pti st heexactr epet i t i onofor i gi nalwor ds.Aswement i onedatt he begi nni ngoft hi schapt er ,i ns omec i r cumst ancest hi scanbeext r emel yi mpor t ant . 31.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON4.SPEAKI NG FROM MEMORYMemor i z edspeaki ngi s t her ot er eci t at i onofawr i t t enmessaget hatt hes peak erhascommi t t edt omemor y . 32.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON4.SPEAKI NG FROM MEMORYWheni tc omest o speeches,memor i z at i oncanbeusef ul whent hemessageneedst obeexactandt he speak erdoesn’ twantt obec onfinedbynot es . 33.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ON4.SPEAKI NG FROM MEMORYTheadv ant aget o memor i z at i oni st hati tenabl est hes peak ert omai nt ai ney econt actwi t ht heaudi ence t hr oughoutt hespeech. 34.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONRef er enc e:ht t p: / / 2012books . l ar dbuck et . or g/ books/ publ i cspeaki ng-pr act i ceandet hi cs/ s1701-f our met hods of del i v er y . ht ml 35.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONDi ffer entT ypesofSpeechesaccor di ngt oOCCASI ON 36.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG Cer emoni als peechesar e speechesgi vendur i ngacer emonyorar i t ualmar k edbyobser vanceoff or mal i t yoret i quet t e. Thesecer emoni est endt obev er yspeci al f orpeopl e,soi tshoul dn’ tbesur pr i si ngt hatt hey ar eoppor t uni t i esf orspeechmaki ng.

37. 37.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG A.SpeechesofI nt r oduct i on Thefir stt ypeofs peechi scal l edt hes peechofi nt r oduct i on,whi chi sami ni speechgi v enby t hehostofacer emonyt hati nt r oducesanot herspeak erandhi sorherspeech. 38. 38.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG Jus tl i k eanyot herspeech, aspeechofi nt r oduct i ons houl dbeacompl et espeechandhav eacl eari nt r oduct i on,body , andconcl usi on—andy oushoul ddoi tal li nundert womi nut es .A.SpeechesofI nt r oduct i on 39. 39.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG Forani nt r oduct i on,t hi nkof ahookt hatwi l l mak ey ouraudi encei nt er es t edi nt heupcomi ngspeak er .A.Speechesof I nt r oduct i on 40. 40.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG A.SpeechesofI nt r oduct i on Thebodyofy ouri nt r oduct or yspeechshoul dbedevot edt ot el l i ngt heaudi enc eaboutt he speak er ’ st opi c ,whyt hespeak eri squal i fied,andwhyt heaudi enceshoul dl i st en. 41. 41.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG A.SpeechesofI nt r oduct i on Thefinalpar tofagoodi nt r oduct i oni st heconcl usi on,whi chi sgener al l ydesi gnedt o wel comet hes peakert ot hel ect er n. 42. 42.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG Aspeechofpr esent at i oni s abr i efspeechgi v ent oaccompanyapr i z eorhonor .B.SpeechesofPr esent at i on 43. 43.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG B.Speec hesof Pr es ent at i onWhenpr epar i ngas peec hofpr esent at i on,i t ’ sal way si mpor t antt oas khowl ong t hespeechshoul dbe. 44. 44.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG B.Speec hesof Pr es ent at i onFi r st ,y oushoul dexpl ai nwhatt heawar dorhonori sandwhyt hepr esent at i oni s i mpor t ant . 45. 45.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG B.Speec hesof Pr es ent at i onSecond,y oucanexpl ai nwhatt her eci pi enthasaccompl i shedi nor derf ort he awar dt obebes t owed. 46. 46.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG B.Speec hesof Pr es ent at i onDi dt heper sonwi nar ace?Di dt heper sonwr i t eani mpor t antpi eceofl i t er at ur e? Di dt heper sonmedi at econfli ct ?What ev ert her eci pi enthasdone,y ouneedt ocl ear l y hi ghl i ghthi sorherwor k . 47. 47.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG B.Speec hesof Pr es ent at i onLast l y ,i ft her aceorc ompet i t i onwasconduct edi napubl i cf or um andnumer ous peopl edi dn’ twi n,y oumaywantt or ecogni z et hosepeopl ef ort hei reffor t saswel l . 48. 48.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG C.SpeechesofDedi cat i on Aspeec hofdedi cat i oni sdel i v er edwhenanewst or eopens ,abui l di ngi snamedaf t er someone,apl aquei spl acedonawal l ,anewl i br ar yi scompl et ed,andsoon. 49. 49.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG C.SpeechesofDedi cat i on Thesespeechesar edesi gnedt ohi ghl i ghtt hei mpor t anceoft hepr oj ectandpossi bl yt hoset o whom t hepr oj ecthasbeendedi cat ed. 50. 50.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG D.Toast sAt oasti sa speechdesi gnedt ocongr at ul at e,appr ec i at e,orr emember . 51. 51.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG D.Toast sFi r s t ,t oast scan bedel i ver edf ort hepur poseofcongr at ul at i ngsomeonef oranhonor ,anewj ob,orget t i ng mar r i ed.Youc anal sot oastsomeonet oshowy ourappr eci at i onf ors omet hi ngt hey’ v edone. 52. 52.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG D.Toast sLast l y ,wet oast peopl et or emembert hem andwhatt heyhav eaccompl i shed. 53. 53.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG D.Toast sWhenpr epar i nga t oas t ,t hefir stgoali sal way st ok eepy ourr emar k sbr i ef .Toas t sar egener al l ygi vendur i ngt he mi ddl eofsomeki ndoff est i vi t i es( e. g. ,weddi ng,r et i r ementpar t y ,f ar ewel lpar t y) .

54. 54.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG D.Toast sSecond,t hegoal ofat oasti st of ocusat t ent i onont heper sonorper sonsbei ngt oast ed—notont hespeaker 55. 55.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG E.Roas t sTher oastspeech i sav er yi nt er es t i ngandpecul i arspeechbecausei ti sdesi gnedt obot hpr ai seandgoodnat ur edl yi nsul taper sonbei nghonor ed. 56. 56.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG E.Roas t sGener al l y ,r oas t s ar egi v enatt heconcl usi onofabanqueti nhonorofsomeone’ sl i f eachi ev ement s . 57. 57.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG E.Eul ogi esAeul ogyi sa speechgi v eni nhonorofs omeonewhohasdi ed. 58. 58.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG F.Speec hesofFar ewel lA speechoff ar ewel lal l owssomeonet os aygoodby et oonepar tofhi sorherl i f easheors he i smovi ngont ot henextpar tofl i f e. 59. 59.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONCEREMONI ALSPEAKI NG F.Speec hesofFar ewel l Maybey ou’ v eaccept edanewj obandar el eavi ngy ourcur r entj ob,ory ou’ r egr aduat i ngf r om col l egeandent er i ngt hewor kf or ce. 60. 60.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG Thegoal ofan i nspi r at i onalspeec hi st oel i ci torar ouseanemot i onals t at ewi t hi nanaudi ence. 61. 61.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG A.Speechest oEns ur e Goodwi l lGoodwi l li sani nt angi bl eassett hati smadeupoft hef av ororr eput at i onofan i ndi vi dual oror gani zat i on. 62. 62.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG A.Speechest oEns ur e Goodwi l lSpeechesofgoodwi l lar eof t engi v eni nanat t emptt ogetaudi encemember st o vi ewt heper sonoror gani zat i onmor ef avor abl y . 63. 63.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG A.Speechest oEns ur e Goodwi l lAl t houghs peechesofgoodwi l lar ecl ear l yper suasi v e,t heyt r ynott obeobvi ous aboutt heper suasi v ei nt entandar eof t endel i v er edasi nf or mat i ongi vi ngspeechest hatf ocus onani ndi vi dual oror gani zat i on’ sposi t i v esat t r i but es. 64. 64.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG A.Speechest oEns ur e Goodwi l lTher ear et hr eebasi ct ypesofspeechesofgoodwi l l :publ i cr el at i ons ,j ust i ficat i on, andapol ogy . 65. 65.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG A.1.Speechesf orPubl i c Rel at i onsI napubl i cr el at i onss peech,t hespeakeri sspeaki ngt oenhanceone’ sowni mage ort hei mageofhi sorheror gani z at i on. 66. 66.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG A.1.Speechesf orPubl i c Rel at i onsYouc anal mostt hi nkoft hesespeechesascheer l eadi ngs peechesbecauset he ul t i mat egoali st ogetpeopl et ol i k et hespeak erandwhatheorsher epr esent s . 67. 67.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG A.2.Speechesf or Just i ficat i onThesecondcommonspeechofgoodwi l li st hespeechofj ust i ficat i on,whi chi s gi v enwhens omeoneat t empt st odef endwhyc er t ai nact i onswer et ak enorwi l lbet ak en. 68. 68.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG A.2.Speechesf or Just i ficat i onI nt hesespeeches ,s peak er shav eal r eadyenact ed( ordeci dedt oenact )some ki ndofbehavi or ,andar enowat t empt i ngt oj us t i f ywhyt hebehavi ori sorwasappr opr i at e. 69. 69.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG A.3.Speechesof Apol ogyThes es peecheshav ebecomemor eandmor ec ommonpl ace.Ev er yt i mewet ur n ar ound,apol i t i ci an,pr of essi onalat hl et e,musi ci an,oract or / act r essi sdoi ngs omet hi ng r epr ehensi bl eandget t i ngcaught . 70. 70.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG A.3.Speechesof Apol ogyI nf act ,t hespeechofapol ogyhasqui ckl ybecomeaf odderf orhumoraswel l . 71. 71.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG B.Speechesf or Commencement sThes econdt ypeofi nspi r at i onalspeechi st hespeechofcommencement ,

whi chi sdesi gnedt or ecogni z eandcel ebr at et heachi evement sofagr aduat i ngcl assor ot hergr oupofpeopl e. 72. 72.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONI NSPI RATI ONALSPEAKI NG B.Speechesf or Commencement sThemostt ypi cal f or m ofcommencements peechhappenswhensomeone gr aduat esf r om sc hool . 73. 73.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONRef er enc e:ht t p: / / 2012books . l ar dbuck et . or g/ books/ publ i c speaki ngpr act i ce-andet hi cs/ s 2102speci al -occasi onspeeches . ht ml 74. 74.PURPOSI VECOMMUNI CATI ONPr epar edby :CERDON,Jay sonR.DECASTRO,J uwan P.DAPOG,Jak eJ....

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