Basinger, Raven Establishing Your Nonprofit PDF

Title Basinger, Raven Establishing Your Nonprofit
Author Raven Basinger
Course Accounting for Nonprofit Organizations
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 5
File Size 82.8 KB
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Establishing your nonprofit is what you will have to build a nonprofit from scratch...


1 Establishing Your Nonprofit

Establishing Your Nonprofit Raven Basinger Southern New Hampshire University

2 Establishing Your Nonprofit

The nonprofit organization that I envision is Patterson's LGBTQ+ Community Center. Our mission is to Build up all members of the LGBTQ+ with therapy, resources, and educational programs giving them a chance at a safe environment and equal opportunities in the world. The location of the nonprofit will be in Western Massachusetts. The program that will be offered to anyone part of the LGBT including Allies, youth, and adults a safe place to stay. If their home environment is unsafe for them or has no place to go. To connect them within the center or outside to receive therapy or group therapy to help each member recognize they are not alone if needed. Help guide them in their education or getting a job so they can move up in the world to succeed. The Board of Directors will be a buildup of a minimum of seven members but the goal will be to have fifteen to twenty members. For the board of directors my goal would be to have a background experience in one of the following fields; Finance, Therapist, Business Management, Human Resources, Clinical Skills, Lawyer, or Real Estate. A member won’t be decided strictly on education or background experience, but it would be good to attempt to have at least one to have experience or be a part of the field to be able to give reliable feedback on each program. There will be a strict screening for everyone to reassure safety for all. Each person will be CORI and Sori checks to make sure they don’t have any kind of criminal or sexual offenses. Some qualifications would be committed to the mission, are for LGBTQ+ rights, willing to learn, and able to financially or be able to give pro bono. A huge conflict of interest will be if they don’t believe in LGBTQ+ rights and have no morals in belittling people for the sake of a belief or not matching their religious beliefs. If the Sori or Cori comes back with sexual assaults, endangerment of children, embezzlement, or physical assaults. Another conflict of interest would be any completing affiliation with organizations

3 Establishing Your Nonprofit

that are against supporting the LGBTQ+ community. When going through the interviewing process for any Board of Directors, staff, or any committee members there will be a verbal and subsection in the policies that breaks down any what conflict of interests looks like to my nonprofit. To give them s general idea whether they are a good fit to the organization. For the Finance committee, there will be a goal of five to eight members that either has an education or background experience in accounting or auditing. To meet every month or bi-monthly to provide some oversight and financial advice for how smoothly the organization can run. To be able to confirm the funding of the programs and to give advice on where funding should be focused on. This will help give support to the nonprofit to ensure the success of the organization. For the legal requirements and process, the agencies that would need to be contacted in order to establish my nonprofit are the Internal Revenue Services (IRS), Massachusetts Secretary of Commonwealth, Massachusetts Department of Revenue, and Massachusetts’s Attorney General. Depending on your activities and the size of your organization, you may need to register with the Massachusetts Attorney General before doing any fundraising activities (Fishman, 2020). When establishing the nonprofit there would need to be a plan for paying the cost and waiting for each form to get a response. The type of paperwork that would have to be submitted to establish my nonprofit is applying for Massachusetts Articles of Organization that costs thirtyfive dollars takes two-three business days for turnaround time. Filing the Bylaws, IRS Form SS4: Apply for Employer Identification Number (EIN) helps identify the business when filing documentation (H. Compliance, 2020). IRS Form 1023 is important to file to be recognize as 501(c)(3) as a charitable organization, this will help in filing for tax-exempt status, costs six hundred dollars IRS fee taking approximately three to six months to get a response. IRS

4 Establishing Your Nonprofit

Determination Letter, Massachusetts Form TA-1: Application for Registration, Massachusetts Corporate Excise Tax Exemption Application, Massachusetts Property Tax Exemption Application, Unified Registration Statement (URS) made to register charities in many states that costs one hundred and fifty dollars takes six to eight weeks, if applicable, and Massachusetts Form PC or Short Form PC: Charitable Registration with the commonwealth of Massachusetts to receive a valid solicitation certificate (H. Compliance, 2020). In between some of the paperwork holding Board of Director meetings will help to establish bylaws policies, contiguously plans, opening an organization bank account, who are the officers, and most importantly be able to create board meeting minutes to add additional paperwork to applications. Turnaround times may vary for each application due to completing documents online or by mailing. This is not including any possible refiling or appealing if there is a denial in the request for any documentation. If that is the case there will be a backup plan in place to be able to complete each form in a timely manner to be able to start helping the community and giving opportunities to people in need of a healthy environment. Making sure that the nonprofit organization files everything appropriately is crucial to have the nonprofit in good standings.

5 Establishing Your Nonprofit

Reference: Fishman, J. S. D. (2020, February 28). How to Form a Massachusetts Nonprofit Corporation. Www.Nolo.Com.

Compliance, H. (2020, July 14). How to Start a Nonprofit Organization in Massachusetts | Harbor Compliance. 2012–2021 Harbor Compliance.

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