Belle epoque PDF

Title Belle epoque
Course History of Spain: 20th Century
Institution Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
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Marta García Linares Spanish History: 20th Century Group 40 BELLE ÉPOQUE

Belle Époque is an Oscar Winning Spanish 1992 film directed by Fernando Trueba. The story tells how Fernando is a runaway Republican soldier, who finds shelter in Manolo's home. After a few days, he must leave finding out Manolo has 4 daughters. He decides to stay while he flirts with all of them, ending up married to the youngest. During his stay, we can see the difference between the wealthy and poor people at villages, socially, economically, politically and mind-wise. What can be easily analyzed is the feeling of uncertainty and in some way fear that the population had. The film starts in February 1931 [Second link]. Before this events happened, Spain had suffered a "Benevolent dictatorship" after the renounce of Primo de Rivera, led by Berenguer. The San Sebastian Pacts occurred, creating the "Agrupación al Servicio de la República", the Berenguer Error [Link 35] and the Jaca Uprising. This last one was carried out before it should so it failed. Berenguer renounced and Bautista Aznar took his place right before the elections. The film takes place in this cluster of events, where very conservative and liberal people had to live together, awaiting the next turn of happenings. Not knowing who or what was right. Thanks to the documentation work done for this movie, we are able to know things that books wouldn’t teach us. One of the gadgets that can be seen is a draisine [Third link], a rail-bike seen at the beginning. We can also know that women smoked, a trend that began its popularity in the 1920s [Link 36] and that some mattresses where made with corn leaves [Link 8], which is unthinkable nowadays. Another think that is mentioned is that Clara’s husband drowned in the river and afterwards we know that Fernando does not know how to swim. Researching about this topic, Fernando’s situation is understandable because not everyone knew how to swim, only the high society and the people that lived near the sea [Ninth link]. Aspirins already existed [Link 25], homosexuality [Link 11] was not banned (but was not well seen) and they also dressed up for the carnival [Link 12].


Some remarkable facts are that the catholic church banned the Tango [Link 14 and 15], San Sebastian was a fashionable place to go on a honeymoon [Link 22], that women went to university [Link 23] (not as many as men, but a significant number compared with the past century) and North America was “the place of opportunities” [Link 31]. This was so excessive that the Government tried to regulate it but with no result. We can learn several things about the society, events and the period in general. In the first scene, when Fernando is imprisoned and one of the Civil Guards is going to kill himself he says “I am doing this for the Virgin and the Duque of Ahumada”. This makes you think about two issues. First we learn that the creator of the Civil Guard is this duque and that he is catholic. Usually being catholic is not relevant but in this period it is. Being catholic meant that they were not Republicans, so they had to be borbonic supporters or carlists [Link 6]. This also meant that they were wealthier, as we can see in Juanito’s case, who tried to have the spotlight at masses. In Juanito’s family we can even see that being carlist was passed from one generation to other. We get to know that his grandfather was one (if we look back, he could have even participated in the third carlist war) because he uses his uniform as a costume [Link 13] at the carnival and because he sings carlist’s songs [Link 27]. As for the Republicans, we can distinguish them because they say the fraise “Salud y Republica”, a quote from Azaña [Link 37]. A few other relevant facts are that masonry [Link 7] is mentioned and in this case is an accusation to the priest. The priest is Republican, swears and can be found gaming at a brothel, we could say it is the other face of the Church. Romanones [Link 14] is mentioned as the solution to the Republican movement, who was known for being very conservative and, as a fact, was in charge to escort Alfonso XIII into exile. They also talk about divorce, which is a present idea in the liberals but unthinkable in the conservatives (as seen when Rocío talks about it with Doña Asun and Juanito) [Link 20]. At the end we can see how the Republic won in the 1931 elections [Link 1, 24 and 29], at the beginning was not even official and, for real, the republicans lost but they won in the cities and the people took the streets to celebrate, as a result, the king decided to go into exile. Before the elections, in the San Sebastian Pact, Gasset, Marañón and Pérez de Ayala made a Republican Coalition [Link 10] to impulse the republican ideas.


In the first scenes, when Fernando arrives at the village, we can read “Muera el rei”. It is a reflection of the illiteracy [Link 5] of the moment and concretely, in villages. They also mention Unamuno’s book “Del sentido trágico de la vida” [Link 32] as the reason of the death of the priest. This is possible because it explains how live is nonsense. The documentation process is remarkable but it has several failures. The family treats the facts that Violeta is homosexual or sexuality very lightly for that time [Link 26], as well as they are very liberal for somethings but for others, they speak as conservatives (as an example, Clara says “We need men”) [Link 17 and 33]. Another example of their conservative way of thinking that they sometimes had is the facts that Luz gets married very young, at least compared to the average at that time [Link 34]. They also say that the operetta or zarzuela is not that important in America, when actually it was at that time [Link 28]. To end, Manolo says that Malévich has copied him, when Malévich began much earlier than him [Link 18 and 19].

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