Bio 1A syllabus sum2019 DONE PDF

Title Bio 1A syllabus sum2019 DONE
Author Min Yang
Course Biology
Institution University of California, Berkeley
Pages 6
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Download Bio 1A syllabus sum2019 DONE PDF


Welcome tto o Biolo Biology gy 1A 1A,, UC UCB, B, Summ Summer er 20 2019 19 Int Intrroduct oductiion: Hopefully you will find Biology 1A to be a fun and exciting class. It will be readily apparent that we enjoy biology and teaching! Warning - the pace will be blistering fast. You are expected to have taken the chemistry prerequisites (Chem 1A equivalent). A good understanding of chemistry is required—see the review sheet on page 5. The Bio 1A class consists of four lectures and two discussions each week. The Bio 1AL lab class consists of two lectures and two labs each week. Do not plan to take more than seven units and do not plan on working more than 20 hours per week.

Our website is: http://mcb.berkel http://mcb.berkele ourses/ ourses/bio bio bio1a 1a Swi Switchin tchin tching g sect sections: ions: You can send Erol Kepkep an email requesting to switch to [email protected]. Students enrolled in both 1A and 1AL must switch BOTH lab and discussion sections, not just one and this must be done before Monday (6/24). If you are in 1A only then you must switch discussion prior to Monday (6/24). Add Addin in ing: g: UCB students enroll through CalCentral. Non-UCB enroll via Berkeley Summer Sessions. At Attenda tenda tendance nce: You are expected to attend ALL lectures and ALL discussions. Attendance may be taken at any or all discussions/lectures. If you are not present at discussion the first two weeks your seat may be given away. There is no webcast of the class. Papers, exams, etc. are returned in discussion. You must be present to pick them up. Lecture will be held in 245 Li Ka Shing. Commu Communicat nicat nication: ion: Office hours are held in 2084. Email (see page 4) is the preferred method. Lec Lectur tur tures es and Le Lect ct cturer urer urers s: Dr. Jim Baxter (6/24 – 7/25) and Dr. Mark Barnby (7/30 - 8/14). Bio 1A lectures are held M. - Th. from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM in 245 Li Ka Shing. Lectures are NOT available as Course Capture. Dr. Baxter’s contact information is [email protected]. Dr. Mark Barnby’s contact information is [email protected] . Office hours: See page 3. You can and should come to any or all office hours—even if your instructor does not hold them. Feel free to attend any office hour, not just those taught by your instructor. Disc Discus us ussion sion: Required discussions meet twice a week. Discussion begins Monday June 24 and you must attend your assigned discussion--attendance will be taken. The major focus of discussion 1 will be course logistics and focusing on study skills. It is extremely important to have good study skills during the summer as the pace is FAST, VERY FAST. To attempt a discussion switch email [email protected]. Bio 1A 1AL: L: Most students must take both Bio 1A and Bio 1AL. Certain students (Chemical Engineering, etc.) may not be required to take Bio 1AL. Students repeating Bio 1A do not have to take the lab if they already passed Bio 1AL. The fir first st lab le lecture cture will be hel eld d on Mo Mon nda day y 6/2 /24 4 (9:30 (9:30--11 A M) and labs b egin Tuesda Tuesday y 6/25. You should come prepared. See the Bio 1AL lab syllabus. bCo bCours urs urse e: Announcements, some handouts and exam scores will only be on bCourse. Piazza (on bCourses) will be used for posting questions/answers for student use. Please use Piazza instead of individually emailing instructors – all can benefit from the question and answers. For difficulties accessing bCourse email [email protected].

Changes to this syllabus and grading criteria may occur. If so, you will be informed. GRADIN GRADING G PR PROCE OCE OCEDU DU DURE RE RE:: Letter grades will be determined from numerical scores as follows:

Midterm 1 (each lecture is worth about 15 points) Given on 7/15. Midterm 2 (each lecture is worth about 15 points) Given on 7/29. Exam 3 (each lecture is worth about 15 points) Given on 8/15. Total Page 1 of 5

135 135 150 420

pt’s pt’s pt's pt’s

A+ or A or A-=100-90%

B+ or B or B- = 89-80%

C+ or C or C- = 79-70%

D+ or D or D- 69-60%

F = 59 %or less

Guara Guarante nte nteed ed grad grades es ar are e lilisted sted ab abov ov ove e. The p points oints need needed ed ffor or s some ome gr grades ades m may ay be lower lowered ed depending upon the ffiinal d distr istr istributi ibuti ibution on of s stude tude tudent nt nt’’s sco scores, res, i. i.e. e. we curve tthe he class if n need eed be (and tth h er ere e has al always ways be been en the nee need) d) d).. G Grad rad rades es will NOT be given based up upon on yo your ur nee needs ds ds,, wa wants nts nts,, d des es esire ire ires, s, bel belief ief iefs s (I belie believe ve I s shoul houl hould d pass ass), ), admission requirement requirements s, et etc c. Ch Cha anges to th the e grade di distribu stribu stribution tion ar are e NOT possi possible ble ble.. G Grade rade distri distribution bution is effect effectively ively set by the department of Mo Molecular lecular Cell Biology. GRADIN GRADING G PROCEDU PROCEDURE: RE:

In the event that some examinations have been unusually difficult, the cut-offs for letter grades may be lowered (but only by a few percent and only when necessary). Historically around 50% of the class EARN A’s and B’s. Grades are based upon your total of lecture points. Lec Lectur tur ture e: Lecture exams will be taken in class. The midterms are scheduled for July 15th (lectures 1-9/10 = 135 pts,) and July 29th (lectures 10/11 -18 = 135 pts). The last exam is scheduled for Augu August st 15th (lectures 19-28, 150 points). Exams cannot be taken early, nor later than the scheduled time—only during the scheduled time unless you are a DSP student. Exam Format: Exams will contain multiple-choice questions and may include short answer, essay or fill in the blank questions. The short answer, essay or fill in the blank questions will not exceed 33% of the total point value for any exam.

There will be NO make-up exams. If you miss an exam due to illness, you must present a written, verifiable medical excuse. Your exam will be calculated on a pro-rated score. TEXT TEXTBOOKS BOOKS A AND ND L LAB AB MA MANUAL NUAL Requ Required ired Textb Textbook ook: Biology, Campbell, 11th edition only. Cou Course rse rea reader der (l (lect ect ectu u re h ha an dout outs): s): Available at Replica Copy, 2140 Oxford and posted on bCourses. Exam Reader: Available at Replica Copy, 2140 Oxford and posted on bCourses. It contains representative previous exams (mostly summers). The exams in the reader should be used as a study tool. Websites: bCourse: Announcements and some handouts will be available on bCourse along with your scores on individual assignments. HOW TO D DO O BETTER IN BIO BIOLOGY LOGY 1 1A A 1. Take notes during lecture and then review them after lecture. 2. Keep up with the material. It is essential that you do not fall behind. 3. Clarify topics you do not understand by a. Coming to faculty office hours and asking questions. Email may work, but not as well as in person. b. Coming to GSI office hours and asking questions. c. Joining a study group. d. Reading the book. 4. Use the exam reader, making sure you understand the reasoning behind the answers. 5. Come to the exam review sessions and ask questions. Seek help, if needed.

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Sa Safe, fe, Support Supportive, ive, and Inclusi Inclusive ve Envi virron onment ment Whenever a faculty member, staff member, post-doc, or GSI is responsible for the supervision of a student, a personal relationship between them of a romantic or sexual nature, even if consensual, is against university policy. Any such relationship jeopardizes the integrity of the educational process. Although faculty and staff can act as excellent resources for students, you should be aware that they are required to report any violations of this campus policy. If you wish to have a confidential discussion on matters related to this policy, you may contact the Confidential Care Advocates on campus for support related to counseling or sensitive issues. Appointments can be made by calling (510) 642-1988. The classroom, lab, and work place should be safe and inclusive environments for everyone. The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) is responsible for ensuring the University provides an environment for faculty, staff and students that is free from discrimination and harassment on the basis of categories including race, color, national origin, age, sex, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Questions or concerns? Call (510) 643-7985, email [email protected], or go to

Stu Study dy Advi Advice ce: Read the material bef before ore lecture! At a minimum read the first page and last two pages of assigned chapters. During lecture take notes and pay attention. See the lab manual for further information on studying. The Student Learning Center may be offering study groups and drop in hours. Please refer to their website, (, for more information.

Bio 1A Lectures M – Th 12:30-2:00 in 245 Li Ka Shing Bio 1AL Lectures M/W 9:30-11:00 in 245 Li Ka Shing Discussio Discussion n Time and R Room oom

Lab Tim Time e& R Room oom

Lab 213 215 217

Lab Time T/Th 9:00-12:00 PM T/Th 9:00-12:00 PM T/Th 9:00-12:00 PM

Lab Room 2113 VLSB 2095 VLSB 2097 VLSB

223 225 227

T/Th 2:00- 5:00 PM T/Th 2:00- 5:00 PM T/Th 2:00- 5:00 PM

2113 VLSB 103 2095 VLSB 105 2097 VLSB 107

Disc 103 105 107

Disc M/W 11- 12 PM M/W 11- 12 PM M/W 11- 12 PM

Disc Room 2038 VLSB 101 Moffit 101 LSA

M/W 11- 12 PM M/W 11- 12 PM M/W 11- 12 PM

2038 VLSB 101 Moffit 101 LSA

Exam Info Informatio rmatio rmation n Lecture Exam 1 (715) Lab Exam I (7/10)

Lecture Exam 2 (7/29) Lab Exam II (7/24)

Discussion Information Disc Time 103 M/W 11:00– 12:00 PM 105 M/W 11:00- 12:00 PM 107 M/W 11:00- 12:00 PM

GSI Yin, Jerry Ly, Alex Takata, Steve

Lecture Exam 3 (8/15) Lab Exam III (8/7)

email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

NOTE: Frid Friday ay wee weekly kly re reviews views by Arm Armita ita N No oro rou uzi Friday 10-12 Nourizi, Armita [email protected]

Hopefully future reviews will be in 2060 VLSB.

Page 3 of 5

Room 2038 VLSB 101 Moffitt 101 LSA

6/28 = 125 LKS

Se Secti cti ction on n numbe umbe umberr, In Instr str struct uct uctors ors a and nd ema email il Lect. Lect. Staff

Meighan, Mike Baxter, Jim Barnby, Mark Erol Kepkep


(Lost & Found, etc.)

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] bio1a-summer-enrollment

664-4759 642-4214

GSI for Section 213 215 217

Wedemayer, Gary Lew, Helen Takata, Steve

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

2113 VLSB 2095 VLSB 2097 VLSB

225 227

Lew, Helen Takata, Steve

[email protected] [email protected]

2095 VLSB 2097 VLSB

Office hours are located in 2084 VLSB unless indicated otherwise. Monday Tuesda Tuesday y 8:00 8:00--9: 9:0 00 AM 11-12 (24 (245 5L LKS KS KS)) 2-3 3-4

Arm Armita ita 1AL, 1A Lecturer Dr. Lew

Wednes Wednesday day

Dr. Wede Wedemayer mayer 1A Lecturer Alex

Page 4 of 5

Thurs Thursday day Dr. Tak Takata ata 1A Lecturer

1AL, 1A Lecturer Jer Jerry ry

Biology 1A Calendar: Summer 2019 Dr. Baxter will give lectures 1-18 and Dr. Barnby will give lectures 19-28. Readings are the 11th edition. Date # Lecture Topic Lab, Discussion READINGS 6/24 1 Introduction to living organisms Ch. 1-4 Lab 1: Safety, Equipment 6/25 2 Biological macromolecules Ch. 5 6/26 3 Biological macromolecules continued. Ch. 6 Lab 2: Cells and Vibrio.* Introduction to cell structure and function 6/27 4 Membrane structure & function Ch. 7, 11 7/1


Introduction to metabolism

Ch. 8, 9

7/2 7/3 7/4

6 7

Cellular respiration Cellular respiration, Photosynthesis Holiday

Ch. 9 Ch. 9 & 10


Ch. 10

7/9 9 7/10 10

Cell cycles—mitosis and meiosis Introduction to Mendelian genetics: 1

Ch. 12, 13 Ch. 15, 16

7/11 11

Mendelian genetics: 2 Chromosomal & molecular basis of inheritance


LECTURE EXAM #1 (Lectures 1-10/11)

See handout.

7/16 12 7/17 13

From genes to proteins From genes to proteins

Ch. 17, 18 Ch. 17

7/18 14

Genetics of viruses and prokaryotes

Ch. 18, 19, 27

7/22 15

Ch 18, 19, 27

7/23 16 7/24 17 7/25 18

Genetics of prokaryotes cont. Eukaryotic Gene Regulation Eukaryotic Gene Regulation Molecular biology – strategies & applications Molecular biology – strategies & applications


LECTURE EXAM #2 (Lectures. 10/11-18)

See handout.

7/30 19 7/31 20

Introduction to animal structure and function Digestion and nutrition

Ch. 40 Ch. 41


Circulation & Gas Exchange

Ch. 42





Ch. 19, 21, 20 Ch. 18, 20 Ch. 18, 20

Lab 3: Enzymes, Microbiology-Vibrio. NO LAB.

Lab 4: Vibrio streaking, Photosynthesis. LAB EXAM 1: 100 points

Lab 5: Complementation I, Genetics & Mol. Biol. I, PCR. Lab 6: Complementation II PCR analysis, GMB. II.

Lab 7: Complementation III, Bioinformatics LAB EXAM 2: 100 points

Lab 8: Human Genetics and Taste Perception Lab 9: Intro Dissections, Vertebrate Anatomy

Deadline to drop/withdraw and to change grading to P/NP




Ch. 44

8/6 8/7 8/8

23 24 25

Nervous systems Motor & sensory systems Immunity

Ch. 48, 49 Ch. 50 Ch. 43

Endocrine system Sexual Reproduction Embryonic development LECTURE EXAM #3 (Lectures 19-28)

Ch. 45 Ch. 46 Ch. 47 See handout.

8/12 26 8/13 27 8/14 28 8/15

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Lab 10: Physiological responses to exercise LAB EXAM 3 :100 points

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