BIO 220 RS Sustainable Home Creation PDF

Title BIO 220 RS Sustainable Home Creation
Author DiAndre' Nelson
Course Environmental Science
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 2
File Size 168.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Sustainable Home Creation Name: This worksheet is to show how you will create a more sustainable home. The key is to defend your choices with facts and citing your sources, you do not need to choose a single family home. Cite sources! Current Moderately sized, two-story singlefamily home, with 5 bedrooms and 2.5 baths and a double garage.

Future Improvements Move to a location that has solar panel or add solar panel to the house.

Describe the location of your home and why it would be the best for you. Make sure to address: climate, geography, rural/urban/or suburban.

Southeastern Coastal United States; Hot and muggy summers, mild winters; Suburban/Rural area. I like the proximity to beaches and the metropolitan area as well.

Moving to a cooler tropical environment. Current location is humid.

3 materials in your home and how they can be more sustainable.

1) Food waste 2) Plastic waste 3) Clothing

1) Composting 2) Reusing various containers 3) Passing down clothes between children and other relatives; donating rarely worn clothing/shoes.

Energy use

What are 3 things that use the most energy in your home? 1) Appliances 2) Lights 3) Air Conditioner

How can you decrease your energy consumption? 1) Turn off/Unplug appliances in vacant rooms 2) Turn off lights in vacant rooms. Replace bulbs with energy efficient ones. 3) Maintain constant temperature on thermostat. Keep blinds closed during peak sunlight hours.

Water use

What are 3 things that use the most water in your home? 1) Sink 2) Washing Machine 3) Shower

How can you decrease your water consumption? 1) Limit time faucet is on while in use. 2) Use washer settings that use the least amount of water. 3) Keep showers to under 10 minutes. Replace shower heads with more efficient ones (less gallons per minute)

Described your indoor living space (i.e., square feet)

References use (you should have at least 3)

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Amar ant e,J.R. ,&PageJr . ,R.A.( 2019) .Expl ot i ngUnder ut i l i z edSol arPanelNi c he Mar k et s.Compet i t i onFor um,17( 2) ,338–345.

Sar aLuc i ani Mej í a,Rodr i goVel as coGómez ,&Rol andHuds on.( 2018) .Ec of r i endl ycov er i ngs:Anal ys i s oft heuseofv ent i l at edf acadesi nhot ,humi dweat her .Rev i s t adeAr qui t ect ur a,20( 2) ,62–77. ht t ps: / / doi or g. l opes . i dm. ocl c . or g/ 10. 14718/ RevAr q. 2018. 20. 2. 1726 Tor r egr oss a,D. ,&Capi t anesc u,F.( 2019) .Opt i mi z at i onmodel st os av eener gyandenl ar get he oper at i onal l i f eofwat erpumpi ngs y s t ems.Jour nal ofCl eanerPr oduc t i on,213,89– t ps : / / doi or g. l opes . i dm. ocl c . or g/ 10. 1016/ j . j cl epr o. 2018. 12. 124

Resources to help get you started: 1) Read the weekly reading in the textbook 2) Id climate based on state then closest city: 3) Learn more about sustainable materials:

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved....

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