BIO 220 RS Online Scavenger Hunt For Success Resource PDF

Title BIO 220 RS Online Scavenger Hunt For Success Resource
Course Environmental Science
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
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Online Scavenger Hunt for Success The Basics (each question worth 5 point) 20 pts total 1. From the first section in the book what are 5 environmental concerns you will learn about in this class? Question worth 5 points. a. Environmental Justice – health and hunger. I want to learn how environmental problems that impact our lives. b. Biodiversity Loss- How can humanity prevent over harvesting and decreased/degraded habitat for wildlife? c. Climate Change- What does damages does it do in the world and how? d. Water Quality and Quantity- Will we ever run out of fresh water and if we do, how can we supply it? e. Environmental Problems- What causes problems and how to minimize them? 2. Every field is impacted by the environment, be it being the source or a product, source of a service, a concern to meet an environmental regulation…. How do you feel learning about the environment will impact your future career? (minimum of 50 words; question worth 5 points) Learning about the environment allows people to make better decisions naturally, nutritiously and in the world. I believe that knowing more about the environment allows me to share my knowledge and use better resources for the earth. I would continue not to pollute and recycle. I would also try to prevent and stop doing things that hurt the environment. I believe people eat healthier knowing their nutrition’s process as well. 3. Everything is made from chemicals. In blogs or news articles, you might hear about chemicals being a concern, but this is too vague. For example, you can say water is a problem because it is a chemical, but this is still not saying why. Find an example of a chemical you want to learn about. Question worth 5 points a. What is this chemical made from? They come in many forms and can be produced by nearly every living organism. b. How can it be helpful? This chemical cannot be helpful. It is a threat to human health. c. What it is likely to pollute (air, water, or land)? Biotoxins are most likely to pollute the air. d. How can the problem be lessened? Testing to avoid consumption. e. Provide a full reference for your authoritative source you used to answer this question 4. Ozone is a complex chemical. In the1980’s a big concern was the hole in the ozone. What is the status of the ozone hole? Now, you might hear more about ozone warning while driving. © 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

What causes this and why is it is problem? What references did you use to answer this question? (minimum of 50 words; question worth 5 points) Most human activities, fume from cars, power plant emissions and vapors from gasoline create bad ozone results. These nuisances are not directly discharged into the atmosphere. “Sunlight, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides react with oxygen and are transformed into ozone” (Weathers and Cassirer, 2008). Sunlight makes the ground-level ozone which is then followed by a daily cycle of ozone formality and destruction (Weathers and Cassirer, 2008). Weathers, K.C., Cassirer, K. (2008). Why you should care about ozone warnings. Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies. Retrieved from: Completing Research (5 points each- 3 for correct example, 2 for reason) 20 pts total In science a research paper needs to have authoritative sources and all facts need to be cited. This does not mean you want to have lots of quotes, but instead paraphrase your material and cite the source Many times, if it tempting to use popular media as a source. However, this means it could be biased. Go to: 1. Find one source that could be considered Left biased and explain why (minimum of 20 words; question worth 5 points). The Media Bias Fact Check (2019) article “Trust cannot be repaired without truth”: Pew crunched the numbers on faltering trust in government, journalists, and more” is a source that is left biased because it covers a research done on Americans’ distrust and trust in the federal government. Media Bias Fact Check. (2019). Trust cannot be repaired without truth”: Pew crunched the numbers on faltering trust in government, journalists, and more. Retrieved from: 2. Find one source that could be considered right biased and explain why (minimum of 20 words; question worth 5 points).

3. Find a source that is considered conspiracy-pseudoscience and explain why with an example of pseudoscience (minimum of 20 words; question worth 5 points). The “Mueller: Trump could be charged with obstruction of justice after leaving office” article is considered conspiracy-pseudoscience because it based off a belief from the former © 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

special counsel Robert Mueller on President Trump possibly being charged with obstruction of justice once he leaves office (Media Bias Fact Check, 2019). It is clearly biased media coverage against Trump. Media Bias Fact Check. (2019). Mueller: Trump could be charged with obstruction of justice after leaving office. Retrieved from: mueller-trump-could-be-charged-with-obstruction-of-justice-after-leaving-office/ 4. Find a pro-science source that might be ok for a research paper to get more current information then a peer reviewed source. (minimum of 20 words; question worth 5 points) CNET is a source that is considered to be as pro science and technology as you can get. This source reports science news, new technology, cars, smart gadgets, consumer electronics, podcasts and also provide a “how to” section on electronics for their readers. The news are reviews are known to be factual and solidly sourced (Media Bias Fact Check, 2019). Media Bias Fact Check. (2019). CNET. Retrieved from: Citing and referencing help (each topic 10 pts) 30pts total Using the library, find 3 separate articles to help you write about 3 of the following topics below (remember to choose 3 topics, not just 1). Please pick 3 topics from this list: endangered species, environmental toxin, farming, sustainable building materials, or water pollution to answering the following questions: 1. Why would you use this article? (3 pts) The article “Recipe for disaster” by Bomboy and Barnéoud (2019) covers the pollution in the air and water from the Medak districts to the north-west of Hyderabad in southern India. This article goes into depth about the lack of care in pollution and how it effects people. They handle sicknesses by churning out antibiotics. Newsweek Global’s article on “Endangered Species” (2018) highlights the statistics of endangered species in the United States and in the world. It also speaks about The Trump administration weakening the act by proposing to make changes to the Endangered Species Act (Endangered Species, 2018). Rains and Whitworth’s article “A Better Way of Farming: Building an aquaponics system in the classroom” (2018) is an informative article about aquaponics system and why it is an excellent demonstration of how nitrogen cycles through an ecosystem. This reflects the topic of farming very well. 2. Create a full reference for this source (2 pts)

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Bomboy, A., & Barnéoud, L. (2019). Recipe for disaster. New Scientist, 242(3231), 42–45. Retrieved from =true&db=a9h&AN=136992350&site=eds-live&scope=site Endangered Species. (2018). Newsweek Global, 171(7), 39. Retrieved from direct=true&db=bth&AN=131449489&site=eds-live&scope=site Rains, S., & Whitworth, B. A. (2018). A Better Way of Farming: Building an aquaponics system in the classroom. The Science Teacher, (3), 40. Retrieved from direct=true&db=edsgao&AN=edsgcl.556870808&site=eds-live&scope=site 3. Paraphrase a fact from this source and insert an in-text citation (2.5pts) People once viewed Southern India as a pristine landscape. From Medak district, to the north-west of Hyderabad in southern India, people would travel to bathe in it’s cool, refreshing lakes and streams. Since then, the days have changed. The air is now foul, people breathe in chemicals that affect the lungs. The pollution often makes people nauseous. In America, the Trump administration is reviewing the Endangered Species Act to make changes that may weaken the protections. This could allow development projects to be formed in essential habitats (Endangered Species, 2018). This article “A Better Way of Farming: Building an aquaponics system in the classroom” explains a soilless process of farming that involve aquaculture and hydroponics. This is called aquaponics. Fish and plants form a relationship to make a healthy process for farming. Aquaponics takes minimal water because it it’s process through a recirculation system (Rains and Whitworth, 2018). Endangered species is still common as states Newsweek Global’s article “Endangered Species” (2018) “1/4 World’s mammals that are now threatened with extinction in our lifetime. The ratios for other animals: 1 in 8 birds, 1 in 5 sharks, and 1 in 3 amphibians”. 4. Find a quote. Create an intext citation (2.5pts) According to Bomboy and Barnéoud’s article “Recipe for disaster” (2019), southern India’s water pollution is visible. The article states that “The colour of the water doesn't help: it ranges from bright orange to deep brown and is often covered in a thick layer of white foam”. This article explains aquaponic farming on an educational views and states “An aquaponics system is an excellent demonstration of how nitrogen cycles through an ecosystem. Designing and building a functioning aquaponics system not only imparts core science and © 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

engineering ideas but also helps students understand how alternative farming methods can make farming more sustainable and less damaging to the environment” (Rains and Whitworth, 2018).

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