BIO Heart Notes - A&P PDF

Title BIO Heart Notes - A&P
Author Jordyn Aubrey
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 30
File Size 1.8 MB
File Type PDF
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BIO Heart Notes

Quiz 2 Exam 1

Blood flows from the heart through arteries  arterioles  capillaries

Blood flows from capillaries to the heart through  venules  veins

Arteries carry oxygen rich blood from the heart, while veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart

Arteries o Blood flows away from heart o Thicker walls (provide strength from high pressure)

o Elastic & stretchable (maintains blood pressure even when heart relaxes) 

Three tunics (layers) of an artery o Tunica adventitia (outer) o Tunica intima (middle) o Tunica media (inner)

Veins o Return blood back to heart o Thinner walls (blood travels with low pressure/flows because muscles contract when we move) o Valves in large veins (one-ways valves allow blood to flow only one way)

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Pulmonary Circuit: blood vessels that carry blood to and from alveoli of lungs for gas exchange (right side of the heart)

Systemic Circuit: transport blood to and from rest of body (left side of heart)


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Heart o Beats about 100,000 times/day, pumping 8,000 liters of blood o Approx. the size of a fist o Made up of 4 chambers  Left & right atria  Left & right ventricles o Located in mediastinum between lungs o Base: broad superior portion of heart o Apex: inferior end, tilts to the left, tapers to point

Pericardium: parietal; covers the heart; thin, tough sac

Heart walls o Epicardium: visceral; covers outer surface of the heart


o Myocardium: muscle wall of the heart; forms both atria and ventricles that contains blood vessels and nerves o Endocardium: inner surface of heart including valves 


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Sulci o Coronary sulcus: divides atria and ventricles o Anterior and posterior interventricular sulci: separate left and right ventricles; contain blood vessels of cardiac tissue

Interatrial septum: wall between atria

Interventricular septum: thicker wall between ventricles

Atrioventricular (AV valves): fibrous valves that connect atria to ventricles and only permit blood flow in one direction

Right atrium: receives blood from superior and inferior vena cava

SVC: opens into posterior/superior portion of right atrium, delivering blood from head, neck, upper limbs, and chest

IVC: posterior/inferior delivers blood from rest of trunk, viscera, and lower limbs

Coronary sinus: large vein that returns from cardiac veins into right atrium

Right ventricle: blood travels here from right atrium through the tricuspid valve (right AV valve) o Each cusp has attached chordae tendineae that also attach to papillary muscles o Inner surface of ventricles contain muscular ridges called trabeculae carneae (prevent suction which would impair the heart’s ability to pump)

From the right ventricle that blood flows to the pulmonary trunk through the pulmonary valve o Pulmonary trunk divides into right and left pulmonary arteries o These arteries branch into capillaries in the lungs where o2 enters the blood and co2 exits


Right and left pulmonary veins: blood travels here from the lungs after they are oxygenated

Left atrium: blood travels here from the pulmonary veins

Left ventricle: blood travels here from the left atrium via Mitral/Bicuspid valve (left AV valve)

Blood leaves left ventricle through aortic valve into the ascending aorta then to the aortic arch

Aortic arch: serves the upper body by passing into the o Brachiocephalic trunk o Left common carotid artery o Left subclavian artery o Descending aorta

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Descending aorta: blood travels from here to the lower body

From the body, the blood (capillary level) travels through venules, veins, then to the superior and inferior vena cava (deoxygenated)

Regurgitation: failure of valves; causes backflow of blood into atria o Prolapse: valve opens backwards o I.e. systolic heart murmur

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Myocardium needs its own constant supply of oxygen-rich blood

The left and right coronary arteries originate at base of ascending aorta

Blood pressure here is highest in all systemic circuit

Blood returned to right atrium from myocardium by great cardiac vein, posterior cardiac vein, middle cardiac vein, and small cardiac vein—by dumping it into the coronary sinus

Angina Pectoris: partial obstruction of coronary blood flow can cause chest pain; pain cause by ischemia (restricted blood flow), often activity dependent

Myocardial Infarction (heart attack): complete obstruction causes death of cardiac cells in affected area; pain or pressure in chest that often radiates down left arm


Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG): involves bypassing major blocks in blood vessels of the heart to improve the blood to the cardiac muscle (myocardium) o Plaques have been removed before bypass in a procedure called coronary endarterectomy o Endarterectomy: fatty deposits in the shape of coronary arteries removed from within arteries

Cardiac conduction system o Myogenic: heartbeat originates within heart o Auto-rhythmic: regular, spontaneous depolarization o Components: sinoatrial node (pacemaker), atrioventricular node, atrioventricular bundle, bundle branches, purkinje fibers

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SA node: pacemaker, initiates heartbeat, sets heart rate

AV node: electrical gateway to ventricles (brief delay so atria can contract before ventricles)


AV bundle: pathway for signals from AV node o Right and left bundle branches: divisions of AV bundle that enter interventricular septum

Purkinje fibers: upward from apex spread throughout ventricular myocardium in order to maximize ventricular ejection

Myocytes have stable resting potential of -90 mV

Step 1: Depolarization o Stimulus opens voltage regulated Na+ gates (Na+ rushes in) membrane depolarizes rapidly o Action potential peaks at +30 mV o Na+ gates close quickly

Step 2: Plateau (200-250 msec long—sustains contraction) o Slow Ca+ channels open, Ca+ binds to channels on SR, releases Ca+ into the cytosol—contraction

Step 3: Repolarization o Ca+ channels close, K+ channels open, rapid outflux returns cell to resting potential


Role of Calcium Ions in Cardiac Contractions o 20% of calcium ions required for a contraction comes from calcium entering through the plasma membrane during the plateau phase o Arrival of extracellular Ca+ triggers release of calcium ion reserves from SR o Ca+ channels close slowly and intracellular Ca+ is absorbed by the SR or pumped out of cell

Cardiac muscle is very sensitive to extracellular Ca+ concentrations

K+ leak permeability out of the cell and Na+ leak permeability into the cell—balance of the two determines resting membrane potential

Pacemaker Action Potentials (resting is at -60 to -70 mv) o Step 1: depolarization  K+ leak channels allow K+ out of the cell slowly and Na+ leak channels allow Na+ in the cells of the SA node o Step 2: threshold  -40 and -50mv; voltage sensitive calcium channels open generating a slow depolarization o Step 3: repolarization  the calcium channels are rapidly inactivated, potassium is increases, and the loss of positive ions slowly repolarizes the cell


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Differences to remember between cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle AP’S o 1. All-or-None Law - Gap junctions allow all cardiac muscle cells to be linked electrochemically, so that activation of a small group of cells spreads like a wave throughout the entire heart. This is essential for "synchronistic" contraction of the heart as opposed to skeletal muscle.


o 2. Automacity (Autorhythmicity) - some cardiac muscle cells are "self-excitable" allowing for rhythmic waves of contraction to adjacent cells throughout the heart. Skeletal muscle cells must be stimulated by independent motor neurons as part of a motor unit. o 3. Length of Absolute Refractory Period - The absolute refractory period of cardiac muscle cells is much longer than skeletal muscle cells (250 ms vs. 2-3 ms), preventing wave summation and tetanic contractions which would cause the heart to stop pumping rhythmically. 

EKG o 1. Atrial depolarization begins o 2. Atrial depolarization complete (atria contracted) o 3. Ventricles begin to depolarize at apex; atria repolarize (atria relaxed) o 4. Ventricular depolarization complete (ventricles contracted) o 5. Ventricles begin to repolarize at apex o 6. Ventricular repolarization complete (ventricles relaxed)


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 o P wave - atria depolarize o P–R interval - from start of atrial depolarization to start of QRS complex o QRS complex - ventricles depolarize o Q–T interval - from ventricular depolarization to ventricular repolarization o T wave - ventricles repolarize 

Cardiac Arrhythmias o Ectopic foci: region of spontaneous firing (not SA)  Nodal rhythm: set by AV node, 40 to 50 bpm  Intrinsic ventricular rhythm: 20 to 40 bpm o Arrhythmia: abnormal cardiac rhythm o Heart Block: failure to conduction system  Bundle branch block or total heart block (damage to AV node)



ECG: Long QT syndrome: ventricles aren’t repolarizing fast enough o ST segment elevation equals injury (myocardial infarction) o ST segments depression equals ischemia (reduced blood flow through coronary artery)


Hyperkalemia: ECG tracing has tall, thin, T-waves; prolonged PR intervals, ST segment depression; widened QRS; loss of P-wave

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Cardiac Cycle: is the period between the start of one heart beat and the beginning of the next; includes both contraction and relaxation o Systole: atrial/ventricular contraction o Diastole: atrial/ventricular relaxation o Sinus Rhythm: set by SA node at 60-100 bpm; adult resting is 7080 bpm

Atrial systole: SA node fires, atria depolarize, P-wave appears on ECG, atria contract & force blood into the ventricles, ventricles now contain end-diastolic volume (EDV) of about 130 ml of blood

Isovolumetric contraction of ventricle: atria repolarize and relax, ventricles depolarize, QRS complex appears on ECG, ventricles contract, rising pressure closes AV valvues (lub), no ejection of blood yet

Ventricular ejection: rising pressure opens semilunar valves, rapid ejection of blood, reduced ejection of blood (less pressure), stroke


volume (SV) amount ejected (70ml), SV/EDV= ejection fraction, end systolic volume (ESV) amount left in heart 

Isometric relaxation of ventricles: t-wave appears in ECG, ventricles repolarize and relax, semilunar valves close (dub), AV valves remain closed, ventricles expand but do not fill yet

Phases of cardiac cycle o Quiescent period o Ventricular filling (atrial kick) o Isovolumetric contraction


o Ventricular ejection o Isovolumetric relaxation 

Heart Sounds o Auscultation: listening to sounds made by body o S1 First Heart Sound: louder and longer “lub” occurs with closure of the AV (tricuspid and bicuspid) valves o S2 Second Heart Sound: softer and sharper “dup” occurs with closure of semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonary veins) o Softer Sounds  S3: blood flow into ventricles  S4: atrial contraction (kick)  Rarely heard in people >30

Heart Valve Abnormalities o The type of murmur will depend on the valve involved


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Cardiac Output (CO): amount of blood ejected by the ventricle in 1 minutes o Heart rate X stroke volume  About 4-6 L/min at rest  Exercise increases CO to 21-35 L/min o Cardiac reserve: difference between a person’s maximum and resting CO

Heart Rate o Pulse: surge of pressure in artery  Infants: 120 bpm or more


 Young adult female: 72-80 bpm  Young adult male: 64-72 bpm  HR rises in elderly o Tachycardia: resting adult HR above 100  Stress, anxiety, drugs, heart disease, increase body temp o Bradycardia: resting adult HR...

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