Bio reactions - bio reaction essay PDF

Title Bio reactions - bio reaction essay
Course Professional Leadership and Communication for Healthcare
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 2
File Size 33.9 KB
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bio reaction essay...


Lindsey Gross 1

Lindsey Gross Professor Redden C820 Bioreactions

Working as a nurse in the emergency room I encounter many different situations that can elicit a bioreaction response. The moment that comes to mind is one where I felt as if I had two different responses, one to originally freeze and then to kick into fight mode. I was working night shift at this time, around 5 or 6 am nearing the end of a long shift I heard a combative patient being taken into out seclusion room. I was working on a different side of the ER and could not see the room but walked over to see if my best friend Alexa whose room that was needed any assistance. There were already several public safety officers in the room with her trying to restrain the violent male patient that was just brought in by police, so I walked back around the corner to my assignment. Another nurse approached me and asked if they needed help, I told her I had just come back from there and it seemed they had it under control. As I finished saying that we hear a blood curling woman scream from that direction, I immediately froze due to the sound being so terrifying and then realized that scream was probably Alexa. Every hair on the back of my neck and arms were standing up and I had chills down my spine as I stood there frozen for a moment. I then went into fight mode as I needed to get to her to be able to help her. I felt my palms get sweaty and my blood pumping as I ran over to the room to help Alexa, whom I thought was injured, only to be relieved it was not her that had screamed. A public safety officer had been bitten by the patient and chunk of her forearm was

Lindsey Gross 2

ripped off, there was blood all on the wall and floor. I saw my friend and realized she was okay I felt my body relax and not be as tense. I then went into the room and helped the officers and my friend put the patient in violent restraints, while others were helping tend to the wounded officer. Looking back, I realized that I had assumed the situation was under control due to several public safety officers involved in restraining the violent patient. I also acknowledge that my reactions were to my friend being potentially the injured person screaming out in pain and my bioreaction was to want to immediately help her and not whomever was screaming. My reactions went from one extreme to freezing to going into overdrive to help a friend, I felt scared at first when I froze but then angry when I thought Alexa was in danger then to relief when it was not what I had thought. Now, whenever I hear any team members screaming or yelling for help, I react the same way to help them versus thinking who might be injured or being hurt....

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