Biology 107 Notes Christopher Lee Fall semester 2020 PDF

Title Biology 107 Notes Christopher Lee Fall semester 2020
Course (BIOL 1306 and 1106, 1406) Introductory Biology I
Institution Texas A&M University
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Biology 107 Lecture Notes
Professor Christopher Lee
Lecture notes for about half of the semester...


Bio notes 01/19/21 Definition of evolution: species change over time based on genetics based on environment. Event of modification: species change over time. Brain runs on glucose, eat starch lol To be living you need to have at least one cell. Therefore, viruses are not a cell. Its our defenses that kill us and our response, not the disease itself. Living organisms respond to stimuli. Nature has no plan, purpose, or motive; nature just is What takes a long time to build, can be destroyed/killed in a very short period of time Populations evolve, not individuals Form does not = function Average animal has four diff types of tissue. Tissue: group of cells with a similar form and function Denature: changing form. Fever raises temp to change from (denature) form to pathogen. Fever leads to excessive heat that denatures pathogen. When defenses get out of control, problem. Defenses don’t regulate as much as we need them to. Muscle, nervous, epithelial (upon a ridge = lining of organs!!), connective (Slide 30!!) Species: ⁃ Group of organisms that can be interbreed ⁃ Do interbreed ⁃ Choose not to interbreed w other groups ⁃ Livable offspring KNOW THESE! fever. Tissues, nature not being theological (no purpose), one over levels of biological organization (slide 31), def of species (slide 30) populations evolve, not individuals! 3 domains, tow have prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells are eukarya

01/21/21 Energy we use in our cells is ATP. Everything has ATP Eukaryotes- atp is made in the mitochondria metabolism Goldilocks zone;earth is in the optimal zone, the best possible place… stable orbit!!(thx Jupiter & moon) photoautotrophs- photosynthesis Big two groups of decomposers are- fungi and bacteria

Homeostasis, gene- parts of chromosomes that code for proteins, def of evolution (species change over time), (slide 42, selected for and selected against) Slide 46!!

01/26/21 The smaller something is the faster it dehydrates. (Biggest surface are to volume ratio) -> so a baby would dehydrate faster than an adult collect data; one time does NOT a pattern make; show results to colleagues; we are NOT afraid to change mind based on data SEM & TEM; fire electrons & its able to form image of cell Evolution is the foundation of biology Theory does not equal theory (capital difference) Theory-Evolution Theory (framework of all biology) Auto-co2 photo-light troph- nourish/foud photoautortoph- uses light and co2;;; photosynthesis Co2 & light -> C6H12O6 (glucose) Brain runs on glucose which is why you eat starch Three domains: ⁃ bacteria & archaea} both prokaryotic ⁃ eukarya} third domain archaea: live in extreme habitats Bacteria: true bacteria Three basic shapes of prokaryotes: spherical coccus (ROUND), rod-shaped bacillus (ROD), spiral spirillum (SPIRAL). KNOW THE similarities between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, plant cells and animal cells! Cell membrane; both pro & eu karyotes… plasma = cell membrane pro cell walls are made of peptidoglycan plant cell walls are made of cellulose; fungal cell walls are made of chitin most (99%) protists and animals do NOT have cell walls photoautotrophs - some bacteria; plants; algae; some protists Byproduct of photosynthesis - O2 Most oxygen on this planet comes from a protist called diatoms ; diatoms have a cell wall made of silicon dioxide Plasma membrane; keeps outside of coil from inside; regulates what can move into and out of the cell. (both pro and eu karyotic cells) Cytoplasm/Cytosol; BOTH types of cells (it is a fluid inside cell) KNOW THE ORGANELLES. plasmids: often carry antibiotic resistance genes Ribosomes: ( both pro & eu but diff sizes…) they synthesize/make proteins pro - no membrane bound organelles Pro were in the earth first then later evolved into primitive eukaryotic cells Endosymbiotic; the name of the hypothesis

Energy related organelles; mitochondria and chloroplasts Energy organelles, mitochondria and chloroplasts, may have originated when eukaryotic cell engulfed smaller prokaryotic cells. Animal specific organelles: lysosome (enzymes here that break things down), centrioles, Plant specific organelles: chloroplasts, mitochondria, LCV (large central vacuole), plasmodesmata (connections between plant cells) Tay-Sachs and Pompe's Disease associated with abnormal lysosomes… Tay Sachs = humans, build up in brain

01/28/21 Prokaryotic cells vs eukaryotic cells!!!!! Animal vs plant cells!!!!! Animal cells have lysosome & centrioles, plants do not. Skin/integument- largest organ excretory organs- skin, colon, kidneys, liver !!! (“hepat” think of liver) Structure of a eukaryotic cell!! Bacterial cell walls are Ade of peptidoglycan Diatoms (most O2), unicellular algae, cell wall made of SiO2, fungal cell walls are made up of chitin Nucleolus (partial assembly ribosome) ribosomes: both pro and eu!!! Ribosomes: translate mRNA into proteins DNA transcribed into mRNA then translated into proteins in ribosomes Bacteria has 70s ribosomes, eukaryotes have 80s ribosomes (“S” = Svedberg) Pathology- diseases. Pharmacology- drugs and interaction Drugs- attack something that pathogen HAS that the host does NOT have! Smooth ER= drug detox (liver=“hepat”) Rough ER=protein biosynthesis Endomembrane is collected to the nuclear envelope!!! Gogli apparatus: “UPS” of the cell Two evolutionary significant theme: increase in surface area, increase in camouflage!!! End vs exocytosis… osis or otic = condition of…. endo=in & exo=out… O2--->ATP = obligate aerobes (all are going to have a peroxisome) O2----> H2O2----> peroxisome breaks down H2O2…. H2O2----> O2 & H2O Bacteria make ATP and use ATP they just don’t have mitochondria


Ligand = binds to receptor, changes within the cell Physiology -> movement of ions. Ions move -> protein change form -> change of the function Intersitium - fluid filled space between cells Integral protein= channel or carries, pumps or receptors Cholesterol is asteroid which is a type of lipid -> hydrophobic Know what a steroid looks like!!!( 4 ring structure)… it is hydrophobic meaning that if it floats in blood stream… they won’t dissolve in bloodstream, so they can block blood flow HDL vs LDL : carrying cholesterol Know membrane proteins picture and what it looks likeeeee!!! Cholesterol, precursor for steroid hormones and plays role in membrane fluidity glycoproteins make up the extracellular matrix = connectors between cell MHC- how we recognize tissues and cells as ours, and not foreign AC turns ATP into cAMP (intracellular messenger) D and V are defenses -> dehydration K+ and Na+ and Ca++ and ClProtein diversity slide on ppt 2!!!!!!! Big diagram ATPase -> using ATP = active…. Na+/K+ ATPase pump Lipids are extremely hydrophobic If they have a charge or are too big = carrier, channels, and pumps have to be used Water will move towards salt.. the more salt in an environment, water will move to it....

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