BPK 110 Final diet analysis part 3 PDF

Title BPK 110 Final diet analysis part 3
Author Felix Tjendana
Course Introduction to Linguistics
Institution Simon Fraser University
Pages 17
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Diet Analysis 1 Felix 301356839


A) What percentage of your daily calories come from carbohydrates? (2 marks) Average Calories for seven days= (1669+1421+2379+1660+1366+2223+1921)/7 = 1805Kcal Average Carbohydrates consumption for seven days= (205+138+231+221+201+203+143)/7 = 191gm (this is the average consumption of Carbohydrates) For %contribution of daily calories from Carbohydrates= 191g x 4kcal/g= 764Kcal %contribution = 764/1805 x 100%= 42.3%

B) On average, what percentage of your daily calories came from sugar? (2 marks) Average sugar consumption for seven days= (115+50+20+27+4+39+41)/7 = 42.3 gm Average Calories for seven days= (1669+1421+2379+1660+1366+2223+1921)/7 = 1805Kcal For %contribution of daily calories from Carbohydrates= 42.3 g x 4kcal/g = 169.2 Kcal % contribution = 169.2/1805 x 100% = 9.4% C) The World Health Organization recommends that sugars be limited to 5% of daily calories. Is your average consumption above or below this? And by how much? (3 marks) My daily consumption of sugar is above the recommended 5% of daily calories, it is 9.4% and above recommended by 4.4%

D) Of the foods you ate over the period of recording, which 5 were the highest in sugar? List these and state the total amount of sugar found in each. (2.5 marks) The foods in 7 days that have the highest amount of sugar are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Chocolate Birthday cake,2 slice: (total sugar 35 g) Jugo juice-Coco Beach: 24 oz (total sugar 44g) Chicken with lemon grass and rice, 1 serving: (total sugar 24 g) Sweetened condensed milk: (total sugar 23 g) Jugo Juice- Twisted roots: (total sugar 26g)

E) Do you think that the majority of your sugar consumption was from intrinsic sugars or added sugars? Defend your answer by using specific examples from the foods you consumed. (3 marks) 1. Chocolate Birthday cake: pearl sugar in first ingredient > Added sugar 2. Jugo Juice- Coco Beach: almond milk, coconut milk and banana > Added and intrinsic sugars. 3. Sweetened condensed milk: Granulated sugar > Added sugar

F) What was your average daily fiber consumption? Is your average consumption above or below the Adequate Intake for fiber? And by how much? (2 marks) Canadian women need 25 grams of fibre per day and men need 38 grams of fibre per day. My average daily consumption of fiber= (6+16+6+5+5+4+11)/7 = 7.6 gm My average daily consumption of fiber is below the Adequate Intake of fiber by 30.4 grams

G) Of the foods you ate over the period of recording, which 5 were the highest in fiber? List these and state the total amount of fiber found in each. (2.5 mark) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Jugo juice- PB protein smoothie: (total fiber 6 grams) Chicken Donair: (total fiber 4 grams) Rice Bowl: (total fiber 3 grams) Big mac: (total fiber 3grams) French fries: (total fiber 3grams)


A) What percentage of your daily calories came from fat? (2 marks) Average daily consumption of fat: (38+29+56+38+33+101+68)/7 = 52 gm Average Calories for seven days= (1669+1421+2379+1660+1366+2223+1921)/7 = 1805 Kcal For %contribution of daily calories from fat =52g x 9kcal/g = 468 Kcal %contribution =207/1805 x 100% = 11.5% B) Use an upper limit of 1% of total calories for trans fat. Are you above or below this limit? By how much? (2 marks) I have exactly 1% of trans fat in my 7 days diet.

C) Of the foods you ate over the period of recording, which 5 were the highest in trans fat? List these and state the total amount of trans fat found in each. (2.5 marks) 1. Big Mac burger: 1g

D) What is the ratio of your average consumption of saturated fats compared to unsaturated fats (ie. Average sat fat: average unsat fat)? (2 marks) Total daily consumption of saturated fat: (6+16+14+8+4+18+25) = 91 g Total daily consumption of polyunsaturated fat: (0+1+9+5+0+8+4) = 27 g Total daily consumption of monounsaturated fat: (15+7+14+14) = 50 g Total daily consumption of unsaturated fat = 77g Average saturated fat : average unsaturated fat = 13: 11 = 1.18: 1

E) What do the course materials recommend with respect to the ratio of saturated fat: unsaturated fat in the diet? How does your diet compare to this recommendation? (3 marks) The course material suggests that the sat/unsat fat ratio to be below one, meaning that the unsaturated fat consumption is more than sat fat. However, my ratio is 1.18 states that I consumer more saturated fat that unsaturated fat.

F) Of the foods you ate over the period of recording, which 5 were the highest in saturated fat? List these and state the total amount of found in each. (2.5 marks) 1. Indian chicken curry: 7g 2. Deep fried fish: 6g 3. Korean chicken: 7g 4. Fried chicken: 7g 5. Steak: 10g


A) What percentage of your average daily calories came from protein? (2 marks) Average daily consumption of protein: (18+71+111+95+59+86+134)/7 = 82gm

Average Calories for seven days= (1669+1421+2379+1660+1366+2223+1921)/7 = 1805 Kcal For% contribution of daily from protein= 82 g x 4kcal/g = 328Kcal %contribution= 328/1805 x 100%= 18.17% B) Of the foods you ate over the period of recording, which 5 were the highest in protein? List these and state the total amount of protein found in each. (2.5 marks) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Jugo juice- Pb protein smoothie: 32g Indian chicken curry: 25 g Deep fried fish: 45g Pork cutlet: 50 g Daging rendang: 40 g


A) The course materials recommend that the majority of your food choices come from whole versus processed and ultra-processed food. Comment on the amounts of these in your diet using specific examples. What are the implications of this current eating pattern? (5 marks)

I often consume food which I cooked by myself, which are whole food ingredient like rendang beef, Empal beef and steak. I also often drink jugo juice with mixed between whole food like real banana, orange, blueberry and processed food like almond milk, but most the ingredient are whole foods. By eating whole food in my diet, I can reduce the risk of disease such as cardiovascular, cancer. Also, I can have a better digestion and more energy from whole foods. Reference: http://www.fitnessbypatty.com/whole-foods-vs-processed-foods/ B) The course materials recommend a diet that is higher in plants than animals. Comment on the amounts of these in your diet using specific examples. What are the implications of this current eating pattern? (5 marks) I eat meat most of the time and less vegetables. The only vegetables I ate was from the side’s dishes of Korean restaurant such as bean sprouts, kimchi in a small amount. Although I drink juice from jugo juice but still, I don’t drink juice that often. By not consuming the proper amount of fruits and vegetables it can lead to lack of vitamins, minerals and fiber in the body. Reference: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/animal-vs-plant-protein C) Give 5 specific suggestions on how you can improve your diet based on what you have learned in this part of the diet analysis. Defend each answer. (10 marks) 1. Eat more Vegetables and fruits





From the food diary, it’s clear that I need to eat more veggies and fruits. Lack of fruits and veggies leads to lack in vitamins and mineral which can make my body weak (weak bones, fatigue and decreased immune system. Eat less processed food and more whole food. I need to reduce the consume of processed food and consume more whole food, because the benefits that it brings for digestive system, energy, and nutrition that they have. Eat Grains In the past 7 days, I ate too many simple carbohydrates and processed foods loaded with sugar which made my blood levels erratic and as a result, I experienced energy swings throughout the day. Incorporating more grains and complex carbohydrates such as whole grain bread and rice, as opposed to white bread or rice, can benefit my well being due to the added benefits of fibre and vitamins associated with whole grain foods. Eat more healthy fats As shown above in my diet I tend to consume more saturated fat more than the unsaturated fats. To control this, I need to eat more healthy fats such as: Salmon fat, Avocados, and nuts. It will help to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke and increasing good HDL. Less Sugar intake I need to consume less sugar to manage my blood sugar level and decrease diabetes and obesity risk. Because in above diet I consume too much sugar.


H) Compare your average sodium intake to the recommendations. How would you categorize your sodium intake? Is it adequate, inadequate or excessive? Defend your choice. (3 marks) Average sodium intake for seven days= (210+2329+532+528+3412+2841+2888)/7 = 1820mg The adequate intake of sodium in Canada is 1500mg/day I am eating more than the amount recommended so my sodium intake is excessive by 320mg


Is most of your sodium intake from processed or unprocessed foods? Defend your answer using specific examples. (3 marks) Looking at the top three above, the most sodium in Indian chicken curry come from the ready-made sauce, which are processed food. Also, for the Korean chicken the sauce was from ready-made sauce. Therefore, I would say most of sodium intake are from processed foods. In my 7 days diet some foods that are high in sodium are: 6 oz Korean chicken with 1440mg of Sodium, 10 oz Indian chicken curry with 973mg of Sodium and 2 Cup Homemade Nasi Kuning with 1738mg Sodium. Excess sodium increases blood pressure because it brings

excess fluid in the body and creates an added burden to the heart. Other risk such as stroke, heart failure, kidney disease will also be increase due to excess Sodium.


Diets high in sodium have been associated with increased risk of hypertension. Which dietary factors are associated with lower risk of hypertension? (2 marks) Diets with fruit, vegetables, or food with high Potassium and calcium will help to reduce the risk of hypertension. This type of diets is high in fibers and low in fats. DASH diet is a diet that is designed to help treat or prevent high blood pressure. It stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This diet encourages us to consume a variety of foods that are rich in nutrition that helps lower blood pressure. Those food may contain calcium, potassium and magnesium. These nutrition can be found in food such as: fish, whole grains, spinach, almond.


A) Compare your average water intake to the recommendations. How would you categorize your water intake? Is it adequate, inadequate or excessive? Defend your choice. (3 marks) Average water intake= (3000+3000+2500+2000+2500+2500+2000)/7 = 2500 The recommendations for water intake a day was 1920 ml 2500/1920 x 100= 130% So I would categorize my water intake as excessive.

B) Outline 3 practical and specific strategies for increasing water intake. (3 marks) 1. Drink water before and after sleeping I always do this routine before I go to sleep and when I wake up in the morning, because this helps our body to stay hydrated. 2. Always bring a water bottle everywhere you go This habit will help you to drink water more often rather than not bringing water bottle will make you lazier to drink. 3. Drink 8 cups of water a day I was told by my mom to always think about this, to remember drink at least 8 bottles a day it will help you reduce liver disease and stay hydrated. This should become your mindset whenever you feel lazy to drink.

Energy Balance

A) Consider your 7-day caloric intake and 7-day “daily goal” (proxy for energy expenditure). Are you in energy balance? If not, are you taking in more or less calories compared to your specific energy goal? (NOTE: if you set a goal in your Myfitnesspal, ie. Weight loss/gain – please note this for your TA, and consider this when you answer this question) (5 marks)

Average daily calories intake: (1669+1421+2379+1660+1366+2223+1921) / 7= 1806 kcal EER: 662- (9.53 X 19) + 1.25 X ((15.91 X 88 + (539.6 X 1.79)) = 3438 In myfitnesspal, my daily calories intake goal was 2570 and from my recommendations for energy intake (EER) show 3438 calories. I’m not in energy balance because I set my goal to have a weight loss; that’s why I’m taking fewer calories than I should. My calorie expenditure is higher than my calorie intake. I try to consume fewer carbs in my diet and exchange into protein food such as steak, fish and beef slices. I also often playing basketball and do other cardio exercises such as treadmill also I do some weightlifting to build muscle and increase my energy expenditure so I can have a calories deficit. The calories difference between myfitnesspal and my daily calories intake was 764. I think the amount of 764 is still ideal since I want to lose some weight.

B) Choose either excessive or inadequate energy intake (the one which is closest to what you found for yourself). What are the potential long-term consequences of either consuming too many or too few calories? (4 marks) I choose inadequate energy intake because I’m trying to lose my weight. The long-term consequences if we consume too few calories are malnutrition, fatigue, constipation and dizziness. It makes us lazy to go through the day. For pregnant women, inadequate energy intake can be dangerous for the baby because it can lead to a defect in their physical aspect or even death. For me, I found that when I go throughout the day, I felt quite tired this probably because I have lack of energy intake. I also felt high irritability due to lack of energy and it’s kind of ruined my mood. I guess that’s the short-term consequences of inadequate energy intake. But keeping a small amount of difference between energy input and output will help to lose weight (energy output higher than input). A huge difference between energy input and output will result in malnutrition, fatigue and constantly hungry (energy output higher than input). Also, when you lose weight, your fat cells will shrink because of an energy deficit and our body release waste products. Fat cells, referred to as adipocyte cells, they absorb storage form of fat called Triglycerides. When we begin to burn energy, fat cells

can be used as a source. The process of breaking down Triglycerides is referred to lipolysis. The fat cells will shrink when our body use fat cells as source of energy.

C) List 5 specific, and practical strategies for increasing or decreasing energy intake (depending on what you chose above). (5 marks) This is a practical strategy to increase energy intake, because I have an inadequate energy intake. 1. Eat 5 to 6 times a day By eating more than 3 times a day it will help you from overeating from a single meal, you can also put a snack into your diet. 2. Eat a high calories nutrient dense food and add calories to your meal. Instead of eating processed food with high calories but low nutrient change into a whole food with a high-dense nutrition. For example, have 2 cups of brown rice instead of 1 cup at lunch. Avoid eating fast food because they are high in calories but low in nutrition. Try to eat a whole food with increased amount. 3. Set an alarm when to eat This will help you not to forget when to eat, it will make you eat regularly on time. Because sometimes people that is very busy tend to forget to eat, alarm will remind them to eat regularly. 4. Don’t just only drink water, drink another high calorie beverage but healthy. By what I mean don’t just drink a water, you can try to drink dairy product drinks such as milk and yoghurt as they bring more calories. Yoghurt contains a probiotic (good bacteria) which helps digestive system, hearth healthy and many more. 5. Set a goal and counts your calorie. If you want to increase your weight you need to set a goal how many calories you need to take a day. You can use application like myfitnesspal.com to help you reach your goals. Keep in mind that increasing your energy intake will be better if you eat a better food (the one that have a high nutrition dense). For example, you can increase your energy intake from junk food such as burger and fries as they have very high calories, but that does not bring any good to your body since they have little nutrition.

Whole Diet Questions

A) Look over your food notes for the seven days and comment on what these food notes say about your relationship with food. (5 marks) After looking at my notes, I do realize my eating habits was highly depended on my environment, and I had a sugar addiction. When I’m with my friends, I often order food in a huge amount. I have to admit that I have a sugar addiction. For example, after I had lunch or dinner, I always looking for a sweet dessert. It was like sugar is a necessity for me, and I feel something is missing if I don’t consume sugar after I had a meal. I always crave for a sweet dessert at least twice a week. Bubble tea, cake and ice cream are a list of my favourite dessert. I do realize sugar is one of the sources of high calories and excessive intake of sugar can lead to diabetes and obesity. That’s what I’m trying to improve in my diet, that is reducing my sugar intake. Below are the food notes that I took from myfitnesspal. As you can see, my friends and girlfriend can influence my food choices and quantity that I consume. My eating patterns was indicated mostly by foods that are high in sodium such as gravy, instant noodles, pizza. Also, foods that are high in sugar such as: Ice cream, bubble tea and cakes. I prefer foods that are sweet and salty.

Think big picture. Consider your overall diet and what you have learned by doing this project. Consider the adequacy of your diet, but also consider factors such as variety, taste and your overall relationship with food. Assign your diet/dietary patterns/relationship with food a letter grade (ex. B+). Justify why you gave yourself that grade. Be specific and detailed. (15 marks)

I think my diet this seven day is good enough. I have success to reduce my calorie intake, even though I still have the struggle to reduce my sugar intake and adding more veggies and fibre to my food. My overall relationship with food shows that I have an addiction to high sugar foods since I came to Vancouver, especially where they have a lot of delicious bubble tea and dessert. As I state in the above question, sugars become a necessity for me. In my diet, I realize that I often consume process food more than whole food such as packed chicken nuggets, Big Mac from McDonald’s, and French fries. They all contain preservatives, and many of the nutrition’s have been removed. A preservative such as a Nitrate can make blood pressure low. By doing this project I have learned to manage my calories intake, so I don’t exceed the amount that is needed. I also learned to fulfill my nutrition intakes such as protein, carbs, sugar, sodium and fibre. This project taught me the importance of whole food as a primary source of a healthy diet as they have more nutritions unlike processed food or empty calories food such as soda’s, energy drinks, cookies. I will give myself a B

for my diet, even though I have managed to meet the goals of calorie intake and do a lot of exercises such as basketball and weightlifting, but I still lack to add veggies in my food also I consume a lot of sugar. If I manage to have a variety of healthy foods with many nutrition such as vegetables, fruits, whole wheat, white meat, I will give an A for my diet. I got lack of fibre from my diet because I rarely consume foods that high in fibre like pears, avocado, raspberries. This Diet analysis will help me to meet my weight goals and keeps me healthier by helps me fulfill my carbs, proteins, fat, fibre, vitamin, mineral and water daily needs as they calculate and keeps track of the nutrition amount. I hope this diet will be a lifestyle for me because as I grew older, I realize the importance of food on our body, if we put trash in our body, our body will become vulnerable to many disease such as ...

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