Diet Analysis PDF

Title Diet Analysis
Author Savannah Patinka
Course Nutrition
Institution Coastal Carolina University
Pages 4
File Size 101.1 KB
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Savannah Patinka Diet Analysis 1 Nutrition, Section 2

Completely answer each question in your typewritten summary. Provide suggestions for change (how or why) when needed. 1. List the daily servings recommended for yourself using your personalized MyPlate for grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, protein foods, and empty calories (Use results from MY PLATE ANALYSIS). The recommendations from MyPlate were to make half of my grains whole. They said to aim for at least 2.5 oz. eq. whole grains. They recommended to vary my veggies and aim for this much every week: Dark Green Vegetables = 1 cups weekly, Orange Vegetables = 3 cups weekly, Dry Beans & Peas = 0.5 cups weekly, Starchy Vegetables = 3.5 cups weekly, and Other Vegetables = 2.5 cups weekly. Oils I should aim for 4 teaspoons of oil a day. They also recommended that I go lean with protein. I should aim for this much every week: Seafood = 6 oz weekly, Meat, Poultry & Eggs = 19 oz weekly Nuts, Seeds & Soy Products = 3 oz weekly. 1a. Name the MyPlate groups where you were deficient. I was deficient in dairy. 1b. For each MyPlate group where you found a deficiency, provide at least three specific suggestions to increase servings, if appropriate. (For example: Describe exactly how AND when you might add these to your diet – only select foods you LIKE and are practical based on your schedule). I was deficient in dairy. In real life, I am a lactose intolerant. However, in order to add dairy into my diet so that dairy would not be deficient I could do this three different ways: -I could drink a glass of milk with my lunch. This would be super easy to do to because it is easy to just drink a glass of milk. I also didn’t drink anything with my meal during lunch except water! -I could eat yogurt with my breakfast, or have it as a morning snack. Yogurt is super easy to eat and it is yummy! -I could add cheese to my ravioli during dinner! I love cheese. I could also add milk into my alfredo sauce. This would make it more creamy and bring my dairy intake up! 1c. Name the MyPlate groups where you had excesses. I had excesses in grains, veggies, fruits, and protien.

Savannah Patinka Diet Analysis 1 Nutrition, Section 2

1d. Are any of your MyPlate excesses detrimental to your current/future health (do some research and provide support)? Eating too much of anything is never good. However, according to a LIVESTRONG article, “Providence Nutrition Services registered dietitian Terese Scollard wrote that eating much more than 2 cups of fruit per day means you may be following an imbalanced diet that doesn’t fulfill your nutritional needs from other food groups. I found that having too many fresh veggies shouldn’t really be a bad thing but should not eat as many grainy veggies. However, If you’re eating more than 7 servings of veggies daily, and your skin is taking on an orange hue, you’re unintentionally losing weight or you’re experiencing unpleasant digestive symptoms and should try backing off on the veggies and seeing a doctor. Too much protein and grains, however, can be more serious. Protein excess can cause bad breath, GI issues, weight gain. This can cause future health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, or obesity. Grains do not really have a crazy nutritional value. I always eat multigrain wheat bread and it's true that getting a majority of calories from wheat (especially refined wheat) can cause metabolic problems like blood sugar swings. 1e. How, specifically, might you replace excesses with deficient MyPlate groups? Do you recommend this for yourself? Why or why not? You would replace excesses with deficient MyPlate groups to better balance out a diet. I do not recommend this for myself because I did not have any deficiencies besides dairy, and that is easy to add into a diet. 2. Examine your DRI % (from INTAKE VS. GOALS computer printout) as compared to your actual vs. recommended servings in each of the areas. [NOTE: We should get 80% of our DRI for each vitamin and mineral. HOWEVER, it is generally considered to be more favorable for health if cholesterol, fat, and saturated fat are less than 100%} 2a. Which vitamins and minerals were less than 80% of your DRI? Using your book's Vitamins and Minerals Chapters, for each deficiency list 2 foods that are good sources of EACH deficient vitamin AND mineral. Thiamin- Beef, Steak, Pork Riboflavin- Lamb, Milk, Yogurt Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)- Eggs, Milk, Cheese

Savannah Patinka Diet Analysis 1 Nutrition, Section 2

Folate (DFE)- Okra, Avocado, Oranges Vitamin D- Yogurt, Almond Milk, Egg Yolk Vitamin K- Kale, Blueberries, Spinach Alpha-Tocopherol- hazelnuts, pine nuts, peanuts Iron- Pumpkin seeds, broccoli, tofu Magnesium- Banana, Tofu, Spinach Potassium- Banana, Avocado, Spinach 2b. Were your fat, saturated fat or sodium values higher than 100% of your DRI on the INTAKE VS. GOALS print out? Give % for each. What changes might you make here to improve diet quality (do some research here)? Saturated Fat- 141% Sodium- 226% Fat- 178% In order to improve my diet quality, I should eat less. I should get rid of carbs that come from bread, and replace it with things like lean proteins and fruits and veggies. I should cut out salt in my diet as well as drink more water to counteract my salt intake! 2c. How much cholesterol did you consume (give amount in mg)? Do you consider your value here to be high, low, or appropriate? Explain. 245.34. I thought that this value is super high, but after research a healthy cholesterol is around 300mg a day, so I think that it is appropriate! 2d. How many you calories did you eat on this day? How many grams of protein did you eat? Were calories and protein, high, appropriate, or low? 1,735 was my actual calorie intake. 87.18 grams of protein. These calories and protein intake were both a little bit high, but not too crazy.

Savannah Patinka Diet Analysis 1 Nutrition, Section 2

Are there negative consequences over time for excesses or deficiencies in calories? Provide specifics. It is a known fact people who eat too many excess calories are overweight. According to Health Status, “Calories do have a direct bearing on health and the rate that you burn calories also determines your healthy weight levels”. A deficient calorie intake can cause a lot of problems as well. Some of these problems include reduced muscle mass, to the severity of all of your organs shutting down. Are there negative consequences over time for excesses or deficiencies in protein? Provide specifics. Excess Protein May Fuel Weight Gain, Yeast Overgrowth, and Cancer. If one eats more protein than the body requires, it will simply convert most of those calories to sugar and then fat. Increased blood sugar levels can also feed pathogenic bacteria and yeast, such as Candida albicans (candidiasis), as well as fueling cancer cell growth. A deficient protein intake may cause hair loss, struggles to loose weight, loss of T-Cells that make someone sick. 3a. Compare your % of calories from protein, fat, and carbohydrates to those found in C  hapter 2 notes (AMDR.....also found on your MACRONUTRIENT RANGES printout). How do they compare? Provide details. My calories from protein, fat, and carbs are about the same range, but on a larger scale. My protein and fat are way higher, but are all in the same ranges from each other. 3b. Provide at least three overall dietary changes you would recommend to improve your health and well-being. Be very specific in your recommendations – make sure food changes are discussed. One thing I would do to change my diet would be consuming less calories. If I did this I would decrease my calorie specifically by cutting out bread in my diet. This would be super easy to do, and I would replace bread with lettuce. If I used spinach this would better my intake of vitamin K, magnesium, etc. I would add more dairy to my diet. If I did this, I would add yogurt to my breakfast, or add things like a glass of milk into my diet. This would not only increase my low dairy levels, but add more vitiman D and B12 into my diet. Lastly, I want to lower my protein intake, but still have these levels higher than my carb intake. I want to eat more lean proteins such as lean chicken, fish, seeds and while cut out carbs from bread. If i did this, I would be skinny but still have big muscles....

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