BPM107 practice PYP 2020 PDF

Title BPM107 practice PYP 2020
Course Construction IT & Building Information Modeling
Institution Singapore University of Social Sciences
Pages 6
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Question 1 Explain the meaning of interoperability of BIM content in a project. Give ONE (1) example to elaborate your explanation. (6 marks) Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems to exchange information. It is one of the pillars of BIM because the information contained in a BIM mod...


Question 1 Explain the meaning of interoperability of BIM content in a project. Give ONE (1) example to elaborate your explanation. (6 marks) Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems to exchange information. It is one of the pillars of BIM because the information contained in a BIM model needs to be exchanged to be useful. IFC is cited as the best option for achieving interoperability

Question 2 When preparing the tender submission of a construction project, your team mentioned that part of the BIM requirements is to provide the BIM 4D and BIM 5D applications. Explain briefly what are BIM 4D and BIM 5D applications. Demonstrate your understanding with a relevant example on how each of these two BIM applications are used in the design project.(10 marks)

5D BIM (Costing)

In 5D BIM, quantity take off analysis is used to calculate the total area and volume of a structure. Data from components or structures are then used to carry out cost estimation and how much materials are needed in real life. Hence ensuring that the project is well within budget. For example, a quantity surveyor can use data such as area of wall to find out how much cement or concrete is needed for the entire project, hence able to carry cost estimation 

6D BIM (Facilities management)

In 6D BIM, data is use for facilities management. Data can be collected and track by facilities managers to assist them in the maintenance of components. For example, maintenance of booster pump, the facilities manager can utilize the data from BIM to keep track and carry out cyclical maintenance.

Question 3 Your company has been awarded the construction of the new MRT station and you have been appointed as the project BIM Manager. Discuss the FOUR (4) responsibilities that you should carry out in this project as the project BIM Manager. (12 marks)

BIM Manager / Consultant

◦ Develop framework based on organisation needs, objectives and information ◦ Develop the basis workflow for modelling works ◦ Kick start production of organisation’s template and fundamental libraries ◦ Review current construction documentation issues for modelling process and design ◦ Establish qualitative KPIs for efort in benefts against conventional practice Question 4 In a construction project, supplies, materials and manpower are moved to diferent sites and locations daily. Hence, detailed planning and proper tracking is required to ensure every task works accordingly. Recommend ONE (1) information technology system that can be implemented to manage the tracking of supplies, materials and manpower in a construction project. Demonstrate using TWO (2) examples/solutions to show how the recommended technology can improve the construction tracking processes. (12 marks) The Internet of Things is a trend in many industries; sensors and wireless technologies enable equipment and assets to become “intelligent” by connecting them with one another. On a construction site, the Internet of Things would allow construction machinery, equipment, materials, structures, and even formwork to link to a central data platform to capture critical performance parameters. Sensors and near-feld-communication (NFC) devices can help monitor productivity and reliability of both staf and assets. One popular form of NFC technology is radiofrequency identifcation (RFID). This is used extensively in logistics, manufacturing environments to collect precise information about a product, place, time, and transaction. In addition to the Internet of Things, the greater use of digitization in the construction planning process and on the construction site itself is enabling frms to capture data. The insights gained through the adoption of advanced analytics in construction projects can help to improve efficiency, timelines, and risk management.

Question 5 In a design or construction project that adopts BIM, the concept of Level of Development (LOD) is used as the common ‘language’ to describe the BIM content at diferent phases of the project. Discuss and explain clearly the THREE (3) reasons why it is necessary to establish the LOD in a design or construction project that uses BIM as the source of design or construction information.(15 marks) Building systems progress from concept to precise definition at different rates, so at any given time different elements will be at different points along with this progression. For example, after the Schematic Design phase, the model will include many elements at LOD 200, but will also include many at LOD 100, as well as some at LOD 300, and possibly even LOD 400. • Better collaboration and communication between different teams With the help of standardized specifications and detailed information about all the elements, designers can provide guidelines and data for people working downstream to ensure zero lapses in execution and maintenance. LOD makes it easier to define a standard for contractors who must take care of BIM execution. At the same time, design managers can explain the requirements at various levels of the design process to the teams in a better way. • Articulated Scope associated with a BIM deliverable With the help of LOD, BIM models become more accurate. At the same time, all the teams including the owners can precisely specify the level of detail they want from a BIM model and get clarity on the scope of the final BIM deliverable.

Question 6 In the last twenty years, many countries have explored and invested signifcantly into the development of digitalisation for the built environment. In particular, the adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) is seen as the cornerstone of this development. List and discuss briefly the FIVE (5) benefts of applying BIM in a design or construction project.(15 marks) Earlier and Accurate Visualisation of Design Once of the issue of paper design is that it fails to capture the entirety of the project. The 3D model generated by the BIM is designed directly and can be used to visualise the design at any stage of the process with the expectation that it will be dimensionally

consistent in every view. Simulations provided by BIM allow users to visualise their projects in real-world situations. Automatic Correction to Changes Made to Design If the objects used in the design are controlled by parametric rules, then the 3D model will be free of geometry, alignment, and spatial coordination errors. This reduces the user’s need to manage design changes. • Easy Generation of 2D Drawings Accurate and consistent drawings can be extracted for any set of objects or specifed view of the project. This reduces the amount of time and number of errors associated with generating construction drawings. When changes to the design are required, fully consistent drawings can be generated as soon as the design modifcations are done. • Earlier Collaboration of Multiple Design Disciplines BIM technology facilitates simultaneous work by multiple design disciplines. Teams can rely on BIM’s cloud functionality to ensure smoother collaboration. This shortens the design time and signifcantly reduces design errors and omissions. It also gives earlier insights into design problems and presents opportunities for a design to be continuously improved. • Easy Verifcation and Extraction of Cost Estimate BIM provides earlier 3D visualisations and quantifes the area of spaces and other material quantities, allowing for earlier and accurate cost estimates. At any stage of the design (early stage, design progress and fnal stage), BIM allows extraction of an accurate bill of quantities and spaces that can be used for cost estimation. As a result, it is possible to make better informed design decisions regarding costs using BIM rather than a paper-based system. When using BIM for cost estimates, it is clearly desirable to have the general contractor and possibly key trade contractors team to provide accurate cost estimate and constructability insight. 7) Your frst task is to plan the BIM strategy and put together the BIM Execution Plan (BEP). (a) Your project director does not think that BEP is an important document in the project. Explain and demonstrate THREE (3) purposes and usage of the BEP in the construction project to convince your project director its importance. (15 marks) The BIM Execution Plan (BEP) provides a baseline document, approved by the company, to guide the project team in achieving set goals, including BIM deliverables, throughout the project. It specifes the roles and responsibilities of project members when using BIM at diferent stages of a project, and contains details with regard to the BIM deliverables and the process through which the deliverables are created, coordinated, maintained and shared, in order to satisfy a set of project goals. (b) The BEP is a document that captures the strategies, objectives and plans on how to carry out the construction project using BIM as the information platform. Some of this information include BIM Project Strategy and BIM Project Information. List THREE (3) other sections of information that you will fnd in a typical BEP. Discuss the purpose of these sections and how they can be applied in the construction project. (15 marks) pg 178 study guide • Project information • Project members • Project goals and BIM uses for each stages of a project

• BIM deliverables for each of the BIM uses • Model author and users for each BIM deliverables • Model elements, level of details and attributes for BIM deliverables • Process for BIM creation, maintenance and collaboration • Exchange protocol and submission format • Technology infrastructure and software used Clash Detection will be part of the activity you will be conducting to ensure all the works are coordinated before construction. Explain the THREE (3) types of clashes, and provide ONE (1) example for each type of the clash. The examples should relate to the construction project.

1. Hard Clash Hard clash is when two objects overlap the same space in the virtual world.

For example, a water pipe passing through a structural wall in the virtual world. 2. Soft Clash Soft clash is when the geometric clearance is not enough to cater to better accessibility, insulation, maintenance and safety of the design. Customized soft clash detection can be set to test elements for building code conformance.

For example, a live wire passing by a plumbing line could cause a risk of short-circuit.

3. Workflow Clash 4D/Workflow clash is when scheduling clashes for work crews, equipment fabrication and other project timeline issues are resolved.

For an example, a notification pops up as a workflow clash when you set the sequence strictly to build walls only after a floor is constructed.

In order to ensure that all your sub-contractors and specialists deliver the BIM content consistently, it is important that the entire project team adopt the same BIM standards throughout the construction project. List and explain FIVE (5) BIM standards for BIM content creation, that you should establish in the BEP to ensure that the entire project team can apply BIM content consistently. Pg 174 study guide • BIM Modelling strategies—Implement a sequence of modelling. For example, do you only lock columns to grids or do you lock all objects (for example, Columns, Walls, and Beams) to grids? This can have impact on turnaround for updates and revisions within your project. • Sort out Libraries Creation in advance. Will the parametric function help you or handicap your updating procedure? • What sort of information do you want to incorporate NOW to meet your CURRENT needs? For instance, how should you model your project to generate plans to help set up your structural walls and columns? By using automated tags? • How do you manage versioning, archrivals and “Level-Of-Details (LOD)” modelling? And how will LOD 200, LOD 300 and LOD 400 afect your workflow? For some works, LOD 200 modelling will be sufficient but where details are required, LOD 400 modelling needs to be implemented. • What will be the primary engineering discipline source to control the BIM model repository, and how can you manage information sharing/collaboration among departments? In a construction environment, should the structural model be the primary repository or can you use the architectural model instead...

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