Bsbhrm 506 Assessment 1 PDF

Title Bsbhrm 506 Assessment 1
Author Pille-Riin Tilk
Course Manage Recruitment selection and induction
Institution Trinity College
Pages 20
File Size 358.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 74
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assessment 1...


New and Changed changes are underlined Healthcare United 2019 Recruitment and Selection policy and procedures Policy statement: Healthcare United aims to employ the best possible healthcare professionals to be the number one provider of healthcare professionals in Australia. Purpose: The purpose of the recruitment and selection process is to ensure that Healthcare United has the best qualified and trained human resources available for clients, up-to-date technology in all services for both clients and staff, innovative best practices and procedures from both inside and outside the organisation, best facilities and procedures in a competitive environment. The Healthcare United recruitment and selection process has been developed in line with organisational strategies, relevant legislation and best practice recruitment. Recruitment and selection process The recruitment and selection process involves the following procedures: 1. Vacant position analysis 2. Position description 3. Advertisement 4. Short-list applicants 5. Interview preparation 6. Interview applicants 7. Reference check 8. Job offer 9. Feedback to unsuccessful applicants. 1. Vacant position analysis Position analysis will be conducted on all vacant or new positions Manager - supported by HR department Estimated timeframe: Two days.

When a position becomes vacant the following procedure must be completed. Procedure 1. Manager notifies HR about vacant position and files ‘permission for position form’. 2. Manager completes their section of ‘permission to recruit form’ stating reasons why position needs to be filled and submits it to the HR department. 3. Position needs analysis conducted by the HR department who them completes the rest of ‘permission to recruit form’. 4. Completed ‘permission to recruit form’ to be approved by senior management. 5. Once permission is obtained then HR department explore implications, options, legislative and award requirements. Position analysis is addressing the following points: *future human resource needs of organisation *future direction and plan of organisation * resources needed to achieve objectives and targets * overall staffing needs for organisation *role changes and developments *knowledge, skills, attributes and competencies required *alternative options to filling the position *budget constraints

2. Position description A position description is an important prerequisite to successful recruitment and selection. Estimated development and validation time frame: One day Procedure 1. Position descriptions are developed by HR department using a position description template and include: a. position title b. Key tasks and objectives/targets c. Duties,responsibilities and key performance indicators d. Clarification of the role in terms of strategic goals of the organisation e. qualifications required f. Level of the job within the organisation , eg manager

g. Specific behaviour, performance and outcomes h. skills , knowledge, attributes, experience i. WHS requirements j. Terms and conditions Note: HR may consult with manager about position description if necessary. 2. Senior management to sign off on position description. 3. Advertisement Healthcare United’s advertising policy:all positions must be advertised internally and externally for ten working days unless special exemptions apply and be advertised online and in leading national newspapers Timeframe: 10 days Procedure 1. HR department creates advertising for online, advertisement to publications department to post on the intranet, HR creates advertisement for authorised external print media. 2. Special exemptions to internal recruitment must be approved by the general manager.

4. Short-list applicants Short-listing is a process of elimination Procedure 1. Administration staff to collate all resumes and give to the HR department. 2. HR with selection panel to read over position description and advertisements. 3. HR and selection panel to read each applicant’s résumé and divide them into ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘maybe’ piles. 4. HR then collates all documentation from shortlisted applicants. 5. HR organises administration staff to send all applicants not short-listed a standard letter by post/email 5. Interview preparation Healthcare United uses the interviewing selection technique with interviews being conducted at head office. Healthcare United requires a trained selection panel to interview applicants. Timeframe: interview preparation one to two days.

Procedure 1. HR requests administration staff at head office to organise: a. comfortable and quiet location b. food and beverages for interview panel c. interview schedule. 2. HR to organise interview documentation which includes: a. position description b. resumes for each shortlisted candidate c. consent to check and release police record form d. standard interview questions for interview panel e. interview assessment forms for interviewers f. use checklist for documentation. 3. HR organises interview panel: two members of the HR department and one staff member from the job-related department with one of the HR members being the chairperson. Note: It is a must that selection panel has completed training in behavioural interviewing techniques. 4. Chairperson (HR) chooses and advises the staff member of their role as ‘expert’ and requests that they think of three job-related interview questions. 6. Interview applicants Interviews are to be conducted only at head office. Interviews are to be 30 minutes in duration with a five-minute break in between. No more than 12 interviews should be conducted in a day. Timeframe: scheduled interviews one to two days depending on number of applicants. Procedure 1. Chairperson greets candidate and performs introductions. 2. Chairperson opens interview. 3. HR members of panel ask applicant a series of standard interview questions. 4. Staff members from job-related department asks three questions. 5. Chairperson asks applicants if they have any questions. 6. Chairperson informs the candidate of the process. 7. Panel thank candidate for attending. 8. Panel complete interview assessment.

9. Panel select applicant and comply with relevant legislation eg. equal employment opportunity , fair work, privacy and anti-discrimination Acts. 10. Gain approval from senior management – subject to reference check. 7. Reference check Reference checks are an important part of the selection process. Healthcare United reference checks must be conducted on all applicants by the Manager. Timeframe: one to two days depending on number of applicants. Procedure 1. Obtain applicant’s permission 2. Phone workplace of applicant and speak to manager/referee. 3. Introduce self, organisation and purpose of call. 4. Ask standard questions about the applicant's knowledge and skills. 5. Ask manager for their opinion of applicant’s competencies of work. 6. Ask manager about applicant’s attributes.. 7. Discuss references with other HR person on interview panel. 8. Job offer Job offer needs to be made immediately after Reference check. Timeframe: one to five days. Procedure HR department generates Job offer to be used template from Administration to post employee contract that includes salary,terms and conditions and probation to applicant. Upon receipt of signed contract HR post new employee advice about induction program. Induction template form There are 10 National Employment Standards (NES) that apply to all employees in the national system. They cover: 1. Maximum weekly hours – 38 hours per week, plus reasonable additional hours 2. Requests for flexible working arrangements – certain employees can ask for a change in their working arrangements

3. Parental leave – up to 12 months unpaid leave per employee, as well as the right to request an additional 12 months leave 4. Annual leave – four weeks paid leave per year, plus an additional week for some shift workers 5. Personal/carer’s leave, compassionate leave and family and domestic violence leave – 10 days paid personal/carer’s leave per year, two days unpaid carer’s leave, two days compassionate leave (unpaid for casuals) as required and five days unpaid family and domestic violence leave (in a 12 month period) 6. Community service leave – unpaid leave for voluntary emergency management activities and leave for jury service 7. Long service leave – paid leave for employees who have been with the same employer for a long time 8. Public holidays – a paid day off on a public holiday, unless reasonably requested to work 9. Notice of termination and redundancy pay – up to five weeks notice of termination and up to 16 weeks redundancy pay 10.

Fair Work Information Statement – must be provided to all new employees.

Legislation and policies being in taken account

Statutory Law Common Law Employment Contracts Industry Awards and agreements Discrimination Disability Discrimination act 1992 Racial Discrimination act 1975 Sex discrimination act 19684 Fair work act 2009 Privacy act 1988 Industrial Awards Equal opportunity Human Rights and Equal opportunity commission act 1986 National Occupational Health and Safety Commission Act 1985

9. Feedback to unsuccessful applicants Healthcare United requires all unsuccessful internal applicants to be provided feedback in individual meetings with a member of the HR department. Timeframe: one to two days depending on number of applicants. Procedure 1. HR department representative to conduct feedback emails to unsuccessful internal applicants. 2. HR department representative to phone unsuccessful external applicants and offer feedback. 3. HR department to file hard copies of notes about unsuccessful applicants.

Communication Plan


Communication objectives

The objectives of this communication plan are to: ● Raise workplace awareness of the new policy and procedures ● encourage the managers and HR department to train for new policy ● improve understanding of the reasons behind the new policy and procedures


Communication approach

Healthcare United will employ a number of different tactics to achieve its communication approach. New Policy launches at key milestones, there will be information in whole organisation in print and in our intranet,direct emails with new policy and procedures with staff meetings.


Project background


Project objective

Healthcare United previous policy was outdated and non-compliance with national legislation also unmatched with the organisation new vision and expanding plans. New policy and procedures are updated with current legislation and is helping organisation to achieve its visions accordingly. 3.2

Project background

New Recruitment and Selection policy has been worked out by Pille-Riin Tilk in these last

few weeks after analysing organisational statements and policies. Doing work in the background, we found that previous policy is too old to comply with organisational visions and needs update. 4.

Target audiences Target audience External Recruiting agents for the organisation Internal Managers, HR Department, Board of Directors,


Key messages 1. Policy has been updated with Dates 2. Recruitment and selection period is 2-3 weeks 3. Managers are majorly responsible with recruitment and selection with support of HR department 4. Position analysis will be conducted on all vacant and new positions 5. All vacant/new Positions will be advertised Both at the same time internally and externally.



New Policy will be active and in use in 1 month.



Printing new policy and procedures to file and pay for the developer to upload the intranet is $500


Risk management

Risk HR department is not following new changes

Response/mitigation Check -up and random testing

Managers will discriminate applicants

Check up and monitoring

HR still prefers internal staff for the position

Monitoring to - check chosen applicants, to check all candidates resumes to make sure the chosen person is the best for the position


Communication tools

The information below details the communication tools that will be used as part of this communication plan. 9.1

Internal communication tools

Communication tools


Group or organisation webpage Facebook (add in email)

Yes Yes



Newsletters in organisation Direct mail outs of letters

Yes Yes

Committee meetings


Media releases



External communication tools

External communication tools


Online organisation website


Paid advertising Print


Radio Television

no no



Look at the objectives you’ve set and outline the monitoring and evaluation methods that will be used (including data that will be collected) to evaluate whether the objectives have been achieved. ● Feedback (formal and informal) from staff – develop survey and plan its delivery ● statistics - Staff number , organisational movements, and organisational information flow.

1.Role-play description QUICK PRESENTATION FOR CHANGES OF THE POLICY -INCLUDED NEW POLICY Showing senior manager new policy and explaining the changes Asking about the suitability of the new policy for the business Senior manager agrees that it needed change and approves. Best way to communicate between departments currently is online via emails and through our intranet. Senior manager agrees and adds conference calls via skype would be also suitable, Also offering online forum for all employees to be able to join in the conversations and topics. Currently new technology allows computers to systematically analyse all applicants and would help to do the shortlisting.calculating salaries and bonuses is a sensitive topic and would always check award rates through fair work website to be sure for the right rates. Manager agrees, Trialling processes might take few months uintil they will ben in full action and use. SEnior manager is saying that might even take more time to be fully in use. Training sessions should start as soon as possible possible managers meeting next month so everyone gets on board with the changes. Senior manager will mark it to their meeting agenda for next meeting.

Policy and Procedure Training Role play description Will be lecture Lecture with slides on the screen in classroom Starting with introduction and greetings Then ballpoint out and read out loud the underlined changes of the policy use the stick to show it on the screen board wall. Policy statement: Healthcare United aims to employ the best possible healthcare professionals to be the number one provider of healthcare professionals in Australia. Purpose: The purpose of the recruitment and selection process is to ensure that Healthcare United has the best qualified and trained human resources available for clients, up-to-date technology in all services for both clients and staff, innovative best practices and procedures from both inside and outside the organisation, best facilities and procedures in a competitive environment. The Healthcare United recruitment and selection process has been developed in line with organisational strategies, relevant legislation and best practice recruitment. Recruitment and selection process The recruitment and selection process involves the following procedures:

10. Vacant position analysis 11. Position description 12. Advertisement 13. Short-list applicants 14. Interview preparation 15. Interview applicants 16. Reference check 17. Job offer 18. Feedback to unsuccessful applicants. 1. Vacant position analysis Position analysis will be conducted on all vacant or new positions Manager - supported by HR department Estimated timeframe: Two days. When a position becomes vacant the following procedure must be completed. Procedure 6. Manager notifies HR about vacant position and files ‘permission for position form’. 7. Manager completes their section of ‘permission to recruit form’ stating reasons why position needs to be filled and submits it to the HR department. 8. Position needs analysis conducted by the HR department who them completes the rest of ‘permission to recruit form’. 9. Completed ‘permission to recruit form’ to be approved by senior management. 10. Once permission is obtained then HR department explore implications, options, legislative and award requirements. Position analysis is addressing the following points: *future human resource needs of organisation *future direction and plan of organisation * resources needed to achieve objectives and targets * overall staffing needs for organisation *role changes and developments *knowledge, skills, attributes and competencies required *alternative options to filling the position *budget constraints

2. Position description A position description is an important prerequisite to successful recruitment and selection. Estimated development and validation time frame: One day Procedure 3. Position descriptions are developed by HR department using a position description template and include: a. position title b. Key tasks and objectives/targets c. Duties,responsibilities and key performance indicators d. Clarification of the role in terms of strategic goals of the organisation e. qualifications required f. Level of the job within the organisation , eg manager g. Specific behaviour, performance and outcomes h. skills , knowledge, attributes, experience i. WHS requirements j. Terms and conditions Note: HR may consult with manager about position description if necessary. 4. Senior management to sign off on position description. 3. Advertisement Healthcare United’s advertising policy:all positions must be advertised internally and externally for ten working days unless special exemptions apply and be advertised online and in leading national newspapers Timeframe: 10 days Procedure 3. HR department creates advertising for online, advertisement to publications department to post on the intranet, HR creates advertisement for authorised external print media. 4. Special exemptions to internal recruitment must be approved by the general manager.

4. Short-list applicants Short-listing is a process of elimination Procedure 6. Administration staff to collate all resumes and give to the HR department. 7. HR with selection panel to read over position description and advertisements.

8. HR and selection panel to read each applicant’s résumé and divide them into ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘maybe’ piles. 9. HR then collates all documentation from shortlisted applicants. 10. HR organises administration staff to send all applicants not short-listed a standard letter by post/email 5. Interview preparation Healthcare United uses the interviewing selection technique with interviews being conducted at head office. Healthcare United requires a trained selection panel to interview applicants. Timeframe: interview preparation one to two days. Procedure 5. HR requests administration staff at head office to organise: d. comfortable and quiet location e. food and beverages for interview panel f. interview schedule. 6. HR to organise interview documentation which includes: g. position description h. resumes for each shortlisted candidate i. consent to check and release police record form j. standard interview questions for interview panel k. interview assessment forms for interviewers l. use checklist for documentation. 7. HR organises interview panel: two members of the ...

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