Mc Minn Book Review - HSCO 506 2 PDF

Title Mc Minn Book Review - HSCO 506 2
Author TeErica McClain
Course Intergration of Spirituality and Counseling
Institution Liberty University
Pages 7
File Size 127.6 KB
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McMinn Book Review TeErica McClain Liberty University

McMinn Book Review


2 Summary

Author Mark R. McMinn, takes the time to give us the book Psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling. This book was written to help other healthcare incorporate spiritual scriptures, and forgiveness into christian counseling the correct way (McMinn, 2011). In chapter one, the author takes the time to describe the scenario of a way that has low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression (McMinn, 2011). It is important that Jill finds the right counselor for her because some counselors will judge you and not truly listen. Also, the chapter talks about the different counselors that the client can potentially run into. For example, she can run into Counselor A that will end up rejecting her religious beliefs or counselor C that could just “reject all secular theories of counseling” (McMinn, 2011). Finding the right counselor not only helps you with your treatment, but will also give you a better peace of mind. Jill ends up finding Dr. Gration, who founded a way to integrate psychology and spiritual theory through research. She went outside of the box of the secular setting, and gained a different perspective in order for her to treat Jill. The next chapter called Toward Psychological and Spiritual Health, talks about how both religion and spirituality can improve mental health and the variety of healing patterns like Human Development. Chapter three speaks on the importance of prayer, and should it be in secular settings or not. A question is asked in the session is “Is it okay if we pray together before ending today’s session” (McMinn, 2011)? Some therapists believe that prayer, and spirituality should be integrated in counseling, while others do not. In my opinion, I believe that it should be integrated, because it uplift an individual’s mind, body, and soul. According to McMinn, the clients are not the only ones that are confused, apparently counselors tend to be confused as well about the right clients for them (McMinn, 2011). The next couple of chapters in Psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling are Scripture (Four), Sin (Five), Confession



(Six), Forgiveness (Seven), and Redemption (Eight). In these chapters, the author provides the reader with a variety of concepts, questions, techniques, and scenarios that will help navigate the christian counselor and client down the road to success. As a counselor, it is very important that the client trusts you, because it will allow them to open up to you truthfully on certain topics. You are able to gain their trust by listening to them, showing them eye contact, and being very empathetic towards them. What stood out the most to me about this book is that McMinn wrote this book during that time he was going through some obstacles in life. It allowed the reader to be able to relate to him better, while seeing his point of view on a situation. It is very important to realize that everyone is human, and is going to make mistakes in life because we are here to grow into our higher selves. The overall purpose of McMinn’s book was to use the concepts, situations, and techniques to integrate them into over lives or counseling sessions to overcome trials and troubles (McMinn, 2011). Personal Reflection The important question that they should ask themselves in a secular setting is the reason they are going to counseling. It is important for the client to understand their problems, traumas, and their end goals. The purpose of counseling is to help the client identify their goals, and potential solutions to help them gain a greater insight into their lives. James 5:16 states, “ therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective”. Before taking this course, I did not know how to truly combine the methods of spirituality, and psychology into my life and helping others. However, upon finishing this article and my other materials, I have learned methods to help me incorporate both, and the importance of doing so. The author takes the time to talk about the people that give back to the community called



“God agents” (McMinn, 2011). John 3:16-18 states “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth”. It is very important to give back to the community, because you are putting yourself in the other person's shoes and asking yourself how you would want someone to treat you. When I take the time to volunteer at Atlanta Mission, or domestic violence shelters; I am acting as a God agent. God tends to bless us when we are able to bless others with kindness without looking for anything in return (McMinn, 2011). God has blessed us and forgave us for many of our sins that it is very important for us to do the same. Another important part of overcoming our issues is that we tend to learn the concept of humbleness. In today’s society, we tend to think that asking someone for help is showing that we are weak, and irresponsible. We look at the cars, the money, the power, and shoes and think that we have it going on and that we are better than everyone. However, it is important to humble yourself because God can easily take it all away from you. In the African American community, people tend to think that going to counseling makes you weak, or being into spirituality or tarot makes you weird. However, it is okay to be your unique self, and it is okay to admit that you need counseling. Sometimes in order for people to get over being hurt in countless relationships, being rape, or being builled is going to counseling and seeking God. There is nothing wrong with building a relationship with God, because God sees the bigger picture to help us develop into our highest selves. Analysis I really enjoyed reading McMinn’s book about integrating scriptures and prayer with



theology concepts. The authors gave the reader a variety of scenarios and concepts to help us see his perspective on things, as well as other counselors. An important concept that a lot of people have a hard time doing, including myself is forgiveness. Forgiveness is the choice of the individual to release resentment towards the others that have harmed them in order to heal. When someone is forgiving the other person, it should be done for themselves and not because of the other person. Forgiving someone that has hurt you in anyway is not easy, but it is essential in order to grow and see the lessons behind them. Forgiveness is not always natural, and can be occasionally associated with excusing (McMinn, 2011). Some people tend to believe that if you forgive the other person, then you are placing the blame on yourself. Plus, I was drawn to the author’s cognitive approach on scenarios because it can be used in a variety of settings regardless of the religious beliefs. Each client's background and trauma are different, therefore, it is very important that the counselor is versatile. Application In my personal opinion, I believe that everyone has a divine mission that they are here to achieve. The main purpose is to make the universe a better place by increasing the world’s vibration. In a few years, I would like to open up my own organization dedicated to rape and abuse for women and children. The five McMinn’s concepts that I would use in my organization are 1. Forgiveness: As I stated earlier, forgiveness is an important concept for any individual. As a Christian Counselor, I will encounter clients that are damaged and have been harmed by individuals they thought loved them. Matthew 6:14 expressed “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive



you.” Everything that has happened in our life was for a divine reason. Therefore, in order to see the lesson behind it, we will have to let go of that hurt so that we can see it in a different light. When the client is able to forgive the people that have harmed them, they can rebuild the relationship with God, themselves, and other people (McMinn, 2011). 2.

Spiritual Level: As an christian counselor, it is very important that I use scripture in my sessions with my client. Using scripture will not only help them heal, but also help them build up their relationship with God. However, I would first have to understand their religious beliefs and their needs, so that I would know what treatment to go with.

3. Spiritual Health: Spiritual health is very important in a person's life because it creates a balance between the mind, body, and soul for a person. As a christian counselor, it is very important that I improve not only my client’s physical well-being, but also their mental health (McMinn, 2011). When a person has healthy spiritual health; then it brings meaning and purpose to their life. 4. Self-exploration: When a person is able to look deep within themselves are they able to find the root causes of their problems. In order for anyone to grow and heal from their past traumas, then they will have to first understand their true self. Helping my clients find their authentic self with help them identify the root causes of their issues and help them overcome their problems. 5. Prayer: Prayer is one of the most important concepts in a christian setting. Prayer is important because it will help the counselor guide the client through the session with God’s help to achieve the ultimate goal. However, the only problem is knowing when to use prayer in a session, and when to not. Therefore, it is very important the counselor understand the needs of the client, and the goal for them.



I chose the following concepts above because they have played a part of the journey I am on currently. In order for me to become who I am today, I had to first figure out who I was, and what I wanted in life. The hardest part of my journey was looking back into childhood, and old relationships to heal the traumas that were holding back from achieving my goals. I knew that I had to get right with God and myself, so I started back going to church and getting more spiritual. I had to forgive the people that hurt me the most, so that I could see the bigger picture of my divine purpose here. Mark 11:24 states, “ Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” I was able to forgive others through prayer, and believing that the blessings are right around the corner for me. I am twentyfour years old, and I am still not done finding myself, but I know that I want to become my highest self.

References: McMinn, M. R. (2011). Psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling (Rev. ed.). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House. ISBN: 9780842352529....

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