Bsbmgt 401 Task 2 PDF

Title Bsbmgt 401 Task 2
Author Muhammad Raqib
Course Diploma of leadership and management
Institution Victoria University
Pages 8
File Size 283.3 KB
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Leadership at the workplace scenario and assesment task 2...


BSBMGT401 Show leadership in the workplace TASK 2

Adam Muhammad


Question 1 a. The successful and effectiveness of the business can be identified by a clear, consistent, and shared meaning of the organization’ value and standards. As the fundamental in workplace, the value and standard will be the guide and give impact for every activity in the company. The retail manager and team need to do several things and indicators to make sure the their performance fit into company value and standards. 

      

Its start from the beginning, the employee hiring process based on the understanding the core values of the company from HR team, followed by training in the induction step from recruitment. The same perception and share meaning of the company value and standards is the first key. Teach the value by the training at the beginning. The best way to deliver the value into workplace is the example from the others and leader in the organization, the manager will show the good practice of company value and standards. The communications that are using in activity represent the core of the company such as in the meeting, newsletters, client handling, negotiation, and others. The reward and values behaviors create the easy and clear way to understand by employees Include the values into indicators for sales activity and process Make sure the evaluation and performance review procedure related and based on the company values Terminate employees who are contravening the organization’s core values.

b. the condition shows the missed communication and unclear instruction from the manager, also it might be indicate the leak of the work actitivity as the employee only focus on the one side of the indicator in the key performance. Here are the steps that the manager can do duting the condition of ongoing contracts is higher than pay-by-the-month;  

Conduct the meeting and highlight the current issue and situation realted to work contract to client Deliver the clear explanation that what advantage and disadvantage from the both sides of the contracts. For example the higher number in on going contracts will provide the good sales target for the employee but the other type contract will give other benefit for the employee and company such as compensation, annual fee benefit,and sustaibale project. With clear explanation will provide the win-win conditiona and solution for all.if If the condition is not from internal issue such as the trend and situation is all from the customer demand for the contract, than the company need to adapt and prepare the strategy from the corporate level. It can be chategorized the factor from external.

c. in order to develop the system in the company that make employees performance based on their own role, the several indicators and policies can be design to influence the activity in wirkplace and make sure run as the company standards.

Employee psositon description The policies and standards will identify the job and duities for ecah position including the responsibilities, position and authority, goals and specific duties. This also already train in the induction program as the guide for the employee work and act based on the role and tasks. Compensation and benefits policies Its clear that people will more motivate based on the appropriate appreciation from what they done especially in workplace. The clear structure of bonuses, insurance, benefits, vacation, sick days, retirement, and work hours will become indicator for employee to stick on the target and role. Diciplinary policies The employee termination is the usual situation that happened in every organization and business. The clear policy realted to dicipline such as dishonesty, poor performance and target, unsfae behavior, and misconduct can be chategorized as the broken procedure in company and become clear way and strcuture for employee to work and stick into company desire performance.

d. Monitoring can be done by manager based on the weekly meeting and monthly meeting as the procedure for manager to evalute and unsure the team work in right direction and postive trend. With the clear policies, target, and key performace indicators, the manager can lead and make sure the employee work and pursue the target for each role and responsibilities. The monitoring can be check from key performance indicators each employee, for example satisfaction rate from the customers, the sales rate and target, and other business operation indicators. e. The consequences to the organization if the employee not perform based on the value and standard of company can be the image and reputation will be decrease because the changing of the performance. Poor performance of the company can lead the consequence of the sales and profit loses that will be lead to another problem in financial of the company. Since the company has the clear policies for the performance that already mention above, the scenario related to poor performance of the employee can lead into termination.

Question 2 Implementation plan: Big data analysis steps in innovation Case: Customer complaining rate Risk: Brand Image and Reputation External: Third party (Big Data Analyst)

Process or event 1. Initial meeting 2. Front office (customer service)

Dependent upon Event 1

Date start

Date end

01/05/2020 05/05/2020

02/05/2020 10/05/2020

communicatio n at beginning of the program 3. Trainer performance analysis 4. Facility and Services 5. Overall evaluation and Report

Event 1



Event 1



Event 1-2-3-4



Process and Evaluation details How will progress and success be monitored and measured Feedback from team – Report


Target completion date

Who is responsible for ensuring process

How will it be done

What resources are required and where will they come from

Task 1


Deputy of Internal

Provide initial meeting to team in the company related to handle and analysis the issue of customer complaining rate, make sure the clear direction of the management strategy that the team need to act further.

 Meeting room 1  Initial data analysis  Big data analyst

Share the current issue that company need to handle, related to front office communication problem.

 Meeting room 1  Data analysis  Budgeting for training program

Feedback from team – Report

 Student data  Performance feedback data  Meeting room 3

Feedback from team – Report

Member:  Front office manager  Headmaster  Head of curriculum department Task 2


Front office manager member: all front office staff

Task 3


Headmaster Member: teachers and head of curriculum

Develop the additional information from the team to put into main data analysis from management earlier in order to get root cause Solution to cover the problem in front office communication Share the current issue related to customer complaining rate Analysis the performance of the teachers in recent batch. Evaluation of the performance of teachers

Evaluation of curriculum and feedback Analysis and compare the data and provide the report Task 4


Operation manager

Provide the student complaining issue data

Member: operation department

Evaluation the current facility and service from the company

 Maintenance budget

Feedback from team – Report

 Meeting room 1  Final budget  Analyst

Final Report

Review the feedback in recent months Recheck the condition of each facility in the company

Task 5


Deputy of internal Member:  Front office manager  Headmaster  Head of curriculum department  Operation manager

Analysis the data and report First evaluation and progress report Feedback from internal analysis for each department Constraint and planning for each department Evaluation, report, and further step

Question 3 Method to gathering feedback Regular employees review and feedback (performance review)

Purpose  Data collection for analysis that the business activity work properly and based on the standard procedure in the company  The way can be vary, one-to-one talking is the one good method for taking the real data and creating the atmosphere for employee that is willing to provide real condition and honesty

Team meeting

The meetings are set up to develop the feedback from beginning and earlier step, the meeting indicates the bigger picture is needed to solve together. Some people feel easier

Suggestion box

to give input in a group setting indicates the data will be collective more effective. The method can collect the bigger data and quick feedback, this can be solution to get honest and essential data since the anonymity of the suggestion box provide the comfortable situation to employee

Question 4 Final report a. Problem that the team face to handle the project

b. Process to gather information about the problem

c. Involving team in problem-solving activities

d. Problem-solving techniques in the project

e. Process from team to the problem and solution

 Limited resource related to data recording, the company does not have proper data to support analyst  Internal conflict from each department as the result to avoid and defense from the root cause in the problem  Limited budgeting  Direct meeting: the feedback that collected right after the meeting and during meeting show the problem condition clearly – one-toone meeting to relevant people in charge to get deeper understanding fot the condition  Survey form in email to all member that relevant to the case – the feedback confirm the assumption and data before  Choose the right person as a team, avoid the internal conflict potential team and separate them.  Give deeper understanding the issue and ensure all the activity that we create will lead the consequences in good and bad form into company  Show the great example from the team that work together and give the best result as the benchmark for the rest team  Appreciate in appropriate rewards and clear order and direction.  Consequences for the negative and poor performance in the team  Using root cause analysis and collaboration with Big data analyst  Ensure the team understating deeply in the root cause  Put effort on the right cause will give the direct impact to the problem  Give clear idea and potential result if the team success to cover the problem  Additional techniques by analysis the resource and capabilities of the company and team in order to give clear idea how the team can solve the problem  Clear clear awards and punishment  Internal meeting fro gather the information  Effective team will decrease the other problem above from the manager (internal conflict)

f. Risk from the team

g. Objectives of the solution

h. Action

i. Communication to relevant people j. How to get commitment k. Method to gather feedback from stakeholder

 Clear method that already mention for finding the root cause  Clear root cause problem will lead the team to get proper and potential strategy to solve  Coordination with other team and department will give the positive result  Root cause problem – good communication and collaboration – proper budget – solving the problem is the flow of taking the issue.  Poor adaptation for the new technology and method such as big data analysis  Hire professional and trainers to solve the problem  Lead another condition how the financial and budget can be fit to the plan  Coordination to finance department  Give extra budget for adaptation the problem solving by using big data analysis  Coordination with third party  Avoid conflict of interest  Build transition and agent of change team  Allocate the work hours and operation to give attention and do the part in the problem solving  Full data collection in the institution related to customer complaining issues  Put the budget into the right solution and action  Evaluation and feedback divided into 3 steps, short – middle –and final evaluation  One-to-one meeting to people – clear project plan to present  People in charge: CEO – Head of finance – big data analyst  Describe and present risk and consequence of the issue – start form the brand image and reputation and the long run related to profit and business existence.  Email and the meeting

Question 5 Event Information needed for the catalogue is not received. The printer may not deliver on time. Key staffs are















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