Bsbmgt 617 PDF

Title Bsbmgt 617
Author Rajveer Singh
Course Develop and implement a business plan
Institution Griffith University
Pages 13
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Activity 1A Review and evaluate your organisations pre-existing strategic, business and operational plans, if available. Does your organisation have a pre-existing strategic, business and operational plan? Briefly describe it.

Answer: Brief Description of the Organisation – The International Hotel Group The International Hotel Group The International Hotel Group started business with two small boutique style hotels in Melbourne, Australia. The group is owned and financed by a large consortium of international business experts and several large investment companies. It is in a strong financial position for expansion. Over a period of 15 years it has grown to now comprise a chain of 20 hotels across 5 different countries in the Australasian region. This growth was a result of an acquisition of a small hotel chain and establishment of some new properties, mainly in Australia. The group employs cultural specialists and prides itself on its multicultural expertise that assists with its success in welcoming guests from all regions of the World. The Group now employs 1000 staff in full time, part time and casual positions. The Head Office, located in Melbourne, houses the management team for the group. The vision for the Group is to expand geographically to provide a quality boutique alternative in key locations across the Australasian region, whilst maintaining its reputation for exceptional personalised service. Review of Pre-Existing Strategies The key organisational Pre-strategies are:

1. Increase the number of properties by 15% over the next 5 years. 2. Break into new markets e.g. new international regions. 3. Expand into the larger hotel market. 4. Maintain quality service reputation during expansion. 5. Attract & retain high quality, experienced staff. 6. Ensure all facilities are maintained to world class standards. 7. Provide a unique hotel experience for all guests.

Review of Business & Operational Plan 1. The Hotel Group will focus on growing their reputation for quality service and improving whole ‘hotel experience’ for the customer. 2. The Hotel Group will have demonstrated recognition as the specialist in the boutique hotel business.

3. The Hotel Group will implement design strategies to ensure consistency of experience across the hotel chain. 4. The Hotel Group will introduce a segmented approach to marketing to appeal to higher income and medium income markets with the main focus on the higher income. 5. The Hotel Group will develop and implement a direct marketing plan to update their marketing approach. 6. Strengthen the regular customer base by developing customer retention and loyalty strategies. 7. Be recognised as an employer of choice with the capacity to attract and retain the highest quality staff in the industry.

Evaluation of Pre-existing Strategies, business and operational plans: For Pre-existing strategies: - By looking into the current strategies, most of them are aligned with the current vision of the organisation except experienced staff. There is no need to look for high quality and experienced staff, because the current staff have all the required skill set to complete the tasks. For business plan: - After evaluating the business plans it is found that the organisation should not only come up with a segment approach which only focus on higher income, but it should also have the capability to attract the medium income. For operational Plan: - There is no change required in the current operational plan because all are well in place.

Activity 1B 1.1 Attempt to locate your organisations vision statement. Describe it and any ways in which you think it could be altered. Answer: - Equality for everyone. Our organisation is founded on the idea of fairness and equality. Under the law, every person in Australia has the right to equal and fair treatment, independent of their gender, race, sexual orientation, age, religious beliefs or any other personal characteristic. 1.2 Attempt to locate your organisations mission statement. Describe it and any ways in which you think it could be altered. Answer: - Spreading Ideas Our organisation also acts as a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.

1.2 What are the current objectives of your organisation? Can you think of any which could be implemented? In pairs, share your ideas on objectives that could be implemented.

Answer: - The current objective of the organization is to reach the market which are

unreachable and optimize its sales and capture new market share.

Activity 1C 1.1 Consider who your key stakeholders are. Plan a consultation meeting where stakeholders will provide you with advice on how to shape the future of the business. What are their thoughts on organisational vision, mission, values and objectives? Answer: - The key stakeholder of the business are government, vendor, and local

community. The management of an organization can ensure the organizational development by ensuring that all the interest of these parties is met. 1.2 What is an external environmental factor? List two external factors and explain how they could impact on your business plan? Answer: - The external factor which impact the business operations are governmental

policies and pricing policies of vendor. Governmental policies: - There are number of government policies, those can affect the business operation. One of them is: Government Taxation and Spending: - Governments get money to spend from taxation. Increased spending requires increases in taxes or borrowing. Any tax increase will discourage investment, especially among entrepreneurs, who take the risks of starting and managing businesses. pricing policies of vendor : - There could be price differences from the vendors, which could impact the cost of a particular service or product. 1.3 What research should be conducted regarding pricing options before writing your business plan? Answer: - Executive summary - a snapshot of your business.

Company description - describes what you do. Market analysis - research on your industry, market, and competitors. Organization and management - your business and management structure. Service or product - the products or services you’re offering. Marketing and sales - how you’ll market your business and your sales strategy. Funding request - how much money you’ll need for next 3 to 5 years. Financial projections - supply information like balance sheets. Appendix- an optional section that includes résumés and permits.

Activity 1D Based on the consultation plan developed in Activity 1C, in groups, perform the roles of manager and employees. Discuss the changes required in employee performance to meet the needs of the

strategic plan. Provide examples of performance objectives which could be issued to your employees. Answer: - It was well presented in front of the trainer along with other potential students. During this, I played a role as a manager and other students were employees. We all participated in well manner and had a great time to find out the changes in employee performance.

Example of performance objective is: Customer Service: - Deliver timely, helpful and accurate service to customers.

Activity 1E 1.1 Identify three forms of existing finance funds in your organisation. Answer: - Equity, bank loan, IPO.

1.2 Provide two examples of factors that a human resources audit should assess. Answer: - Total HR requirement to support the operations, number of employees working in the organization and number of employees to whom the organization is paying to. 1.3 Provide three examples of production facilities which should be considered when implementing a business plan.

Answer: - Manufacturing facility, Processing facility & Designing facility.

Activity 1F 1.1 If your company were to alter their address because of a change of location in the business plan, what steps would you need to take when updating ASIC? Answer: - To update your companies address, you should:  Use your company’s corporate key to register for online access to ASIC  Login to the online portal using your company’s Australian business number (ABN) and Australian company number (ACN)  Enter your username and password  Select 'Start new form' and select 'Change to company details' (484)  You will then be able to update your address details online. The updates will show on the ASIC website within seven days.

1.2 Provide three examples of factors you should cover in your code of practice. Briefly describe

your company’s approach to the area? Answer: - 1. dressing code, code of behaviour, code of working, code of ethics. The company

will ensure that all the code has been met and each of the employees comply with the code of organization. relatively short space. It’s a high-level look at everything and should include information that summarizes the other sections of your plan. Venture capitalists want to know you have a competent team that has the grit to stick it out. You are more likely to be successful and pivot if needed when you have the right management and organization for your company.

Activity 1G 1.1 What are the components of a typical business plan? Briefly explain what should be included in each section. Answer: - One of the best ways to approach writing the executive summary is to finish it last

so you can include the important ideas from other sections. 2. Business Description This is your chance to describe your company and what it does. Include a look at when the business was formed, and your mission statement. These are the things that tell your story and allow others to connect to you. It can also serve as your own reminder of why you got started in the first place. Turn to this section for motivation if you find yourself losing steam. 3. Market Analysis This is your chance to look at your competition and the state of the market as a whole. Your market analysis is an exercise in seeing where you fit in the market — and how you are superior to the competition. As you create your market analysis, you need to make sure to include information on your core target market, profiles of your ideal customers and other market research. You can also include testimonials if you have them. 4. Organization and Management Use this section of your business plan to show off your team superstars. In fact, there are plenty of indications that your management team matters more than your product idea or pitch. 5. Sales Strategies How will you raise money with your business and make profits a reality? You answer this question with your sales strategy. This section is all about explaining your price strategy and describing the relationship between your price point and everything else at the company. You should also detail the promotional strategies you’re using now, along with strategies you hope to implement later. This includes your social media efforts and how you use press releases and other appearances to help raise your brand awareness and encourage people to buy or sign up for your products or services.

Your sales strategy section should include information on your web development efforts and your search engine optimization plan. You want to show that you’ve thought about this, and you’re ready to implement a plan to ramp up sales. 1.2 Provide two examples of benefits that can arise from writing a business plan and researching your industry.

Answer: 1. You gain an understanding of your market 2. You can focus your strategies

Activity 2A 1.1 Why should your marketing team conduct a media outlet analysis before sending out your business plan? Answer: - In order to implement and execute the successful marketing campaign. 1.2 What steps should you work through to communicate your business plan? 1. Answer: - Set communication objectives o

be clear about where your organisation is going and what you want to achieve. This will make it easier to set out what you want to do in terms of communications activity in support


you should attempt to set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound).


to set these goals, you should ask the question – “in a years’ time, what would you like to have achieved from communication to help support your organisational goals and objectives?”

1.3 Explain two advantages of segmenting your stakeholders and employees?

Answer: 1. Focus of the Company Segmentation is an effective method to increase the focus of a firm on market segments. If you have better focus, obviously you will have better business. Numerous automobile companies have started focusing on small car segments. This is nothing else but a company changing its focus for better returns. Thus companies base their strategy completely on a new segment which increases its focus and profitability.

2. Have better communication

Activity 2B 1.1 Develop a staffing plan to assess your current employees. Locate any statistics you have regarding their productivity.

Answer: - Recruitment can be expensive and time-consuming. You should assess organization current staffing situation before you begin recruiting, to ensure you find the right solution. This will give you a clear idea of what type of person you are looking for and what you hope to achieve with them. Consider organization requirements Once you have decided to employ new staff, think about how long you will need them for and at what capacity. You might only need them for a short time to cover a busy period, or you might need them for a longer time, but only part-time or casually. Plan ahead Plan organization staffing needs as far ahead as possible. Consider whether you want to employ someone immediately to help with a busy workload or train an existing employee to do a new role. Revisit organization business plan Review organization business plan and objectives when you are recruiting. Organization plan should include details on organization staffing requirements, including the skills and knowledge you need to operate successfully. If you discover that you currently have gaps, assess how likely they are to impact on organization business in the future and work out how you can address them. Review organization current staff Review organization current staff before you recruit new people. Existing staff may have the skills or knowledge you need, or may be able to acquire them with some additional training. Providing staff with training can sometimes be more efficient than recruiting new staff, and it can save you time and money. It can also help you to retain good staff.

1.2 List three examples of benefits of performance measurement. Answer: -

1. It helps management to promote right staff 2. It helps management to evaluate the overall performance of the employee 3. It helps management to overcome any barrier that might be faced by the employee

Activity 2C 1.1 In groups, discuss the aspects you should report on in a business report.

Answer: Title Page Begin most business reports with a title page that contains the full title of the report, the name of the author or compiler, the name of the intended audience and the date of submission. A title page may also include the name of the organization for which the report has been prepared. Abstract or Executive Summary Highlight the main purpose and the primary points of a business report with a 200- to 250word "abstract" or a one-page or shorter “executive summary.” Abstracts and executive summaries usually follow the title page on a separate page and highlight the purpose, methods, scope, findings, conclusions and recommendations of the report. Table of Contents List the contents of a business report on a separate “Table of Contents” page. The table of contents page may precede or follow the abstract and should identify each primary section of the report by page number and in order of appearance. List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations or Symbols If you include more than five figures or tables, list these items by page number on a “List of Figures” or “List of Tables” page following the table of contents. If the report uses several abbreviations or symbols, identify these as well on a separate “List of Abbreviations” or “List of Symbols” page. Introduction Begin the body of your report with an introduction that presents the purpose and scope of the report. Any background information or research necessary for understanding the rest of the report should be presented here. Body Identify primary sections of the body of the report with appropriate headings. These sections will cover the central content of the report, whether you are reporting on a current problem, a potential solution or some other subject of interest to your audience. Compliment this material, where appropriate, with illustrations and tables as well as with research and sources. Conclusions and Recommendations At the end of the body of the report, present your concluding ideas and arguments in the “Conclusions” section. If appropriate, state your “Recommendations” as well, indicating the course of action you suggest in light of your arguments in the body of the report. Endnotes or Explanatory Notes If you do not include footnotes in the body of the report, you may find it helpful to include “Endnotes” or “Explanatory Notes” after your conclusions section. These notes provide

additional helpful information for your readers that may be distracting if it were included in the body of the report. Bibliography, References or Works Cited List the references that you use either to prepare your report or to support the argument and ideas in your report on a separate “Bibliography,” References” or “Works Cited” page after the endnotes section. Include any research sources, such as websites, books or interviews, that you used during your research or referenced directly in the text of your report. Appendix and Glossary If helpful for your readers, you may also want to include an “Appendix” or a “Glossary” at the end of your report. An “Appendix” provides information that is too detailed or involved to be included in the body of the report, but that may be helpful as additional reading. A “Glossary” alphabetically lists specialized terminology with definitions. 1.2 Why might suppliers take an interest in your business report? Answer: - Supplier might take interest in the business report of the company in order to evaluate the going concern of the organization and the future prospect of the organization.

Activity 2D 1.1 What procedures currently exist in your organisation for reporting system or product failures? How could you apply a FRACAS to your organisation? Answer: - While the specifics of how each FRACAS process is implemented will vary, a

FRACAS usually includes the following steps: 1. Record the Failures or Incidents: Using a database management system and an established procedure, critical data associated with each failure or incident is recorded, and the process is initiated 2. Analyse the Reported Failures or Incidents: Using the same database management system into which the failure or incident data was entered, established procedures are used to determine and record the root cause of the failure or incident

3. Identify Necessary Corrective Action: Using the same database management system to track its development, implementation, and result, a corrective action plan must be developed and implemented to reduce or eliminate the recurrence of the failure or incident Review and Verify the Corrective Action: The effectiveness of the corrective action must be reviewed and recorded, using the same database management system, and the incident closed out per established procedures 1.2 Provide three examples of targets which could be set in a business plan that you co...

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