Budapest 4cf3 PDF

Title Budapest 4cf3
Author Antonio Nuzzolese
Course Analisi matematica
Institution Università Telematica Pegaso
Pages 45
File Size 4.5 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 104
Total Views 146


Matematica applicata...


Opening Report Database: 7luglio2009 (4,260,308 games) Report: 1.d4 f6 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 g4 4. f3 ECO: A52f [Budapest: Adler, 4...Bc5] Generated by Scid 3.7, 2009.07.13


c6 (3072 games)

Statistics and History



All report games

1.2 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

c5 5.e3

Games 3072

1:0 1202

1 1 : 2 2


0:1 1023

Score 52.9%

Oldest games

0:1(46) Iliesco Juan Traian – Benko Francisco, 1938 0:1(28) Borowski Jerzy – Migala Andrzej, 1944 0:1(59) Price J – Katz F, 1946 0:1(32) Benko Pal C – Sebestyen B, 1947 90 0:1(17) Pokorny – Felix Vaclav, 1950


Newest games

1: 1:0(29) Goundar Sanmogam (FIJ) 1903 – Bennett Hilton (NZL) 2028, Gold Coast (Australia) 2009.06.22 159 2: 1:0(37) Jule Sebastian 1847 – Pyke Malcolm (AUS) 2156, Gold Coast (Australia) 2009.06.21 144 3: 0:1(27) Zelenskij A (RUS) 2246 – Gerasko Viacheslav (RUS) 2030, Voronezh (Russia) 2009.06.14 98 4: 1:0(36) Gusarchuk Anastasija (RUS) 2096 – Litvinov Maxim, Voronezh (Russia) 2009.06.13 5: 0:1(36) Schneider Sanchez Carlos D (ESP) 2117 – Arnaiz Yanes Miguel Angel (ESP) 1995, La Laguna (Spain) 2009.05.09 21 6: 1:0(37) Flear Glenn C (ENG) 2485 – Tadic Branko (SRB) 2314, France 2009.05.02 65 7: 0:1(38) Khishigbayar M (MGL) 2065 – Enkhtuul A (MGL) 2036, Ulan Bator (Mongolia) 2009.04.21 151

8: 1:0(23) James David (WLS) 2130 – Van Kemenade Rudy (WLS) 2007, Cardiff (Wales) 2009.04.13 159 9: 1:0(50) Aleman Alamo Nicolas (ESP) 1723 – Capote Robayna Nathaniel 1909, Las Palmas (Spain) 2009.04.09 64 10: 0:1(41) Saharinen Petri (FIN) 1825 – Andersson S 2060, Velden (Austria) 2009.04.08 125 1


Current popularity

Year Once every X games

1800-99 —

Frequency in all years: In the 10 years to today: In the 5 years to today: In the 1 year to today:

1.5 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:

1.6 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:

2 2.1

1900-49 2719

1950-69 2406

once every 1386 games once every 1751 games once every 2071 games once every 1666 games

1970-79 4112

1980-89 895

1990-99 1112

2000-09 1751

(down 20% from all years) (down 32% from all years) (down 16% from all years)

Most frequent players (White) 6 6 6 5 5 4

1991–2000 1989–1995 1987–1993 1991–2001 1999 2006

42% 100% 42% 80% 20% 100%


2527 2223 2208

Hoang Thanh Trang 9,45,65,90,145 Flear Glenn C 2,6,8,77 Zsinka Laszlo 80,127,134,159,160 Farago Ivan 43,47,72 Leskiewicz M 9,16 Blackburn Joathan Lb 23,125

Most frequent players (Black) 12 10 9 9 9 8

1992–2007 1988–1997 1982–2000 1998–2004 1986–1996 1991–2000

50% 70% 22% 67% 44% 63%

2070 2083


Thielemann Joachim 1,11,31,43,82,95,111 Mohr Georg 9,27,35,72,75,130,132,159 Tagnon Nicole 8,18,34,159 Markus Roland Blatny Pavel 9,64,73,103,135,151 Lendwai Reinhard 50,64,125,127,152,159,160

Ratings and Performance Average ratings and performance

White rating: 2179 (624 games); White performance: 2174 (52% vs 2160) Black rating: 2160 (637 games); Black performance: 2114 (41% vs 2179)


Games with highest average rating

1: 21 : 12 (36) Ivanchuk Vassily (UKR) 2781 – Mamedyarov Shakhriyar (AZE) 2742, Moscow (Russia) 2008 146 2: 0:1(49) Tkachiev Vladislav (FRA) 2664 – Mamedyarov Shakhriyar (AZE) 2742, Moscow (Russia) 2008 68 3: 1:0(48) Karjakin Sergey (UKR) 2732 – Short Nigel D (ENG) 2660, Kiev (Ukraine) 2008 165 4: 1:0(48) KarjakinSergey 2727 – ShortN 2655, 2008 165 5: 21 : 12 (64) Gurevich Mikhail – Korchnoi Viktor, 1988 95 6: 0:1(29) Chernin Alexander – Azmaiparashvili Zurab, 1996 64 7: 21 : 12 (16) Jussupow Artur – Piket Jeroen, 1994 84 8: 21 : 12 (17) Lautier Joel – Rogers Ian, 1990 88 9: 21 : 12 (16) Giorgadze Giorgi – Epishin Vladimir, 1989 95 10: 12 : 21 (28) Gulko Boris F – Yermolinsky Alex, 1982 54



Result Trends


Result lengths and frequencies Score

Report games All games

3.2 1: 2: 3: 4:

52.9% 53.9%

Game length 1:0 12 :21 0:1 38 36 37 39 35 40

Frequency 1:0 39.1% 38.7%

1 1 : 2 2

27.5% 30.3%

0:1 33.3% 30.8%

Shortest wins (White)

1:0(9) Miranda Marcus 1434 – Van Speybroeck Dirk Jan 1640, 2007 159 1:0(9) Patocka – Kalendovsky Jan, 1965 1:0(10) Stephan Eberhard – , 1998 55 1:0(11) Ashby Anthony (ENG) 2152 – Husser Oskar (GER) 1977, Bad Zwischenahn (Germany) 2008


5: 1:0(14) Laketic Gojko – Clarke Thomas, 1990 129

3.3 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

Shortest wins (Black)

0:1(10) Heim Frank – Schmitzer Klaus, 2003 159 0:1(10) Ramirez Raul – Hebert Jean, 1998 32 0:1(13) Maurel Jean Louis – Szabolcsi Janos, 1990 151 0:1(13) Mebrek Mohamed Ali – Markus Roland, 2004 0:1(14) Tarakcija Hazim (CRO) 2232 – Majeric Zoran (CRO) 2327, Osijek (Croatia) 2008 129

4 4.1

Moves and Themes Move orders reaching the report position

There were 4 move orders reaching this position: 1: 1.d4 f6 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 g4 4. f3 c5 5.e3 2: 1.c4 f6 2.d4 e5 3.dxe5 g4 4. f3 c5 5.e3 3: 1.d4 f6 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 g4 4. f3 c6 5.e3 4: 1.c4 f6 2.d4 e5 3.dxe5 g4 4. f3 c6 5.e3

c6 (3018) c6 (30) c5 (23) c5 (1)



Moves from the report position

Move 1 e2 2 c3 3 a3 4 d2 5 b3 6 d5 7 h3 8 e6 9 bd2 10 d3 11 g3 12 d4 13 [end] Total


ECO A52g

Frequency 1532: 49.8% 610: 19.8% 492: 16.0% 203: 6.6% 71: 2.3% 64: 2.0% 32: 1.0% 24: 0.7% 22: 0.7% 12: 0.3% 7: 0.2% 3: 0.0% 2: 0.0% 3074:100.0%

Score 55.1% 54.0% 51.1% 55.6% 42.9% 33.5% 21.8% 35.4% 45.4% 37.5% 42.8% 33.3% 25.0% 52.8%

µElo 2184 2182 2148 2148 2131 2016

Perf 2187 2185 2173 2171 2076 1936



Positional Themes

Frequency of themes in the first 20 moves of each game: Same-side castling: 84% White Isolated Queen Pawn: Opposite castling: 5% Black Isolated Queen Pawn: Kingside pawn storm: 12% White Pawn on 5/6/7th rank: Queens exchanged: 40% Black Pawn on 2/3/4th rank: Only one side has Bishop pair: 1% Open c/d/e file:


% Draws 28% 30% 25% 33% 18% 23% 19% 21% 18% 25% 57% 0% 50% 28%

µYear 1995 1996 1995 1994 1996 1998 1998 1997 1995 2001 2002 1998 2001 1995

1% 6% 100% 9% 35%


Material at the end of each game:

Report games All games

3% 3%

9% 10%

8% 9%

24% 25%

2% 2%


3% 4%

5% 4%

46% 43%


Theory Table

1.d4 f6 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 +1202 =847 –1023 (1625.5/3072: 53%) 6 7 8 9 1 b31 b23 d34 xe5 OO2 gxe55 e8 xe5 xe510 c311 e213 d2 2 gxe59 e712 OO14 xe5 21 23 3 a3 e2 b3 b225 20 22 24 a5 OO e8 a6 xe528 e229 c3 4 ... gxe527 OO30 ... xe5 35 b2 e236 b3 5 ... 34 OO gxe537 ... e8 6 e244 OO46 b348 c3 gxe543 OO45 a547 e849 53 e2 OO55 xe5 7 ... 54 OO e856 ... xe5 64 66 e2 xe5 OO67 8 ... 65 gxe5 d668 OO xe5 OO72 xe574 ... 9 ... gxe573 ... e8 xe5 81 83 85 e2 10 bd2 OO a3 a5 gxe580 OO82 d684 OO89 b391 c3 11 ... OO88 e890 d692 ... xe596 c397 OO 12 ... OO95 e898 ... xe5 13 ... c3 xf3 ... xf3+103 e5 ... ... OO110 b3112 xe5 14 ... OO111 e8113 ... xe5 ... ... c3 15 ... e8117 ... ... ... 125 127 16 ... c3 OO xe5129 126 128 e8 gxe5 OO xe5 OO 17 ... c3135 b3137 gxe5134 e8136 a5138 ... c3144 xe5 ... 18 ... e8145 xe5 ... ... 151 b3 b2153 ... 19 ... 152 154 gxe5 a5 ... e8 20 ... xe5159 ... c3 158 ... ... xe5 gxe5

g4 10






11 12 13 c37 xh7+ h5+ xe5 81: 36% 6 e7 d58 xh7 g8 OO15 d217 a3 c1 97: 56% 16 a5 e818 d619 a4 d5 c3 e4 f6+ 70: 50% gxf626 e7 b6 xb3 h132 OO f4 c2 65: 54% 31 e8 c633 a6 d6 OO38 xf340 d5 84: 57% e2 39 xf3+ e742 a641 e5 xe551 b2 a4 d4 114: 64% a650 xd452 xe5 a7 b357 b259 e461 g3 64: 59% 58 60 a5 a6 f862 g663 a469 c2 b3 b2 91: 51% e770 f571 a5 a7 b375 b276 d577 e4 66: 56% a778 e779 a5 a6 b1 xe5 a1 78: 61% b386 f6 f5 dxe5 ad887 a493 b2 a3 c3 42: 60% e694 b6 d7 a5 b399 e4101 f4 b2 76: 66% a5100 c6102 a6 f8 e2104 b3106 b2 d5 44: 70% e8105 a5107 e6108 d6109 d2115 b2 f3 xe5 78: 62% d6114 dxe5116 a5 f5 b3118 b2120 e4121 d5123 50: 44% a5119 f8122 ae6124 a6 b3130 h1132 f4 b2 106: 60% 131 a5 xe3133 a6 c6 xf3 e4140 xe5142 102: 60% b2139 f8141 xe5143 xf3+ e5 b3146 b2147 d5149 e4 53: 67% a6148 ae6150 a5 a7 c3155 e4156 xf3 a4 62: 36% f8157 xf3+ e5 a6 b3160 b2163 e4162 c3 77: 61% 161 f8 a5 d6164 d7165 Generated from the 1500 highest-rated games.




d5 e7 7.a3 a5 8. c3 gxe5 9. b5 xf3+ 10.gxf3 d6 11.f4 b6 12. d3 d7 13. g1 g6 14. d2 OOO 1:0(54) Studnicka Tomas 2267 – Kuba Jindrich 2147, 2001; 9. e4 xf3+ 10.gxf3 d6 11. xc5 dxc5 12. g2 e6 13. e4 f5 14. c2 g5 0:1(23) Geshelin Yuri 2110 – Nikolaev Evgeny 2270, 2007; 9. e4 f5 10. c2 xf3+ 11.gxf3 d4 12. d1 c6 13. g2 d6 14.b3 OO 0:1(22) Ermeni Avni 2232 – Montavon Gerard 2063, 2002; 9. e2 xf3+ 10. xf3 e5 11. g3 OO 12. d5 d6 13.OO c6 14. d1 xc4 1:0(31) Jevtic Miroljub L 2132 – Vukovic Ljubomir 1927, 2007; 9. xe5 xe5 10. e2 d6 11.OO OO 12.b3 f5 13. d1 c6 14. a4 a7 0:1(65) Prasad Calvin (FIJ) 1888 – Bomo K 1988, Dresden (Germany) 2008; 8... cxe5 9.h3 c6 10. e4 xf3+ 11. xf3 e5 12. g3 OO 13. e2 f5 14.OO a4 0:1(33) Esplugas Esteve Vicenc – Aloma Vidal R 2352, 2006; 9. e4 a7 10. xa5 xf3+ 11.gxf3 e5 12. e2 d6 13. g1 f5 14. c3 c6 0:1(30) Kravitz Nick – Liew Chee Meng jimmy, 1999; 8.g3 gxe5 9. g2 xf3+ 10. xf3 e5 11. e2 OO 12.b3 e8 13.OO a6 14. c3 h6 0:1(45) Sousa Barreiro Bieito (ESP) 1587 – Renilla Merchan Andres (ESP) 1867, Padrun (Spain) 2008; 7... cxe5 8.b4 d6 9.c5 xf3+ 10. xf3 e5 11. a2 f6 12. c4 OO 13.OO d6 14.cxd6 xd6 0:1(41) Giles B 2030 – Song Ji 1944, 2006; 7. d2 gxe5 8. xe5 xe5 9. c3 d6 10. e2 c6 11. d2 OO 12.b4 b6 13. a3 d8 14. d1 e6 0:1(53) KniazevI 2285 – PonkratovP 2499, 2008; 0:1(53) Kniazev Igor (RUS) 2285 – Ponkratov Pavel (RUS) 2499, Kazan (Russia) 2008; 7...OO 8. c3 gxe5 9.a3 a5 10. e4 xf3+ 11.gxf3 d6 12. c3 e6 13. d1 f5 14. g1 fxe4 0:1(44) Jamshidi Mohammad Ismail 1795 – Wolfs M 1517, 2000; 7... b4 8. xb4 xb4+ 9. bd2 d6 10.exd6 cxd6 11. b5+ d7 12. xb4 OO 13. d3 c6 14.OO f6 0:1(35) Henriksen Rene 1443 – Hein Jacob 1274, 2006; 7. c3 gxe5 8. xe5 xe5 9.b3 OO 10. e2 d6 11.OO c6 12.a3 a5 13. b2 e6 14. h5 ae8 1:0(46) Lombart Philippe – Llaneza Vega Marcos, 2001; 7... b4 8. d2 gxe5 9. xe5 xe5 10.a3 c6 11. e4 a5 12.b4 c7 13. e2 d6 14.OO OO 12 : 12 (29) Staggat Rolf – Ruhle Ernst Albrecht, 1988; 7. e2 cxe5 8. c3 d6 9. d1 c6 10.h3 xf3+ 11. xf3 e5 12.b3 b4 13. b2 f6 14. c1 f5 0:1(33) Sechting M 2132 – Tjurin A 2341, 2005. 6.


gxe5 7. e2 OO 8.OO a5 9.

xe5 10. f3 e8 11. d2 a6 12. xe5 xe5 13. c3 g5 14. f3 d6 0:1(59) Castano Julian Marcelo 2075 – Diaz Jaime (COL) 2246, San Andres Islas (Colombia) 2008; 9. b3 xf3+ 10. xf3 e7 11. d2 f6 12. c2 a4 13. c5 a3 14. c3 axb2 0:1(52) Schulze Hubertus 2159 – Szekeres Tibor 2152, 2006; 8...d6 9.a3 a5 10.b3 f5 11. b2 f6 12. d4 h6 13. 2f3 d7 14. b5 xf3+ 1:0(64) Schlueter Bernd – Gasch Franziska, 2003; 7...b6 8.OO b7 9.a3 a5 10.b3 f5 11. b2 f6 12. b1 OOO 13. xe5 xe5 14. f3 d6 0:1(31) Delfino Luigi 2082 – De Bortoli Peter 2225, 1999; 7. xe5 xe5 8. f3 e7 9. d2 g4 10.h3 f6 11. d3 e4 12.OO xd2 13. xd2 OO 14. c2 h6 12 :21(18) Gierlinger Albert 1707 – Reinke Werner 1936, 1999; 8. e2 OO 9.a3 a5 10.b3 d6 11. f3 xf3+ 12. xf3 f6 13. b1 f5 14. b2 e6 0:1(50) Pouliquen Alain – Tripoteau Philippe, 2002; 6...OO 7.a3 a5 8. b3 a7 9. e2 e8 10. d2 gxe5 11.OO xf3+ 12. xf3 a4 13. c1 e5 14. e2 d6 1:0(32) Van Esch Sebastian – Van Schaardenburg Mark, 1995; 8.b3 xe3 9.fxe3 xe3 10. e2 c2+ 11. f2 xa1 12. b2 xb3 13. xb3 e7 14. e4 f5 1:0(18) Abusdal Ivar A – Haugsrud Hakon 2060, 2002; 7. b3 b4+ 8. d2 xd2+ 9. xd2 e7 10. bd4 gxe5 11. e2 d6 12.OO d7 13. ad1 ae8 14. xc6 xc6 1 1 : (25) Andres Gonzalez Ivan 2237 – Andres 2 2 Gonzalez Alberto 2412, 2001; 7.b3 gxe5 8. b2 d6 9.a3 a5 10. e2 f5 11.OO e7 12. d4 g6 13. 2f3 ae8 14. e1 h8 0:1(52) Kruljac P 2033 – Jiretorn E 2109, 2006; 6... cxe5 7. xe5 xe5 8.a3 d6 9. f3 f6 10. e2 d7 11.OO h5 12. d2 xf3+ 13. xf3 xb2 14. b1 xa3 12 : 21 (56) Szirmai Eduard 2140 – Khechumyan Gagik 2315, 2001. 6.h3 gxe5 7. xe5 xe5 8. e2 OO 9.OO d6 10.b3 g5 11.f4 g3 12.fxe5 xe5 13. d2 xa1 14. c3 b4 1:0(26) Derbentseva Irina 2069 – Vazirova Karina 2112, 1999; 8...d6 9. c3 e6 10.OO OO 11.b3 f5 12. d5 c6 13. f4 f7 14. b2 e7 0:1(24) Bernardez Rodriguez Jaume – Canellas Magide Lluis, 1998; 8. d2 d6 9. c3 h4 10. d4 OO 11. c3 e8 12. xc5 dxc5 13.g3 f6 14.f4 g6 0:1(34) Balogh Pe 2313 – Castiglione M 2222, 2000; 8. c3 d6 9. d2 OO 10. a4 b6 11. c2 d7 12. xb6 axb6 13. e2 c6 14.e4 h4 0:1(75) Zistl Maria – Spatz Heike, 1995; 7. e2 OO 8. c3 a5 9.b3 e8 10.OO xf3+



11. xf3 e5 12. e2 a6 13. b2 g6 14. h5 h6 0:1(22) Antal Jozsef (HUN) 2053 – Gabris Ondrej (SVK) 2133, Bratislava (Slovakia) 2008; 8.OO a5 9.a3 a6 10. c3 xf3+ 11. xf3 e5 12. e2 g6 13. h5 e6 14.b3 d6 0:1(27) Kleine Peter (GER) 1908 – Pichler Klaus (ITA) 1871, Berlin (Germany) 2008; 8.a3 a5 9.OO d6 10. c3 e6 11.b3 f6 12. b2 d8 13. d4 d7 14. xe6 fxe6 0:1(46) Causse Michel 1360 – Wavresky Andre 1590, 2007; 7...d6 8. c3 OO 9.OO e6 10.b3 f5 11. d4 d7 12. d5 a5 13. b2 e7 14. f4 c8 12 : 21 (23) Moeller Bruno – Kunte Herbert, 2000; 7.a3 a5 8. c3 OO 9. d5 xf3+ 10.gxf3 d6 11.f4 e8 12. g1 e6 13. h5 f5 14. d3 f6 1:0(33) Ponce Garcia Juan – Diconza Eduardo, 2000; 7. c3 OO 8. xe5 xe5 9. h5 e8 10. d2 g6 11. d1 f8 12. c2 d6 13.OOO e6 14. e4 f5 21 : 21 (62) Mueggenburg Rolf – Micheel Peter, 1998. 6. d3 gxe5 7. xe5 xe5 8.OO d6 9. c3 e6 10.b3 OO 11. a4 b6 12. b2 xd3 13. xd3 d7 14. c3 g5 12 : 12 (25) Quendro Llambi – Koumanis Stamatis, 1991; 9. e2 a5 10. c3 e6 11.b3 OO 12. b2 f6 13. d5 c6 14. f4 e7 0:1(56) Schampel Arno – Thielemann Joachim 2070, 2001; 8.a3 xd3+ 9. xd3 a5 10. c3 d6 11. e4+ e7 12. xe7+ xe7 13. d5+ d7 14. b1 c6 0:1(44) Boldt Alexander 1842 – Micheel Peter 1900, 1999; 7.OO a5 8. c3 a6 9. d5 OO 10. c2 xf3+ 11. xf3 e5 12. xh7+ xh7 13. h5+ h6 14. xe5 d6 0:1(17) Ozturk Kubra – Bayram Y 2269, 2002; 7.a3 a5 8.OO xd3 9. xd3 OO 10.b3 f6 11. a2 d6 12. b2 g6 13. xg6 fxg6 14. c3 g4 1:1 2 2 (38) Franz Gerhard – Steger Gerhard, 1997; 7. e2 OO 8. c3 e8 9.OO a5 10.b3 xf3+ 11. xf3 e5 12. e2 a6 13. e4 a7 14. b2 h6 0:1(32) Bergel J – Llorens M 2355, 2000; 6... cxe5 7. xe5 xe5 8.OO xd3 9. xd3 OO 10. c3 a5 11.b3 a6 12. d5 f5 13. b2 f7 14. e5 d6 1:0(33) Khodotov Gennady – Malienko Alexander, 1998.

12. h2 d6 13. c2 xd5 14.cxd5 b4 0:1(17) Vogelbacher Georg – Seifert Frank 2215, 2001; 6...dxe6 7. xd8+ xd8 8. c3 a6 9. d3 c6 10.a3 ce5 11. e2 xf3+ 12.gxf3 e5 13.b4 e7 14. b2 f6 0:1(71) Klement Dubravko 1927 – Zigovecki Vladimir 2040, 2007.


6.e6 fxe6 7. d3 f6 8. c3 ge5 9. xe5 xe5 10.OO xd3 11. xd3 OO 12. e4 f5 13. xc5 xc5 14.b4 f5 1:0(72) Marjanovic Danijel 2075 – Kovacevic Srecko 2096, 2007; 7...OO 8.OO b6 9. c3 b7 10.a3 ce5 11. xe5 xe5 12. xh7+ xh7 13. h5+ g8 14. xe5 f5 0:1(22) Buchholz Robert 1804 – Fransson Jens 2223, 1999; 7.h3 f6 8. c3 OO 9. e2 e5 10. d5 h8 11. d2 e4


6.g3 gxe5 7. xe5 xe5 8. g2 xc4 9.OO b6 10. c3 OO 11.b3 e7 12.a4 a5 13. c2 d5 14. b2 c6 0:1(33) Foglar Stanislav 2026 – Bernard Borek 2288, 1999. 6... gxe5 7. xe5 xe5 8. b2 d6 9. e2 g5 10.OO h3 11. f3 OOO 12. c3 h5 13. h1 g4 14. e2 h4 0:1(18) Anastasian Ashot – Yermolinsky Alex, 1987; 9. c3 OO 10.a3 a5 11. d5 c6 12. f4 h4 13.g3 e7 14. e2 f5 0:1(56) Doric Darko 2324 – Pecnik Leo 2184, 1999; 9. d2 a5 10. c3 OO 11.OOO d7 12. e2 e8 13. d5 c6 14. c3 xd5 1:0(33) Flear Glenn C – Roquet Estrada A, 1995; 8... e7 9. c3 b4 10.a3 xc3+ 11. xc3 d6 12. e2 d7 13.OO c6 14. xe5 dxe5 1 1 : (19) Kaplun Viktoria – Albano Jeremias 2 2 Bianca, 2005; 9...c6 10. c2 OO 11. e2 d6 12.OO g5 13. h1 h4 14. ad1 g4 0:1(23) Dacalor A 2162 – Te Llalemand R 2291, 2001; 7. b2 d6 8. xe5 b4+ 9. c3 xe5 10. c2 e7 11.OOO e6 12. d5 xd5 13. xd5 OOO 14.g3 f6 21 : 12 (55) Nawrot Anna 1917 – Tyda Beata, 2004; 8. e2 OO 9.OO a5 10. c3 xf3+ 11. xf3 e5 12. e4 a7 13. g3 h4 14. xe5 dxe5 0:1(48) Brankov Krasimir Dimitrov – Peev Peicho, 1992; 7... e7 8. e2 d6 9.OO OO 10. c3 e6 11. e4 xf3+ 12. xf3 b6 13. c2 h4 14. g3 e5 1:0(24) Berelovich Alexander – Weinmann Helene, 1990; 7... f6 8. xe5 xe5 9. e2 f3+ 10. xf3 xb2 11. d2 b4 12. e2 OO 13. c1 e5 14. c2 c6 0:1(30) Khan Jewel – Jackova Jana, 1992. 6... b4+ 7. d2 a5 8.a3 xd2+ 9. xd2 OO 10. e2 e8 11. c3 cxe5 12. xe5 xe5 13.OO a6 14.f4 d6 0:1(46) Jakab Attila – Csala Imre, 1996; 7... xd2+ 8. xd2 gxe5 9. xe5 xe5 10. e2 d6 11. c3 d7 12.OO OO 13.f4 g4 14. f3 b8 1:0(33) Kudlacek Jaroslav 2063 – Vevera Radek 1966, 1999; 21 : 21 Wallin D 2192 – Weighell M 2119, 2001; 7. bd2 c3 8. b1 gxe5 9. xe5 xe5 10. f3 c3+ 11. d2 xd2+ 12. xd2 e7 13.b4 d6 14. e2 e5 1:0(29) Varga Zoltan – Schlusnik Nandor, 1995; 9. e2 d5 10. c2 f6 11. b2 xb2 12. xb2 f5 13.cxd5 xb1 14. xb1 xf3+ 0:1(56) Schlecht Daniel –

Boswank Thomas, 1994. 6...d6 7. b2 gxe5 8. xe5 xe5 9. c3 OO 10. d3 h4 11.OO g4 12.h3 e5 13. e4 b6 14. xe5 dxe5 0:1(28) Gerber Peter – Meier Rene, 1993; 7... cxe5 8. c3 OO 9. e2 xf2 10. xf2 g4+ 11. e1 xe3 12. d3 f5 13. d2 xg2+ 14. d1 e3+ 0:1(51) Hartleib Markus – Kottwitz Daniel, 1997.







6... cxe5 7. xe5 xe5 8. b2 d6 9. c3 g4 10. d2 h4 11. d5 OOO 12. a5 d7 13. xe5 b6 14. xb6+ cxb6 1:0(34) Flear Glenn C – Legky Nikolay A, 1991; 8... e7 9. c3 OO 10. d5 d6 11. d2 a5 12. c3 f6 13.OOO e8 14. e2 a3 1:0(17) Flear Glenn C – Kostic Nebojsa, 1991. 7. d3 e8 8. c3 cxe5 9. c2 a5 10. b2 xe3 11.OO c5 12. e4 f8 13. fg5 f5 14. d5+ h8 0:1(20) Zajkowska Olga – Migala Andrzej, 1998. 7. e2 e8 8.OO gxe5 9. b2 a5 10. bd2 d6 11. d4 d7 12. 2f3 f6 13. b1 ad8 14. b5 b6 0:1(34) Cottrell K 1886 – Rust L 1982, 2004. 8. e2 cxe5 9. xe5 xe5 10.OO a5 11. c3 a6 12. d5 a7 13.c5 h6 14. e4 c6 0:1(22) Polovodin Igor A – Miezis Normunds, 1992; 11. d4 xd4 12.exd4 g6 13. c3 f4 14. f3 a6 1:0(28) Taborov Boris – Malevinsky Alexander A, 1985; 10. c3 a5 11.OO a6 12. a4 a7 13.c5 h6 14. d4 g6 12 : 12 (102) Szoen D 2450 – Gumula D 2293, 2005.


8. c3 gxe5 9. xe5 xe5 10. e2 a5 11.OO d6 12. e4 a7 13. g3 h4 14. d4 a4 1 1 : (58) Hejazipour Mitra (IRI) 2114 – 2 2 Pourkashiyan Atousa (IRI) 2282, Teheran (Iran) 2008; 21 : 12 (58) Hejazipour Mitra 2114 – Pourkashiyan Atousa 2282, 2008. 8...d6 9.exd6 xe3 10.fxe3 xe3 11. c1 xd6 12. d2 f5 13. c3 f6 14. d4 f4 0:1(26) Jaksland Tim – Wlodarczyk Robert, 1991; 9... xf2 10. xf2 xe3 11. f1 g4 12. e2 xf3 13. xf3 h4 14. d2 ae8 0:1(24) Alexandria Nana – Schnepp Gunnar, 1994. 8... e7 9.OO gxe5 10. xe5 xe5 11. c3 xd3 12. xd3 d8 13.e4 f8 14.f4 d6 1:0(38) Lputian Smbat G – Panchenko Alexander N, 1987. 8... cxe5 9. xe5 xe5 10.OO h4 11. xe5 xe5 12. d2 h6 13. f3 h5 14. e2 d6


1:0(35) Szmacinska Grazyna – Bos Swiecik Iwona, 1988. 12...d6 13. b2 e4 14. f3 e7 1:0(37) Flear Glenn C – Uhlemann Anne Catrin, 1994. 13. b2 xe3 14.fxe3 xe3+ 1:0(22) Khenkin Igor – Gurin V, 1988. 14.OO dxc4 1:0(52) Flear Glenn C – Tagnon Nicole, 1989. 6...OO 7. c3 e8 8. bd2 gxe5 9. e2 d6 10.OO e6 11. d4 d7 12.a3 a5 13. c2 g4 14. e4 xe2 21: 12 (16) Becker Robert 2164 – Boosch Matthias 1620, 2000; 9. xe5 xe5 10. e2 a5 11.OO a6 12. b3 a7 13. d5 e7 14. xa5 e6 0:1(23) Schlager Thomas – Zimmerer Martin, 1987; 8... cxe5 9. xe5 xe5 10. e2 a5 11.a3 a4 12. e4 b6 13.OO e7 14.c5 xc5 21 : 21 (25) Llanos Guillermo – Sorin Ariel, 1996; 10. f3 d6 11.b4 xf3+ 12. xf3 b6 13. d1 h4 14. g3 xg3 1 1 : (25) Birnbaum Detlev – Werner Gregor, 2 2 1989; 8...a5 9. d3 b4 10. c2 g6 11.e6 dxe6 12. e4 d7 13.h3 f6 14.OO e7 21 :21(53) Ftacnik Lubomir – Blatny Pavel, 1986; 8. e2 a5 9.OO cxe5 10. xe5 xe5 11. d2 a6 12. f3 xf3+ 13. xf3 ...

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