Bus 209 ch 2 - Working With Others PDF

Title Bus 209 ch 2 - Working With Others
Author Morgan Cheng
Course Written Communication in Business
Institution University of Hawaii at Manoa
Pages 4
File Size 47.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Working With Others 54/59 ● Match communication styles w the person you’re talking to. If they get to the point immediately, provide info promptly. If begins by chatting, chat too. If seems to need a lot of support, don’t pressure. Give time to decide then provide reassurance on his decision. ● Emotional intelligence-the ability to perceive and understand emotions and to use that knowledge to guide their own behavior and respond to others. ○ Synchronous communication-where all the communicators are present at the same time ○ Passive listening-hearing what sb says w/out actively paying attention to ensure understanding. ○ Active listening-learned skill that requires you to attentively focus on the speaker’s communication, interpret the meaning of the content, and respond w feedback to ensure understanding ○ Listener-hearing accurately-comprehending and interpreting-evaluatingresponding ○ Comprehension-how well you understand what you hear or read ○ Jargon-specialized language of a specific field ○ Interpretation-analyzing the meaning of what you hear, read, or see to determine its intention ○ Nonverbal communication-messages conveyed through means other than words, ex: tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures, and body language ■ Understanding what someone really means also requires being empathetic and paying attention to feelings. ● ‘Listen’ to nonverbal communication ● Ask ?s and paraphrase to ensure understanding ● Be aware of gender-specific communication styles ■ Emphasis and tone of voice, facial expressions, body language, posture, and gestures ■ Behavior: observe where they have probs ■ Women use hedges, hesitations, and tag questions often ● Hedge: idk if this’s a good idea, but we could get an editor for our presentation slides ● Hesitation: um, well, we could, uh, we could get an editor for our presentation slides ● Tag question: We can get an edit, can’t we? ○ Evaluating-process of critically reviewing your communication to ensure it’s complete, clear, concise, easy to understand, and error free ○ Responding has 2 roles: lets the speaker know that you understand the point; initiates the next step in the conversation ● How can you help others listen well when you speak? ○ Focus on audience; share conversation ○ Use clear, concrete, unambiguous language ○ Support your message w good nonverbal communication ○ Avoid language that triggers a neg response

○ ○

Frame neg comments positively Cognitive conflict-conflict that results from differences in understanding content or tasks. Working through a cognitive conflict often leads to better decisions and work products ■ Faulty assumptions-don’t have all the info they need, and jump to conclusions ■ Differences of opinion-may have different opinions for achieving goals ■ Competing goals-ppl work w different goals in mind ■ Affective conflict-conflict that results from differences in personalities and relationships. If affective conflicts remain unstated and unaddressed, they can lead to tension, stress, and dysfunctional work processes ● Relational issues-some ppl don’t get along well, and don’t work to overcome diffs. ● Ego issues-threaten sb’s sense of professional identity or selfimage. Ppl generally see themselves as honest, reasonable, intelligent, and committed to the well-being of the org Techniques to Use ■ Avoid confrontation ● Use when you believe you have no chance of resolving the conflict and it doesn’t interfere w productivity ● Avoid when you have any other alternative. Can worsen. ■ Accommodate or give in ● Use when you decide your position was wrong; the conflict’s trivial; you’re negotiating-sacrifice sth less important to gain sth you want more; maintaining a harmonious relationship’s more important than outcome of issue ● Avoid when accommodation means sacrificing your principles and beliefs. Such accommodation can lead to loss of self-esteem or groupthink. Groupthink’s a practice of achieving unanimity by eliminating all critical thinking that threatens consensus. A groupthink approach to eliminating conflict can lead a group to ignore differing opinions that may be valuable ■ Compromise ● Avoid when the outcome’ll fail to adequately resolve conflict or achieve ultimate goal ■ Collaborate ● Avoid when an immediate resolution’s needed, bc collaboration is a time-consuming process Ethnocentrism-an inappropriate belief that your culture’s superior to all others ■ Power distance-characteristic of cultures that describes how the culture perceives inequality and authority ■ Monochronic culture-culture that values punctuality and efficiency ■ Polychronic culture-culture that has a relaxed attitude toward time and punctuality

Assembling effective team ○ How big should my team be? ■ Create teams of 3-5 ppl ■ Appoint an odd # of ppl to eliminate the possibility of a 50/50 split ■ Break into subteams ○ What’re the skills needed to complete this team project effectively? ■ Identify the work that needs to be done and the skills necessary for doing it ○ Who has the time and resources to contribute effectively to the team project? ■ Ask colleagues w area expertise to join the team or recommend a substitute ○ Who may be most interested in this topic? ■ Consider prior exp and professional development ○ Who’s easy to work with? ■ Consider interpersonal skills as well as project-specific skills ○ Form, storm, norm, perform ○ Other option: teaming-the process of bringing ppl together for a short period of time to solve a specific prob or complete a specific proj ■ Ask for help and clarification early and often ■ Share info quickly and broadly ■ Discuss mistakes ■ Try out new strategies and ideas ■ Continuously seek out feedback to improve ideas and processes ○ How can a leader serve the team: ■ Establish and maintain a vision of the future ■ Create a supportive climate ■ Delegate responsibility and assign tasks equitably ■ Establish a timeline ■ Keep proj on track ■ Manage meetings effectively and encourage positive collaboration ■ Ensure effective decision making ■ Resolve diffs ○ Plan for effective meetings: ■ Create an agenda-detailed plan/outline of items to be discussed ■ Distribute the agenda sufficiently in advance ■ Assign sb to serve as a timekeeper during the meeting ■ Assign sb to serve as notetaker-produce meeting minutes (notes that describe what was discussed at meeting, what was decided, and what actions will follow ■ Plan for follow-up ○ Be a good team member ■ Make a commitment to the team and its goals ■ Create a collaborative working environment ■ Support and encourage your teammates

■ Support team decisions ■ Focus on continuous quality improvement Social collaboration/internal social media-use tech to enhance communication and teamwork ■ File sharing and real-time collaborative writing ■ Brainstorming and getting feedback on ideas ■ Sharing knowledge...

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