Chcdiv 001- working with diverse people PDF

Title Chcdiv 001- working with diverse people
Author Kilara Curphey
Course Communicate and work in health or community services.
Institution TAFE New South Wales
Pages 10
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Assessment for working with diverse people...



Tafe ID #3688 99 399

TAFE Western Sydney Institute OTEN Certificate IV in Youth work- CHC40413

Kilara Curphey CHCDIV001- Working with diverse people TAFE ID number: 3688 99399


Question 1If I were put in the Foreign healthcare facility I think I’d very unsettled, confused and isolated. I would wish to have my family/ friends/ translator to help me understand the diagnosis and treatment. I believe I would be very stressed which could cause me to be impatient, but I would remain calm as working myself up wouldn’t make anything easier.

Question 2The verb ‘to migrate’ means to MOVE from one COUNTRY to ANOTHER. In this section we looked at two broad categories of migrants: those who migrate VOLUNTARILY and those who are FORCED to leave their country of ORIGIN and seek REFUGE elsewhere.

Question 3- Case study- Juana a) Before Juana fled to Australia she had been Imprisoned and Tortured by the State Military. b) Juana’s sister simply disappeared, she did not return home from work one day. c) Juana speaks basic language. d) Juana does not have family support. She is the sole provider for the family. Page 1 of 9

Kilara Curphey CHCDIV001- Working with diverse people TAFE ID number: 3688 99399

Question 4 – Is an established or prescribed way of doing certain things that are important to us, is performed on a regular basis according to a pattern of behaviour, can involve the person on many levels; the senses and will still be enjoyed by people with cognitive or sensory impairments- Social religious rituals Give great comfort and are partially important because they are shared by a group of people and provide a sense of belonging. - A ritual

Formal and informal religious observances/ ceremonial observances. - Spirituality

Question 5The concept of culture Most simply, culture refers to the way of life and worldview of a particular group of people at a particular point in time. Some aspects of culture are readily visible to the observer, such as clothing and language. These aspects help to make up the way of life section of our definition. Other aspects of culture are not-visible from the outside, such as beliefs and values. These aspects help to make up the worldview section of our definition.

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Kilara Curphey CHCDIV001- Working with diverse people TAFE ID number: 3688 99399

Universal needs Question 6 The universal needs we all have, such as basic survival needs, must be met. The way they are met is determined to some extent by the culture in which we live.

Question 7 I would begin by talking about our beaches and reefs, our outback and how vibrant our cities are. I would also the diversity of religions, cultures and languages and how accepting we are to people from foreign countries and explain multi-culturalism in Australia.

Question 8 Cultural safety acknowledges and embraces the unique cultural and linguistic background of individuals. It means providing opportunities for people to express their culture, have their cultural needs met, and share their cultural heritage. Cultural safety means that a person from a CALD background is confident that their culture is accepted and respected and that service provision will embrace cultural considerations. Client’s feelings of cultural safety are part of what cultural competence is all about. When our clients feel culturally safe, their quality of life improves, and our work becomes more rewarding and enjoyable.

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Kilara Curphey CHCDIV001- Working with diverse people TAFE ID number: 3688 99399

Question 9 Verbal- a) Language, specific words. Tone- c) Pauses, speed, intonation, emphasis. Body language- b) Facial expressions, gaze, gestures, posture.

Communication activity- True or false? Question 10 Learning a new language as an adult is easy. False Question 11 Some languages are more similar to English than other languages. The more similar the first language, the easier it is to learn English. True Question 12 A person’s level of literacy in their first language may have a strong impact on their ability to learn to read and write in another language. True Question 13 For migrants who came to Australia in the 1950s and 1960s, there were lots of opportunities to attend English classes. False

Question 14 For many migrants, the workplace did not offer the opportunity to learn or practice English skills. True

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Kilara Curphey CHCDIV001- Working with diverse people TAFE ID number: 3688 99399

Question 15 The polite forms are; ‘Could you please pass me the tray? ‘Grace needs to check this. Can you please give it to her? Thanks’.

Question 16 I might try reflecting what Lily says back to her or each time she sounds rude or mean explain to her why you find it abrupt. She may be very adamant that she doesn’t mean to, it is not easy to change someone’s point of view.

Question 17 How long have you been working here? This is appropriate. Erica should ask the question in a more indirect way, “You seem to have been working here for quite some time.”

Question 18 Do you enjoy your job? This is appropriate. If Erica didn’t really know me well this question may seem a little bit direct. She should try rephrasing it so it’s more indirect- “You really enjoy your job, don’t you? If Erica knew me well she wouldn’t hesitate to ask this question.

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Kilara Curphey CHCDIV001- Working with diverse people TAFE ID number: 3688 99399

Question 19 What do you earn? It is inappropriate to ask anyone how much they earn, even if Erica knew me well. If she knew me very very well I might volunteer the information myself, if Erica didn’t know me she may say something like “So is this job paying better than your old job?” I might then say “Well its closer to home and It pays a lot better than my other job. “It shouldn’t be further discussed.

Question 20 Do you have any children? This question is about one’s personal life. If Erica did not know me well it is an inappropriate question unless it was in the context of what we were already talking about. If we knew each other very well, it is appropriate.

Question 21 Do you own your own home? Or are you renting? This is an inappropriate question. Even if she knew me well, it’s not really something I would ask my supervisor as it is regarding money and is also a personal matter.

Question 22 How old are you? This is an inappropriate question as it is personal. If Erica and I knew each other well she might try asking by complimenting how young I look, I would then be flattered and reveal my age. Page 6 of 9

Kilara Curphey CHCDIV001- Working with diverse people TAFE ID number: 3688 99399

Question 23 Reflect Name calling is a…. Cross-cultural conflict or challenging interaction

Question 24 Teasing is a…. Cross-cultural conflict or challenging interaction

Question 25 Degrading comments are a…. Cross-cultural conflict or challenging interaction

Question 26 Abuse or aggression is a…. Cross-cultural conflict or challenging interaction

Question 27 Accidentally causing offense is a.… Cross-cultural misunderstanding

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