Work with diverse people Chcdiv 001 Formative assessments PDF

Title Work with diverse people Chcdiv 001 Formative assessments
Course Work With Diverse People
Institution Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE
Pages 19
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Maia Owen-Sutton

Student ID 30018896

Work with diverse people CHCDIV001

Activity 1 1.) Why is it important for managers, supervisors and their staff to reflect on their own social and culture perspectives and biases?

Individual people are inherently different and unique. Its important for Staff in a workplace to be aware of different social and culture perspectives and biases to provide the ability to work inclusively with different lifestyles and opinions. Personal values, beliefs, social and cultural perspectives affect how one sees the world, these perspectives allow others to feel differently and make choices on their own biases. Individuals who have distinctive views might deem unacceptable in society. Staff and workers need to be aware and respect each individual culture perspective and opinion. Neglect to uphold social and culture respect can cause misunderstanding, prejudice remarks and offense in the workplace, creating a negative, unsafe environment. National and state laws cover anti-discrimination and equal employment opportunity legislation in Australia. As Australian workers its everyone’s responsibility to understand the rights under human rights and anti-discrimination law. Individual beliefs reflect who someone is and how they live their lives. People who are raised a culture can have a different understanding and values in society, workers will need to be aware of culture identity, opinion and accept others are entitled to their own values and beliefs. Australia is a culturally diverse country and within this country’s society group of people they must hold these views as other workers hold their own views. Self-reflection and awareness can avoid derogatory and stereotyping and identify prejudice actions and prevent workplace harassment. Being able to respect other opinions and culture differences will increase the ability to work productively in a diverse workforce.

(200-250 words) Source:

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2.) How can a person’s awareness of their own limitations help them improve their own self and social awareness? List four things they might do.

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Self-Reflecting Modifying behaviours and attitudes and recognising areas that need to develop and acted upon Active listening and communicating to people with different cultures Being aware of certain behaviours in various people

Activity 2. 1.) Explain what an inclusive workplace is and what characteristics an inclusive workplace culture would exhibit An inclusive workplace culture is a work environment that values and respects diversity and includes everyone in the workforce and clients. A good inclusive workplace demonstrates respect, equity, and makes people feel valued and important while creating a safe and healthy workplace environment. Workplace diversity and inclusiveness refers to not exclude any individual for their differences. An organisation’s discrimination might embody:         

Nationality Race Gender Age Sexual preference Class Ability in the workplace Disability Belief

Including many organisations surround their values with stereotypes and prejudice treating a person less then another for the reason of personal qualities is discrimination and not accepted in the workplace. All staff and workers must treat each other with dignity and respect under the legal action of AntiDiscrimination Legislation and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Legislation, this was placed to prevent discrimination and exclusion on regard of individual differences. An inclusive workplace will display an increase in productivity and a positive environment that workers will feel comfortable in. Furthermore, workers will be more satisfied and lead to higher succuss rates. Inclusiveness has many benefits including behaviour, mood improvements and overall health refinement. While a single worker can create and acknowledge inclusiveness, they will help to motivate other workers to respect the value of diversity and equity. A good inclusive workplace demonstrates a collected display of: -

Listening to every worker and client Accept different opinions and beliefs Page 2 of 19


Treating everyone as an equal individual Creating a sense of belonging Requiring a range of cultural and social education

Inconclusion staff that commit to recognise everybody is different and that Individuals will share various skills, values and opinions. Workers who practise the values, guides them to see things from a different perspective while strengthening the workplace for a positive environment. This enables the organisation to act responsibly and embrace new talents and innovation. (300-350 words)

2.) Each person in the workplace should contribute to the development of work and professional relationships that support workplace diversity. In approximately 350 words describe, in detail, a number of strategies that could be followed to encourage respect for diversity and inclusiveness. Several strategies that could be followed to encourage respect for diversity and inclusiveness are actively engaging with staff and committing time to mentor individuals to understand diversity acceptance. challenge staff to be aware of their actions and words creating continuous improvement. Welcoming ideas and volunteering to culture and social training. Taking the time to learn about different cultures and Australia’s marginalised groups as people living with disability, mental health, and religions. Practice with culture diversity by educating oneself. Australia is a diverse community made up in groups of various backgrounds, there are a multitude of races, religions and cultures. Australian organisations have developed strategies for dealing with diversity these include training that improve the way colleagues communicate to each other and clients. Explaining what equality means for staff and clients and how to put practice to method is the most fundamental development in improvement at any workplace. While speaking to other co-workers is not entirely different then towards clients everyone must ensure respect, and empower other team members, actively listen and appreciate feedback or advice, always consistently welcome and include everyone, take the time to talk to colleagues from different countries and backgrounds be open to travel and education and most important treat other people how others want to be treated. This will further create a positive change to Australian organizations and appreciative colleagues. Encouraging respect for diversity and inclusiveness is an independent responsibility, its one’s own job to participate in training and practise diversity in everyday life as well as workplace hours, this means to be aware, culturally aware and diverse. Actively engage in positive diversity change and there will be benefits for all workers and oneself. Display positive change and influence others to follow the same welcoming ideas and committing to accepting differences. Actively participating in diverse training and volunteer work, make a point to be educated and become culturally competent and this will create a more equal and knowledgeable environment. Organizations should strive for positive change and creativity. Finally, if miscommunication has arisen or doubt of offence, immediately apologise, admit the mistake be more observant and aware. Page 3 of 19 (350 words)

Activity 3. 1.) The workplace needs to be safe for all – managers, supervisors, workers, clients, client’s families and visitors. Make a list of at least six things that must be taken into consideration regarding a client’s environmental safety in residential care or in-home care. 1. environmental safety and cleaning care. 2. first aid kit, medical or medicinal care, first aid trained. 3. safety equipment of physical and mental health. 4. Social Interaction. 5. personal hygiene requirements and care. 6. financial support.

2.) The notion of safety does not only refer to physical safety, it also refers to cultural safety in 80-100 words, explain cultural safety. Cultural safety refers to the practise of spiritually, socially and emotionally safe. Cultural safety is designed for people for a safe environment with no assault or challenge to a person’s heritage or cultural identity. A safe environment demolishes prejudice and provides support to individuals. Cultural safety means as well as working effectively and efficiently together with respect for each cultural view. Australia polies embraces diversity and creates an environment ensuring the correct behaviour in placed in every workforce. Cultural safety is as well about shaking knowledge, experience and being open minded to all cultures. (80-100 words)

Activity 4. 1.) What verbal and non-verbal communication strategies can be used to show respect for diversity? List 10 strategies.

1. Active listening 2. Open and closed questions 3. Be aware of eye contact with some cultures Page 4 of 19

4. People have personal spaces be aware that some cultures may consider an invasion 5. Some cultures don’t shake hands, if the individual doesn’t introduce with a hand shake do not proceed 6. Facial expressions are a non-verbal communication skill, a smile when communicating indicates friendliness. 7. Social interaction 8. Use a moderate and friendly tone to provide people comfort 9. Appropriate forms of address towards gender and title. 10. Physical contact, some cultures are not comfortable with contact, but if need be, explain the necessary for contact.

2.) In the workplace it is necessary to develop and maintain trust-based relationships, and to ensure that clients have confidence in you and the service you provide. In 100 words, explain how you might go about doing this.

It takes time to provide trust in the workplace with colleagues and clients. Showing complete respect, diversity, culturally and socially involving everyone. Treat people with integrity, equity and respect, as well as inclusiveness within the workplace and involving all employees. Keeping an appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication level maintains trust within the community, deliberate body language used can help communicate to other people be aware of personal space and cultural spaces. Eye contact is an important aspect of communication to some cultures it means the listener is concentrating on the speaker, respect that some cultures find direct eye contact disrespectful (100 words)

Activity 5. 1.) list six barriers that can affect communication

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

English is the clients or workers second language and might struggle understanding Strong accents can be difficult to understand Physical disabilities Poor literacy language skills Cultural barriers Emotional distress/ barrier

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2.) If it is necessary to communicate with another person who not have good English speaking or comprehension skills, what strategies can you use to communicate in the most efficient way possible? List eight.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Drawing diagrams or pictures Hand gestures Personal interpreter Braille for the blind Staff that are bilingual and can speak the client’s language Printing documents in the client’s language Sign language interpretation Family member who speaks English

3.) Staff are likely to encounter language difficulties with clients or clients’ families for whom English is a second language. Sometimes a family member can help with interpretation; however, there will be other times when this is not appropriate. Under what circumstances should an accredited interpreter be used? List five

1. Client is emotionally distressed 2. Interpreters are bound by confidentiality requirements and can be used for understanding confidential information 3. Interpreters will ensure accurate information is exchanged as well as personal and/or legal information 4. A client or worker cannot understand the information being conveyed 5. Client is under 18 years old

Activity 6 1.) In a short sentence describe the possible effect of poor communication in the workplace Poor communication creates a negative work environment and effects wellbeing’s

2.) list eight behaviours that will aid people when working with diversity and that might help prevent misunderstanding

1. 2. 3. 4.

Don’t assume people hold the same values and beliefs Speak slowly and clearly Be patient Resolve conflict as soon as possible before the conflict gets worse Page 6 of 19

5. 6. 7. 8.

Prevent Ethnocentrism and stereotyping Avoid slang Be aware of body language Appropriately speak towards all staff and clients

3.) when communication misunderstanding or other difficulties occur, why should you consider the impact of social and cultural diversity Communicating when one is from a different social or cultural background compared to other staff, workers, or clients can be difficult to communicate and share the same values. Communication can be a sensitive approach to anyone of any culture and many workers in Australia suffer from discrimination and prejudice opinions, but that can be limited with understanding of other people and their culture values, and differences of communication, that includes body language, talking with hands, tone of voice and how we gesture to people. Humans are naturally social, but each culture presents communication in different ways with different meaning. Culture forms values and the way people think and views things. When one is from a different social or cultural background, miscommunication can arise from little knowledge of different communication, body language or tone. For example, Germans speak in such a way that mind deem rude and direct. Culture shapes the way people use tone, being direct is just how some cultures talk to one another, but as well each culture is very different. Differences in the way in cultures involved are brought up by family and the community all have an impact on the way communication is interpreted, verbal and physical. Often Miscommunication and misunderstandings occur because of differences, perspectives of certain situations and cultural levels have an impact on the way gestures are performed and how communication is interpreted. People sometimes have difficulty discovering conflict because of the perspective of the culture is ingrained so much that the individual isn’t aware of the offence, if the conflict is a communication error, it’s necessary to understand the situation and identify the values and beliefs of those involved. Holding on to biases or stereotypes opinions will worsen any dispute situation, will also make the wellbeing of others and the workplace difficult. (300 words)

Activity 7. 1.) what might a manager or supervisor do to resolve differences or conflicts? Conflict in the workplace can lead to a manager aiding staff in the conflict in an appropriate resolution. Managers, supervisors and human resources personnel will take procedure to outline the steps for a healthy and respectful conflict resolution. Managers and supervisors resolve issues and misunderstandings with a skilful process on which they can develop a positive outcome. Managers and/or supervisors resolve conflicts with staff by mediation. The manager works together with the individuals to communicate and find a solution to the problem. Mediation teaches how to improve Page 7 of 19

communication skills and how to further solve conflict in the future. The mediator coaches the party to talk individually about the conflict, it’s important to show responsiveness and empathy to further improve understanding. Managers and supervisors can provide training for all staff. Training can be delivered in many ways to best accustom for workers. Organisations provide the legal training at the workplace, in-house, online, in a meeting at work, and as a coaching or mentoring program. Training can help to develop strategies and productively contributes to building the differences making a positive change. These strategies teach staff and the conflicting party to be open-minded and flexible in the future for all diversity differences. (200 words)

Question 1. The concepts of cultural awareness, cultural safety and cultural competence is important in the context of a diverse workplace. Explain what these concepts are and how they impact on the different work roles across the community services sector. Each cultural component in the workplace is different and practical, they are needed and should be used in everyday life as well as work time. The concepts for a diverse workplace flow with cultural awareness, cultural safety and cultural competence. Everybody has equal human rights and freedom set by a declaration. This act removes discrimination of any kind such as race, culture, gender, religion, values or beliefs. The following factors provide awareness for workers to be sensitive and recognise prejudice remarks and stereotyping and learn to prevent these types of communication and thoughts. Cultural awareness is the knowledge and understanding of different cultures and having the sensitivity in communication and practise being aware of all backgrounds, values and beliefs. Cultural safety is being respectful, creating a socially, emotionally and a physically safe environment for all staff and clients in the workplace. How to create this safe surrounding is by having a respectful manner and behaviour, being mindful and aware in conversation with workers and clients as well as listening to everyone. Inappropriate conversations are unlawful and is considered a discrimination and harassment. Communication with each staff and client needs to share respect, meaning and acknowledging everyone’s culture and no denial of their identity or who that person may be. Keeping this idle environment needs full commitment from everyone. Cultural competence is the meaning to understand the difference in cultures, it is the appreciating and knowledge of these differences and accepting for who that person may be. It is the ability for workers to understand effectively and able to be aware of one’s world view. Each of these important work components are the basics to improve overall work life for each individual. For example, Muslim employees require pray time at work hours, workforces need to provide a quiet place for pray. This is under a human rights act of Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria and western Australia.

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Over all the cultural concepts impact different work roles by equity. Cultural is constantly changing and these aspects should help influence towards understanding culture and culture lifestyle. Training is always influenced towards all workers, the training includes developing effective culture understanding, and creates flexible strategies and programs. (350-380 words)

Question 2. Explain diversity and what respect for diversity in the workplace means.

Diversity means to recognise different cultural and respecting each individual person’s differences. Diversity doesn’t just mean racial or culture, it covers a range of obvious facts that humans naturally have, diversity is gender, age, sexual orientation, values, beliefs, skills, income, work title and social roles. Respect in the workplace is including all these varying identities and...

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