Business Communication Ufone PDF

Title Business Communication Ufone
Author Ali Khan
Course Business communication
Institution Bahria University
Pages 12
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Submitted to: Sir Tipu Ismail Submitted by:

Ali Ishtiaq Faheem Akbar Usama Jhangir Hamza Akhtar Zohaib Afzal

Section: BBA 4-C


Pak Telecom Mobile Limited (PTML) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) that started its operations in January 2001 under the brand name 'Ufone'. As a result of PTCL's privatization, Ufone became a part of the Emirates Telecommunication Corporation Group (Etisalat) in 2006. Ufone is the smallest GSM mobile service provider and least number mobile service in terms of subscriber base of 18 million. It has a market share of 13%, least among all four mobile operators. Ufone had bid on a 5MHz block of 2100 MHz spectrum in the NGMS auction held in early 2014, however due to rising demand and lack of bandwidth to keep up, in December 2016, Ufone decided to re-farm a portion of its 900 MHz 2G network to 3G (HSPA+), and is now offering 3G over two frequencies to deal with the increasing load on the network. Ufone has only re-farmed their 900 MHz spectrum in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi/Islamabad, Abbottabad, Sheikhupura and Sialkot. Ufone commits to being a customer centric organization, through an effective quality management system focusing on continuous improvement towards service excellence by actively engaging the stakeholders within a regulatory compliant environment which is in line with the strategic objectives and business strategy. Since its inception, Ufone has focused on the people of Pakistan, empowering them with the most relevant communication modes and services that enable them to do a lot more than just talk, at a price that suits them the most. Along with the claim of lowest call rates, clear sound and best network, Ufone offers its customers simplified tariffs with no hidden charges. With a strong and uniquely humorous communication direction that has now become Ufone's signature across all advertising media.

This customer focus and best offering has allowed Ufone to build a subscriber base of over 24 million in less than a decade. Ufone has network coverage in 10,000 locations and across all major highways of Pakistan. Ufone currently caters for International Roaming to more than 288 live operators in more than 160 countries. Ufone also offers Pakistan's fastest growing 3G network and BlackBerry Roaming coverage available with more than 200 Live Operators across 122 countries. Ufone has also become a focused and intensive leader in VAS, constantly introducing innovative services, which have been the first of their kind in the Pakistani cellular industry. As the world of telecommunications advances, Ufone promises its customers to stay ahead, developing and evolving, to go beyond their expectations.

Communication Process

The communication process is a dynamic process in which a sender transmit message through a channel / medium to the receiver and gives you the feedback in the form o f message and signals. Communication is the process of exchanging information, usually through a common system of symbols. It takes a wide variety of forms – from two people having a face to face conversation to hand signals to messages sent over the global telecommunication networks. Common forms of communication include speaking, writing, gesturing and broadcasting. Therefore, communication means to inform, tell, show, or spread information. When a person communicates, he/ she establish a common ground of understanding. In the organizational context, it brings about a unity of purpose, interest and effort.

Communication Process Diagram

Goal of Communication Process The goal of communication is to convey information and the understanding of that information from one person or group to another person or group. For communication to succeed, both parties must be able to exchange information and understand each other. If the flow of information is blocked for some reason or the parties cannot make themselves understood, then communication fails.

Sender The process of communication begins with a sender, the person who transmits a message. The sender is also called the ‘encoder’ because ‘to encode’ is to put a message into words or images. The sender or communicator is a person who initiates the conversation and has conceptualized idea that he intends to convey it to other. The senior management of ufone company are the sender of ufone. The senior management have conceptualized idea and they convey information and messages to their customers in the country.

Encoding the message The senior management put the message into proper form. in encoding step, they use certain words or nonverbal communication method such as symbol, sign, body gesture etc. The purpose of best encoding of ufone company is to get positive feedback because encoding has a great impact on the success of message.

Communication Channel The ufone company use appropriate channel for sending his messages for his advertising such as radio television, internet, poster and other communication channels. The communication channel must be according to the interest of the receiver. Ufone selected the channel carefully in order to make the message effectively and interpret by the receiver.

The other communication channels of ufone are

Social Media

Voice Calls

Text Messages


Bills Boards

Receiver The receiver is the person for whom the message is intended or targeted. He tries to comprehend it in the best possible manner such that the communication objective is attained. All ufone receivers are our public. They received the message in various forms whether in voice, Text messages or in video form.

Decoding message The ufone receiver interprets the sender’s message and tries to understand it in the best possible manner. The ufone receiver must first be able to receive the ufone sender's information and then decode or interpret it. The customer of ufone are involve. They interpret the company messages and tries to understand it in the best possible manners .an effective communication occur when the public (customers) understand the message exactly the company send.

Content or message The message or content is the information that the ufone sender wants to convey to the ufone receiver. Ufone have two types of messages. One who send message to company and one message is send through our company to others.

Feedback In feedback the customer response to the company the feedback may be complain help and other factors. it’s also may be positive or negative. It is the final step of the communication process that ensure the public has received the company message and interpret it may be verbal or non-verbal.


This is the setting and situation in which communication takes place. Like noise, context can have an impact on the successful exchange of information. It may have a physical, social, or cultural aspect to it.

Some Barriers in communication faced by Ufone

Some of the barriers faced by ufone are:

Cross Cultural Barriers Employees working in ufone are from different parts of Pakistan. They have different values, cultures, languages etc. so they face problems in adjusting in ufone. There cultures, languages are different from one another so they have to face problems communicating and interacting with others

Overcoming Cross Cultural barriers Cross Cultural barriers can be removed by understanding other’s needs, cultures etc. and accepting them or giving them time to adjust in the organization. This will be definitely effective to overcome this barrier and communication will become easy after this

Technological Barriers Aged employees who are working in ufone try to avoid changes in technology because they are used to the old procedures and software and they don’t want to learn new things. In addition to this ufone service is not available in small villages and if it is available the signals in that area are very much weak and ufone service is totally abolished in some areas of Pakistan on some special events, this is a very serious problem for some customers of ufone.

They are not able to communicate for many hours. Changes in technology are very necessary to stay in the market and compete with the competitors. If the technology will not be changed in ufone, ufone will have to face serious type of problems and losses.

Overcoming Technological Barriers In order to overcome technological barriers, it is very necessary for the ufone to make its employees like changes in technology. For this purpose, before start using new technology they should introduce it properly to the employees by giving classes. So the employees can understand that how to use it and how it will be easy as compare to the older one. When the employees will know about new technology they will be able to easily communicate between one another. In addition to this ufone should provide its service in every part of Pakistan for entertaining its customers and it should find some way to provide its service to the customers on special events when service is totally blocked.

Individual Barriers Ufone also face individual barriers. Some of the employees have some personal problems because of which they cannot communicate easily. These problems include inattention, family problems, trying to avoid some unpleasant situation etc. These types of problems create individual barriers and they should be eliminated for the wellbeing of ufone.

Overcoming Individual Barriers As individual barriers are of the individual person so in order to remove them, the individual himself have to take steps. He should know that how he had to manage his professional and social life. He should pay attention to the deadlines by his manager and continuously trying to make himself better. In this case, ufone can just offer bonuses, allowances or sometimes punishments to motivate the employee.

Ufone Communication Channels Ufone is following clan culture which competitors are lacking in that term. Oriented organization looks like a very personal place, employee relations are shaped around mentoring and nurturing, workplace looks like an extended form of family, a general encouragement of participation is the building block of day to day routines of organization, and work is designed around flexibility and self sufficiency. Ufone commits to being a customer centric organization, through an effective quality management system focusing on continuous improvement towards service excellence by actively engaging the stakeholders within a regulatory compliant environment which is in line with the strategic objectives and business strategy. Having said that we will strive for the:

Customer Communication and Advertising: Ufone shall ensure that customers are always aware of our products and offers while these offers are communicated transparently with a clear call to action. Furthermore, the requisite information, especially updates about the packages, tariffs and applicable terms and conditions are available at PTML website and any change thereto will be updated timely. Communication can flow vertically or laterally. The vertical dimensions can be further divided into downward and upward communication. 1. Internal Communication in Ufone: 2. Internal Communication of Ufone is given below, Downward and upward communication is called vertical communication within organization.

Internal Communication of Ufone  Ufone will now use Facebook for all its internal communication and cooperation with employees. The aim of Ufone is to enhance productivity by improving internal communication and making sure that everything is organized and properly managed.  Ufone Focuses On Development of contents/ templates for different internal communications.  Internal Communications are Direct In Ufone.  According to Employees, there is a friendly workplace culture and the Environment is very Experience Gaining.  Ufone is cutting down all kinds of barriers be it hierarchical or physical. Collaboration between Ufone employees will just be a message away.

Upward Communications Upward communication is the flow of information from subordinates to superiors, or from employees to management. In Ufone communication is an important source that is considered for success. Upward Communication in Ufone is a mean for staff to: 

Exchange information to management, Ufone having organic structure employees does not feel hesitation to exchange information.

Offer ideas in which they already have edge like their advertising strategies and package offering are very effective.

Express enthusiasm as the matter of fact they have been given empowerment so they come up with interesting ideas.

Achieve job satisfaction that is related with the satisfaction employees achieve from the job.

Provide feedback on the internal system.

Upward communications are held directly as environment Is very friendly and interactive. Lower Managers have to Make presentations on the change to the Senior manager.

Downward Communications Downward Communication Information flowing from the top of the organizational management hierarchy and telling people in the organization what is important (mission) and what is valued (policies). Employees working in Ufone are instructed clearly on the most important issues and policies. This has encouraged two way discussions to discuss employee’s problem and customer relationship issues. Normally Ufone announces important decisions and it falls in this category of communication where employee needs to get all clear information on what to do in the organization.

Horizontal Communications Communication among employees at the same level is crucial for the accomplishment of work. Ufone has always encouraged team effort and innovation. Ufone has one more thing to get to its credit is building goodwill by boosting efficiency and improving teamwork. Employees always cooperate and perform well.

External External Communication in Ufone Communication with people outside the company is called “external communication”. Supervisors communicate with sources outside the organization, such as vendors and customers. It leads to better  Sales volume  Public credibility  Operational efficiency  Company profits Ufone believes in Integrated Marketing Communication which is a carefully blended mix of promotion tools. Ufone employ different marketing activities and channels to communicate and deliver value to customer. These are the main external messages of Ufone to Their Customers

Ufone Informs its customers about new or available services

Ufone seeks to persuade people to purchase their service or switch to their service from other service

Keep Smiling Pakistan

External Communication Channels 


Sales promotion

Public relations

Direct marketing

Personal selling...

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