Chapter 12 COMM - Business Communication PDF

Title Chapter 12 COMM - Business Communication
Author Minh Anh Nguyễn
Course Business Communication
Institution University of Cincinnati
Pages 5
File Size 94.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Chapter 12...


Chapter 12: Business Presentations 1. Creating Effective Business Presentations a. Speaking Skills & your career b. Understanding Presentation Types - Briefing:  Overview/summary of an issue, proposal, problem  Delivery of information, discussion of questions, collection of feedback - Report:  Oral equivalent of business reports & proposals  Informational or persuasive oral account, simple or elaborate - Podcast:  Online, prerecorded audio clip delivered over the Web  Opportunity to launch products, introduce, train employees & sell products/services - Virtual Presentation:  Collaboration facilitated by technology (telephone or Web)  Real-time meeting online with remote colleagues - Webinar:  Web-based presentation, lecture, workshop, seminar  Digital transmission with or without video to train employees, interact with customers, and promote products c. Knowing Your Purpose: The most imporatant part of your preparation is deciding what you want to accomplish d. Knowing your Audience: 4 types of audience - Friendly: Like you and your topic - Neutral: Calm, rational; their minds made up, but they think they’re objective - Uninterested: Short attention spans; they may be there against their will - Hostille: Defensive, emotional; want to take charge or ridicule the speaker 2. Organizing Content to Connect with Audiences Good organization and intentional repetition are 2 most powerful keys to ensuring audience comprehension & retention. Effective plan: Step 1: Tell them what you are going to tell them Step 2: Tell them Step 3: Tell them what you have told them a. Capturing Attention in the Introduction - 3 goals in the introduction:  Capture listeners’ attention and get involved  Identify yourself and establish your credibility – the quality of being believable/trustworthy; established by presenters when they describe their position, knowledge, experience, qualifications - 12 proven techniques: Promise, Drama, Eye contact, Movement, Questions, Demonstrations, Samples/props, Visuals, Attire, Current event/statistics, A quote, Self-interest

b. Organizing the Body of the Presentation - The most effective oral presentations focus on a few principal ideas => Short presentation ( more text

- Live presentation => rely more on images b. Adjusting Slide Design to Your Audience - The meaning of Color  Color: o Blue: credibility, tranquility, conservatism, trust => business presentations and social media sites o Green: interaction, growth, money, stability o Purple: Spirituality, royalty, dreams, humor  Slide colors based on where you give the presentation o Light text – dark background in darkened rooms và ng ược l ại o Avoid using light font on light background và ng ược lại  Colors that look vibrant on your monitor may look washed out when projected onto a screen - The Power of Images  6-x-6 rule: “Six bullets per screen, max; six words per bullet, max.”  Strive to break free from bulleted lists whenever possible and minimize the use of text - The Impact of Special Effects  Add animation features only if it helps convey your message / add interest to the content  Special effects distract audience, drawing attention away from your main points c. Building Your Business Presentation - Organizing your presentation  Translate major headings in outline into titles for slides  Build bullet points using short phrases  Improve readability by using graphic highlighting techniques - Composing your presentation  Set a limit for how much time you spend for making your slides visually appealing. Time limit depends on how many “bells and whistles” o Your audience expects o Your content requires to make it understandable  Create a slide or canvas only if it accomplishes at least one of the following purposes: o Generates interest in what you are saying and helps the audience follow your ideas o Highlights points you want your audience to remember o Introduces or reviews your key points o Provides a transition from one major point to the next o Illustrates and simplifies complex ideas - Working with templates All presentation programs require you to:  Select or create a template that will serve as the background for your presentation

 Make each slide by selecting a layout that best conveys your message. Revise & Proofreading your presentation: focus on making your presentation as clear and concise as possible. - Evaluate your presentation: You can avoid being upstaged by not relying totally on your slides or canvas. Remember that you are still the main attraction! d. 7 Steps to Making a Powerful Multimedia Presentation 1. Start with the text 2. Select background and fonts 3. Choose images that help communicate your message 4. Create graphics 5. Add special effects 6. Create hyperlinks 7. Make your presentation online -

5. Polishing Your Delivery & Following Up a. Choosing a Delivering Method - Avoid Memorizing your presentation - Don’t read from your notes - Deliver your presentation extemporaneously (extemporaneously: speaking freely without reading from notes or a manuscript) - Know when notes are appropriate b. Before Your Presentation - Prepare Thoroughly - Rehearse Repeatedly - Time Yourself - Dress Professionally - Check the Room and the Equipment - Greet Members of the Audience - Practice Stress Reduction c. During Your Presentation - Start with a Pause and Present Your First Sentence From Your Memory - Maintain Eye Contact - Control Your Voice and Vocabulary - Show Enthusiasm - Skip the Apologies - Slow Down and Know When to Pause - Move Naturally - Control Visual Aids With Clickers, Pointers, and Blank Screens - Avoid Digressions - Summarize Your Main Points and Drive Home Your Message d. After Your Presentation - Distribute Handouts - Encoutage Questions but Keep Control


Repeat Questions Reinforce Your Main Points Avoid Yes, but Answers End With a Summary and Appreciation...

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