Business Model Canvas PDF

Title Business Model Canvas
Course Innovation and Enterprise
Institution London South Bank University
Pages 3
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This are questions for the exam /template...


Assignment Brief Module Title:

Managing Business and Innovation

Module Code:


Assignment No/Title:

Business Report and Business Model Canvas

Assessment Weighting:


Submission Date:

8 December 2020

Feedback Target Date:

15 working days after submission date

Heba Younis

Word count

1500 (+/-10%)

Tutor Submission Instructions:

This assignment is to be submitted electronically 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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This assignment must be submitted electronically by Tuesday, 8 December 2020 (12:00 noon) To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area within the respective module on Moodle. You are reminded of the University’s regulations on cheating and plagiarism. In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations. You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep an electronic copy of your assignment for future reference. Your citation needs to follow the Harvard style referencing.

The Assignment Tasks Component 1: Individual Business Report and a Business Model Canvas (75% of the overall grade) 1. You are to produce a Business Model Canvas about one of the following companies: Apple, Samsung, Tesla, Uber, Netflix, Dyson, Havaianas, BMW or Mercedes Benz. The Business Model Canvas has nine areas for consideration. Please use the Business Model Canvas template, provided on the Moodle site. (1-mark x 9 sections = 9 marks) 2. You are required to describe and discuss in the Business Report the sections of the Business Model Canvas undertaking thorough research into all aspects of the business. Please enhance your reports by reading academic books and journals. The Business Report should be divided into the following nine sections of the Business Model Canvas: (5 marks x 9 sections = 45 marks) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Customer Segments (5 marks) Customer relationship (5 marks) Distribution channels (5 marks) Unique value proposition (5 marks) Key activities (5 marks) Key resources (5 marks) Key partners (5 marks) Cost structure (5 marks) Revenue stream (5 marks)

At the end of the Business Report, please explain briefly the following three points about the company you chose: 10. The legal structure. Please discuss the advantages and risks of the company’s structure (6 marks) 11. The company’s Intellectual Property (IP) and the risks associated if IP is not protected. Please identify three IPs (6 marks) 12. The accounting book/record keeping legal requirements for the company. Please identify three record/book keeping requirements (6 marks) Note: -

Report’s layout and structure will be assessed (3 marks)


This is an individual Business Report hence must be submitted in report style.


Please make sure your work is structured well and use correct LSBU Harvard referencing.


Text in appendices is NOT counted towards your report word count.

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Assessment Criteria: Each task is being marked according to the following rubric:

Feedforward comments Criteria 100-80%







1. Research Systematic identification and use of academic and relevant resources

Extensive independent relevant research evidenced by quality and quantity used. Ability to draw on own research and that of others.

Extensive independent relevant research evidenced by quality and quantity used. Some autonomous research.

Wide range of relevant sources identified and used. Very little guidance needed.

A range of sources identified and used. Limited guidance needed.

Limited research identified and used. Some guidance needed to complete research tasks.

Some evidence of research but insufficient amount. Needs support to develop research skills.

Little or no research presented. Needs significant support to develop research skills.

2. Subject Knowledge Understanding and application of subject knowledge. Contribution to subject debate.

Shows sustained breadth, accuracy and detail in understanding key aspects of subject. Contributes to subject debate. Awareness of ambiguities and limitations of knowledge. Consistently applies comprehensive practical and/or technical skills which reflect the correct application of theory to context.

Shows breadth, accuracy and detail in understanding key aspects of subject. Contributes to subject debate. Some awareness of ambiguities and limitations of knowledge.

Accurate and extensive understanding of key aspects of subject. Evidence of coherent knowledge.

Accurate understanding of key aspects of subject. Evidence of coherent knowledge.

Understanding of key aspects of subject. Some evidence of coherent knowledge.

Some evidence of superficial understanding of subject. Inaccuracies.

Little or no evidence of understanding of subject. Inaccuracies.

Applies comprehensive practical and/or technical skills which reflect the correct application of theory to context.

Applies practical and/or technical skills very well and with careful application of theory to context.

Applies practical and/or technical skills correctly and with some application of theory to context with only minimal errors.

Applies a sufficient level of practical and/or technical skills but with some errors. Limited application of theory to context.

Limited application of some aspects of the practical and/or technical skills. No application of theory to context.

Communication is entirely clear, persuasive and compelling with very skilful use of the presentation format. Presentation addresses fully the needs of the audience.

Communication is clear, persuasive and compelling with very skilful use of the presentation format. Presentation addresses fully the needs of the audience.

Communication is clear, mostly persuasive and compelling with skilful use of the presentation format. Presentation addresses the needs of the audience.

Communication is clear, with skilful use of the presentation format. Presentation takes into account the needs of the audience.

Communication is mostly clear and presentation format is adequate. Presentation may sometimes not take into account the needs of the audience.

Applies some aspects of the practical and/or technical skills but these are incomplete or contain important errors. Very limited application of theory to context. Communication is unclear because presentation format is not used adequately and/or the needs of the audience are not taken into account.

3. Practical Competence Skills to apply theory to practice

4. Communication and Presentation Clear intention in communication. Audience needs are predicted and met. Presentation format is used skilfully. Work is well structured.

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Communication is very unclear because presentation format is not used adequately, and the needs of the audience are not taken into account....

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