Business Process Example - Grab Bike and Grab Food PDF

Title Business Process Example - Grab Bike and Grab Food
Author E. Swa Buana Putra
Pages 6
File Size 59 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 159
Total Views 703


As-is business process Customer Food Merchant cashier Remark Go to Food Customer need go to the Merchant food merchant itself Make a Receive a order order Making the order Order done Packaging order Calling customer Preparing to take to pay their order Pay a Receive a order payment Receive Handover ...


As-is business process Customer

Food Merchant cashier

Go to Food Merchant

Make a order

Customer need go to the food merchant itself

Receive a order

Making the order

Order done

Packaging order

Preparing to pay

Calling customer to take their order

Pay a order

Receive a payment

Receive the order

Handover the order



As-is business process Customer

Taxi bike

Go to nearest Taxi Bike Base


Customer need go to the food merchant itself

Ask about Price if go to the destinatio n

Offer the price

Take the offer


Take a ride to destinatio n


Negotiate the price offer

Arriving in destination

Pay the Driver

Receive payment


If the negotiation can’t continue break the loop and end the transaction

Login User


Open Apps

Login using ?

Facebook or Google account

Select login method

Contact API

Phone number Login Succesfully

Input phone number

Get 6-Digit code

Send code

Input received code

Request code again

Receive error notification

Verify inputted code


Valid ?


Check if the Phone number already registered

Redirected to dashboard

Login using linked account


Registered ?



Register Customer


Fill the registration form

Send greeting and verification email

Verify email

Account Successfully registered


Ordering GrabFood User



Food merchant cashier


Open Apps

Select Food button from dashboard

Set delivery address

Receive the order

Select food merchant

Deliver the order to user

Update order status

Confirm order has been received

Select food

Receive a receipt

Send receipt to user

Check payment method ?


Driver update the order status

Add to basket

Driver place an order

Every time progress being made the driver will update the status manually and if the driver position near the user they will automatically send a notification to user about their driver already near

Take receipt

Pay the order

Take the order

Driver go to selected Food merchant

Processing the order

Driver contacting the user for order confirmation

Packing order

Driver pick up the order

Calling the driver

If the user using OVO after driver confirm the order done the system will automatically deduct the user OVO balance


Update order status to done

Ensure the order and make a notes to driver if necessary

Deduct the OVO Balance

Pay the driver

Select payment method

Cash or OVO ?

Receive a payment



Update order status to done

Balance Deduct on hold



Take the order ?


User click “place order” button

Broadcast the order to food merchant nearest available driver

Driver got notification

Print Receipt

Receive payment

In this phase not the customer go to Food merchant but the driver will go

Ordering GrabBike User




Open Apps

Select Bike button from dashboard

Select Pickup address and Dropoff address

Calculate the distance and show the price Open Driver Apps Associate the code with specific driver

Fill the promo code or make a notes to driver and also select the trip profile if necessary Found pair code

Select payment method

Cash or OVO ?

Generate pair code

The pairing code generated by driver request and user only need to entering the generated code and it will search the driver who have been associated with that generated code

Click GrabNow button

If the user using OVO as the payment method, After driver confirm the order done the system will automatically deduct the user OVO balance


Balance deduct on hold Cash GrabNow

Broadcast the order to nearest driver


Book or GrabNow ?

Searching pair code

Confirm driver identity

Connect to driver

Start tracking current position

Update status


Driver got notification

Take the order ?

Driver pickup the order


Arrive in destination


Submit Rating

Receive Rating form

Prepare to Pay

OVO or Cash ?


Deduct balance

Receive Payment


Every time progress being made the driver will update the status manually after that the system will take update the location automatically according to current location from the driver GPS signal...

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