Exotic Food Research Example PDF

Title Exotic Food Research Example
Author Neighbor's Viral Rev
Course Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 28
File Size 831 KB
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An example of research material regarding exotic food that you can surely use....




A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of ONDOY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Ondoy, Ibajay, Aklan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements Rho-Anne Jade M. Colangoy Lara Allysa E. Colangoy Bea Carmen c. Sabuya Michelle T. Espadilla Aravilla G. Dancalan Esmeraldo B. Saron

March 2, 2020

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study became possible with the help,support,and efforts of other people which results into a successful research paper. Above all, the researchers hope to give glory and honor to our Almighty Father in heaven.To the respondents of the study Mrs.Fernandez and family who patiently deal with the researchers in their interview as well as spending their precious time and efforts. To the researcher’s ever supportive guardians and parents Mr. and Mrs. Rogelio T. Colangoy Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Neil Angelo Colangoy ,Mr. and Mrs. Regie Sabuya,Mr. and Mrs. Esmeraldo Saron Sr.,Mr. and Mrs. Marcos C. Espadilla, and Mr. and Mrs. Restituta Dancalan, who patiently gave their guidance, full moral and financial support,in order to make this study possible and worthwhile. To our research advisers, Mrs. Salvacion Solidum and Mrs. Mary Pauleen Ann T. Rubias, who are always patient, has the sense of responsibility to evaluate the study for its improvement and willing to help their students in making an effective research study. And lastly to our fellow groupmates, classmates, friends in the study for giving their time and effort in order to overcome all of the hardships in making this research possible. Once again, thank you for all the assistance and support. God bless us all. 1



ABSTRACT The study entitled Balut and Penoy Production of Adiango, Ibajay, Aklan was conducted School Year 2019-2020. The objectives of the study were to acquire knowledge and ideas regarding the exotic well known food in the Philippines.The study shows the improvements between the traditional and new methods, describes the processes, innumerate the materials and shows the health benefits of balut and penoy product. The study adapted a descriptive and observational research method. A method were a researcher attempts to collect informations and used purposive sampling technique. The researchers conduct an interview to the chosen respondents through survey or structured interview as well as prepared questions. The findings of the research shows that the Filipino pride food is still in our hearts even decades had past. The new develop machinaries also helped the makers to make the product easier and more convenient. The study recommends that the elders must past this valuable learnings to the younger people for them to continue making the product until the next generations. It has also been stated that Penoy and Balut is a good product to start a business. Though there are lots of conflicts that may encounter the secret for a successful one are lots of courage and hardwork. This business helped the Fernandez family to sustain their everyday needs as well as the financial needs of their children back then at school. That’s why this research encourages every Filipino to love our kababayans product for the goodness of each and everyone.



Contents PAGE TITLE PAGE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................1 ABSTRACT........................................................3 Table of Contents...............................................4 CHAPTER


INTRODUCTION....................................................6 Background of the Study.........................................6 Statement of the Problem........................................6 Significance of the Study.......................................7 Definition of Terms.............................................8 CHAPTER II.....................................................10 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...................................10 CHAPTER III....................................................16 METHODOLOGY....................................................16 Respondents of the study.... ..................................16

Sampling Technique.......................................... 16 Research Instrument......................................... 16 Data Gathering Procedures......................................17 Research Design................................................17 CHAPTER IV.....................................................18 ANALYSIS, PRESENTATION, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA.............18 CHAPTER V......................................................23 4

Summary........................................................23 Conclusion.....................................................24 Recommendation.................................................24 REFERENCES.....................................................26 APPENDIX.......................................................27

Chapter 1 5

Background of the Study Balut is one of the most prominent exotic food in the Philippines. It is a 16-to-21-day-old fertilized duck egg that contains not only a yolk but also a semi-developed duck embryo. Which is often hailed as one of the Philippines’ most iconic delicacies. Most balut producers incubate baluts in improvised artificial incubators which are cheaper than the commercial one. Balut and Penoy may have been part of the Filipino culture but as of the 21st century many things become different in terms of production , this includes the practices,preparation and materials used . With that this research is conducted with the aim of searching and sharing the informations that are gathered for an improved version of the Filipino exotic food balut and penoy. Statement of the Problem: This study seeks to search for new and enhanced ideas and strategies of fertilized duck egg production from small to big scale industry. Specifically, it intent to answer the following: 1. What are the processes,preparations and material used in balut and penoy production? 2. What are the effective strategies in marketing the product? 3. What are the possible conflicts and problems that may encounter that arise during the balut and penoy production? 6

Significance of the study: The study was conducted to achieve learning , improvement as well as sharing informations and strategies regarding Fertilized Duck Egg Production. The other reasons as why this study was conducted are for the following: Small scale/Tradition Balutan Vendors: This study will help the small scale balut vendors especially those who still use traditional methods to improve their style of practices to give them more benefits and be part of the 21st century Industry . Big Scale Balutan Industry : While the 21st Century is on its peek , this study will give them updated informations that will tend to help them more. Consumers: This research may also benefit the consumers as this helps the balut makers to produce more and improved balut and penoy products. People of Community: Through this study, the development of methods that maybe gathered might help the people of community who are interested in running a balutan business. Future Researchers: The results of this study will serve as another efficient basis for the future researchers to have lots of ideas. Scope and Limitation of the Study


This study was conducted in Barangay Andiango located in Ibajay Aklan, from the period of November 2019 to January 2020. The respondents of this study are about 4 persons including the owner of the Balut and Penoy business and the workers. Definition of terms To have a better understanding of the study, the following terms are well defined: Balut: a fertilized duck egg eaten in the in the shell while still warm, served as a delicacy. (Oxford Dictionary). As used

in the stud this is the 16-to-21-day-old fertilized duck egg that contains not only a yolk but also a semi-developed duck embryo. Conflict: to come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition; clash (Dictionary.com). As used in the study this refers to the problems and struggle that may encounter. Fertilized egg:an animal organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation that in higher forms merge into fetal stages but in lower forms terminate in commencement of larval life (thefreedictionary.com). As used in the study fertilized egg is the duck egg from its 16th-to-21th-day . Marketing: the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising (Oxford Dictionary). As used in the study this means the effective

process of interesting potential

customers and clients in product selling. 8

Materials: the matter from which a thing is or can be made (Oxford Dictionary). As used in the study it means the equipments and machines that is use to make the product. Penoy: is the version of balut with out fertilized duck fetus (Tagaloglang.com).

Procedure: A series of action that are done in a certain way or order (Meriam Webster). As used in the study this means the steps in making the product. Process: means something going on (Meriam Webster). As used in the study it refers to the series of actions that should be done.



Review of Related Literature Processes, Preparations, and Materials Used in Fertilized Duck Eggs Production

Based on the website, bussinessdiary.com.ph (2018 ) the methods in making balut and penoy for Small Scale Industry are the following: First , prepare a big wooden box; line this with heated rice hull at the bottom, about 38°C and 6-8 inches thick , second ,arrange the eggs in bags of about 20 or 50 pieces each, put them on the heated hull and cover again with the same thickness of heated hull , third cover the box very well so as to prevent quick loss of heat, fourth , every morning, inspect the eggs to see if the rice hull needs reheating, fifth ,on the third day, examine the eggs against a bright light to see if the germ plasm has developed. This is the part of the egg that becomes the chick, if the egg is fertile. If no germ plasm develops, remove these eggs. These are sold as “penoy.” Put back into heated hull those eggs with germ plasm , sixth on the 13th day, examine again the eggs against the light. Remove the eggs without germ plasm. At this stage, those with developing germ plasm are the “balutsaputi.” And lastly on the 17th day, the chicks will be growing little feathers. These may now be cooked. While according to the website,EntrepinoysAtbp (2016)for Commercial Scale, the processes are almost the same except that an incubator is used instead of heated rice hull.For Commercial Scale at today’s century , fertilizing eggs needs Incubator. According to Dr Aziz,(2016 ) , Incubators are the exact copy of hen. In 1870 first incubator is observed in America. Three main types of incubators are: 1. Still air/small incubator 10

2.Mammoth/cabinet incubator 3.Walk-in. Still air/small incubator, it is simple type of box in which no fan is provide, mostly used in villages in domestic level. This incubator maintain temperature by thermostat, for air we make some small holes. To maintain humidity they use water trays in the incubator. Turning of eggs is done by hands (Manually). Mammoth means large in size also called as force draft in which air is force by the help of fan. They draft the air which is uniformly distributed. In mammoth incubator they provide fan to circulate the air; in this air is distributed equally; it is also called as cabinet incubator. Temperature remains constant on every egg. It holds up to 1 lac eggs, for the control of temperature they provide heater and thermostat. For maintenance of humidity water pipes are used. They provide fogging modifier which spray fog type air. Hygro meter is used to measure humidity. Walk-in incubator, it is large in size that a man can walk in it. The capacity of walk-in incubator is 1 lac to 4-5 lac eggs. In which an incubator can quickly maintain the temperature. Maintenance of correct temperature in modern incubator is not a problem. Temperature is set automatically, for the ventilation fan has been provided, level of oxygen should be 21% at the embryo level. Level of carbon dioxide should not be more than 0.2-0.3%. Always take relative humidity, in of setter humidity should be lower 50-65% RH but in case of Hatcher when transferring eggs humidity level is increase 75-85% RH. Humidity should be higher in Hatcher: to make egg shell soft. Out coming chick easily coming out from egg. Normally turning is held automatically at 45°. Almost 6-8 turning in sufficient after every 3 hours. Broader end should be upward. In Hatcher embryo is fully developed. So, no need turning. While for the traditional way of Balut at 11

Penoy making from the website ,EntrepinoysAtbp, the materials are,first,thecylindrical baskets called “toong”. These are open on both ends, 34 inches high and 21 inches in diameter; spaces around are filled with rice hull up to 4 inches from the brim.Another is roast or heat palay to a temperature of 43 °C in an iron vat or cauldron.The cover is also called jusi sacks, these sacks conserve heat further. Lastly , the kerosene or electric incubators,that maintains temperature of 100 °F and humidity from 55°F to 60°F.


CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature Marketing Strategy There are lots of ways on selling or marketing the balut and penoy product. Just like an inspiring story published by the website Manila Bulletin , by the author Sarian (2018)from the story of Nanding de Jesus.Nanding de Jesus of Sta. Maria, Bulacan,who started to make balut in 1979, with just P5,600 capital. And he incubated just a few thousand eggs right inside his modest house.But eleven years later when he was interviewed by the Manila Bulletin in December 1990, he was already the biggest balut maker. At that time, he had 1.5 million duck eggs set in his modern incubators inside a huge bodega. He was then selling every day more than 60,000 incubated eggs ready for cooking. His daily sales was more than P200,000. That was really a very big amount in those days when the peso had higher purchasing power.His strategy for growing his business was not to keep the business to himself. For he noticed that the business was rather slow in the beginning because he was the only one making balut in Sta. Maria. The big buyers from Manila would not go to Bulacan because the supply was limited. So he encouraged his relatives to go into balut making, too. Soon others, including non-relatives were engaged in the business.That attracted the traders from Mnila to go to Sta. Maria to source their regular supplies from there. Balut making had become a minor industry.



Review of Related Literature Conflicts and Problems Based on the website slideshare.net by the uploader Distrito, the conflicts that was encountered by the Balut Industry in Pateros Metro Manila and may also encounter by others was caused by Internal Environment and External Environment. Internal Environment includes competition on the prices of balut with in the Pateros area, spoiled balut and penoy causing food poisoning and gastrointestinal problem, risk on the safety of balut vendor, flood in the low lying area,and lack of supply from the supplier with in the area .While External Environment conflicts includes seasonal variation in demand and supply of balut, growing of poultry and consumption tremendously, balut production has not mechanise in favour of the tradition production by hand, future demand for balut is likely to be affected by hanging lifestyle and consumer preference in an encreasingly ubranized and westernized society, and lack of support of the government to the balut industry. While according to uploader Dagaas et. al, from the pdf website altmetric.com (2003) the following are conflicts that may also be considered : High cost of feeds. At 65% egg production, cost of feeds account for 82% of total costs of producing ducks on a per egg basis. Considering the limited capital of smallhold farmers, it is not surprising to find that they are only capable of producing a very limited number of ducks. They are unable, therefore, to achieve the economies of scale of production, resulting in higher cost of production and lower net returns. Lack of access to credit. Unlike the other livestock and poultry commodities, i.e., swine, cattle, and chicken, there is no credit financing arrangement specific for raising ducks. Agricultural loans are available from private banks but the relatively high interest rates and the requirements for collateral and paper work tend to deter smallhold farmers from availing of loans. Farmers find that credit provided by informal lenders is more accessible but the interest rates are much higher than the commercial banks. Limited access to technical know-how. Backyard farmers tend to practice the production methods that they inherited from their ancestors. Production technology continues to improve 14

with the advent of technological breakthroughs but many of the backyard farmers have not benefited from new technologies. This has limited their productivity gains. The first reason for this is the limited access to information on the new methods of production. This is partly due to the limitations of the extension services being provided to them. Secondly, the majority of these smallhold raisers have limited education which also limits their capacity to adopt these new techniques.

Chapter III 15

Methodology This chapter dealt with the research methodology employed in the study. It gives high lights to the research design, sampling technique, research instrument, data gathering procedure, and data analysis procedure. Research Design The researchers adapted the descriptive and observational or also known as Qualitative research method. This method is use when a researcher attempts to collect informations that usually focuses on the question “what” (questionspro.com). Observational research is also a qualitative research method where the researcher observe and collect data in the natural world or setting (channelplay.com). Respondents of the study The respondents of this study are the business owner and the employees who are responsible in assisting the machines and eggs, and counting the desired days in making balut and penoy. Sampling Technique The sampling technique that is used in this study is purposive sampling technique. This technique is also known as judgement or selective in which a researcher focuses on particular subject which is able to answer the research questions. Research Instrument The researcher is conduct an interview to the chosen respondents through survey or structured interview using questionaires. This instrument contains both open and closed ended questions(Researchgate.net). The questions used during the interview were based also on the statement of the problem included in the study.

Data Gathering Procedure


The procedure used by the researchers to gather data is semi-structured interview.Wherein the researchers prepared guide questions for the interview and submitted it to the research adviser for further corrections. There were also secondary questions used that is necessary for gathering additional information. Data Analysis Data were analyzed using Qualitative Data Analysis.This analysis involves the identification,examination,and interpretation of patterns and themes in textual data and determines how the patterns help answer the research question at hand (EvaluationToolkit.org,2019).Qualitative data refers to non-numerical information such as interview transcript,notes, video and audio recording (Researchmethodology.net,2019).


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data This chapter presents data and int...

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