OPER1160 Research Assignment - Student Example PDF

Title OPER1160 Research Assignment - Student Example
Course Global Supply Chain Management
Institution Conestoga College
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it is an research assisghnment which shows different companies and their role...



Loblaw’s Company Research Project- Supply Chain Analyst R. F. 1234567 OPER1160 Peter Vallieres Wednesday October 2, 2019


2 Loblaw’s over a hundred years, has grown into Canada’s largest company, and has an order of operations to match the scale of the company itself. Loblaw’s is primarily known as a grocery store; and it has been selling groceries to Canadians since 1919. It has two general food brands, noname and President’s choice, it has a clothing brand, Joe Fresh, PC Banking, and its own loyalty program of PC Optimum points. (Loblaw Co. Ltd., 2016) Because of the vast number of products Loblaw company offers, they have a complex Supply Chain Management system. The Supply Chain Management team is extremely important.

Analyst Job Descriptions The NOC Code for a Supply Chain Analyst According to Statistics Canada is 1524 (Canada, 2018). The Canadian government and Loblaw’s appear to agree on the job responsibilities expected of The following are a list of job descriptions for any hired A Supply Chain Analysts, according to Loblaw Co. Ltd., and Statistics Canada. 1.

Creation and Management of product level forecasts (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019)


Management of Inventory and all replenishment flows from Vendor to Store (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019)


Vendor Management, ensuring all forecast and flow requirements are executed to defined targets/standards (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019) -

I prefer looking at numbers to inspecting products and inventory for mistakes or issues. This opinion could change as I learn more about Supply Chain, however I fear that I would miss a target or that I would potentially less a shipment go through that should not have. I prefer to be behind the scenes.


Work with Transport, Distribution and Vendors to co-ordinate flow of goods through the network (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019) -

This aspect of the job does not appeal to me. I have worked for a company that had to deal with transport and distribution and in my experience, these two industries tend to not see eye to eye. I would find it frustrating trying to bridge these areas together.


3 5.

Ensure all data management pertaining to forecasts, product and vendor attributes are maintained (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019) -

I would find this aspect of the job interesting. I enjoy working with numbers and I find keeping things organized to be very satisfying


Undertake process improvement efforts, primarily with vendors, focused on improving KPI’s (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019) -

I like the idea of being part of an improvement to the force. The idea of helping a supply chain improve would be satisfying work.


Calculate Cost of Orders and charge to forward invoices to appropriate accounts (Canada, 2018) -

I would be very interested in this part of the job. I believe I would enjoy the task of keeping track of costs and units of production.

I have taken the salaries from three different job sites and listed them in the chart below. Website

Job Title

Annual Salary

Glass Door

Supply Chain Analyst

$49,000 - $53,000


Supply Chain Analyst



Supply Chain Analyst


Table 1 (Glass Door Inc., 2019) (Payscale, 2019) (Workopolis , 2019) It is surprising how much the annual salary varies between websites. One reason for this could be that certain analysts for supply chain at Loblaw Co. Ltd. need different levels of experience and schooling. The Workopolis job posting listed a bachelor’s degree and 1-3 years of experience to be qualified for the job. (Workopolis , 2019), Glass Door and Payscale on the other hand does not specify the experience require for the offered job. Another reason for the price different is that some of the numbers could be inaccurate. Being that Glass Door and Payscale both have similar salaries, it would suggest that the information from Workopolis could be over valued. I do not feel like a job in supply chain is for me. Though there are some aspects of the job I would find quite interesting, I believe I would find it too fast-paced. There are so many R. F. LOBLAW’S COMPANY RESEARCH PRODJET—SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYST

4 variables that go into a supply chain and operations of a company, especially a company such as Loblaw’s that deals with so many different types of suppliers. I have a huge amount of respect for those who are up to the task, and I would not right-off the occupation entirely, however in an ideal world, this would not be the job of my choice. How the Critical Ideas of Supply Chain would be present in a job at Loblaw Co. Ltd. 1. Quality Management -

As a supply chain analyst at Loblaw Co. Ltd., a responsibility is “Vendor Management”—this is their version of quality management, they inspect all inventory coming in (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019)

2. Planning for Suppliers -

Analysts at Loblaw are expected to plan for suppliers, they job is to make sure the relationship between buying from the supplier to keeping products stocked on the shelves is maintained. (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019)

3. Inventory -

Inventory management is a big role in the Loblaw’s supply Chain (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019)

4. Process and Capacity Design -

As a supply chain analyst for Loblaw Co. Ltd., the employee will be expected to help make improvements to the existing products and supply chain (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019)

5. Supply Chain Management -

Supply Chain analysts at Loblaw will be dealing directly with the supply chain operations, and making sure each piece plays their part correctly (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2016)

6. Design of Goods and Services -

Loblaw’s Supply Chain analysts will be working on the design of goods and services and helping to grow and innovate the company (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019)


5 7. Scheduling -

A Loblaw’s supply chain analyst will need to deal with transport and distributing and find a way to schedule these two parties in order to have the goods and services flow efficiently. (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019)

Loblaw’s Mission - Live Life Well (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2016) Loblaw’s strategy to fulfill this mission is, Loblaw puts first the needs and well-being of Canadians who make one billion transactions annually in the companies’ stores. Loblaw is positioned to meet and exceed those needs in many ways: convenient locations; more than 1,050 grocery stores that span the value spectrum from discount to specialty; fullservice pharmacies at more than 1,250 Shoppers Drug Mart and Pharmaprix locations and more than 500 Loblaw locations; no-fee banking with PC Financial; affordable Joe Fresh fashion and family apparel; and three of Canada’s top consumer brands in Life Brand, noname and President’s Choice. Through the PC Plus and Shoppers Optimum loyalty programs, more than one in every three Canadians are rewarded for shopping with the companies. (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2019)

Loblaw’s strategy expertly fulfills the implications of its mission statement. For people to live their lives, they need food, supplies, house hold items, clothing, medicine, and other necessities. By supplying so many different types of items at their stores, Loblaw’s is able to meet the needs of most people. Their next step would be to not just live, but to live well. They achieve this part of their mission statement with providing consumers with products that are associated with quality and also by providing their rewards programs. In that way, they are giving value back to their customers. A grocery store could simply provide necessities; however, Loblaw Co. Ltd. provides the necessities that add value to people’s lives. This aspect of quality and value give the supply chain at Loblaw’s a more complicated task. Responsibilities such as quality management, R. F. LOBLAW’S COMPANY RESEARCH PRODJET—SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYST

6 scheduling and process capacity design as well as the importance of an efficient supply chain itself become even more important. Process capacity design is very important to Loblaw’s supply chain because their brands are constantly innovating and introducing new products. To have the ability to maintain the quality associated with President’s Choice brand, the supply chain will need to find the most cost and time efficient way of producing those new products. With improving their process capacity design, the overhead costs for those new quality products will not have as high of a price-tag for the company. Scheduling is an important piece to Loblaw Co. Ltd.’s supply chain. The shelves need to be stocked and there is a limited amount of space in each store and each warehouse for everything to go. This implies that suppliers and vendors need to be on time and scheduled efficiently and properly for the company to run smoothly and to give the consumers the value they promise in their mission statement. Quality management is a major part of fulfilling their mission statement. Their customers are loyal due to Loblaw’s outstanding ability to maintain their quality control. Consistency for quality in their products is personally a quality I find very appealing for the brand. Without it, the brand has less merit, therefore maintaining that quality is integral to their business and to their mission to “Live life well.” (Loblaw Co. Ltd. , 2016) Grocery stores are everywhere, I feel that a lot of people, myself included, take for granted walking into a grocery store, at any time of day, any day of the year and being able to find nearly everything anyone could be looking for. We can get fresh oranges in the middle of winter, or buy bananas any day of the year. I felt that it would be interesting to learn about how complicated the grocery industry can really be. Loblaw Co. Ltd. is a great option because it does so much more than just groceries. Which is a huge amount in about itself! Because Loblaw’s has so many different functions, I felt that the supply chain operations would reflect that. Another aspect that sparked my curiosity to choose Loblaw’s for my research assignment is because I have always been a loyal Loblaw’s customer. I believe in the President’s Choice brand and I use my optimum points card frequently. I feel that their price point is always R. F. LOBLAW’S COMPANY RESEARCH PRODJET—SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYST

7 valued fairly and appropriately to the quality of goods they provide. I will often choose a PC product over a brand named product because I trust that my purchase will not be wasted, and I am very rarely (if ever) disappointed. The time, energy and expertise that goes into a supply chain to provide so many quality products that are so vastly different is very impressive. Even more impressive is that Loblaw’s stores are expected to have all of these quality branded products in stock. It is very unusual that I find anything sold out at one of their locations. Doing this research project has given me a better understanding and respect for having an expectation to encounter so many different products stocked in every shelf every time I walk into a Loblaw’s grocery store.



References Canada, S. (2018, 3 23). National Occulation Classification (NOC) 2011. Retrieved October 1, 2019, from Statistics Canada: http://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p3VD.pl?Function=getVD&TVD=122372&CVD=122376&CPV= 1524&CST=01012011&CLV=4&MLV=4 Glass Door Inc. (2019, September 27). Loblaw Companies Operations Salaries. Retrieved September 30, 2019, from Glass Door: https://www.glassdoor.ca/Salary/Loblaw-Companies-OperationsSalaries-EI_IE4141.0,16_DEPT1016.htm Loblaw Co. Ltd. . (2016). Purpose and Values. Retrieved September 30, 2019, from Loblaws Companies Limited: https://www.loblaw.ca/en.html Loblaw Co. Ltd. . (2019, September 24). My Work Day Jobs. Retrieved September 30, 2019, from Analyst, Supply Chain: https://myview.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/enUS/loblaw_careers_carrieres/job/Loblaw-Head-Office/Analyst--Supply-Chain_R2000159945 Payscale. (2019, September 16). Average Loblaw's Company Limited Supply Chain Analyst Manager in Canada. Retrieved September 30, 2019, from Payscale Canada: https://www.payscale.com/research/CA/Employer=Loblaw%27s_Company_Limited/Salary



Marking Guide for OPER1160 Company Research Project - Spring 2019 Mark 1) Formatting (5 marks)      

Title Page. Must include name, I.D. #, section, instructor name, company name (1 mark) Introduction including company selection. (1 mark) Used Calibri font size 12 for body text with 1” margins, 1 or 1.15 spacing (1 mark) Header and/or footer includes name, title, pg. # (1 mark) attached this marking guide at the very back (1 mark)


2) Job Research (11 marks) a) Job title, brief description (1 mark) b) Job responsibilities (minimum of 8)(4 marks) – interesting/least attractive from above and why (2 marks) c) Salary Table – and why discrepancies, overall thoughts (3 marks) d) Interested in job – why or why not (1 mark)

3) Critical Decisions of Operations - 2 marks for each of 6  must refer to Table 1.2 in text  



relate to Mission and/or Strategy of your company of choice must tell your instructor something unique about your chosen company for each decision

4) Mission, Strategy, Competitive Advantage   

Describe (provide) the company Mission Statement (1 mark) Explain at least 3 strategies the company uses to accomplish their Mission (internal) (6 marks) How does the company utilizes these strategies to achieve competitive advantage(s) (external) (3 marks)

5) Research done, In-text Citations/Referencing (2 marks)



 references/in text citations done  other student papers are not considered a reference

6) Spelling, Grammar and Similarity Check 

 

Spelling and grammar are important. Submit to the Assignment Dropbox at least 12 hours prior to the due date. It will check automatically for similarity. Amounts > 30 % will be reviewed. No marks but up to 8 off for spelling and grammar at the instructor’s discretion. Up to zero for the paper for copying other resources or reports.







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