Student Example - Career Plan PDF

Title Student Example - Career Plan
Course Legal Research
Institution Queensland University of Technology
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LLH201 LEGAL RESEARCH – ASSESSMENT ITEM 1 - STAGE 1 CAREER PLAN (10%) This assessment item provides an opportunity for you to assess and reflect upon your current interests, values and skills in order to develop a basic plan outlining your career goals and strategies to achieve those goals. It is designed to facilitate Learning Outcome 4 of the LLH201 Learning Outcomes. This assessment item is worth 10% of the total marks available for the unit. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: All STUDENTS must upload this assessment item as a single document to the ASSESSMENT LINK on Blackboard before the due date. There is no hard copy submission. Name: Student Number: _____________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE COMPLETE ALL SIX ACTIVITIES IN THIS CAREER PLAN, PROVIDING AN APPROPRIATE LEVEL OF DETAIL FOR EACH.

ACTIVITY ONE – EX PLORING M Y CAREER INTERESTS My Main Career Interest: Legal Industry Subject interests/knowledge areas/other interests: FTV and the changes in new media formats Rights, Justice and social issues – LGBTI, domestic violence, homelessness, mental illness and more Problem solving and analysis The arts The study of people and social behaviors Innovation Music Public Speaking Communication Academic Research Philosophy and Ethics Combining my interests: My current career aspiration is quite broad, as I am still developing my own capabilities, skills and understanding of the legal profession. When reflecting upon my different interests and knowledge areas, I recognise that they are quite eclectic and difficult to distil into one specific career. However, I believe the legal industry will allow me to experience new things, and thus, has the potential to satisfy my different interests. Whether deciding to practice in a certain area of law, such as Intellectual Property or going into the social sector and working at a Community Legal Centre, I believe the skills and capabilities I can develop as a law student can be applied quite ubiquitously within and outside the legal profession. Furthermore, from an academic perspective, I do enjoy studying law. Whilst my current career aspiration is somewhat vague and undefined, I will always strive for a career that challenges me, is enjoyable, and is fulfilling both professionally and personally. Thus, this is why I am attracted to the legal profession and the plethora of career opportunities that could ensue. 1

ACTIVITY TWO – MY PREFERRED OPPORTUNITIES List your top five career opportunities in your chosen profession, and then describe why each one interests you.


This opportunity interests me because…


There are various factors that interest me about becoming a barrister. The role is incredibly independent and a reflection of my own skill, motivation and output. I believe this vocation respects the law and can assist to ensure justice. In addition, each case would be extremely different to the next, which will pressure me to become a life-long learner.


Alternative dispute resolution forums are continuing to grow within Australian and as a result, I believe there are numerous career opportunities. Being a mediator would be quite interesting and fulfilling as a potential career. At the heart of this career, I would be involved in assisting disputing parties to resolve their disputes through an alternative process to the courts. Furthermore, as a mediator, there are numerous fields and subject areas of practice from family disputes to intellectual property. Therefore, I could easily match my interests, capabilities and knowledge area to a particular field. Whilst a law degree is not necessary to work as a mediator, it would be extremely useful to have foundational legal knowledge. Additionally, the skills that I could obtain as a mediator would be transferable for future career progression.

Teacher or Tutor

I have always been interested in teaching as a way of motivating other people to learn and find their passions. I can also match my interests and knowledge areas to the particular area that I wish to specialise in. Finally, this career path is an excellent way to continue learning and researching.

Private Enterprise

I believe there is a lot of diversity in the private sector and therefore, a number of career opportunities are available. I am particularly interested in the fields of media, communication, technology and finance. However, I believe the greatest allure to private enterprise is its dynamic and entrepreneurial nature. Therefore, I believe my interests and capabilities could easily be catered to in the private sector.

Volunteer or Practitioner for a Community Legal Centre (CLC)

Working for a Community Legal Centre, whether as a student or practitioner, would be incredibly fulfilling both professionally and personally. On a personal level, it is an opportunity to give back to the community and also create a positive social impact. In addition, I could easily match my interests and passions to the work I do. From a professional perspective, this career opportunity is a wonderful way to make new connections with like-minded practitioners and peers, to ensure justice and to create a positive impact upon the world. I also believe that the working environment would be highly collaborative and passionate. Finally, this opportunity is one that can be revisited in the future as means of giving back to the community or enacted now as a means of gaining experience. 2

ACTIVITY THREE – IDENTIFY PEOPLE WHO CAN GIVE YOU INFORMATION Write a list of any people you know who might work in the fields you are interested in. For instance, do any family members or friends work in any of the fields you are considering? Write a list of those people who could give you information about any careers you are considering.

People who work in my preferred career

People who can give me information about potential career choices

Solicitor for Harrington Family Lawyers: Stephen Page

Stephen Page could give me insight into family and surrogacy law.

Solicitor for Raiti Lawyer’s: Robert Raiti

Robert Raiti could provide me with insight and advice as a practitioner in criminal law.

Peers and friends from university

University tutors, especially those who were previous practitioners, could offer real life insight into the reality of the legal industry.

Family acquaintances

Family Members who have worked in the legal industry.

President of the LGBTI Legal Service: Matilda Alexander

CEO of Smile, Dion Kramer, was a previous corporate law practitioner. As a previous employer and mentor, I could obtain more information surrounding corporate law.

Law Reform and Volunteers at the LGBTIQ+ Legal service

Matilda Alexandra could give me insight into law reform and activist work through the law.

You may have identified a lot more people than you thought! Imagine how much information you can gather about the career you are interested in just by talking to these people. Each person will give you fresh insights, opinions and valuable information about the careers you are considering, whether they are currently working in that field or are only remotely related to or associated with it.


ACTIVITY FOUR – MY CAREER MISSION STATEMENT What is your basic goal? (this can be a short or medium term goal i.e. approximately 1-3 years from now) Broadly speaking, my goal is to be successful, challenged and happy in all aspects of my life, including my career. Thus, I want a career that challenges me to grow professionally and personally, questions my own perspectives and leaves a positive social impact upon the world. Therefore, my current goal is to practice law once I graduate. Over the next three and half years at university, I want to gain as much experience in and outside of the legal industry as I can to create a strong foundation for a successful and satisfying career. S - Is it specific? (Who? What? Where? When? Why?) My overall goal is purely dependent upon my own perspective. However, I have decided that over the next three and half years at QUT I want to broaden my understanding of the legal industry and develop my skills. Some of these activities include:   

Going on exchange; Participating in mooting competitions; and Volunteering.

Actively seeking opportunities and expanding my skills will ensure that I find a suitable career specific to me. M - Is it measurable? How will I measure progress? (How many? How much?) While my overall goal is quite intrinsic, I have devised a number of objectives to complete over the course of my studies here at QUT to measure my progress. These include:      

Improving my grades; Becoming involved in the law society and social events; Volunteering for a Community Legal Centre; Figuring out what area of law interests me; Completing a semester of study overseas; and Receiving a clerkship position

A - Is it attainable? (Can this really happen? Attainable with enough effort? What steps are involved) I believe the experiences discussed above will not only lay the foundations for receiving a graduate position, but they will subsequently clarify my own professional and personal interests. Each of these objectives will require commitment and persistence. However, each experience will improve my resume and understanding of the legal profession as a whole. R - Is it realistic? (What knowledge, skills, and abilities are necessary to reach this goal?)


While my broader goal is dependent upon my own experiences and satisfaction, I believe exploring many professional avenues will assist me in finding the right career path. Essentially, my main goal is to find a career that will be best utilises my capabilities and interests. Currently, I am aiming for a graduate legal position. In order to achieve a graduate position, there are a number of skills that I will need to obtain and improve. Firstly, I will need to clarify what areas of the law interest me and tailor my studies to this. Subsequently, I will seek volunteer and clerkship positions within these respective fields. However, I believe any real-life experience will be vital to developing foundational skills such as legal research and communication. Seeking advice from current practitioners for skills that are needed by graduates will also be pivotal. T - Is it time-bound? (Can I set fixed deadlines? What are the deadlines?) While my main goal is life-long, I have identified a number of objectives to achieve over the next three and a half years to create a strong foundation for my future career. One goal that I have already actioned is completing a semester abroad and this is due to occur in January 2018. After this exchange, I would like to begin looking for a clerkship or volunteer position within the legal industry. These objectives will hopefully assist me in receiving a graduate position.



Law Graduate Capabilities Self-Audit – Level 2 Graduate capabilities are the qualities, skills and understandings a university community expects its students to develop during their degree. Earlier in your law studies you may have done a similar self-audit for Level 1 skills (first year level). The table below outlines Level 2 capabilities which you should possess by the middle of your law degree. Assess your current abilities by completing the table below. At the current stage (i.e. beginning of Semester 2, 2017) of my legal studies I have the following levels of ability for these skills: Key: 1 = none 2 = developing

3 = average

4 = above average 1


5 = excellent 3



Discipline Knowledge Possess knowledge and understanding of the core areas of property law, equity and trusts, constitutional law, criminal law and their roles in the Australian legal system and integration with Torts and Contract. Understand the impact of law in other jurisdictions on Australian laws concerning property, equity, trusts, crimes and the constitution. Understand the influence and impact of historical, political, Indigenous and cultural factors on the development of certain laws within the Australian legal system. Problem Solving, Reasoning and Research Recognise and define legal issues from a given fact scenario. Use advanced research strategies to locate and evaluate relevant primary and secondary legal material. Extract, evaluate and synthesise legal principles and relevant policy considerations and contextual issues from primary and secondary sources. Analyse legal issues and relevant policy to construct arguments relevant to solving legal problems. Apply legal principles and relevant policy considerations and identify additional relevant facts that may be necessary to provide practical advice for the resolution of real world problems, with an appreciation of other available solutions. Effective Communication Select and use an appropriate level, style and means of communication for communicating results of legal research, legal analysis and evaluation in a variety of contexts, including an ability to identify situations in which crosscultural communication issues might arise. Present legal concepts, arguments, counter-arguments and policy analysis clearly and in plain English. Understand and apply the principles of non-adversarial resolution in a given fact scenario.


Life Long Learning Use a wider range of legal skills (problem solving, research, critical thinking, legal analysis, evaluation, communication, reflective practice) in new contexts. Logically develop and critically consider responses to legal problems. Evaluate and reflect on own performance to identify gaps in capabilities and implement improvements in assessment tasks. Work Independently and Collaboratively Manage time and prioritise learning and assessment activities to meet deadlines. Assume responsibility for learning and working independently. Work collaboratively and co-operatively as a member of a team or as a leader to undertake an assessment task. Professional, Ethical and Social Responsibility Understand and apply ethical standards to the completion of all assessment items and within placements related to legal practice. Recognise ethical dilemmas in a range of contexts and suggest possible solutions Identify how the role of law operates in a historical, political, social and cultural context and understand Indigenous perspectives in relation to its impact on Indigenous communities. Characteristics of Self-Reliance and Leadership Recognise the need for change and generate ideas for change or solving problems.


In addition to the development of your graduate capabilities through learning the content of your units at QUT, and the application of your knowledge in university projects and assignments, graduate capabilities are developed through other experiences and environments including: Work Experience - Volunteering - Casual jobs - Community involvement - Extra-curricular participation Where can you find some of these experiences? Look at Real World Placement Program, Career Mentor Scheme, QUT CareerHub at and the Leadership, Development & Innovation Program on Having well-developed graduate capabilities in all areas will assist you in your employability. In future job applications you will need to target your transferable skills to the position you are seeking. Now list 5 graduate capabilities (from Activity 5 above) that you wish to improve. Outline basic ideas and strategies that you have on how you can improve those capabilities in the short to medium term (i.e. next 1-3 years). These can include strategies for your university studies and/or strategies outside university (such as gaining relevant work experience).


1. Capability you wish to improve and reason why improvement is needed: I wish to improve the following capability: “Extract, evaluate and synthesise legal principles and relevant policy considerations and contextual issues from primary and secondary sources.” Research is a critical skill within the legal industry. Whilst I believe I possess strong foundational skills for research, these do need to be improved drastically. This will be especially important to me as a potential practitioner, as I will be engaging in new and unknown areas of law and will need to be able to extract, evaluate and synthesise relevant primary sources for a client’s situation. However, this skill will also be vital to my studies and independent comprehension and understanding of the new areas of law that I will study during the course of my degree. Furthermore, I believe this skill is pivotal in improving a number of other capabilities. Strategy for improving this capability: Personally, I believe LLH201 will be a fantastic start to improving this capability and recognising where improvement is needed most. Currently, I have difficulties evaluating the validity of a primary source. I believe by adhering to a clear strategy for legal research will ensure consistency and success into the future. Therefore, by developing and improving this process now I will be able to improve during my studies. Subsequently, participating in mooting competitions could be the first step to improving this capability outside of my academic obligations. Yet, I believe a better strategy would be to seek a volunteer or casual position that encompasses legal research.

2. Capability you wish to improve and reason why improvement is needed: I wish to improve the following capability: “Identify how the role of law operates in a historical, political, social and cultural context and understand Indigenous perspectives in relation to its impact on Indigenous communities.” Whilst I have a sound knowledge in relation to how the law operates and its impact on indigenous communities, I believe my perspective and understanding needs to be deepened. This will allow me to be a more socially conscious and culturally competent practitioner. Furthermore, it will broaden my understanding of the role of law and its limitations. Strategy for improving this capability: Further study into the historical development of Australia’s legal system and its subsequent political, social and cultural impacts is the first obvious step. This is something I have already begun but should be expanded upon. However, I believe engagement with groups such as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service will improve my culturally competency and understanding of the impacts of the law. Furthermore, appropriate cultural competency training may be required. Additionally, engagement with the relevant groups and societies at QUT can also expand my perspectives and understanding of the law and its impacts on different communities, especially indigenous communities.

3. Capability you wish to improve and reason why improvement is needed: I wish to improve the following capability: “Use a wider range of legal skills (problem solving, research, critical thinking, legal analysis, evaluation, communication, reflective practice) in new contexts.” While I believe I possess the basics for a majority of these skills, especially critical thinking, problem solving and research, they still need to be refined. Furthermore, my experience with these skills have been quite artificial and academic, and as a result, may not adequately be prepared for the real world. These are skills that I will consistently use as a future practitioner. Strategy for improving this capability:


Engagement in my course and subsequent units will continue to improve these skills. However, I believe it is vital to obtain real-life experience in the application of these skills in a new context. Firstly, it might us...

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