BUSS1000 S1 2019 Case Study Instructions and Rubric PDF

Title BUSS1000 S1 2019 Case Study Instructions and Rubric
Author Jerry Tran
Course BUSS1000
Institution University of Sydney
Pages 4
File Size 251.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Case Study Desc...


BUSS1000: Future of Business - Semester 1, 2019 Assessment Instructions Assessment Name Case Study

Individual /Group Individual

Assessment Conditions Compulsory




Due Time

Due Date

1,2,3,4 ,8

2000 words



1 April 2019

Closing Date 11 April 2019

Case Study It is January, 2019. Andy Penn, the CEO of Telstra Corporation Limited (“Telstra”) has requested you to prepare a report on Telstra’s competitive position1 in the Australian Telecommunication market. When you discussed this assignment with your BUSS1000 teacher, she/he suggested that you integrate and use ‘Resourced Based View’ and ‘Porter 5 forces’ frameworks to conduct a strategy analysis and create the final report. 1A

position within an industry that leads to superior and sustainable financial performance

Your Task:


This report should consist of two sections Part 1: Overview (Approx. 500 words) In this section, you need to (a) demonstrate your understanding and knowledge of the organisation and (b) discuss whether the organisation acts in accordance with its vision, mission, and values. Part 2: Strategy Evaluation (Approx. 1500 words) In this section, you need to create a business report that analyses Telstra’s competitive position in the Australian Telecommunication market.

NB1: This is a formal business report written in an academic style. That is, you are presenting a company report from a general manager’s perspective using a professional business writing style, but it must still contain full academic references. NB2: Each paper is graded against the rubric. Ensure you have looked at the rubric carefully prior to beginning your paper, and prior to submitting. NB3: Thorough and regular referencing adds academic weight to your arguments. Statements not backed up by data and/or appropriate business theory/frameworks carry less weight. Referencing adds rigour, integrity and believability


to your arguments – doing this as often as possible will enhance your paper by demonstrating your business knowledge with credible sources. NB4: The above word counts include references. References should appear at the end of the paper and comply with APA 6th standard.

Assessment criteria: Please make sure you read the rubric (pages 3-4) carefully as this is what will be used to grade your paper. The assessment criteria that this rubric is built around are as follows: 1. Conforming with instructions (e.g. word length, font, other instructions) 2. Clarity of expression (incl. accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation) 3. Referencing 4. Use of literature/ Knowledge of theory 5. Subject's limitations and boundaries/relation to other frameworks 6. Data/information gathering/processing 7. Conclusions 8. Analysis 9. Rationale 10. Critical reasoning / critical thinking

Requirements for submission: • •

• •

Your case study must be submitted on the BUSS1000 Canvas site under “Assignments” (submission will open two weeks prior to the deadline). Appropriate referencing throughout the case study, in-text and in the Reference list, using the latest version of APA 6th Edition Referencing. The University of Sydney has an APA 6th Edition guide which can be found here: http://libguides.library.usyd.edu.au/c.php?g=508212&p=3476096 Referencing penalties will be applied – up to 5 marks. Appropriate word length – the word length for this report is 2000 words. Normal word count penalties apply when the report word length (including headings, in-text reference and Reference list) should not exceed word limit of 2000 words + or – 10% that is maximum of 2200 words. The word count penalty is in line with the Business School policy which can be found at: http://sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/policy. Note that the word limit includes in-text referencing and the reference list at the end of the document. Case study must be submitted as a Word file document (.doc, .docx) Late penalties will apply after the due date and time 10:00am on April 1, 2019. The late submission penalty is in line with the Business School policy which can be found at: http://sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/policy

Penalties: • • • •

Late submission penalty is in line with the Business School policy which can be found at: http://sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/policy Referencing is to follow the APA 6 th Edition, this guide can be found at: http://libguides.library.usyd.edu.au/c.php?g=508212&p=3476096 Word length is in line with the Business School policy which can be found at: http://sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/policy Academic dishonesty and plagiarism is in line with the Business School policy which can be found at: http://sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/policy

Feedback: • • • •

Feedback will be provided for each part based on the marking criteria, Feedback for the case study will be shown as comments. The case study will be marked in accordance with the Business School policy, Overall, feedback will be provided through the following: ✓ Specific comments on each assessment segments ✓ Overall comments based on each part of the report ✓ By attending tutor consultation hour and asking for additional feedback aimed at achieving better grades in the future.

Program learning outcomes for this case study include: 1,2,3,4,8


BUSS1000 – Case Study Rubric Task Description: For this assignment you will be undertaking a case study of a provided organization. You will then be asked to undertake research, apply theoretical frameworks, and undertake critical analysis of the context and/or organisation. Please see the assignment instructions on Canvas, once they are uploaded, for full instructions. Length: 2000 words including references Weight: 25% of Final Grade Submission: On Canvas as a .doc or .docx (Other file types, including PDFs are not accepted). ASSESSMENT SEGMENT

HD 100%

HD 90%

D 80%

CR 70%

PASS 60%

PASS 50%

FAIL 40%

FAIL 20%


Part 1. Overview

Demonstrates a flawless ability to identify, select & critically analyse information about the organisation.

Demonstrates an outstanding ability to identify, select, & critically analyse information about the organisation.

A good level of identifying, selecting, and critically analysing information about the organisation.

You have identified the most relevant information about the organisation.

You have met the minimum requirement in identifying, some relevant information about the organisation.

You have not adequately identified relevant basic information about the organisation.

You have not identified relevant basic information about the organisation.

No evidence of appropriate information about the organisation.

Your analysis demonstrates a flawless ability to correctly identify, select, analyse and critique all relevant information.

Your analysis demonstrates an outstanding ability to correctly identify, select, analyse and critique all relevant information.

Your analysis demonstrates a good ability to correctly identify, select, analyse and critique relevant information.

You have identified the most relevant information about the organisation and made an appropriate selection for the organisation. Your analysis demonstrates an ability to correctly identify, select and analyse relevant information.

Your analysis demonstrates a basic ability to correctly identify and select relevant information.

Your analysis demonstrates an ability to identify some reliable information. However, depth &/or accuracy are lacking.

Your analysis is superficial & not underpinned by the appropriate forms of business analysis.

Your analysis is lacking or extremely superficial.

No evidence of appropriate business analysis.

15 marks

Part 2. Strategy Evaluation 60 marks



HD 100%

HD 90%

D 80%

CR 70%

PASS 60%

PASS 50%

FAIL 40%

FAIL 20%


Clarity of expression Effective communication in the form of professional writing skills

Your work showed flawless use of business writing style. The use of sections was thoughtful. Information was presented in a flawlessly clear & organised manner.

This writing showed a high level of business writing style. The organisation and formatting of information into the report sections was very clear and organised.

This writing showed an understanding of business writing style with fluent language. The organisation & formatting of information into the report sections was logical & purposeful.

This writing showed a reasonable understanding of business style with scope for a tighter structure to make for a clearer and more organised report.

The writing was largely business writing style. Information was appropriately categorised within the report sections.

Although the meaning was generally apparent, this writing had limited business style. Information was mainly categorised correctly into the report sections.

This writing demonstrated very little business style. It was unclear to the extent that the meaning was not understandable. There was no organisation of ideas & information according to report sections.

This writing had little or no business style. It was unclear to the extent that the meaning was not understandable. There was no organisation of ideas & information according to report sections.

Your communication was not effective & you did not display business writing skills.

You have used the sources from outside the class including two or more high quality peer reviewed academic references. Additional high quality relevant research is evident. Source quality and credibility has been critically considered.

You have used the sources from outside the class including two or more peer reviewed academic references. Additional relevant research is evident. Source quality and credibility is high.

You have used the sources from outside the class including two peer reviewed source. Additional relevant research is evident. Source quality and credibility is high.

You have used the sources from outside the class including two peer reviewed source. Additional relevant research is evident.

You have used the sources from outside the class including two peer reviewed source.

You have used the sources from outside the class including one peer reviewed reference.

You have used sources from outside the class but have not included one peer reviewed reference.

You have not used any material from outside the class.

You have not used material from outside or inside the class.

10 marks

Research 15 marks

Word Count Penalty

Late Penalty

Referencing Penalty


Where a student exceeds the word length, the student will lose 10% of the total marks when the submission is 10% above the word length and 10% for each 10% over-length thereafter.

As this work was submitted late, a penalty of 5% (equating to 5 marks out of a total 100 marks) per day has been applied up to 10 calendar, after which a mark of zero is applied.

Up to 5% penalty for referencing errors. 1% for every missing or incorrect reference up to a total of 5%.

The word limit for this assessment is 2000 words. The appendix/appendices exceeded this word limit & therefore have not been considered.


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