Mock Interview Instructions and Rubric PDF

Title Mock Interview Instructions and Rubric
Course Managerial Accounting
Institution Trent University
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COMM 3202 Mock Interview Video Due: week 11 Weight: 15% (oral = 10%, written = 5%)

Interview (10%) 1. Students will arrange themselves into pairs or groups of three. Tell me who your group is in the Discussion tool on DC Connect. 2. Email the job posting for an entry-level (realistic) job posting to your partner(s) well in advance of week 11. (Note: it is best to screenshot and send the photo to your partner instead of sending them the link. The posting can be taken down at any time, and you don’t want to lose your job posting, so take a picture of it) 3. Once students receive the job posting of their partner/group, students will write three (3) questions they wish to ask their partner. If you are a group of 2, do not share these questions with your partner/group in advance. If you are a group of 3, only share your questions with the other interviewer (do not share with the interviewee) to make sure that 2 people are not asking questions that are too similar. These questions should be: a. One situational question b. One behavioural question c. One random question 4. Use audio-video software of your choice to record your interviews. Record these interviews and upload videos to the dropbox. Make sure the video has audio. (MS Teams is the easiest way to record these videos). 5. Videos of your interviews are due by 11:59pm on week 11 6. All students should be dressed business professionally for their interviews 7. The student(s) doing the interviewing (the interviewers) should begin the interview. They should start by introducing themselves and their company. For example, Ashley sent Rihanna the job posting of the position she wants to interview for. At the start of the interview, Rihanna would open by saying “Hi, I’m Rihanna, the accounts manager at RBC, and I am joined by Drizzy, the direct supervisor of accounts receivable. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today.” Then, Ashley would say “Thank you. I’m pleased to meet you both.” 8. Interviewers would then say “Whenever you’re ready, please go ahead and tell me/us about yourself.” Then the interviewee would deliver their elevator pitch. Students doing the interviewing should record scores on the rubric for the student being interviewed. 9. When the interviewee has completed their response, interviewers may begin asking their three questions. If you are in a group of three, decide before the interview starts who will be asking two questions. 10.After the interviewee has answered all three questions, an interviewer will ask “is there anything you would like to add to your interview?” At this time, the student being interviewed would ask their question.


11.Students are not expected to answer this question. Simply end the interview by saying “great question. It was a pleasure meeting with you today. We will be in touch in the coming week with results of our call for applicants.” 12.Interviewees are to submit their “Thank-You Letter” to the dropbox by 11:59pm of week 11. Interviewers are to submit their completed rubrics and feedback to the dropbox by 11:59pm of week 11. 13.I need all of the following to receive a grade for this assignment: a. Video of your interview(s) b. Rubrics + feedback from each interviewer c. Thank-you letter from each interviewee

Thank You Letter (5%) Students will write a thank-you letter following proper letter writing format. (You have already written a cover letter in this course, so you should be adept at this now.) Make sure to reinforce the reasons why you are a good candidate for the position. Convey your continued interest and acknowledge the interviewer’s time. Students should upload the Word document to the drobox for Thank-You letters by 11:59pm of week 11. Proper grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and spelling will be of the utmost importance for this assignment. Demonstrate your excellence with your prospective employer by doing this. Any technical issues are the responsibility of the student to resolve prior to submission. If file(s) cannot be opened the assignment will be considered LATE and all late penalties will apply.

Course Learning Outcomes ● CLO2 - Prepare for and participate in a mock interview to promote personal skills in a one-onone style interview.

Essential Employability Skills The following Essential Employability Skills are assessed in this assignment. You can find out more about Essential Employability Skills at the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development website.

Instructions ● EES1 ● EES2


● EES10 ● EES11

Rubrics Interview 3



Great! Your elevator speech was short and to the point, contained all essential elements Great! Maintains positive eye contact while answering questions and throughout the interview

Good Your elevator speech was short and to the point, but was missing an element or was weak in 1 element Good Maintains good eye contact

Fair Your elevator speech was too long or too short, or was missing multiple elements Fair Work on making eye contact, maintaining it while answering questions

Voice Clarity

Great! Able to clearly understand each word you are saying

Good Some words were too fast or lacked clarity on what you were saying


Great! You sounded positive and upbeat, enthusiastic and ready to take on any job!

Good Overall positive but you lacked enthusiasm at points

Body Language

Great! Strong posture, you show awareness of yourself and what you are doing with your hands, gestures, movement is natural and not distracting from your message Great! You used the STAR response to get to the situation/task, action and result for each question

Good Some areas are working well but you need some help with:

Fair Work on enunciating your words, slowing down and being clear with your words Fair Work on demonstrating your enthusiasm while answering questions to show your future employer you are a positive team player! Fair This is an area you need to work on to ensure you don’t take away from your message with your body language.

Elevator Pitch Eye Contact

STAR Responses


Readiness for Questions

Great! Your attire was professional and very appropriate for the job interview Great! You appeared ready to answer questions and had good information prepared in response to typical interview questions studied

Good You used some elements of the STAR response

Good Overall your attire was professional and appropriate for the job interview Good For most questions you appeared prepared and had information ready to share


Fair Work on thinking through the STAR model and then answer the questions to ensure you hit all of the main points so the interviewer understands clearly the situation/task, action and result Fair Be sure you understand the expectations for job interview attire Fair You seemed unprepared for standard questions – be sure you review the interview questions and your STAR responses before every interview






Thank You Letter

5 Excellent

4 Good

3 Fair

2 Poor

1/0 Need Improvem ent

Format Follows correct letter writing format and style.

Excellent. Letter formatted correctly, including all elements.

Good. Format and elements mostly correct.

Fair. Format is not completely correct and some elements missing.

Format incorrect and/or all elements not included.

Format incorrect and/or all elements not included.

Professional Tone Correspondence is professional, courteous and sincere.

Excellent. Tone is professional and letter is error-free; 'workplaceready.'

Good. Tone is professional and letter is mostly errorfree; 'workplaceready.'

Fair. Tone is professional. Letter will be 'workplace ready' with minor changes/correcti ons.

Tone is unprofessional. Letter needs refining to be 'workplace ready.'

Tone is unprofessional and/or too many errors for the workplace.

Sentence Structure Clear and concise. Written in a wellorganized manner.

Ideas are skillfully organized in logical sequence; content flows naturally.

Mechanics Spelling, Grammar, Usage and/or Punctuation

Applies excellent grammar, spelling, usage &/or punctuation skills with no errors.


Some organization elements are evident.

Applies good grammar, spelling, usage &/or punctuation skills with errors.

Applies fair grammar, spelling, usage &/or punctuation skills with errors.

Little or no organization is evident.

Applies poor grammar, spelling, usage &/or punctuation skills with errors.

Poor grammar, spelling, usage &/or punctuation skills with errors.




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