Mock Congress Committees Bill Persuasive Speech Templates Rubric PDF

Title Mock Congress Committees Bill Persuasive Speech Templates Rubric
Author ddfgdf ggfdfgd
Course Government
Institution Georgetown University
Pages 8
File Size 226 KB
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UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for WSHS under President Wigginton Suggestions to start research on real bills,,

Committee Structure & Jurisdiction students will serve on two committees, one from each grouping 1. Judiciary All Federal criminal laws, Campaign regulations (FEC) Oversight of Federal law Enforcement Agencies (FBI, DEA, ATF, etc.) Immigration laws (USCIS) Civil Rights 2. Education, Health, & Welfare Federal education standards (NCLB), college loans Healthcare: Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), Medicare, Medicaid Social Security, Welfare (TANF), Food stamps (SNAP) 3. Commerce and Science Energy (any power source/technology regulations) Business Regulations (consumer safety, minimum wage, environment, etc.) Federal Budget (Debt ceiling, Ways and Means – taxes!) Research (NIH, NASA, etc.) Mass Media (FCC)

4. International Relations Foreign Affairs (State Department) Foreign Aid Treaties: Military alliances/Declare War/Embargos Trade Agreements 5. National Security Armed Services (DOD) Veterans’ Affairs (VA) Intelligence (CIA - foreign, NSA – data/surveillance, FBI-domestic) Homeland Security (TSA, Coast Guard, etc.) 6. Transportation and Infrastructure Federal Interstate Highway System, bridges, dams Airports (FAA), drones Amtrak & freight rail Ports & river regulations Spartan Model Congress (use 12 font, Times New Roman)

117th Congress (remove ALL italicized directions for your finished draft) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Date) __________________ (Your Persona’s Name + (your name in parenthesis)) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on (see lists above for jurisdiction) ___ --------------------------------------

A BILL Be it enacted by the House of Representatives of the West Springfield HS, in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (Bill name) This Act may be cited as the "___________________________________ of 2019". SECTION 2. ESTABLISHING (write what is being established, and how is it going to be done?) (all explanations discussing “why” the bill is needed, etc. are to be placed in the essay) SECTION 3. ELIGIBILITY. (eligibility, who will this bill affect?)

SECTION 4. ADMINISTRATION. (who will carry out this new law – Fed. agency? states?)

SECTION 5. PENALTIES. (penalties for non-compliance, if no penalties then put N/A) SECTION 6. FUNDING. (funding, as appropriate, and amount) Congress shall authorize an amount not to exceed $___________________ (this is not a section on how to fund the bill, but on how much money you will authorize.) Do some basic research on how much things cost – it needs to be justified, economically feasible and realistic. Detail different line items for funding as necessary. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. (when the law will go into effect-in the future.)

Member’s Name/Signature


IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 17, 2021 Rep. Julie Jones introduced the following bill, which was referred to the Committee on Education, Health, & Welfare --------------------------------------

A BILL Be it enacted by the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Hard Working American Family Wage Protection Act of 2021" to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act. SECTION 2. ESTABLISHING. The minimum wage level for employees working in the United States of America, inclusive of all states and territories shall be set at a level that shall not fall below the poverty level for a family of four persons. The poverty level for a family of four persons shall be determined using current formulas that are established for measuring such standards by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor. The wages of persons employed as waiters and waitresses, as well as those individuals under the age of 18 shall not fall below an amount that is equal to 80 percent of the poverty level for a family of four persons. The minimum wage will be indexed to the chained Consumer Price Index (CPI) method of inflation so that each year the CPI changes, as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as of July 1 each year, the minimum wage will increase accordingly. SECTION 3. ELIGIBILITY. All persons employed in the United States of America, inclusive of all the states and territories shall fall under the provisions of this Act as prescribed above. SECTION 4. ADMINISTRATION. By July 1 of each calendar year, the Department of Labor shall make a final determination as to the poverty level for the next fiscal year. The Department of Labor shall then establish the level for the minimum wage for the next fiscal year. Taking into account the chained CPI, the DOL will also raise the minimum wage to take into account the inflation of goods and services. On the first of October of each calendar year, the wage level determined by the Department of Labor shall go into effect. SECTION 5. PENALTIES. All employers shall act in accordance with the provisions of this Act and all applicable laws governing compensation and are subject to the penalties for any violation thereof. The Act shall be enforced by the Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division. SECTION 6. FUNDING.

Congress shall authorize and additional $10 million per year to the Department of Labor Office of Public Relations to communicate minimum wage changes to employers publicize those changes to the public. In addition, Congress authorizes a 5% increase to the Wage and Hour Division of DOL each year for the next five years to handle additional enforcement actions under his law over its FY2020 enforcement budget of $61 million. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This law shall go into effect January 1, 2022.

Erin O. Wigginton

Representative Erin Wigginton period X

Persuasive Speech exemplar Honorable members, it is the American dream to be able to work 40 hours a week and be able to provide for your family. However, this is not the case for many Americans. Poverty has robbed many of the ability to feed and cloth their children adequately. Millions of children in the United States of America live in poverty because the wages of their parents are not sufficient to cover the family needs, even though those parents are honest, hardworking contributors to American society. Currently, the Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour for a 40-hour week leaves many families woefully below the poverty level. This bill ensures that hard-working Americans and their families will be able to sustain a standard of living befitting our citizens, not those in the developing world. The economic impact on the country will be a positive one. In the short term, wage increases may result in corresponding, modest increases in the costs of goods and services in sectors that rely on low wages. However, higher incomes directly correlate to increased educational results and better outcomes for children. Most importantly, the overall impacts of this law will lead to fewer dependent families, using fewer government benefits with increased levels of revenue flowing into the Federal Treasury. Some may wish to protect business interests and let the market determine wages. If this solved the problem, we would not have minimum wage workers from Wal-Mart, McDonalds or other employers who must come to the Federal and state governments for assistance. There are millions of these workers who receive programs funded by taxpayer dollars such as Food Stamps or Medicaid. This is an unacceptable form of corporate welfare subsidized by the American taxpayer. Why should the US government pay benefits to keep people out of poverty and allow the private sector keep people at slave wages? Passing this bill will help end the cycle of poverty that still exists in the richest country in the world. By setting a minimum wage that automatically increases with the poverty level and inflation, this country can ensure a better life for hard working Americans. I thank you for your time and I count on your support for this important bill.

Leadership and Committee Chairman Guide Speaker of the House* Enforce rules (members exhibiting inappropriate behavior may be banned from speaking). You will want to work with the majority leader on what bills/issues should be voted for or against. You control the House Rules voting schedule and decide on what bills and what order the bills are voted on. In addition, the Rules Committee sets rules for how long people can debate or ask questions on each bill. Leaders (Majority, Minority)* You are the policy leader, you make the final call on what bills are to be supported or defeated. During the legislative caucus you can poll your members or just tell them how to vote on bills. Always communicate with and rely on chairmen/ranking members and to see that your party follows your wishes. Make sure the ranking committee members forward you a list of bills under consideration in order to review them. Make sure party members have read and know their positions on all bills before general session. You should enlist one or two of your members to help you whip the party members to vote for or against certain bills. Committee Chairs Confirm that members are sitting on the correct side of the table based on partisan affiliation (if we were in the classroom) and make sure bill topic is correct for committee. You will read the title and establishment portion of each bill. You will recognize committee members if they have questions or amendments that they wish to make. The official vote and tally of all bills will be called and counted by you. Passed bills are submitted to Speaker for consideration of a full floor debate and vote. To amend a bill, mark up the hard copy in front of you.

*This position is part of the RULES Committee and will assign other representatives to committees. This group will also select a committee chair for each committee.

Dual Enrollment US Government Model Congress Rules and Regulations – THE FINAL FLOOR VOTE 1. Each party will sit on opposite sides of the room with an aisle in between. The leadership will sit at the front of the room. (if we were in the school) 2. The Speaker has the sole power to recognize a member of the House. You will raise your hand if you want the Speaker to recognize you. 3. A member may not speak without being recognized by the Speaker. 4. The Speaker shall introduce and read the title and establishing portion of the bill. a) The bill sponsor then will give their persuasive speech in support of the bill to the whole House. 5. Debate or questions about the bill will go on as long as the Speaker allows.* The Speaker may allow a member to make an Amendment to the bill if the bill has an “open rule” and that amendment is seconded by another representative. If the full House votes to agree to this Amendment that amended portion will be added to the bill. 6. All votes shall be taken by a hand vote; then it shall be counted by the Speaker of the House. A majority of those present (a quorum) and voting are needed to pass a bill. Two-thirds of those present and voting are needed to pass a Constitutional Amendment or override a presidential veto. 7. Any bills the Speaker does not wish to present to the whole House will not be voted on unless a discharge petition is filed and voted on by a majority of those present in the Congress.

* This is NOT the Senate, none may filibuster.

Rubric - Model Congress Well Developed 5

Written Bill (25)

Developed 4

Name_________________________ Not Developing UnderDeveloped 3 Developed 1-0 2

The bill contains all required elements in order, including: Title, Establishing, Eligibility, Administration, Penalties and Funding. The purpose of the bill is clear and is related to a Federal government, contemporary issue. The bill is relevant to chosen policy and solves a current problem relating to your public policy and your member. Legislation is well researched and indicates depth of knowledge, including realistic funding. Legislation is well edited and typed with correct grammar and spelling. Language is clear, concise and to the point.

Persuasive Essay/Speech (20)

Well Developed 5





Not Developed 1

Persuasive – uses effective, persuasive language (5) Explanation – explanation of bill’s purpose is clear (5) Supporting details – speech provided examples, rationale and/or facts and figures to support policy (5) Conventions –typed, neat, free of major spelling/grammatical mistakes (5)

Participation (15)

Participated with Participated, but did not add vigor, multiple strong substance times, to process professionally and substantively (13) (15-14)

Participated little; pro forma participation/ voting

No real participation observed and/or off task



Absent (make up)

Committee & Floor Debate



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