Persuasive speech PDF

Title Persuasive speech
Course Public Speaking
Institution Western Michigan University
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We were required to create an outline for a persuasive speech. I received an A on this assignment, it is laid out correctly, and formatted how the professor likes....


Gabrielle Eggert Persuasive Speech Why You Should Become a Vegetarian. Outline INTRO: Do you want to be healthier? Do you want to feel better about the food that goes into your body? Do you have a love for animals and the environment? If the answer to all of these questions was yes, then the solution is, become a vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian for 2.5 years now, and I can say it is the best choice I’ve ever made for myself. 1. Vegetarianism has been around forever. In the Victorian period, these ideas were given both a scientific and a spiritual connotation, linking vegetarianism with the health of both body and spirit according to Nick Fox in the article, “You are what you eat?” 2. According to Nick Fox and Katie Ward in their study, “Health, ethics, and the environment- A qualitative study of vegetarian motivations” Concern  for health and concern for animals are by far the two main motivations people have for eating vegetarian. 1ST POINT (Need): One of the many reasons people become a vegetarian is for ample health benefits. In order to live a long and happy life, you need to be healthy. 1. According to Vanessa Ha and Russel Souza in the article “Fleshing out” the overall dietary pattern of self-defined “vegetarians“ compared to non-vegetarians were generally found to be healthier. 2. They found that meat consumption has a high content of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, both of which have been shown to be positively associated with risk of coronary heart disease.

3. According to Charles Godfray in the article, “Meat consumption, health, and the environment,” It was shown that high meat consumption may also increase the risk of some types of chronic disease. 4. Based on a long-term study of 448,568 participants on Meat consumption and mortality done by BMC Med., 11,563 men and 14,781 women died of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases, and digestive tract diseases. Researchers found that high consumption of red meat was related to increased all-cause mortality. 5. Based on multiple studies, it was also shown by BMC Med. that because of vegetarians healthy lifestyle, they have a decreased mortality rate compared with the general population. So basically, if you want to live longer, become a vegetarian. 2ND POINT (Need): Maybe you don’t have any health concerns. It looks like you're going to live a long healthy life. What about the lives of the animals you eat? What about their health and well being? 1. Fox and Ward found that studies show that denying animals' ability to suffer is another tool meat-eaters use to try to avoid the discomfort that comes with their food choices. 2. An argument that non-vegetarians will often give is, even though you stop eating meat doesn't mean the companies are going to stop mistreating animals. However, Fox and Ward also found that a person who gives up eating chickens entirely will spare 27 to 28 animals. And If the entire country did that, the number of farm animals killed each year in the U.S. would drop from about 8.5 billion to 1 billion.

3. According to the same article, since the average American eats half of a pig each year, and a pig lives for 180 days before being slaughtered, the average pork consumer causes 90 days of pig suffering per year. 4. I’m sure most of you are aware of how the animals are treated in the processing plants, but did you know that many chickens experience crippling leg disorders, heart attacks, and other painful ailments as a result of being bred to grow so large, so quickly. Hundreds of millions of them die in their sheds before they even make it to the slaughterhouse. 3RD POINT (Need): My final reason why you should become a vegetarian is for the environment. In a study done by Nick Fox and Katie Ward, they found that health benefits of vegetarianism had connections with other beliefs, values and commitments mostly relating to the environment. 1. According to Vanessa Ha and Russell Souza, A Vegetarian diet requires 2.9 times less water, 2.5 times less primary energy, 13 times less fertilizer, and 1.4 times fewer pesticides than a non-vegetarian diet. A plant-based diet reduces the demand for raised livestock, which is a major stress on ecosystems and on the planet as a whole. 2. Based on research done by Science Magazine, Meat production is one of the most important ways in which humanity affects the environment because we cut down forests to create pasture as well as the land for the animal feed. Livestock production is a major source of greenhouse gases and other pollutants, in some areas, it makes major demands on scarce water resources and can heighten soil erosion.

3. Overall, producing meat requires dramatically more land and water than growing plant-based foods does. Stated by Fox and Ward. Basically, If you want to keep our planet healthy so we can keep existing on it, we need to start changing our lifestyles. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, becoming a vegetarian may not be for everybody, but it has so many benefits, it's hard to find a reason not to do it. Your body, mind, environment, and your overall lifestyle will benefit. If you’re wondering how you can make this switch, no worries, I’m about to explain. 1. (Satisfaction): If you're worried about not having enough to eat, Science Magazine says it is possible to obtain a sufficient intake of these nutrients without eating meat because it is available in a variety of other foods. If you’re thinking, “I don’t know how to cook those foods, there’s no way I could eat enough.” Well, there are a total of 90 vegan and vegetarian restaurants just in Kalamazoo. So you can always find something to eat. 2. (Visualization): Making the Switch to a vegetarian diet will completely change your life. In the study “You are what you eat?” by Fox and Ward, respondents described vegetarianism as not only a diet but also a way to confirm personal commitments or the validity of a broader lifestyle. 3. (Action): It is so much easier than you think to adopt this diet. The sooner you do, the sooner you can feel better about yourself, save 28 farm animals, and help the environment.

References Fox, N., & Ward, K. (2008). Health, ethics and environment: A qualitative study of vegetarian motivations. Appetite,50 ( 2-3), 422-429. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2007.09.007 Fox, N., & Ward, K. J. (2008). You are what you eat? Vegetarianism, health and identity. Social Science & Medicine,66 ( 12), 2585-2595. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.02.011 H. Charles J. Godfray, Paul Aveyard, T. Garnett, J. W. Hall, T. J. Key, J. Lorimer, R. T. Pierrehumbert, P. Scarborough, M. Springmann, S. A. Jebb. SCIENCE20 JUL 2018 Ha, V., & de Souza, R. J. (2015). "Fleshing Out" the Benefits of Adopting a Vegetarian Diet. Journal of the American Heart Association , 4( 10), e002654. doi:10.1161/JAHA.115.002654 Rohrmann, S., Overvad, K., Bueno-de-Mesquita, H. B., Jakobsen, M. U., Egeberg, R., Tjønneland, A., … Linseisen, J. (2013). Meat consumption and mortality--results from the European Prospective Investigation  into Cancer and Nutrition. BMC medicine , 11, 63. doi:10.1186/1741-7015-11-63...

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