Persuasive Speech PDF

Title Persuasive Speech
Author Michael Dooley
Course Fundamentals Of Speech
Institution Valencia College
Pages 4
File Size 84.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Persuasive speech...


Introduction I.

Gain attention: One of the most controversial topics we just cannot get away from nowadays, is the topic of gun control. It is one of those things which we as a society, will never be able to see eye-to-eye on. Some people think guns are the problem, and some people think that people with the guns are the problem.


Motivate: Have any of you ever gone through a moment in your life where you felt that your life was on the line? The reality is, is there are bad people out there who want to do you harm.


Thesis: There are many reasons why gun control in itself is an issue.


Preview: Gun control goes against the 2nd amendment, gun control prevents American citizens from self-preservation, it wouldn’t target those people who shouldn’t have guns, and it gives a false sense of protection.

Body I.

Gun control goes against the 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution. A. The right to bear arms, shall not be infringed. 1. If a law is passed to prevent legal ownership of firearms, it would require the Supreme Court of the United States to reverse the constitutional amendment, and take away one of the core liberties our founding fathers intended for our country.


Gun control prevents American’s from self-preservation. A. Warrant: The right to bear arms saves lives. B. Evidence 1. From my own personal experience, I was witness to somebody caught in the wrong place, at the wrong time. (Discuss WOHS shooting) 2. On July 18, 2018 in Houston, Texas, a husband shot 2 would-be robbers after they held his wife at gunpoint just outside on their driveway. (Morrissey) 3. This article continues by pointing out how this is yet another example of how exercising your right to bear arms, saves lives.

A. Warrant: Criminals love gun control. B. Evidence 1. When legitimate sales for firearms are made restricted or illegal, it opens up new markets; particularly the black market. Explain how the economics work. 2. According to the University of Chicago’s Crime lab, 485 people were murdered in 2015, and then 764 people were murdered in 2016. (Pena) 3. The article continues to explain the rise of murders occurs after new gun laws are introduced.


Gun control wouldn’t target those people who shouldn’t have guns. A. Everybody gets punished. 1. When politicians decide what is best for everybody, it ends up preventing the law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. 2. This raises vulnerability to lawful citizens. B. The criminal is still a criminal. 1. The criminal is a criminal because they do not obey the law. Do you think the criminal will show a shred of consideration for new gun laws? 2. Criminals are capable of rational thought, too.


Gun control gives you a false sense of protection. A. Criminals are fully capable of cost-benefit calculation. 1. Mass shooters prey on gun-free marked areas such as churches, concerts, schools, and other places where people aren’t naturally inclined to be thinking of protecting themselves. 2. Murderers and rapists are capable of rational thought. When they think about the cost of their actions, they think of the probability that they will be stopped, wounded, or killed.

Conclusion I.

Summary: Now you hopefully understand how gun control prevents American citizens from self-preservation, it wouldn’t target those people who shouldn’t have guns, and it gives a false sense of protection.


Leave with Memory: Remember, when you’re thinking of which legislation to support, the point to arming yourselves is to be able to defend against those who will be armed regardless of any laws passed.

Sources Cited “Video: Armed Citizen Effectively Defends Family in Houston” HotAir, Morrissey, Ed

“What impact do state gun laws have on shooting deaths?” CBSNEWS, March 6, 2018, Welch, Ashley

“Guns of Chicago” CBSNEWS, August 7, 2017, Pena, Alex

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