Persuasive speech PDF

Title Persuasive speech
Course Public Speaking
Institution William Paterson University
Pages 5
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speech about the ocean...


Outline Worksheet for Persuasive Speech Title: Why we should save our oceans Thesis Statement; Although most people believe that using reusable plastic straws will save the ocean it will take a lot more effort and changes to our lifestyles to help the damage that we have already done all around the world. Introduction I. Attention-getter: I’m sure if your on any social media platform you've seen propaganda posts about “saving the turtles” by using metal straws and reusable water bottles II.

Establishment of ethos:

If we continue to use so much plastic we could make irreversible changes to not only the ocean life but also the ocean itself. III.

Thematic statement:

If we don't start making a change to the way that we live our lives now and reduce our plastic waste then we are going to get to the point where there is nothing we can do and it will be too late. IV.

Preview (each main point):

First . . . How much damage have we already done Next . . . How our lifestyle is affecting the wildlife Finally . . . Whats steps we need to take in order to reverse our mistakes (Transition; From my last informative speech I briefly mentioned that when movie director James Cameron traveled to the challenger deep he found some small particles of plastic in the deepest part of the ocean which is kind of shocking ) Body I.

Main idea 1

As a society we use a ton of plastic in our everyday lives, even in things that you wouldn't even expect. The amount of plastic that we use daily is becoming so harmful to the ocean that scientists are finding traces of it in the middle of the ocean where there are no islands

and no boats passing through. The garbage is way too deep because it will drop meters below and sit on the bottom of the ocean floor and if boats were to drag nets through to pick all these items up they would also pick up many different species. A.Subpoint and/or supporting material A product that you would never expect to contain plastic is actually our face wash, deodorant, toothpaste and many other beauty products; these plastics are called microbeads. Many people think the exfoliating beads that are in face washes for body soaps are actually helpful and make it a better product but this is actually the complete opposite. The beads are not biodegradable so they stay in either water or the ground forever. A lot of times this can then find its way into the oceans where they can be incredibly toxic. B. Subpoint and/or supporting material Not only are we causing damage to the ocean by simple products such as face wash and toothpaste but we are also doing damage by not recycling our plastic items like water bottles and plastic bags. All these items are drifting through the ocean and getting stuck in convergence zones; which is where warm water from the south pacific links with cold water from the arctic. The great pacific garbage patch is currently in between Hawaii and California but there are other garbage patches all over our oceans. There is a western garbage patch near Japan and the eastern garbage patch closer to California. These garbage patches aren't just massive mountains of plastic bottles and cartons but actually microplastics. The plastic items we use cannot disintegrate so they end up getting worn down into very small microplastics but they are not fully biodegradable. (Transition; The way that we live now is not only affecting us but it's also seriously hurting our aquatic wildlife.) II.

Main idea 2

Most people have seen the videos of fisherman helping wildlife get free of plastic bags, nets and other items that put them in danger and most of the time they can help the animal and it happily swims back. But what about all of the other animals that can't find help and are just left there stuck until ultimately they end up dying. According to plastic has been found in more than 60% of all seabirds and in 100% of sea turtles species, that mistake plastic for food. A.Subpoint and/or supporting material

One of the most well known animals affected by our over usage of plastic products are turtles; which was popularized due to social media, more specifically the platform Tik Tok. These sea turtles begin consuming plastic the day that they are hatched, since they are so small when they get to the water they will drift with the water currents right alongside many other plastic products. According to “Six  of the seven species of sea  turtles are considered threatened, although many populations are recovering.” Sea turtles are unable to vomit up anything they eat therefore once they eat it then it can become lodged in their digestive tract or can even clog their throats making them unable to eat or breathe leading to death. B. Subpoint and/or supporting material Another animal that is severely impacted by this issue is whales, researchers found one specific whale with 88 pounds of plastic in its stomach. Scientists pulled out various types of bags, rope, plastic and other waste. Apparently it was so densely compacted that it became as hard as a softball or as a basketball according to the researchers. It's said that the whale likely died due to dehydration or starvation due to the fact that whales consume water when they eat and since the whale couldn't eat it also couldn't ingest any water. Its stomach was unable to break down any of the waste therefore creating holes in its stomach lining. (Transition; ) III.

Main idea 3

The amount of plastic we use in our day to day lives is already at an obnoxiously high level and there are steps we can take to help reverse what we've already done to the planet. Most teenage girls today think that using metal straws instead of plastic will automatically change everything and that this simple action can save an entire aquatic species; however, that's not the only solution. A. Subpoint and/or supporting material According to we must reduce our single use plastics such as “plastic  bags, water bottles, straws, cups, utensils, dry cleaning bags, take-out containers, and any other plastic items that are used once and then discarded.” We can do this by using reusable shopping bags when getting groceries from the store, using reusable water bottles, and recycling these items when we do use them. Most if not all places have recycling bins in them right next to the trash cans, but people choose to throw their plastics away in the garbage. This little change would make a huge difference.

B. Subpoint and/or supporting material Different sources have different solutions such as looking for alternatives to plastic bags like getting glass, ceramic,  stainless steel or wood containers,  buying products in bulk, and even saying no to balloons. What some people don't know is when you release balloons into the air for deceased relatives or any other reason they eventually end up floating down and could potentially fall into the ocean. If we decide to not get these products in the first place, then this wouldn't be a problem. Conclusion I.

Summarize (overall theme):

To conclude, the plastic that is not only hurting our wildlife but also polluting our oceans is completely reversible if we take action. Everyone needs to start recycling any and all plastics that they use more. We can also refuse to buy products that contain microbeads in them. II.

Review (each main point):

We've already done enough damage to the planet by not only using products containing plastic but also by not recycling when using single-use plastic items. This is seriously affecting our wildlife, and oceans that haven't even been discovered yet. III.

Tie to the introduction:

Globally everyone really needs to start recycling and using reusable items such as water bottles, bags, and straws. One day we can ruin these things to the point where we won't be able to fix it so why not make the change now. IV.

Creative concluding thought (end with impact):

How would you feel if one day you wanted to go out for a swim one day but the ocean is so contaminated that you can no longer get in the water let alone see many animals that you love such as turtles, dolphins or seals that are also affected by this huge issue. References ines/...

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