Persuasive speech PDF

Title Persuasive speech
Course Public Speaking
Institution Farmingdale State College
Pages 3
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Kanza Ahmad Persuasive Speech Topic: Why should you donate blood? I.



Thesis: We need to donate blood because it can save a family member’s life, or someone who is very close to us. a. I will discuss what blood donations are needed for, and who needs them in hospitals. b. I will talk about how to donate and the steps you will follow to do so. c. Reasons why people might not donate. d. Finally I will discuss how it can affect someone personally and reasons why everyone should become a donor as soon as possible. What are blood donations needed for? Who requires them? a. Every 2 seconds, someone in the US requires blood, and 1 pint of blood donated can save up to 3 lives. b. Blood donations are needed for anywhere from blood transfusions for someone in a severe car accident to a cancer patient. c. Mostly, the blood transfusions normally made are used for women who face complications in pregnancy, whether it’s during the C-section itself or it’s a problem before childbirth even occurs. Blood may also be needed for the newborn, if he/she faces any complications. d. Blood transfusions are also mostly done for children with severe anemia, sickle cell anemia, malnutrition problems, or cancer kids. These kinds of patients who are constantly in demand for blood transfusions and always fail to receive blood in time to save them. e. Another time of need is people who get into traumatic accidents, who undergo big surgeries, and cancer patients. With traumatic accidents, these patients lose a lot of blood out on the site and continue to bleed until they are able to undergo surgery and get blood transfused to them. The same concept goes for big surgeries; a lot of blood is lost when a person is cut open and being operated on. With cancer patients, they may require blood up to everyday, depending on their treatment course. f. There is a constant need for blood supply because blood can only be stored for up to 42 days, and platelets last only till 5 days and are worthless. This makes the need for blood supply very demanding and very constant. g. As advanced as science is, blood cannot be manufactured and must be donated from a very generous donor. What do you do in order to donate blood? What is the process? a. Donating blood is a much safer process than people think. All the equipment from the tape to the needle is sterile and is used only once for each donor.


b. Blood donation consists of 4 steps: Registering, Medical history, Mini-physical, and donation and refreshments. c. The registration part is when you walk right in and are required to fill out an entire form of your background; it usually asks about your weight, any previous diseases, problems, piercings, tattoos, drug use, and if you have travelled out of state or country. This is to make the process easier and to know if there may be any factors such as being underweight that may hold you back from donating so you can walk out right away. d. The next step is to undergo a mini physical where a nurse confidentially asks you about your health history and of recent travels. Then the nurse asks for your weight and checks your temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and hemoglobin level from a blood sample to make sure you are stable for a donation. e. Now the main step is the actual donation of blood, which takes about 10-12 minutes of drawing out 1 pint of your blood. This is done with a sterile needle and a couple of samples are taken before the actual pint is drawn just to be able to run some tests and make sure the blood is healthy and good to donate. This step can also detect if a person has HIV or AIDS and is unaware. f. The last part is being taped with your favorite color, and going to sit down and enjoying some refreshments. This part takes about 5-10 minutes for a person to cool down, hydrate and eat something before walking off again. This is so a person doesn’t faint after donating blood, or if the person feels weird, the doctors/nurses can address the concern right away. An average adult has about 10 pints of blood and 1 pint is drawn during the donation. g. A healthy donor is then able to donate blood after 56 days, and if wanting to donate platelets again, it can be done after 7 days. h. All of the blood that is donated goes through testing for HIV, hepatitis B & C, syphilis, and other infectious contagious diseases before opening up to the patients of the hospitals. There are a couple of reasons as to why some people might not donate blood as follow: a. Some people just haven’t given it much thought and have never considered the idea of donating blood. These people definitely should think about it! b. Some people hold the fear of needles and that’s why they resist from donating blood because they think it’s a painful process. It actually isn’t at all; in fact the finger prick during the mini physical to test for iron is the only painful part. c. Some believe that there are plenty of donors out there and enough blood. In reality, about 60% of the population is eligible and able to donate blood, but only about 5% actually donate. Blood centers are constantly running into blood shortages through out the year. Approximately 40K pints of blood are used each day in the US.



d. People are afraid of “catching a disease” from blood donation, when in reality, blood is actually safer today than ever before. During the actual process, donors go through the 4-step process, and all equipment used is sterile and disposable. These blood centers actually go through 5 layers of safety procedures from blood donor standards, to lab testing, to donor record checks. e. Some people believe that the donation center will “take too much blood” causing one to feel weak. This is actually false because an average adult has 10 pints of blood, and the donation only takes about a pint. Also the donors are given 56 days to recover fully from the donation. f. Lastly, another reason that many unfortunately go by is the statement of “I’m too busy”. Donating blood takes only about an hour to 1.15 minutes, not much of ones time especially if people only donate once a year or a couple of months. Lets just say if someone close to you, a family member or best friend needed that blood transfusion, would you say the same statement? Reasons why everyone should become a donor: a. The gift of life, of giving blood and being able to help someone is the biggest form of help/gift anyone can ever offer. It’s something that is priceless and doesn’t even cost the donor a penny. In fact the donation centers such as American Red Cross will have incentives for you to come and donate. b. About 20% of recipients of the blood are children, many of whom are cancer patients, and you wouldn’t want your child to be that one-day who has to stay in the hospital longer in pain because there was a blood shortage. c. 1 donation of blood can save up to 3 lives; just 3 teaspoons of blood can save a baby’s life; it takes about 50 donors to take care of victims of a major car accident; 20 donors help save a burn victim. Conclusion: If your family member or close friend were in a hospital bed lying there in pain waiting for a blood transfusion to save their life, wouldn’t you do anything in the world to save them? One simple step can just be donating blood and bringing up more awareness about it so more people donate and a shortage never occurs.

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