Persuasive Speech PDF

Title Persuasive Speech
Author makenzie ceprish
Course English Language Analysis
Institution The Pennsylvania State University
Pages 5
File Size 103.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Persuasive Speech: Introduction: Attention Getter: Every year around this time, the race begins to complete our holiday shopping, in order to be able to shower our loved ones with gifts on December 25 th. Amongst all this chaos and holiday cheer, we sometimes tend to forget about those who are less fortunate, and who cannot afford to give their families the Christmas that they deserve. Though 100% of you said that you are familiar with the Toys for Tots foundation, 90% of you said that you do not donate to this charity regularly, but 90% of you did say that you would like to learn more about how you can contribute to this charity. Establish Credibility: I feel qualified to talk to you about this topic because my family and I have donated to the Toys for Tots program almost every year, as well as I have done a lot of research on the foundation. State Residual Message: This is why today, I am going to tell you why you need to donate to Toys for Tots this holiday season. Preview Main Points: Today I am going to explain to you why a shortage of toys for Christmas is a problem, how donating to Toys for Tots is the solution, and the advantages of donating to this foundation. Give Reasons to Care: According to my audience analysis, all of you said that you were not aware of how many children typically go without gifts for Christmas. Well, according to the National Center for Children in Poverty 2010, 40% of all white children and 73% of all African-American children in the United States live in households with zero or negative net worth, and these numbers are growing every day. Another staggering from Jenifer Lee, 2010, is that the average age of these children is only 9 years of age. Transition into First Main Point: So, with this being said, you can see why there is a shortage of toys for Christmas. Preview Substructures: First I will talk about the families that cannot afford gifts, and they the children who go without gifts for the holidays. Transition into First Substructure: First, I will begin with the families that cannot afford gifts. Develop First Substructure: According to my audience analysis, all of you said that you were not aware of how many people overall were in need of toys for Christmas. According to The United States Department of Labor, as of November 2012, is7.9% of

Americans are Unemployed, as you can imagine, Christmas just doesn’t come easy for a lot of families. Many kids in the United States will go without gifts this holiday season because it just isn’t in the budget for their parents. Transition into Second Substructure: This brings me to my next point which is that many children go without gifts for Christmas each year. Develop Second Substructure: According to my audience analysis, all of you are unaware of just how many kids go without any gifts for Christmas. According to Meghan Kennelly’s survey in November 2012, 52% of the people surveyed said they were concerned that they would not be able to afford any gifts for their children this holiday season. Transition into Internal Summary: In sum, Develop Internal Summary: With the holiday season coming, many people are concentrating on buying gifts for their loved ones, though; many families are not able to provide their children with presents for Christmas because they do not have the money to do so. 52% of people who were surveyed said that they were very concerned that would not be able to afford any gifts for their children this holiday season. With many economic factors in the mix, as well as the high unemployment rate, many parents just can’t fit Christmas gifts into their tight budget. Transition into Second Main Point: Now I’d like to tell you about the solution to this problem which is to donate to the Toys for Tots foundation this holiday season. Main Point Two: Preview Substructures: First ill share with you the items that are needed, and then I will share with you the donation locations near you. Transition into First Substructure: Let’s begin with discussing the items that are needed. Develop First Substructure: According to my audience analysis, only 40% of you knew what kind of items that Toys for Tots is interested in receiving. Well, the criteria for donations are actually very lenient. According to www.toysfortots ., 2012,they just asks that you consider what you would buy your own children, or children that are in your life, as a gift. They also ask that you avoid donating realistic looking weapon toys as well as gifts with food, and that they will not distribute these items if they are donated. Overall, most toys, books, and electronics are accepted.

Also, 70% of you said that you were not aware of which age range to buy for when purchasing these gifts. According to Kare 11 News, 2012, the age range that they are most interested in supplying gifts for is 0 to 12 years of age. Also, 100% of you said that you were not aware of the details about giving monetary donations. Monetary donations can be submitted on the Toys for Tots website, which is, and go to the “donate” tab. All you have to do is enter your credit card information, as well as some other basic information about yourself, and the amount you want to donate. Transition into Second Substructure: Once you have your gift, now you need to know where to take them, which is what I will be discussing next. Develop Second Substructure: According to my audience analysis 60% of you said that you do not know where to take your Toys for Tots donation. According to the Toys for Tots website 2012, to find a donation location close to you, all you have to do is go their site, go to the “Toy Drop-Offs” tab, and select your state, followed by your county, and this will redirect you to a page with the information that you need. According to my audience analysis, 60% of you do not know when you are able to donate. According to ABC online, 2012, Toys for Tots would like to have most of the toy donations submitted before December 15 th for this Christmas, but donations are taken year around as well. Transition into Internal Summary: In short, Develop Internal Summary: We have discussed how donating to the Toys for Tots foundation will help to decrees the number of children that will go without gifts for Christmas. The Toys for tots foundation is mostly interested in toys for children from the ages of 0 to 12 years of age, and discourages donations that include realistic looking weapon toys as well as food items, and will not distribute these gifts if they are donated. Toys for Tots also will take monetary donations through their website as well. Donation locations for your area can also be found on their website under the “Toy Drop-Offs” tab. Transition into HSSP (Advantages): Now let’s discuss how donating to Toys for Tots solves the shortage of toys for Christmas, or the advantages of donating to Toys for Tots. Preview Substructures: I’ll talk to you about how donating helps families and then ill talk to you about the advantages of the kids getting gifts for Christmas.

Transition into First Substructure: First let’s discuss how donating to Toys for Tots helps families during the holidays. Develop First Substructure: With many families unable to afford gifts for their children during the holidays, many families seek help in purchasing these gifts. By donating to Toys for Tots you are helping these families provide a better Christmas for their children without them having to worry about trying to find the money to do so. Transition into Second Substructure: Now let’s discuss how donating to Toys for Tots helps kids get gifts for Christmas. Develop Second Substructure: Because of the generous donations of people like you and me, Toys for Tots is able to give children gifts for Christmas that they otherwise would not have been able to have. When you donate to Toys for Tots you are helping make a child’s Christmas a little better. Transition into Internal Summary: So, in sum, Develop Internal Summary: So basically we have talked about the advantages of donating to Toys for Tots. First we discussed how donating to Toys for Tots helps the families that cannot afford to buy their children gifts for Christmas, and then we discussed how donating to Toys for Tots helps give gifts to children who would otherwise go without during the holidays. Transition Into Conclusion: To conclude, Conclusion: Summaries Main Ideas: We have discussed the problem of their being a shortage of toys for children for Christmas. We discussed the issue that families are not able to afford gifts for their children for Christmas because money is just too tight. Then we discussed children going without gifts for Christmas because their families simply cannot afford to buy them for them. Next we discussed the solution, which is donating to Toys for Tots for the holidays. First we discussed the items that Toys for Tots is interested in, which are toys for children between the ages of 0 and 12 as well as that they would not distribute realistic looking weapon toys or toys that contain food. We also discussed that Toys for Tots does accept monetary donations.

Next we discussed where to take your donations once you have them. We discussed how to go to the Toys for Tots website, under the “Toy Drop- Offs” tab, and select your state and county, and it will redirect you to a page with the information that you need. We also discussed that for this year, you can drop off donations as late as December 15th, but also that donations are taken all you around. Lastly we discussed the advantages of donating to Toys for Tots. We discussed that donation to this organization will help the families that re in need by taking away the burden of trying to be able to afford gifts, as well as we discussed that children who would not normally get gifts do receive them because of the donations. Restate Residual Message: As I have said, you need to donate to Toys for Tots this holiday season. Final Note: Every child deserves to have gifts for Christmas, as well as every parent deserves to have the peace of mind that their child will be able to have these gifts. Donating to Toys for Tots is the way that you can help these families achieve this goal, as well as know that you are bringing a smile to a child’s face for Christmas....

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