Persuasive Speech Rubric For Online PDF

Title Persuasive Speech Rubric For Online
Author Essence Uniq
Course Introduction to Speech Communication
Institution Tarrant County College
Pages 3
File Size 131.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Download Persuasive Speech Rubric For Online PDF


Persuasive Speech Rubric For: _______________________________ Category

Excellent (10pts)

Good (8pts)

Satisfactory (6pts)


Speech has: 1. Attention Getter 2. Listener relevance 3. Speaker credibility 4. Thesis Statement 5. Preview of main points

Meets any four of the five required components

Meets any three of the five required components


Speech has 3 clear/ different main ideas with transitions between each main idea that look back, then look forward.

Speech has 3 clear/ different main ideas. One transition is ineffective

Conclusi on

Speech has: 1. Thesis Restatement 2. Summary of Main ideas 3. Strong/Clear challenge or ask for audience response

Eye Contact

Needs improvement (4pts) Meets any two of the five required components

Expectations not met (0-2pts)

Speech has 3 clear/ different main ideas. More than one transition is ineffective

Speech has too few or too many main ideas. Transitions are missing or ineffective

Structure of the body is hard to follow. Listeners cannot distinguish between main ideas because they are not clearly defined or have no transitions at all.

Speech has all three parts with a closing line that could be stronger OR all three parts are not delivered in correct order.

Meets any two of the three required components

Meets one of the three required components

Meets none of the requirements

Speaker: 1. Makes eye contact with audience or camera about 85-95% of the time.

Speaker makes eye contact more than half of the time, but less than 85%

Speaker makes eye contact less than half the time

Very little eye contact.

Virtually no eye contact, speaker only reads off note cards, never looking up

Body language

Speaker: 1. Dressed appropriately for the speech 2. Stood still or moved only when necessary to enhance the presentation 3. Used hand gestures effectively to enhance the presentation 4. Had facial expressions showing emotion and enthusiasm

Meets any three of the four required components

Meets any two of the four required components

Meets one of the four required components

Speaker’s body language distracted greatly from the message. Constant pacing/ movement with no purpose, no gestures, facial expressions imply boredom or indifference.

Vocal delivery

Speaker: 1. Spoke at an appropriate rate, not too fast or slow, and varies speed

Speaker met three of the four required components

Speaker met two of the four required components

Speaker met one of the four required components

Most of the speech, speaker was too quiet to hear or mumbled or lacked enunciation or sounded uninterested

Meets none or one of the requirements

Total Poin ts

2. Spoke clearly, no mumbling, good enunciation, and varied volume 3. Spoke fluently, only stumbled over words once, twice, or not at all. 4. Speaker sounded enthusiastic while speaking

Languag e usage




1. Use of language contributes to effectiveness of the speech 2. Vocalized pauses not distracting (Ummm…uh…like… etc.) 3. No slang or unprofessional language 4. Technical jargon defined, and correct pronunciation is used Speaker gave a minimum of three oral citations by citing credible sources including the 1. Title 2. Author (where available) 3. Publication date (if applicable). Citations were given right before or right after the information that came from that source Speaker demonstrates a clear and wellresearched understanding of the topic, demonstrates 1. Ethos 2. Logos 3. Pathos Speech is persuasive, not informative and audio and video are of good quality. Speaker presented speech within timeframe

Speaker met three of the four required components

Speaker met two of the four required components

Speaker met one of the four required components

Use of language is inappropriate. Repeated use of slang, swearing, several mispronunciations, and continual distracting vocal fillers

Speaker met the minimum requirement of oral citations, but one of the citations was missing one of the three required components

Speaker cited only one sources, but did meet the three required components. OR Cited sources in the wrong place during the presentation. OR Met the minimum requirement of oral citations but did not do so correctly.

Speaker did not cite any sources. OR Cited only one source incorrectly.

Speaker demonstrates an understanding of the topic, but only 2 of the 3 forms of rhetorical proof.

Speaker met the minimum requirement of oral citations but two or more of the citations were missing one of the three required components. OR Speaker met the minimum requirement of oral citations but one citation was missing two of the three required components. Speaker demonstrates an understanding of the topic, but only 1 of the 3 forms of rhetorical proof.

Speaker does not seem to understand the topic very well or does not make reasonable arguments.

Speaker clearly does not understand what he/she is supposed to be persuading the audience about or simply makes an informative speech.

Speaker missed time frame by more than 10 seconds

Speaker missed time frame by more than 40 seconds

Speaker missed time frame by more than 100 seconds

Speaker missed time frame by more than 160 seconds

Attention Getter – Preview – Transitions – Summary – Closer -...

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