C128 Adv Prof Roles Values PDF

Title C128 Adv Prof Roles Values
Author Patti Hope
Course Advanced Professional Roles and Values
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 6
File Size 83.5 KB
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Advanced Professional Roles and Values Task 1 Patti Hope 2-11-20 Western Governors University

C128 Advanced Professional Roles and Values: Task 1

Nurse as Detective According to WGU’s (Western Governors University) Nursing Programs Conceptual Model, the MSN prepared nurse (masters of science in nursing) will not only be able to detect subtle changes from expected patterns but will/should also be able to judge and determine the consequences of these changes in order to prevent or control adverse outcomes. (Western Govenors University, 2019) The two model elements that, as a community care case manager, I will be able to apply to my current practice are those of Communication and Cultural Competency. Communication is key in my role of community care nurse case manager, as most of my interaction with patients and community providers is via telephone. As an MSN prepared nurse, it is essential that I not only understand the requested plan of care for each patient but that I also understand the consequences if the requested care is delayed or refused. This knowledge enables me to educate the patient and community providers, if necessary, when calling to coordinate/schedule the requested care. If I fail to communicate the importance of the care to the patient or the importance in obtaining an appointment as soon as possible to community provider, my actions could potentially place the patient at risk for a negative outcome. Cultural Competency for the MSN prepared nurse means more than just remembering the material studied in school or reading the cultural flyer you received in the last staff meeting. Cultural competency means continually educating one’s self in the culture of those in your care. A majority of those I care for are between the ages of 60 – 85. Understanding how those of this age group were raised, along with how world events during their lifetime have shaped their

beliefs, will enable the interactions I have with them to be more positive. I will know when to listen and when/how to begin speaking once it is my turn. Without this knowledge, the patient may misunderstand my question, or I might misinterpret their response to the question, which could result in a negative outcome. If I failed to realize that Hispanic families come together when their elderly members are sick, I might excuse them all to the lobby in order to speak to the patient. That misunderstanding and lack of cultural competency will have unnecessarily created a stressful and potentially anxious environment for the patient which is not conducive to healing. It is essential to have an understanding about those in your care. This understanding enables nurses to care for the whole patient, not just their acute disease. Nurse as Scientist This role, Nurse as Scientist, is one in which the nurse will use science to influence healthcare decisions. (Western Govenors University, 2019) The goal of the nurse as a scientist is: to prescribe and implement best practices and then to share this information with as many as possible. (Western Govenors University, 2019) Safety and Quality care along with Teamwork and Collaboration are the two model elements that work well together in this role. As a community nurse case manager, it is my job to obtain requested care from community providers for the patients in a timely manner to ensure the best outcome possible for the patient. Being an MSN prepared nurse case manager means I will be taking my role to the next level by evaluating the processes used to obtain this care, against the outcomes being seen once care has been delivered, in order to determine the effectiveness of current processes. Only by evaluating the current process against the outcomes are we able to determine a need for change. Teamwork and collaboration as an MSN prepared nurse case manager is displayed not by simply working with the ordering provider to clarify their request but by listening to the need, working with the

provider and his team, in conjunction with the community teams, to develop new processes when needed, that will yield the best possible care for the patient in the most streamlined process that is agreeable to all involved. This process development usually requires extra meetings between staff involved, trial and error of different ideas in order to discover which process will provide the best results and requires that staff bring their expertise to the table, putting the patient’s needs ahead of their own. I have had the fortunate opportunity to be involved in a situation such as this while on my path to my MSN degree. Myself along with my supervisor, nurse practitioners from our cardiology department, the director of a third department, and the local medical equipment representatives, we were able to work together as a team to develop a process for more immediate acquisition of much needed lifesaving cardiac equipment. This new process saved my department hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, allowed for more direct involvement from the cardiology nurse practitioners, faster payment to the medical equipment company, and above all, better turnaround time for the patients allowing them immediate access to the medical equipment needed to save their life. Nurse as Manager of the Healing Environment The healing environment is global in nature and can include can be influenced by several factors. (Western Govenors University, 2019) The two model elements I would apply to the role of Nurse as Manager of the healing environment would include: Leadership/Education along with Informatics/Technology. In my opinion the best leaders are the servant leaders who lead by example. Servant leaders step up, helping when/as needed and in doing so, capture the respect of those around them. In return, when those leaders are in need of help from those in their charge, the help is willingly reciprocated in a positive manner because the leader has created a positive work environment where workers feel appreciated for their efforts, valued as an individual and

part of a team, whose goal/priority is to deliver high quality patient care which will yield optimal outcomes for the patients. Education is an area the nurse manager must also evaluate. When someone is unfamiliar with how to perform a certain task, and no teaching is offered, this can create unrealistic expectations regarding work performance. Taking time to teach and, more importantly, to assess understanding of the teaching, will also foster a more positive working environment which will lead to a cohesive team working together for the good of the patients they serve as well as towards the goals set forth by facility administration. As an MSN prepared nurse manager in the community care department, it is also essential to understand how the performance metrics monitored by administration effect/dictate the daily operations of the department. It is my belief that if the front-line staff also understand these metrics and the rationale behind their use, the staff will develop a sense of ownership to their performance and strive to do the best work possible. The education given by the nurse manager shows the front-line staff their role in the bigger picture and how they are important to the success of the team. Conclusion Obtaining the MSN level is certainly something to be proud of but, if the nurse does not take their role seriously, and rise to the expectations placed upon them, all their hard work will have been for nothing. Communication is foundational and without it, interacting with others, whether for educating, encouraging, or collaborating, will be difficult at best and may not yield positive/desired outcomes. MSN prepared nurses place others ahead of their self. By doing this, the MSN nurse detective can ask/discover the why to a situation, the MSN nurse scientist is able to look for solutions that will benefit others and the MSN nurse manager is able to lead by example.


Nursing Programs Conceptual Model. (2019, September 17). Retrieved from https://cm.wgu.edu/t5/Nursing-Student-Handbook/Nursing-Programs-ConceptualModel/ta-p/19...

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