C229 V5 Task 1 .docx PDF

Title C229 V5 Task 1 .docx
Author Paul Watkins
Course Leadership
Institution Western Governors University
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C229 Task 1 Kellie Carter Western Governors University February 15, 2021


2 Social Media Campaign

(B) Community Health Nursing Diagnosis Statement Format: Increased risk of Covid-19 exposure among patients 65 and older related to decreased access and experience with technology as demonstrated by increasing Covid-19 rates of infection. Example: Community Health Nursing Diagnosis: Delayed vaccination in elderly patients: Increased risk of vaccination delay among the elderly population of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma metro area related to decreased accessibility in scheduling vaccination due to the lack of access or knowledge in technology as demonstrated by patients having difficulty navigating the state department website without assistance.

(B1) Health Inequity/Disparity Primary Prevention Topic: Prevention of Covid-19 in those older than 65 through increasing rated of Covid-19. Target Population: Adults aged 65 and older Population size: 201,143 people; 14.3% of the population Demographics: The Oklahoma City metro area is the most populated area in Oklahoma. Oklahoma City is located in central Oklahoma. Topographically, it is mostly plains with some rolling hills. Oklahoma City is a metropolitan area mixed with urban, suburban, and rural areas. Public transportation is limited in this area partially due to the widespread area that the city encompasses. Average age in this area is 34.6 years old.



Area size: 606.4 square miles (US Census Bureau, 2019) Physical and Social Environment: The Oklahoma City area has a lot of diversity depending on where you are in the city. Houses in the city are mostly made of brick because lumber is more expensive in this part of the country. There are more single-family homes than apartment buildings on average. Most buildings have central heat and air because of the vast change in seasons here. The area is a mixture of urban, suburban, and rural areas with suburban areas taking up most of this area. There are many large areas of green grass and trees. There are multiple parks spread out throughout the area as well. Most people travel in their own vehicles to get from one place to another. In the more urban areas, you will see people walking, riding bikes, or taking a bus to get around. Public transportation is limited outside of the downtown area. One of the well-developed things in the Oklahoma City area is access to hospitals, clinics, and health departments. There are seven major hospitals in the area. Clinics can be found throughout the city. Health department offices are available in every county with 2 or more locations in larger counties. In some of the rural areas, there are free clinics to help those who can not afford healthcare or do not have insurance.

(B1a) Primary community and Prevention Resources Primary preventions of Covid-19 in the Oklahoma City area are to wash your hands, social distancing, wearing a face covering over your nose and mouth, and to get your Covid vaccination when it is available to you according to the Oklahoma Department of Health, OSDH, website. (Oklahoma State Department of Health, 2021a). In Oklahoma, the health department is



coordinating their efforts to set up vaccine clinics in as many places as possible to maximize the number of people vaccinated daily. Some of the local hospitals have recently received vaccinations in order to help the health department with vaccination distribution. The OSDH has set up a website for people to sign up for a vaccination appointment. (B1b) Underlying Causes The vaccination website that was set up is difficult to use even for people who are technology savvy. You must fill out a questionnaire that is several pages long to determine if you are currently eligible to receive the vaccine. Once eligibility is determined, you then receive and e-mail to schedule your appointment. Appointment slots get taken as quickly as they are posted. People aged 65 and older, who have less experience with technology are finding it difficult to get these appointments on their own. I have talked with several elderly people who are frustrated with the process and not having any luck finding appointments. This continues to leave this high-risk population without any coverage, and they are losing hope of ever being able to be vaccinated. Other concerns from this population were being around so many people with the risk of being exposed to Covid-19 and having to stand in long lines or out in the cold. (Oklahoma State Department of Heath, 2021b). (B2) Evidence-Based Practice In the Journal of Virology, it is stated “If people exercise caution while in public by protecting themselves (e.g., wearing a facemask, proper hand hygiene and avoid agglomeration) the magnitude and duration of SD necessary to maintain control over the pandemic can be reduced.” (Kennedy, et al.,2020). This article shows statistics to support the use of social distancing, wearing a facemask, proper hand hygiene, etc. to prevent the transmission of Covid19. The article concluded that the use of personal protection measures, “suggest that a minimum



protection of 50 % is necessary to avoid another spike in COVID-19 cases and associated deaths.” (Kennedy, et al., 2020). Kennedy et. al found interesting data supporting the ability to decrease social distancing if at least 50% of people would use personal protection equipment. “If personal caution levels were maintained at 50 %, SD could be reduced to 15 % average across time without crossing the threshold for available ICU beds.” (2020). Another article from Scientific Reports indicates that getting the vaccines out to those most vulnerable first will significantly reduce the number of deaths. (Grauer, J., Lowen, H., Liebchen, B., 2020). In order to get this vaccine to the most vulnerable, we need to make vaccine access smooth and easy. In Oklahoma, we have plenty of vaccines, but getting them to those 65 & older has been a challenge because of their lack of knowledge with the internet and technology. In an article by Vaportzis, E., Clsuaen, M. G., and Gow, A. J., they discuss hesitation to use technology in the elderly (60-75). (2017). (B2a) Identification of Data At the beginning of January, the Covid-19 vaccination was made available for those 65 and older. Residents in Oklahoma were excited about the opportunity to receive the vaccine as Covid-19 cases were at record highs during this time. Vaccinations were being made available by signing up for them via the OSHD vaccine portal. As people began to navigate through this portal, they quickly realized how difficult it was to secure an appointment. People began to get frustrated and worried that they were not going to receive their vaccine. In a news article form CNN, journalists reported, “many of the nation's 50 million seniors…have been struggling to figure out how to navigate the various websites that provide information about the vaccine or allow people to sign up.” (Hamedy, 2021). Another news story in The Tulsa World (2021) answered frequently asked questions about the vaccine and gave tips on how to secure an



appointment. Of the 50 million senior citizens, it is estimated that a little over nine million have received their first dose of the vaccine. (Freed, et al., 2021). Making over 40 million senior citizens who are still looking to receive their first vaccine. (C1) Social Media Campaign Objective The object of this social media campaign is to educate those 65 and older and their family members by supplying education materials about Covid-19, the Covid-19 vaccination, and on how to get a vaccination appointment in Oklahoma City, OK bringing the number of those vaccinated from 17% to 75% in the next 6 months. (C2) Social Marketing Interventions Oklahoma has limited supplies of the Covid-19 vaccination and health resources are limited due to the pandemic. The first thing to do would be to help educated people on the importance of receiving the vaccination and information on how the vaccination was developed. Some people have voiced concerns about how quickly this vaccine was created. By explaining the creation of the vaccination and the technology behind it would help ease people’s fears. The second thing that needs to be done is aiding people in scheduling their vaccinations by education on the system or by scheduling it for them. (C3) Description of Social Media Platform The social media campaign will begin on Facebook by using resources to help communicate information on Covid-19 and the vaccination. A Facebook page will be created that is dedicated to Covid-19 and the vaccination. Links will be provided to websites on where to find the most up to date information and create files for people to download. There will be daily facts about Covid-19 and the vaccination that will be posted for the group. YouTube video updates will be posted periodically giving verbal information to those who have a hard time



reading. A service will be provided to help those 65 and older to schedule their vaccinations. A team consisting of myself and a friend will continue to aid the scheduling of appointments for anyone who is having a hard time navigating the OSDH website. So far, 25 first vaccinations have been scheduled and we are currently working to get more scheduled. This service is provided for free to those in need of assistance. (C3a) Benefits of Social Media Platform The use of Facebook and YouTube provide free platforms to aid in spreading the information to a large amount of people. Facebook and YouTube are the most widely by people in this age group as compared to other social media platforms. Family members can aid those 65 and older who are not comfortable using social media or do not have access to a computer or WiFi. Facebook and YouTube provide a safe way to provide information to the most people.

(C4) Benefit to Target Population Most people who are 65 and older are staying in their homes as much as possible during this pandemic. Using social media will provide them with an easier way to access information off the internet and clarify myths versus facts. By providing a social media platform it is easier to reach a larger audience of people including those 65 and older. Daily information, from multiple medias, will keep people engaged in the information they are getting.



(D) Best Practices for Social Media Most people have access to social media now. Social media can be used as a good source for educating various types of people. If social media such as Facebook and YouTube have up to date information posted daily, it can benefit those who have a hard time keeping up with the latest medical information. (E1) Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities Stakeholders that for this social media campaign would be Facebook, YouTube, OSDH, medical personnel, and nursing home personnel. Facebook and YouTube have moderators to ensure that the content that is being shared is correct. OSDH has the responsibility to create vaccination availability and to get that information out to the public. Medical personnel have the responsibility to inform people with correct information about Covid-19 and the vaccine. Nursing home personnel have the responsibility of keeping their residents safe during this pandemic since their residents are considered high risk. (E2) Potential Public and Private Partnerships Potential public partnerships could be OSDH since they are the ones who have access to the vaccines and administering them. Other potential partnerships could be church groups that could be trained to help those 65 and older schedule their vaccination appointments. Once the vaccination is available to private clinics, then they could be potential public partners as well.

(E3) Timeline Timeline: It would take one to two weeks to get the Facebook and YouTube pages up and running. I would take this time to gather all my data and create informational videos to post on YouTube. After week 2, daily updates would continue until the pandemic is under control.



Week two to 6 months would be the time that vaccination scheduling could take place to aid those 65 and older. At the end of the 6 months, I could reevaluate the need to continue the campaign or not. (E4) Evaluation Evaluation of the effectiveness of my campaign would be to use the CDC website and the OSDH website to keep track of the statistics of the number of people vaccinated. Keeping a personal record of how many people are signed up on the Facebook page and how many people we have signed up for the vaccinations will help me to evaluate the effectiveness of my campaign. (E5) Cost of Implementing the Campaign There would be no cost of implementing this campaign since information is public and accessible via the internet. The use of Facebook and YouTube are both free platforms for this campaign. Helping people get their vaccines does not cost anything for anyone who has a computer and access to Wi-Fi. (F) Reflection on Social Media Marketing Social media marketing can provide several benefits to promote healthier populations. It is accessible to most people and easy to navigate. Facebook and YouTube can reach many people at the same time all over the world providing a quick and easy way to promote this campaign. Facebook also provides a way for users to be able to ask questions and for providers to be able to answer them in a timely manner.



(F1) Reflection on Future Nursing Practice Utilizing social media campaigns can be a useful tool for healthcare providers and for me in my future nursing practice. As a profession, we have been slow to use social media as a platform because it has become stigmatized for sharing fake news. If healthcare professionals would warm up to the idea of using social media, then we could promote more science-based health promotions to a wider range of people. In my current position, as a school nurse, I could start a social media campaign to promote children’s health and resources to places that provide help.


11 References

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). The CDC guide to strategies to decrease smoking in the community. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/smoking/downloads/PA_2011_WEB.pdf Freed, M., Cubanski, J., Ochieng, N., and Nueman, T. (2021). At this early stage of the Covid 19 vaccine rollout, most older adults have not yet been vaccinated as supply remains limited. Retrieved: 14, 02, 2021 from https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issuebrief/at-this-early-stage-of-the-covid-19-vaccine-roll-out-most-older-adults-have-not-yetbeen-vaccinated-as-supply-remains-limited/ Grauer, J., Löwen, H., & Liebchen, B. (2020). Strategic spatiotemporal vaccine distribution increases the survival rate in an infectious disease like Covid-19. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 21594. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-78447-3 Hamedy, S. (2021, January 22). People are stepping up to help the seniors in their lives navigate the vaccine sign-up process. CNN. Retrieved on 14, 02, 2021 from https://www.koco.com/article/people-are-stepping-up-to-help-seniors-navigate-the-vaccine-signup-process/35288518 Kennedy, D. M., Zambrano, G. J., Wang, Y., Nesto, O.P. (2020). Modeling the effects of intervention strategies on Covid-19 transmission dynamics. Journal of Clinical Virology, 128, pp 1-11. Oklahoma State Department of Health (2021a). Coronavirus-what you should know. Retrieved: 09, 02, 2021. Retrieved from: https://oklahoma.gov/covid19/what-you-shouldknow.html. Oklahoma State Department of Health (2021b). Covid-19 Vaccination Appointment. Retrieved:



13, 02, 2021. Retrieved from: https://vaccinate.oklahoma.gov/. Tulsa World. (2021). More guidance for Oklahomans signing up through the state Covid-19 vaccine portal during phase 2. Retrieved on 14, 02, 2021 from: https://tulsaworld.com/news/state-and-regional/more-guidance-for-oklahomans-signing up-through-the-state-covid-19-vaccine-portal-during-phase/collection_ef1b0dce-5766 11eb-bfaf-230f4e12669b.amp.html?fbclid=IwAR3kj8_Yn Gyltuvl1eMLmp7ZXgdqyDVnFna2Nv6MW47Phjw8QAJp_0bhCU U.S. Census Bureau (2019). American community survey 1-year. Retrieved 09, 02, 2021. Retrieved from: https://censusreporter.org/profiles/16000US4055000-oklahoma-city-ok/. Vaportzis, E., Clausen, M. G., & Gow, A. J. (2017). Older Adults Perceptions of Technology and Barriers to Interacting with Tablet Computers: A Focus Group Study. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1687. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01687...

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