C229 Task 1 Social Media Campaign PDF

Title C229 Task 1 Social Media Campaign
Course Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Field Experience
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 14
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C229 Task 1 Social Media Campaign...


C229 Social Media Campaign


C229 Task 1 Lisa Moreno Western Governors University November 22, 2020

2 A. Time Log – See Attached File

B. Community Health Nursing Diagnosis My community health nursing diagnostic statement is increased risk of Covid-19 infections among Comanche County residents related to knowledge deficit of preventative measures as evidenced by the increased number of positive Covid-19 cases.

B1. Health Inequity/Disparity There is a health disparity among the Comanche County population regarding Covid-19 and the current number of positive cases. Comanche County’s population is approximately 13,000 people. According to Texas Health and Human Services, as of November 21, 2020, there has been 421 Covid positive cases with 6 of those cases becoming fatalities in Comanche County (Texas Health and Human Services, 2020). This is a significant number of people considering the population of our County. This evidence suggests that the residents of Comanche County are not properly following the preventative measures, including hand hygiene, social distancing, and face masks, recommended by the CDC to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The barriers to this community may also include the disparities of low socioeconomical status and the inability to afford proper preventative supplies and inadequate education regarding these preventative measures.

B1A. Primary Community and Prevention Resources The primary prevention resources for Comanche County are those recommended by the CDC which include washing hands often, social distancing of at least 6 feet apart, facial covering

3 of mouth and nose while out in public, clean and disinfect daily, monitor your health, and cover your cough and sneeze (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Some of the business around the community provides these resources to customers if they do not have them available to them. All the businesses require you to wear a mask upon entering the building. If you do not have one available, they will provide one for you. They also have hand sanitizer available by the door to use as you enter and leave the establishment. I drove around my community to perform a windshield survey. I noticed that most of the population are wearing masks. There are some middle-aged people that were not wearing masks or maintaining social distancing to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The park is still open for public use and the kids from different families were playing together. The carhops at the local fast-food restaurant were wearing masks but the customers were not wearing face masks due to being in their cars. The local restaurants and salons help control social distancing by blocking tables and chairs at least 6 feet apart from other customers. Our local rural hospital and County Judge have been a great resource to our community when it comes to educating the population regarding Covid and the up-to-date statistics of the community. The school nurse provides our children with the education they need to learn how to properly help prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

B1B. Underlying Causes I think the contributing factors to the increase of Covid-19 positive cases in Comanche County could be caused by a few reasons. I think the community became relaxed on prevention measures and was exposed by someone that was asymptomatic and this began the spread of the virus again. On the weekends and during the holidays families in our community have a hard time social distancing and maintaining the face mask policy mandated by the county so this is

4 another problem. I also have noticed a decrease in the amount of people that are using hand sanitizer or wiping the carts down within the community. I believe an underlying cause could be the perception and false information that social media presents to the community concerning Covid-19. According to an article published in Internet Interventions, a study was found that more than 90% of the contributors acquired knowledge from social media regarding details concerning Covid-19. Regrettably, the information posted on social media concerning Covid-19 may not always be correct (Lin et al., 2020). When people are given false information regarding a health concern then they may be led to believe it is acceptable to discontinue practicing preventative measures such as social distancing, hand hygiene, and facial covering.

B2. Evidence-Based Practice In an article published in the Journal of Environmental Health, the authors discuss the importance of empowering the public with the knowledge to prevent and control an infectious disease, such as Covid-19, is essential. Public organizations controlling environmental and community health must be responsible for providing the community up-to-date information and evidence-based guidance (Eddy et al., 2020). A study found that the proper use of mask-wearing is effective in preventing the spread of respiratory viruses and drastically reduces the risk of infection by 35% (Camargo et al., 2020). Another study found that over 85% of participants were diligent in performing hand hygiene after touching surfaces in public to decrease the risk of contracting or spreading the Covid-19 virus (Czeisler et al., 2020). According to the CDC guidelines, it is appropriate to disinfect surfaces with diluted bleach, 70% alcohol, or any disinfectant on List N and guarantee that there is a wet contact time of at least one minute. CDC recommends a person to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, use at

5 least a 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer, maintain at least a 6 feet distance between others, wear a face mask, and clean and disinfect daily to help decrease the spread of Covid-19 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020).

B2A. Identification of Data According to Texas Health and Human Services, as of November 21, 2020, there has been 421 Covid-19 positive cases with 6 of those cases becoming fatalities in Comanche County (Texas Health and Human Services, 2020). Comanche County’s population is approximately 13,000 people so the number of positive cases is significant. As of November 21, 2020, according to the CDC tracker, there have been 1,072,698 total confirmed Covid-19 cases in the State of Texas as compared to the 11,843,490 confirmed cases in the United States. The State of Texas has had 20,296 Covid related deaths as compared to 253,600 Covid related deaths in the United States (CDC COVID Data Tracker, 2020). The rapid increase of confirmed cases in both the county and state are suggestive that most of the population are not following the CDC guidelines concerning the prevention measures for Covid-19. These prevention guidelines include proper hand hygiene, wearing a face mask in public, and social distancing.

C1. Social Media Campaign Objective The objective of my social media campaign will be to increase the community’s knowledge regarding Covid-19 preventative measures and decrease the positive number of Covid cases by 20% within Comanche County in 3 months.

C2. Social Marketing Interventions

6 For my social marketing interventions, I would use Facebook and TikTok. These 2 social media platforms are very popular and reach a wide variety of people. Facebook is used by people of all ages all around the world. TikTok is also used by people of all ages but is most popular with those of the middle aged to younger generation. Both platforms are simple to use and the population is apt to like, share, and respond to help facilitate the spread of the information provided and promote proper Covid-19 preventative measures. On Facebook I would create a page for Comanche County that would provide information to the community of the CDC Covid19 preventative measures recommendations. I would make the posts fun but full of knowledge so the community will be engaged to learn and share the posts with their friends and family. On TikTok I would post videos teaching the community how to properly wear and dispose face masks, how to maintain social distancing, and the correct procedure for hand hygiene. I would also share the CDC recommendations of proper disinfectants and instruct the population on the correct wet contact time to ensure the virus is destroyed. These measures would improve the knowledge of Comanche County in preventative measures against Covid-19 therefore decreasing the county’s number of confirmed cases within our 3-month goal.

C3. Social Media Platforms I would choose Facebook as my social media platform as I believe this is the easiest platform to follow and has the largest audience including my target population of Comanche County. Facebook is currently the most popular social media platform that has over 750 million users (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011-a). On Facebook you can post stories, pictures, and videos to provide the community with the knowledge needed to help decrease the spread of Covid-19 throughout the population. People using Facebook can like, share, or respond

7 to my posts and this spreads the information to their family and friends. This quickly circulates the data across the platform and achieves a broader audience.

C3A. Benefits of Social Media Platform The benefits to using the social media platform, Facebook, include the ease of use for the community of all ages and the support Facebook provides to facilitate the decrease of the number of confirmed Covid cases in Comanche County. I believe most residents in Comanche County have a Facebook page or a family member does that will share the knowledge regarding proper interventions to decrease the spread of the virus. When proper information is shared it is easily and quickly dispersed among many other applications. All the information provided would be recommendations per CDC and WHO. This information would be posted at least daily and would be easy to understand, quick read, and videos full of digestible knowledge that will grab the attention of the audience. Another benefit of Facebook is that I could even attach links to CDC or WHO where I obtained the information if they would like to learn in greater detail. When the community is given the correct way to perform hand hygiene, wear and dispose of face masks, clean and disinfect their homes and surfaces, and social distancing then we will begin to see the decrease of confirmed Covid cases for Comanche County.

C4. Benefit to Target Population The benefit to Comanche County regarding my social media campaign would be for them to gain the education concerning methods to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 therefore decreasing the number of confirmed cases in the county. Facebook is a free application that the residents of Comanche County are very familiar with. Providing the community with

8 sharable scientific facts regarding Covid and evidence-based practices to prevent the spread of the virus would be beneficial to the community. Sharing this appropriate knowledge should lead to a reduction in the numbers of positive Covid cases for Comanche County.

D. Best Practices for Social Media The best practices for using social media platforms for healthcare marketing is to use the platforms that are easiest and most useful for the audience. The goal is to diminish any barriers that might discourage the audience from accepting the knowledge and maximize the readers benefits. It is best to personalize the information towards Comanche County population concerning the learning of how to properly use face masks, hand hygiene, and social distancing to reduce the numbers of confirmed Covid cases. The information should be scientific but engaging, accurate, encourage participation, and easy to share with family and friends. I would want to inspire the community to make safer and healthier decisions concerning Covid-19 and preventative measures. My goals for the social media campaign would be set at the beginning and be realistic to gain the trust of my community (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011-a).

E1. Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities The stakeholder I would choose for my social media campaign would be Dr. Davis that works at our local rural hospital and clinic. His wife is the County Judge, so he is always up to date and continuously monitors the current information the CDC and WHO provides. He would be the perfect stakeholder for my campaign as he is well-known and many of the residents of Comanche County trust him and his judgement. Dr. Davis would be interested and involved in

9 the results of the assessment of plan and he would strengthen the credibility of our social media campaign efforts. I believe he would be fully invested in my social media campaign and deliver the correct, up-to-date information regarding preventative measures for Covid-19. Dr. Davis would be responsible for gathering and posting on Facebook the scientific facts concerning Covid and evidence-based practices to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus that would be appropriate for the campaign and beneficial to the community.

E2. Potential Public and Private Partnerships One public partnership that I would form with for the social media campaign would be with the Comanche County Health Department. The Health Department would help the implementation of the plan by providing the up-to-date statistics and information regarding Covid-19 and any new mandates that the community of Comanche County would need to follow. This would give the people of the county current and factual knowledge that is most beneficial for them. One private partnership that I would form with for the social media campaign would be with Comanche County Medical Center. The hospital would help in the execution of the campaign plan by providing the resources needed to move the campaign forward and sponsor the campaign if funds are needed. The hospital would also provide information regarding the preventative measures for Covid-19.

E3. Implementation Timeline The timeline for implementing my social media campaign would start December 1, 2020. This week 1 we would start by meeting with our stakeholder and partners to create a budget for the staff members and securing the resources we will need for the campaign. Week 2 would start

10 December 7, 2020, this is when we would come together to hire staff and recruit volunteers needed to implement the campaign. December 14, 2020 would begin week 3 and this is when we would set a budget for the campaign and educate and train our staff regarding the plan and goal of the social media campaign and design the Facebook page. Week 4 would begin on December 21, 2020 when we would collect the gathering information from our stakeholder, Dr. Davis, and begin to record educational videos and posts for Facebook. December 28, 2020 would begin week 5, and this is when we plan to go live with the Facebook page and begin posting scientific facts concerning Covid and evidence-based practices to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus that would be appropriate for the campaign and beneficial to the community. Over the next few weeks, the staff and volunteers would continue to work closely with the stakeholder and partners to post the up-to-date information, keep the audience of the community engaged, and interacting with the residents of Comanche County. Our goal is to decrease the number of confirmed Covid cases by properly educating the people concerning Covid-19 preventative measures. On January 25, 2021, our Facebook page would be live for 4 weeks, at this point we would begin to collect data from Comanche County Health department to see if our efforts to decrease confirmed Covid cases has began to show success. For another 2 months our team will work together on the social media campaign by continuing to post updated Covid information and knowledge and reinforcement of the importance of preventative measures. Towards the end of the 3 months from our Facebook go live date we would reevaluate the effectiveness of the campaign with Comanche County Health Department.

E4. Evaluation of Effectiveness

11 To evaluate the effectiveness of my social media campaign the tools I would use would be the Comanche County Health Department statistics and information from Comanche County Medical Center concerning any Covid-19 admissions. I would also release a survey asking people of the community if they have seen our Facebook page and how it has influenced their preventative measure practices. I would compare the number of positive Covid-19 cases prior to the beginning of our campaign, the middle of our campaign, and 3 months after the beginning of our campaign to evaluate if there has been a decrease in the number of confirmed cases due to our efforts on educating the community on Covid preventative procedures. If these numbers have decreased as planned, then our campaign efforts would be considered a success!

E5. Cost of Implementing the Campaign The cost of implementing this social media campaign would be minimal. The largest cost would be everyone’s time but that it not necessarily monetary. Our volunteers and the creating of the Facebook page would be free since this is a private campaign. We would be meeting at the Comanche County Medical Center conference room and using other resources, such as computers and other office supplies, that they provide to keep the amount of funds required at a minimum.

F. Reflection on Social Media Marketing The community health nurse can benefit from social media marketing by gathering proper, current information and data and sharing it with the community. The community health nurse can utilize many social media platforms depending on her intended audience. The nurse can record and post videos with scientific data and evidenced-based practices to prevent the

12 spread of Covid-19 throughout the community. This will give the population a trusted source to gain their knowledge regarding Covid. When people know and trust the person that is sharing the information then they are more likely to adhere to the requests. If the community can all work together to help decrease the spread of Covid-19 then this will give the medical staff and hospital an increased chance in restocking personal protective equipment with obtaining the goal of a healthier community with decrease number of confirmed Covid cases.

F1. Reflection on Future Nursing Practice I can apply a social media campaign to my nursing practice in several ways. A campaign does not have to be limited to the education of Covid-19. I currently work in an Operating Room. I would provide a page to the community to educate them regarding our safety, compassion, and professional department. I would have the goal to earn the trust of the population so they would come to our facility to use our services instead of traveling to the bigger hospitals. I would gather evidence-based practice regarding surgeries and information that the community desires. I will educate them on our state-of-the-art equipment and highly recommended surgeons and anesthesia staff. I would also share videos of one of our Operating Rooms and introduce some of the staff. To measure the effectiveness of the campaign, I would compare our surgical cases prior to the campaign against the number of surgical cases at the end of the campaign. People in a rural community like mine tend to support each other very well so I believe that this social media campaign would be successful.

13 References Camargo, M. C. de, Martinez-Silveira, M. S., Lima, A. A., Bastos, B. P., Santos, D. L. D., Mota, S. E. de C., Silva, R. B., & Toledo, I. P. de. (2020). Effectiveness of the use of nonwoven face mask to prevent coronavirus infections in the general population: a rapid systematic review. Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, 25(9), 3365–3376. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1590/1413-81232020259.13622020 CDC COVID Data Tracker. (November 21, 2020). United States COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by State. Retrieved from https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/ Center...

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