C229 Social Media Campaign Task 1 Submission PDF

Title C229 Social Media Campaign Task 1 Submission
Course Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Field Experience
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 17
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WGU- C229 Social Media Campaign- SAT Task 1 2020-2021. RN-BSN....



Task 1 Casie Hieronimus Western Governors University 6/1/2021



Social Media Campaign

(B) Community Health Nursing Diagnosis Statement My community health nursing diagnosis: Increased risk of COVID-19 infections among the Outagamie County adult population related to knowledge deficit & misinformation of preventative measures due to the current pandemic as demonstrated by the increase in positive COVID-19 rates. (B1) Health Inequity/Disparity During my community health assessment, I determined health inequities/disparities that contributed to the rise in COVID-19 cases in Outagamie County, Wisconsin. Economically the spread of COVID-19, the continually increasing number of cases, and complications of the virus caused direct and indirect costs on patients, the healthcare system, and the government. In terms of indirect costs related to the disease include lost income, unemployment, mortality, and mandatory stay at home for public containment. Direct costs include those who contracted the virus and required hospital stay and treatment expenses. Persons in Outagamie County without health insurance under the age of 65 years, 6.2%. The percentage of households at or below poverty level in the county 8.58%, severe housing problems 10%, and unemployment rate 3%. This population may have minimal access to healthcare, sanitization facilities, necessary food sources, and proper personal protective equipment. Thus, people who were already at or below poverty level now faced more economic hardships. Rise in poverty levels play a factor in education & knowledge deficit, lack adherence of preventative measures, and irregular testing and reporting of symptoms or exposure.

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(B1a) Primary community and Prevention Resources Outagamie County has a health department in which community members can get the latest information & facts regarding COVID-19, primary prevention, daily case counts, and testing and vaccination site information. Other information related to COVID-19 includes what to do if you become sick or come in close contact with someone who has COVID-19, guidelines for traveling, schools, childcare, ems/first responders, healthcare professionals, and businesses and employers. This information can be easily accessed by calling or visiting Outagamie County’s Public Health Department website. Outagamie County follows the CDC’s primary prevent recommendations including avoid touch eyes, nose mouth, avoid contact with people who are sick, stay at home when ill, cover your mouth, use face coverings (mask/N95), clean & disinfect frequently touched objects & surfaces, and frequent hand hygiene with soap & water (for at least 60 seconds) and/or alcohol-based hand rub (at least 60% alcohol) During my Windshield Survey I noticed the overall lack of the community’s adherence to the national masking and social distancing mandate that was directed by the Center of Disease and Control (CDC). Evidence suggests that people within Outagamie County have failed to follow CDC primary prevention recommendations. For example, local bars, restaurants, gas stations and grocery stores have signage on their store front windows stating masking and social distancing were required for entry, and businesses had a capacity limit. However, some people including employees were unmasked and did not abide by the social distancing recommendations. Some consumers, employees and owners of businesses acted as if the pandemic was not real, and the government should not have control of their social lives or how they run their business. However, most bars and restaurants have tables blocked off or placed 6 feet apart to help maintain social distancing. I noticed that most businesses, grocery & convenience stores all have

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masks and hand sanitizer supply available at all entrances & throughout the store for those who do not have any on hand. Driving around the community helped me gather data regarding the community’s physical activity during the pandemic. Parks and outdoor sporting facilities are still available for families and children to use; people are playing with one another on playgrounds, participating in basketball, playing catch, pickle ball, tennis, and other outdoor recreational activities. Splash pads and outdoor pools are beginning to open as summer is almost here and school release is approaching. (CITE CDC PRIMIARY PREVENTION). (B1b) Underlying Causes Increased COVID-19 cases in Outagamie County are related to various reasons, generally due to overall non-compliance of primary preventative measures. In the beginning of the pandemic people were abiding by the stay-at-home orders because business like bars, restaurants and salons were closed. When business started to open again, people were anxious to go out in public and interact with others. I believe that because people were confined for so long and the weather became warmer, it was hard for them to stay at home as places were became to open to the public again. Many people struggled psychologically with having to social distance with their loved ones, whether it was their kids who were away at college or their elderly family members in the hospital or nursing homes. According to the CDC attending large gatherings/events with people from various of households increases the chance of spreading COVID-19, especially if people are unmasked, are not 6 feet apart, and are in poorly ventilated indoor areas (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/large-gatherings.html). From my observations, as time went on social gatherings grew, mask usage decreased, as well as sanitization and hand hygiene practices. From the early stages of the COIVD-19 pandemic social media platforms have enabled the spread of disregarding preventative measures like masking and

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vaccination due to conspiracy theories and misinformation. Multiple political leaders had revealed their uncertainty regarding the level of severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, the President stated that the pandemic would be less serious than the seasonal flu. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027795362030575X). Misinformation or disinformation between social media and national leaders can negatively affect the public’s perception & preventative behaviors during a national health emergency. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027795362030575X). (B2) Evidence-Based Practice According to the CDC best practice related to decrease the spread of COVID-19 include wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth, stay 6 feet apart from others, avoid crowds, avoid touching mouth, nose, and eyes, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% of alcohol. (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/preventgetting-sick/prevention.html.) The CDC also recommends that high touch surfaces like tables, doorknobs, lights switches, & etc. should be cleaned and disinfected daily. When cleaning, solution should contain soap or detergent to decrease germs and contaminates. Solutions appropriate for disinfecting include bleach solutions, bleach-based cleansers, hydrogen peroxide and quaternary ammonium compounds. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019ncov/community/disinfecting-building-facility.html. Another article discusses a study done in Beijing households, that found that face masks were 79% effective in preventing secondary transmission of COVID-19 when applied before individuals’ symptoms started. This article also discusses how nonmedical masks are helpful in reducing transmission of respiratory viruses when mask usage is required. In conclusion the study found that public mask wearing is most effective at decreasing the spread of the virus when public adherence is high Revised 12/17/2020



(https://www.pnas.org/content/118/4/e2014564118). Another study conducted among adults during COVID-19 pandemic focused on promoting hand hygiene targeting men and young adults; handwashing solutions and sanitizers containing at least 60% alcohol and should be readily easily accessible and available in public places. This study also found that nearly 85% of U.S. adults regularly practiced hand hygiene after touching high-contact surfaces

http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6941a3. (B2a) Identification of Data In the United states there were 33.4 million confirmed cases and 600,000 deaths. According to the Wisconsin Health Department there were 676,000 confirmed cases and 8,015 deaths. Currently, deaths per capita in the State of Wisconsin is 11,389 cases per 100,000 people with a population of 5.8 million (https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/county.htm). Outagamie County’s population is 187,885 and there are currently 23,884 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 238 deaths. Outagamie county was ranked 6th in the state for highest number of COVID-19 cases and Dane County leading at 46,678 cases and 335 deaths (https://www.outagamie.org/government/departments-f-m/health-human-services/publichealth/communicable-disease/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/covid-19-daily-updates/fsiteid-1). The Outagamie County follows the CDC guidelines on how to slow the spread of COVID-19; wear a mask that covers your nose & mouth, stay within 6 feet apart from others, avoid crowds, and wash hands often. Given the statistics, individuals throughout the county and state were not following the preventative measures accordingly (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html). (C1) Social Media Campaign Objective

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The aim of my social media campaign will be to expand the knowledge and awareness COIVD-19 preventative measures by decreasing the number of cases by 15% in 2 months in Outagamie County. (C2) Social Marketing Interventions The social media platforms I will use to promote my campaign are Facebook & TikTok. Both Facebook & TikTok are used by a mix of all age groups. TikTok has become very popular especially among young to middle aged adults. Because social media is something that people of all ages can use and still maintain social distance, I will create a short video promoting preventative measures using internal tools and current trends. TikTok videos I will create suitable for all ages related to COVID-19 preventative measures include proper hand hygiene, appropriate ways to wear a mask, how to properly disinfect high touch surfaces and objects, coping mechanisms & stress relief related exercises, and physical activities during quarantine. Because users are able to like and share these videos among their friends and other people in the community, these videos will help improve adherence and awareness of the importance on how to prevent COVID-19 from spreading. On Facebook, I would target all age groups by connecting individuals through an easily accessible Facebook page which would provide up to date information and preventative measures regarding COVID-19. This way people would be able to share with friends, understand, and learn how to prevent the spread of COVID-19. There will also be other interactive events & services such as virtual volunteer services & chat rooms, counseling services, online senior exercise classes, guided meditation, zoom book clubs, virtual museum tours, live stream trivia & bingo, online religious services, and virtual happy hours. Allowing individuals to relate and interact during these pressing times can help individuals cope, understand, adhere to guidelines and recognize that they are not alone. By providing activities

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and communication tools, this will enable residents to be aware of events happening in the community, more likely to follow preventative measures, and will stay involved while maintaining social distancing guidelines.

(C3) Description of Social Media Platform I used Facebook as one of the social media platforms to help spread and improve the knowledge of residents within my community. In America, 63% percent of the population over the age of 12 has Facebook and 97% of users in the United States are adults (https://market.us/statistics/social-media/facebook/.) Creating an Outagamie County Facebook page will allow people in the community to obtain up to date and factual info. Facebook is a great social media platform because people of all ages have access, are able to view, share, and like videos, pictures, and articles. Other features of Facebook include timelines of photos & memories, connect & communicate with friends and family, share thoughts, pictures, plan events, join groups, sell & buy items, promote a cause or business. Because Facebook is such a massive social media platform, implementation of a Facebook page will supply people with accurate information & knowledge needed to practice evidence based COVID-19 related preventative measures. (C3a) Benefits of Social Media Platform Social media platforms provide many features that are beneficial to everyone’s needs. Facebook is one of the most popular forms of social media and is free of charge to download and join. People who have smartphones are able to easily download the app. However, individuals can also access their account by laptop, IPad, or PC. Other advantages of Facebook include information sharing, chatting, event planning, building friendships, staying in touch with friends

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and family, business promotion, entertainment, pass time, and more. Because Facebook has so many features and different ways to share information, it will be a very useful and effective way to share preventative measures & ways to decrease the spread of COVID-19 among residents in Outagamie County. The county page will only contain factual and dependable information directly from the CDC, and other US Government Health Agencies. The county will make sure the page is filtered, easy to understand, provide the latest COVID-19 updates and prevention methods, and will ensure to share a direct link & cite sources. This method of communication with Outagamie County will help establish a trusting relationship between the county and the residents’, and will increase the public’s willingness to adhere to COVID-19 prevention methods. (C4) Benefit to Target Population Benefits in using a social media campaign for residents in Outagamie County such as providing easily accessible, reliable knowledge and information related to COVID-19 right at the public’s finger tips. Residents are able to download Facebook for free & a great way for residents in the community to stay connected, work together & lean on one another through these hard times. The public will have access to best prevention guidelines that will keep them safe when in public, when they should stay home, where to obtain vaccination, how often you should clean your hands, disinfectant techniques, & much more. This will help decrease the spread of COVID-19 by increasing adherence of prevention measures and the public’s trust in the county recommendations and guidelines. (D) Best Practices for Social Media Using social media is not always an easy task for everyone to do. When it comes to best practices in terms of social media platforms it is important that the information posted is easily accessible, appropriate for all ages, clear, factual, & practical for viewers. The aim of this

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campaign is to minimize misinformation and give the public the knowledge they need to confident and comfortable with COVID-19 prevention guidelines. When communicating preventative measures to the community members within Outagamie County the information must have personal touch, be evidence based, easy to share, and encouraging on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As part of my social media campaign I will include videos and reference material on how to properly disinfect high touch areas, how use a face mask or face coverings, what to do if you come in contact with someone who has COVID-19, quarantining, proper indoor ventilation, covering coughs and sneezes, proper handwashing, etc. The objective of my social media campaign would be to gain the communities trust by sharing reliable, evidence based practice materials and motivate the community to use adopt COVID-19 preventative measures into their daily routines. (E1) Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities Key stakeholders who would support this social media campaign would be Appleton ThedaCare-Regional Medical Center (AMC), Centers for Disease and Control (CDC), and the Outagamie County Health Department. ThedaCare is the third largest healthcare employer in Wisconsin, and the largest employer in Northeast Wisconsin with over 7,000 team members (https://thedacare.org/news-and-events/company-news/appleton-medical-center-becomesthedacare-regional-medical-center-appleton/). ThedaCare is a great resource to the community in providing reliable information regarding COVID-19 preventative measures, what to do if you or someone in your family become exposed, information about testing locations, learning more about COVID-19 vaccinations, how to manage symptoms, and more. The Outagamie County Health Department follows the CDC guidelines and is responsible for informing the county with daily case counts & mortalities, safety guidelines for businesses, employers, schools, child care, Revised 12/17/2020



individuals who traveling, vaccination information, and other safety recommendations on ways to decrease the spread of COVID-19 within the public. (E2) Potential Public and Private Partnerships A private public partnership that I would seek to partner with in the community would be ThedaCare Regional Medical Center. ThedaCare is the largest, most respected hospitals in the county who has worked to educate, train, & provide compassion throughout the pandemic. Healthcare works play a key role in educating and spreading awareness throughout our communities. ThedaCare would endorse the social media campaign and provide necessary resources and/or funding to make sure that there no limitations. A public partnership I would pursue would be the Outagamie County Health Department. This partnership plays a vital role in providing the residents in the community with the latest updates that are required, guidelines, and preventative measures to keep residents safe.

Partners have a working relationship to you and collaborate in an official capacity on the social media campaign. Discuss potential public partnerships relative to implementing your campaign (Public partners are comprised of organizations that are owned and operated by the government and exist to provide services for a community (e.g. law enforcement, healthcare agencies, emergency medical service (EMS), schools). Discuss potential private partnerships relative to implementing your campaign (Private partners is usually composed of organization that are privately owned and not part of the government (e.g. businesses, independently owned institutions, grocery stores). Partners: 

are interested in fulfilling their role in the campaign and staying informed

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12 

they work together with you to benefit everyone involved

help to solve problems by seizing opportunity or sharing resources

Refer to: o Stanhope & Lancaster textbook, Chapter 11 o Clark textbook, Chapter 15, page 357 (E3) Timeline Discuss in detail the timeline with dates (week 1, week 2, etc.) for implementing the campaign. Consider benchmarks (time points) from the planning phase to the evaluation phase. Refer to: o CDCynergy Lite (E4) Evaluation Explain how you will evaluate the effectiveness of meeting your measurable objective for the social media campaign. Include a measurement tool. Refer to: o Lesson 6....

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