C3- Murder by the numbers PDF

Title C3- Murder by the numbers
Author Marie Nørgaard Møller
Course Homicide in America
Institution San Diego State University
Pages 7
File Size 343.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Detailed notes covering the entire chapter 3 of the book "American Homicide" by Richard M. Hough and Kimberly D. McCorkle...


C3: Murder by the numbers FBI numbers  Decrease of numbers of murders from 2013  Murder rate fell 5.1% in 2013 o 4.5 murders pr. 100.000 people Victims - who dies? Costs:  Personal + economic costs to victims/society is significant in the US  Injuries -> medical/health care costs  Investigation + bring people to justice -> resources Victimology = the study of the victim in criminal events  Routine activities theory: many predatory crimes originate from a confluence of 1. A suitable target 2. An absence of capable guardians + 3. The attention of a motivated offender  Lifestyle theory: high-risk lifestyle of associates, alcohol/drugs + criminal activity = put you at greater risk of harm, incl. homicide Demographic and relationship information Gender  Homicide victims: most males o 77% in 2011 o Why: perhaps patriarchal effect o Regardless of race  Violent crimes: most males are victims + offenders o Increase in crimes committed by women  Intimate partner homicide victim: most women o Bigger gap now between male and female victims compared to 1976 (vs. 2005) o Females are killing males at much lower numbers Race/ethnic origins:  Majority of murders are intraracial = both victim + offender are the same race  Historic evidence that immigrants/a minority is more likely to be victimized by people outside their ethnic/racial background o More vulnerable when arriving o Most minorities higher homicide rates than whites  Asian/pacific islander is a recent exception  Hispanic + Latino have similar rates to American Indian or Alaskan Native  Whites are less likely to be victims of homicides than black

o o

Why: white live in "better" neighborhoods - continuous segregation of black/whites in US society + segregating of those differing in socioeconomic classes Way higher for black men than black women

Age:   

Homicide: more young people are involved than older Americans Elderly isolating themselves + living alone = more likely to be victims of theft/homicide o Why: offenders don't want to risk confronting multiple people at once Victims of homicide: o 10-24y higher probability of victimization  Fueled by the 18-24y demographic (homicide)  Suicide is opposite and more normal when older o Most serial killers victims: under 30y Killers of homicide: o 18-24y and 25-34y o Average age of serial killers: 30y Homicide offending by age over time o Spiked in early 90's o 14-17y surpassed 25-34y but has since declined

Socioeconomic category  Large scale statistics = gives insight to who dies by homicide  Economic deprivation is one of a constellation of factors that increases a person's potential of being a homicide victim  Strong negative correlation between SES and homicide o However African Americans have higher homicide rates regardless of income  Poverty is a leading factor in homicide  Homicide rates are higher in more unequal US states and Canadian provinces Victim-offender relationship  Most homicides involve people known to each other  When categorized as "stranger homicide", it's often bc the offender is unknown = victim + offender might know each other anyways  Little over 40% is committed by someone you know

Medical advances and technology  Advances in medical knowledge, technology + training = survival of many intended victims of homicide/harm o Penicillin in 1928 o Quality + volume of intense training o 911 system + cellular phones Offenders - categories and demographics  Gender: Majority of homicide offenders are male o Nearly 90% are male o Women perpetrators have increased as a percentage o Females have often get off lightly in arrests, charging, convictions + sentencing  Race: Blacks + juveniles/young people are overrepresented o Almost 8 times higher rate for blacks than whites  Age: almost half (49%) of the offenders were under 25y o Young adults (18-24y) have consistently had the highest offending rate o The average age of offenders fell from 29.6y (1980) to 26.4y (1994), then increased to 28.8y (2008). Location  Intimate partner + other domestic violence homicides: mostly indoors  Confrontational homicides: outdoors, bar or at a gathering  Numbers differ by community size; urban, suburban etc.  Higher homicide in larger cities  

Statistics on murder are at times hard to unravel - especially in cities Murder rates far higher in smaller cities than in larger ones (when adjusted by population) o Cities with highest number of murders per 100.000 population: p. 35 o Highest homicide rate: the south o Greatest decrease: northeast (7%) o Least decrease: Midwest (3,4%) Crime more common in larger cities

Weapons used in violence, p. 36  Most weapons are guns - especially handguns  No exact numbers on the use of firearms in violent crimes o High number of firearms in murders - especially suicides + accidental death/injury o Declined use in murders + other crimes o Handguns decreased in 2010 but increased in 2011 + 2012  Why guns: intimidates/overpowers the victim, inflict more damage  Least used weapon: poison + explosives  More firearms than adults in the US o Obtained rather easily legal/illegal  Hogan and Kleck (1999) found correlation between gun ownership + use of gun to commit homicide o Ownership = might make person more prone to use a gun o Different views on this  Presence of firearms = rise in the use of it in planned or moment actions Other circumstances, p. 38  Not all circumstances of a homicide are known  Most common to homicide: intimate partner violence/homicide + interpersonal conflict that rise to confrontational homicide o Argument is the largest category  Alcohol, drugs, abuse + the business of furnishing intoxicating substances are among the factors noted in many homicide situations


Type of establishment is key Often service stations, liquor stores, some bars etc. People around the scene can affect the conflict 

Trends and patterns, p. 38:  Homicide rates declined over past 20y in the US o Crime rise: 1960s, 1970s + late 1980s o Crime decline: early to mid-1990s till today w slight rises in some crimes in only a few years  Why: economic boom/bust, alternating political parties, increased use of targeted police intervention, swelling of prison population, social control etc.  Murder: often result of interaction between people that know each other  Victims/offenders: often share similarities o Some individuals become murders after they've been victimized o "justice" for themselves when they believe the system has failed o Risk markers: living in disadvantaged neighborhoods, affiliation w delinquent peers, low self-control, insufficient parental supervision etc.  The US behind most Western democracies Homicide internationally, p. 40:  The crime rate doesn't necessarily follow the homicide rate  What makes the difference: cultural + political conditions, societal response to crime etc.  Murder rate: higher in the US  Not all data is good in every country = can't rely 100% on the non-solid data  Stamatel (2009): in western nations, the progressive reforms towards democratic governance + globalization of economic ties = decreased homicide rates  Homicide: lower in the US than many other countries o In the US: often away from home + involve 2 men o Developed countries: often by a family member...

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