C464 Task 1 Jennifer Straley PDF

Title C464 Task 1 Jennifer Straley
Course Introduction to Communication
Institution Western Governors University
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Why Teaching decoding is beneficial...


C464 Task 1 Presentation Plan Template Presentation Plan Components


Audience Analysis Target Audience Identify one target audience for the speech.

The ideal audience for this presentation would be school administrators, teachers and support staff. Those who are in charge of supporting students to learn reading would benefit from this topic because it gives insight to supportive programs that teach decoding skills and correct spelling skills.

Significance Statement Explain why your topic is significant for the target audience.

This is significant to teachers and administrators because they are in great need of understanding how the majority of students learn to read. This is the number one concern for America’s school. Why are reading scores so low.


Elementary teachers throughout the United States face the challenge of teaching their students how to read. Which methodology works best for teaching reading? There are many programs that claim to be the most effective.

Audience Hook Grab your audience’s attention with an interesting statistic, fact, anecdote, compelling question, or story. Thesis Statement Identify the major claim and main points in one succinct sentence using the following format: Research suggests that _____ (major claim) because _____ (main point 1), and _____ (main point 2). Preview of Main Points 1. List the first main point from the thesis statement in a full sentence. 2. List the second main point from the thesis statement in a full sentence. Body

Research suggests that phonics should be taught for teach reading because it helps students with decoding skills through the understanding of how words are put together, and spelling words correctly without the process of memorizing words.

1. Why teaching students decoding methods is the be method for teaching reading. 2. Evidence based decoding skills help with teaching good spelling skills. Main point 1: Why teaching decoding skills is the best method for teaching reading.

Main Point #1 Include at least 3 sub-points to support the first point of discussion. Each one should be supported by research and cited in APA format. Also, demarcate where you will show the visual aid in the speech. The visual aid can be used to support either main point 1 or 2. (show visual aid here, citation) a. sub-point 1: elaborate and include a citation. b. sub-point 2: elaborate and include a citation. c. sub-point 3: elaborate and include a citation. Main Point #2 Include at least 3 sub-points to support the second point of discussion. Each one should be supported by research and cited in APA format. a. sub-point 1: elaborate and include a citation. b. sub-point 2: elaborate and include a citation. c. sub-point 3: elaborate and include a citation.

a. In order to develop adequate decoding and spelling skills, children need explicit instruction in phonics that is systematic, structured and multisensory.” (Henry 2010) d. Another reason for teaching decoding skills is the five things that need to be taught to effectively teach reading. Which are, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. (Konza 2014) c. “While instruction in letter-sound relationships is necessary to help children become independent readers, it will not help them when they encounter irregular words such as said, was and saw. These words must be learned to the of automaticity: that is, learned so well that the visual patterns of these words are stored in the children’s visual memories or mental lexicons.” (Stone 2009)

Main point 2: Evidence based decoding skills that help with spelling. a. One reason that decoding skills should be taught is because the growing amount of research that suggests that for typically developing readers, phonic decoding may be the gateway to sight word learning. “McGeown, Medford, and Moxon (2013) found that students with good phonic decoding skills took a more phonetic approach to sound out irregular words than those with weaker phonics skills who relied more on the overall look of the word. (Seidenberg 2017) b. Once children become somewhat proficient at phonic decoding, they can teach themselves to read. For each encounter with a new word, they attend to the internal structure of that written word in order to sound it out. Such encounter helps them establish an orthographic representation of the word in long-term memory. (Konza 2014) c. “Base words are the short meaningful words

commonly used in the primary grades. Each base word is a morpheme. A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of language.” (Henry 2010) Conclusion Restatement of Thesis To tie the speech together, restate the thesis from the introduction. Summary of Main Points 1. Summarize the first main point from the thesis statement. 2. Summarize the second main point from the thesis statement.

Concluding Comments End with a call to action, important point, quote, or story to make your topic memorable for the audience.

Research shows that phonics should be taught because it helps students with decoding skills, and spelling words correctly. As teachers begin to understand what phonics truly is, students in this nation will become outstanding readers.

1. Phonics should be the first level of instruction that students learn, this will help with unfamiliar words and spelling. 2. Decoding words as a main focus, will help students break down words by sound to help with spelling skills. Phonics should be the number one way to teach reading because, it teaches students how to decode words. Phonics gives students the skills needed to spell correctly without the process of memorizing words.

Visual Aid Include a meaningful image, graph, or chart here to support one of the main points. Incorporate an APA style citation on the visual aid, and a full reference on the reference list.

Reference List All in-text citations and references need to be in APA format. Review the WGU APA Formatting and Style guide: https://wgu.mindedgeonline.com/content.ph p?cid=40550

Henry, M. (2010). Unlocking Literacy: effective decoding and spelling instruction. Baltimore, Maryland: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Konza, D. (2014). Teaching Reading: Why the “Fab Five” Should be the “Big Six”. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, Dec. 2014, 39(12) Stone, R. (2009) Best Practices for Teaching Reading: what award-winning classroom teachers do. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing Co. Inc Seidenberg, M. (2017). Language at The Speed of Sight: how we read, why so many can’t, and what can be done about it. New York, NY: Basic Books Publishing...

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