C726 Task 1 Notes for completing PDF

Title C726 Task 1 Notes for completing
Author Osie Wyatt
Course Cybersecurity Architecture and Engineering
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 3
File Size 70.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Notes for completing C726 task are in this document....


Task 1 MSCIA, How to pass Cybersecurity Architecture and Engineering – C726 How to pass Cybersecurity Architecture and Engineering – C726 in 2 weeks. I was just told by my mentor that WGU is forming an internal committee to evaluate this class in regards to the reading material not aligning correctly with the class. I would argue that the 2 tasks are poorly written causing multiple rewrites to occur. The tasks also do not align with the reading. So, in the meantime, do not read any of the chapters. They are vaguely helpful in generic risk and architecture from an overview perspective. I got all the way to the second chapter and nothing in the first two chapters are covered in the performance assessment. Remember, it is really hard to flunk a performance assessment on the first try if you are a perfectionist. Don’t be a perfectionist!!!! Try using a minimally viable product concept and see how many of the sections are competent before spending 4 weeks writing a 30 page paper. If it does not pass the first attempt then perform an agile sprint and get the section or sections that are not up to competency completed. Rinse and repeat this process up to 4 times.

Task 1 Here is what I wish I would have known before starting task 1 and how vague it is. Read the task 1 case study. 1. Choose 2 “mini projects” you would like to fix for the company. Options are: 1. Grant writing process (accounting system that is accounts payable process) 2. Research data (excel files with HIPAA data) 3. Payroll system (accounting system that is an accounts payable process) 2. Identify the software issues with the two processes you choose. Find the lifecycle of each product. 3. Read the risk assessment, focus on table 3.2. It documents 37 audit findings that are either technical or administrative controls. 4. After reading the risk assessment, answer the question “Is the IT department competent at their job?” Then ask the questions, “should this IT department even be involved in a new project?”. Then ask yourself “If I was the CEO of the company, would I terminate the CIO immediately upon receipt of the audit report and completely restructure (fire and hire) an all new IT department?”

1. No, they are NOT competent --> then consider a solution that tries to eliminate the usage of the internal IT department. Think of buying a commercial system, cloud, SAAS, ERP, etc. Do you really want the IT department to implement or maintain this new system (think about the risks involved! This is a lot of content you can use in the paper). 2. Yes, they are competent --> think about a solution by hiring a software development company, hiring a project team and building tools internally, buying corporate software and hosting internally, PAAS, or SAAS type solutions. 5. Identify the data types and any regulations on them. How will your solution handle these? 1. Accounting, think SOX, PII, SOC 1, SOC 2 and 3, ACH, PCI 2. Medical, think HIPAA, PII 3. GDPR / Privacy Shield - what if your company grows to be multi national? What if you get 1 patient from the EU in the United States? 6. Try to verbalize 1 mini project to a significant other and how you would implement it. Then try the second mini project. 7. I really wish I had read task 2 before starting two write on task 1. it will help you to focus on a game plan from a high level of exactly what to do. 8. Start writing on task 1 9. Section 5.1 of the paper, don’t use the built in table. Delete them. You will be unable to copy and paste anything efficiently. You will basically have to copy each cell one at a time. Solution, create your table in excel, don’t forget to use headers, create borders, then copy and paste it into the word document. 1. Create your use case document. A quick way to make it is to ask the HR Director (if you're doing the payroll plan) what they need the system to do. Responses should be “I want _____ because ________ . These should be 1 to 2 sentence responses. Don’t over complicate it)

10. For the process diagrams use a swim lane diagram. My mentor said this was the number one section he saw that would cause a paper to not be proficient. Basically, do something slightly more in-depth of this example on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQxnzLu7TqU 11.Don’t do any of the decision points (triangles). Just focus on the major task that a position must do for your solution. An example is you choose the payroll system, how do hourly employees enter their times? How do managers approve hourly time clock punches?

1. If you have access to Microsoft Visio, use a swim lane template that is built in.

2. Here is a swim lane template for Google Drawings. https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1D4VrqKIXsxerENxJWRJ_ X9Yf0-jaJ2gHpEZqx1DSdTA/edit You can use this for free. Open it up, then make a copy of it to your own google drive. Now you can use it. Then download your creation as a .jpg file and then insert the jpg into your word document. 12.Remember, 2 flow charts for each process (4 total). First one is the current process and the second one is the solution you are creating. 13.Before turning the paper in, refresh the table of contents (in case you made any changes) 14.Don’t forget to create your bibliography/works cited section at the bottom of the paper. My paper ended up being around 14 pages and passed on the first attempt....

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