Cardio Test Quizlet - NOTES PDF

Title Cardio Test Quizlet - NOTES
Author Jennifer Mendieta
Course Medical/Surgical Nursing 2
Institution Glendale Career College
Pages 5
File Size 226 KB
File Type PDF
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3 lead ECG

are used most often for recording a 24-hour reading. A 24-hour reading is a frequently used tool for the diagnosis of heart problems and is reimbursed as a long-term reading. (Monitoring patient)


12 lead ECG

An ECG that uses 12 leads attached to the patient's skin; these include the limb leads and chest leads (electrical action of the heart as reflected from various angles to the surface of the skin)



a condition of episodes of severe chest pain due to inadequate blood flow to the myocardium


Angina Precipitating Factors

-Physical exertion -Temperature extremes: hot or cold -Eating a heavy meal -Emotional stress -Smoking -Sexual activity.


Angina signs and symptoms

•Pain •Heaviness, Tightness, Viselike, Crushing Pain in Chest Center •In the Morning •Radiation •Pale •Diaphoretic •Dyspneic



x-ray imaging of blood vessels after injection of contrast material used to detect valvular defects, arterial occlusion, and congenital anomalies

aortic semilunar valve

located between the left ventricle and the aorta


arterial aneurysm

A bulging or dilation caused by a weakness in the wall of an artery


Arterial aneurysm management and nursing interventions

-Control hypetension -graft -removal of aneurysm -nurse should monitor patient status and report changes quickly -treat anxiety -treat pain -report sudden changes to the provider rapidly



arteriosclerosis obliterans

-Chronic, occulsive arterial disease of medium and large-sized vessels -Associated with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, CAD, diabetes -Affects primarily lower extremities



Artifact occurs when something causes a disruption in monitoring. Some common causes are: -AC interference -causes 60 cycle artifact Muscle tremors-Respiratory artifactwandering baseline -Loose electrode -Broken lead wire


bicuspid valve

valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle.


Buerger's disease Nursing/Patient Teaching

-No smoking -exercise to develop collateral circulation -surgery (amputation of gangrenous fingers and toes and sympathectomy)


CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft )

Open heart surgery involving arterial bypass using a transplanted vein


CAD Treatment 1

quit smoking, diet, exercise, control of angina, hypertension, anticoagulant therapy


CAD Treatment 2

Nitro for angina-pain relief, increase blood flow and O2 to myocardium ASA to inhibit clots, decrease pain, reduce risk of death ACE to lower lipids Antiplatelets to prevent clots


cardiac catheterization (CC)

passage of thin tube (catheter) through veins or arteries leading into heart; used to detect heart abnormalities, to collect cardiac blood samples, and to determine pressure within heart


CHF causes

Volume Overload, Pressure Overload, Decreased Contractility, High Cardia Output Demands


Complications of hypertension

stroke, anemia, kidney injury, heart failure, atherosclerosis, vision loss, memory problems, dementia, aneurysm


congestive heart failure (CHF)

the failure of the heart to pump efficiently, leading to excessive blood or fluids in the lungs, the body, or both


coronary artery disease (CAD)

a condition affecting arteries of the heart that reduces the flow of blood and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium; most often caused by atherosclerosis


Dubb sound

opening and closing of the SV valves (2nd heart sound)


DVT assessment

gently palpate leg feel for -pain -edema -redness/warmth


DVT (deep vein thrombosis)

formation of a blood clot in a deep vein of the body, occuring most commonly in the legs or thighs


echocardiogram (ECHO)

Diagnostic procedure for studying the structure and motion of the heart (Useful in evaluating structural and functional changes in a variety of heart disorders)


Medical Management of MI

-Focuses on preventing further tissue injury -MONA ( Morphine, Oxygen, Nitroglycerin,Aspirin) -Beta blockers -Calcium channel blockers -Fibrinolytic -PTCA -CABG -"Time is muscle"


MI labs



MI objective Data (5)

1. Pallor, cool, clammy skin 2. tachycardia and or heart palpitations 3. diaphoresis 4. vomiting 5. decreased LOC


miocardial infarction (MI)

heart attack


MI subjective Data (4)

1. anxiety 2. chest pain (substernal or precordial) -pain can radiate down the shoulder or arm, or may present as jaw pain -pain can be described as crushing or aching pressure 3. nausea 4. dizziness


MI Tests



NSR (Normal Sinus Rhythm)

Normal heart rate, abnormal can indicate a murmur. LUB DUB


Nursing Intervention of MI

-Administer medications -Avoid excess fatigue -Assist with ADLs -Encourage and provide education about cardiac diet -Prevent complications -Encourage patient to discuss feelings


pacemaker nursing care

-Observe for battery failure (pacemaker not firing as set) or pacemaker malfunction Observe for hematoma at site of insertion,Observe for arrhythmias via cardiac monitoring.

measurement of the volume percentage of left ventricular contents ejected with each contraction


ejection fraction


Electrocardiography procedure that graphically records the (ECG/EKG) spread of electrical excitation to different parts of the heart using small metal electrodes applied to the chest, arms, and legs


Essential (Primary) Hypertension

high blood pressure attributed to no single cause; risks include smoking, obesity, increased salt intake, hypercholesterolemia, and hereditary factors (Accounts for 90-95% of HTN cases)


Heart Transplant Criteria

1 year to live or less Less than 65 Normal PVR (pulm vascular resistance) No infection No abuse Psychosocial ok


Holter monitor

A small, portable monitoring device that makes prolonged electrocardiograph recordings on a portable tape recorder (is recorded on a magnetic tape recording while the patient conducts normal daily activities)



abnormally high blood pressure


Left sided heart failure symptoms

-Left = lungs (and heart) -Crackles, increased HR, SOB, palpitations, dizzy, lightheaded, confused, restless, cough, dyspnea


Lubb sound

AV valves closing (1st heart sound)



Pacemaker patient teaching

Pacemaker • Treatment • Post-procedure care

-wear medic alert bracelet -monitor pulse rate -s/sx of infection -medication dose and side effects -MRIs, metal detectors and arc welding equipment may interfere with a pacemaker -Microwave and cells phone DO NOT interfere with pacemakers -Patient should keep both away from pacemaker (cell phone shouldn't be in shirt pocket or stand away from microwave) o Monitor the incision, usually in the upper chest area o Most common complication in the early hours is due to electrode displacement


Patient Teaching of MI

-Smoking cessation -Increase intake of high-fiber foods, because soluble fiber is particularly effective in reducing blood lipids (fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, oat bran, and legumes) -Encourage Low cholesterol and low fat (saturated) Replace PUFA oils with MUFA (olive oil) -Eat fish high in omega 3 fatty acids several times a week (salmon and. tuna)


peripheral arterial disease (PAD)

blockage of arteries carrying blood to the legs, arms, kidneys and other organs


Post procedure care for cardiac cauterization ?



Post Procedure for Angiography?



premature ventricular contraction (PVC)

o Immobilize the arm to keep the pt from raising their arm too high b/c will pull out wires so be care until electrodes are embedded o Perform ROM exercises to prevent frozen shoulder 46.


PAD manifestations/assessment

Pathophysiology of varicose veins

-Pain-intermittent claudication -Pulselessness -Pallor -Paresthesia -Paralysis venous hypertension, venous valvular incompetence, structural changes in the vein wall, inflammation, and alterations in shear stress are the major pathophysiological mechanisms resulting in varicose veins

are premature heartbeats that are similar to PVCs, but occur in the upper chambers of the heart, an area known as the atria. PACs do not typically cause damage to the heart and can occur in healthy individuals with no known heart disease. 53.


- Invasive - One or more arteries are dilated with balloon catheter to open vessel and improve blood flow.


pulmonary edema

accumulation of fluid in the lungs often causes by severed left ventricular dysfunction


Pulmonary Edema Nursing Interventions

-Promote oxygenation -Promote venous return to the heart -Promote adequate respiration -Monitor I&O -Monitor electrolytes


pulmonary semilunar valve

located between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery


Raynaud's disease

-Caused by intermittent arterial spasms -Raynaud's is either primary or secondary -Primary—the cause is not known and the condition is usually mild -Secondary—when symptoms occur as a result of other conditions -The patient typically complains of cold hands and feet and may have discoloration


Right sided heart failure symptoms

-Pitting Edema -Ascites -Hepatic enlargement -JVD -Parasternal lift -Nausea -Decreased appetite -Cold extremities -Diaphoresis


Raynaud's disease Nursing/Patient Teaching

-No smoking -Avoid exposure to cold -Amputation for gangrene


Risk Factors: Modifiable


Regurgitation (insufficiency)

failure to completely close, allowing blood to flow in a reverse direction

Smoking Hypertension Sedentary Lifestyle Obesity Diabetes Mellitus Stress


Rehabilitation for MI

-Process of actively assisting the client with cardiac disease to achieve & maintain a vital & productive life within the limitations of the heart disease. -Cardiac rehab team assists client in learning how to cope with the stress of adjusting to a new lifestyle & deal with fears about the future. -Exercise training to help the patient learn how to exercise safely, strengthen muscles, and improve stamina -Education, counseling, and training to help the patient understand his or her heart condition and find ways to reduce the risk of future heart problems -Exercise training to help client learn how to exercise safely, strengthen muscles, & improve stamina. The exercise plan is based on the individual's ability, needs, & interests.


Risk Factors: NonModifiable

heredity, age, gender


Secondary Hypertension

high blood pressure caused by the effects of another disease (comorbidity)


Sinus Bradycardia



is a slow, regular heartbeat. It happens when your heart's pacemaker, the sinus node, generates heartbeats less than 60 times in a minute. 68.

Sinus Tachycardia

is defined as a heart rate greater than 100 beats/min (bpm).

rheumatic heart disease (RHD)

damage to the heart muscle or heart valves caused by one or more episodes of rheumatic fever



Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) pathophysiology

-Arises from group A or group B streptococcus infection -Characterized by fever, epistaxis, tachycardia, and nodules on joints -Assessment will reveal joint pain, chest pain, or other manifestations associated with complications -Valvular manifestations will mimic valvular disease -It is diagnosed through signs and symptoms and lab values

is the term for a valve that is narrowed and doesn't open properly. The flaps of a valve may thicken, stiffen or fuse together. As a result, the valve cannot fully open. The heart then has to work harder to pump blood through the valve, and the body may suffer from a reduced supply of oxygen.


stress test (exercise stress test )

A means of assessing cardiac function, by subjecting the patient to carefully controlled amounts of physical stress, for example, using the treadmill


telemetry monitoring

Electrodes are placed on the client and connected to a small, battery powered transmitter that sends electrical signals to a monitor screen, usually located at a nurses station.


telemetry teaching?



Thromboangiitis Obliterans (Buerger's Disease)

-an occlusive vascular condition in which the small- and medium-sized arteries become inflamed and thrombotic -Affects mens ages 25-40 who smoke -Characterized by pain and sometimes ulceration



inflammation of a vein associated with a clot formation


Tricuspid Valve

valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle


Valvular Heart Disease (VHD)

When valve function has deteriorated to where heart cannot maintain adequate blood flow


venous stasis ulcer

ulcer caused by venous insufficiency and stasis of venous blood; usually forms near the ankle

Venous stasis ulcer signs and symptoms

-pain -edema -ulceration with dark pigmentation


Venous states ulcer nursing/patient teaching

-Diet: increased protein; vitamin A and C and zinc -debridement of necrotic tissues -antibiotics -unna boot Nursing interventions are aimed to promoting wound healing and providing patient education


vericose veins

Dilated, swollen veins that have lost their elasticity and cause stasis, or decreased blood flow




is an abnormal heart rhythm in which the ventricles of the heart quiver instead of pumping normally. It is due to disorganized electrical activity. Ventricular fibrillation results in cardiac arrest with loss of consciousness and no pulse. 82.

V-Fib Signs and Symptoms

-No audible heartbeat-No palpable pulse-No respiration-No blood circulation-If prolonged, will lead to cardiac arrest


V-fib treatment

CPR is first then Epinephrine is the first drug given and may be repeated every 3 to 5 minutes. If epinephrine is not effective, the next medication in the algorithm is amiodarone 300 mg.


VHD etiology

There are several causes of valvular heart disease, including congenital conditions (being born with it), infections, degenerative conditions (wearing out with age), and conditions linked to other types of heart disease



-Fatigue -Weakness -Pain -Nocturnal dyspnea -Orthopnea -Crackles -Edema



is a heart rhythm disorder (arrhythmia) caused by abnormal electrical signals in the lower chambers of the heart (ventricles). This condition may also be called V-tach or VT. A healthy heart normally beats about 60 to 100 times a minute at rest....

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