Case Study 3 PDF

Title Case Study 3
Author Ovin Balasooriya
Course Human Nutrition
Institution South Dakota State University
Pages 4
File Size 70.6 KB
File Type PDF
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case study 3 of the course...


Case Study 3 Fred has returned for his next visit.

Client: Fred

Age: 56

Height: 5 feet 10 inches

Weight: 270 pounds

BMR calculations:

Males BMR= 66+(6.23 x weight in pounds) +(12.7 x height in inches) -(6.8 x age)

Physical Activity (PA) Estimates

1.2 = little to no exercise 1.375 = light exercise 1-3 days per week 1.55 = moderate exercise 3-5 days per week 1.725 = hard exercise 6-7 days per week 1.9 = hard daily exercise/job

1. Today you want to determine the amount of energy (calories) that Fred should be ingesting daily to maintain his current weight. Using the BMR formula, determine Fred’s BMR. Males BMR= 66+(6.23 x weight in pounds) +(12.7 x height in inches) -(6.8 x age) Fred’s BMR = 66 + (6.23 x 270) + (12.7 x 70) – (6.8 x 56)

= 66 + 1682.1 + 889 – 380.8 = 2256.3 kcal

2. To determine individual energy requirements, multiply the BMR x the appropriate activity level. This provides the number of calories required daily to maintain the current weight. Show your work.

Energy requirement for Fred = BMR x appropriate activity level = 2256.3 x 1.2 = 2707.56

3. Using a BMI chart, Fred would be considered

BMI = weight in pounds x 703 / height x height in inches

= 270 x 703 / 70 x 70 = 38.74

This BMI value is higher than the BMI value of 30 which is the range of obesity. Therefore, Fred is considered obese

4. The medical records chart indicates that Fred’s PCP recommends that Fred lose weight. Review the three components of a weight loss program with Fred. Calorie control (reduced calorie intake) Exercise (physical activity) Behavior modification

5. Fred has mentioned several types of diets he has followed in the past. All resulted in weight loss, but eventually he regained the weight. Discuss fad diets with Fred (2 points) and provide three characteristics that make a diet a fad diet. (3 points) A fad diet is a modern type of diet that is used to lose weight the characteristics of a fad diet are: use celebrities to endorse promote quick weight loss expensive food selections are limited not a cure all does not recognize exercise or behavior modification

6. From your sessions, you know Fred has tried to reduce calorie intake in the past. However, he never mentioned behavior modification. Explain to Fred what this is. Behavior modification relates to how certain behavior patterns of a person can prevent them from losing weight and this is crucial in acknowledging those particular factors and controlling them as they follow through with their routine of weight loss programs. Certain factors or behaviors can prevent us from reaching our weight loss goals. Defining what those are and learning how to manage them to make positive changes is considered behavior modification

7. To verify that Fred understands, have him name three types of behavior modification strategies. Chain breaking Stimulus control Cognitive restructuring Contingency management self-monitoring

8. To conclude the session, you discuss android obesity with Fred. Discuss android obesity and list two health risks associated with this type of obesity. android obesity is the state of fat being stored in the abdominal area of a person with more weight above the waist. health risks associated with android obesity diabetes hypertension Fat accumulates in the abdominal area, close to internal organs. It is often referred to as the apple shape. This fat causes increased inflammation, and is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, inflammation...

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