Cell Bio Syllabus Fall 2019 PDF

Title Cell Bio Syllabus Fall 2019
Author deb odebunmi
Course Cell Biology
Institution The University of Texas at San Antonio
Pages 3
File Size 189.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 39
Total Views 163




Cellular Biology (Bio 3813) Syllabus Fall Semester 2019 COURSE: LOCATION INSTRUCTOR: CONTACT INFORMATION: OFFICE HOURS: Teaching Assistant: Contact information: Office hours: TEXTBOOK:



BIO 3813 FLN 3.02.02 Dr. Jurgen Engelberth Office BSE 3.110 (458 7831) Laboratory (458 5466) Email: [email protected] Monday, Friday 11-12 pm or by appointment t.b.a. Email: Essential Cell Biology. 5th Edition. Garland Sciences. ISBN 978-0-8153-4454-4. Alternatively: Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5th Edition. Garland Science. ISBN 978-0-8153-4105-5 (hardcover) or 978-0-8153-4106-2 (paperback). BIO 2313 (Genetics), BIO 3513 (Biochemistry). Concurrent enrollment in BIO 3822 (Cell Biology Laboratory) is recommended. The course is described on the attached Topic and Exam Schedule. 1. To reinforce your understanding of the fundamental biological processes and concepts that occur within a cell and its environment. 2. To expand your knowledge about the cellular functions and processes in a more detailed fashion. 3. To learn about current methodology, their advantages and disadvantages, used in the study of cellular processes. 4. To develop and improve your communication, evaluation, and writing skills. Content for this course is primarily derived from the textbook, current scientific literature, and from current topics in the biological sciences. In addition, videos will be used to enhance understanding and demonstrate practical applications of topics learned during the course.

Evaluations: Three regular exams and one comprehensive final exam will be given during the course. Each regular exam is worth up to 20 %points. The final exam contributes up to 40 %points. Exam scores are summarized in Table 1. A schedule listing the topics will be provided. Note that topics and dates may change. The mechanism by which changes will be communicated is through lectures only. There will be opportunities for extra credit based on topics discussed in class. Extra credit has to be turned in at a certain date as determined by the instructor to count. Extra credit will be counted towards the final points. Grades: Letter grades are based on the following: In order to receive an A, you must earn ≥ 90 points. To receive a B, you must earn 80-89 points and a C is assigned for 70-79 points. A letter grade of D is assigned for 60-69 points and an F is assigned for ≤ 59 points.

Table 1. Exam points Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Final Exam Total points

20 20 20 40 100

Attendance: Student attendance at all lectures is required. If the instructor is off-site (e.g., attending an out-of-town meeting), then an alternate instructor will be on-site and/or students will be given specific reading assignments. Students are expected to understand all of the material in each of the designated pages/chapters and the material presented in class lectures and material in the reading assignments. Missed exams: Make-up examinations will be given only under certain extenuating circumstances and are generally more difficult than scheduled exams. A student who is compelled to be absent from the final examination, for any reason, will be required to petition the Dean for permission to postpone the final examination. Preferably, a request by a student to postpone the final examination should be made prior to the final examination, but in no case later than 48 hours after the final examination.

Class evaluation: Students who participate in class evaluation will receive a 1% point bonus towards their final grade. Policy on student behavior: Students are expected to maintain civil behavior in class and to never interfere with the learning experience of other students. Cell phones and pagers should not be used during class. University Policy on Cheating: Students are expected to be above reproach in scholastic activities. Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and dismissal from the University. “Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an exam for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student of the attempt to commit such acts.” Regents’ Rules of Regulations, Part one, Chapter VI, section 3, Subsection 3.2 Subdivision 3.22. Since scholastic dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.

LECTURE Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Lecture 4 Lecture 5 Lecture 6 Lecture 7 EXAM #1 Lecture 8 Lecture 9 Lecture 10 Lecture 11 Lecture 12 Lecture 13 Lecture 14 Lecture 15 Lecture 16 Exam #2 Lecture 17 Lecture 18 Lecture 19 EXAM #3 Lecture 20 Lecture 21 Lecture 22 Lecture 23 EXAM #3 Lecture 24 Lecture 25 FINAL EXAM

Date 8/27 8/29 9/03 9/05 9/10 9/12 9/17 9/19 9/24 9/26 10/01 10/03 10/08 10/10 10/15 10/17 10/22 10/24 10/29 10/31 11/05 11/07 11/12 11/14 11/19 11/21 11/26 12/03 12/05


LECTURE TOPICS Welcome Introduction Cell Biology 1 Introduction Cell Biology 2 Review Cell Chemistry/Biochemistry 1 Review Cell Chemistry/Biochemistry 2 Review Genetics 1 Review Genetics 2 As reviewed Special Topics Return and discussion of exam How Cells are studied 1 How Cells are studied 2 How Cells are studied 3 How Cells are studied 4 Membrane Structure and Function 1 Membrane Structure and Function 2 The Cytoskeleton As reviewed Special Topics Return and discussion of exam Cell Signaling Extracellular Matrix Cell Junctions, Cell adhesion The Cell Cycle, Apoptosis Special Topics Special Topics As reviewed Special Topics Review Final Return of exams


The University of Texas at San Antonio Academic Honor Code A.

Preamble The University of Texas at San Antonio community of past, present and future students, faculty, staff, and administrators share a commitment to integrity and the ethical pursuit of knowledge. We honor the traditions of our university by conducting ourselves with a steadfast duty to honor, courage, and virtue in all matters both public and private. By choosing integrity and responsibility, we promote personal growth, success, and lifelong learning for the advancement of ourselves, our university, and our community.


Honor Pledge In support of the ideals of integrity, the students of the University of Texas at San Antonio pledge: “As a UTSA Roadrunner I live with honor and integrity.” Shared responsibility The University of Texas at San Antonio community shares the responsibility and commitment to integrity and the ethical pursuit of knowledge and adheres to the UTSA Honor Code.


The University of Texas at San Antonio is a community of scholars, where integrity, excellence, inclusiveness, respect, collaboration, and innovation are fostered.

As a Roadrunner, I will: Uphold the highest standards of academic and personal integrity by practicing and expecting fair and ethical conduct; Respect and accept individual differences, recognizing the inherent dignity of each person; Contribute to campus life and the larger community through my active engagement; and Support the fearless exploration of dreams and ideas in the advancement of ingenuity, creativity, and discovery. Guided by these principles now and forever, I am a Roadrunner!...

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