Cellular Transport - Video Questions PDF

Title Cellular Transport - Video Questions
Author jenny anne
Course Introductory Biology: Cell And Developmental Biology
Institution Cornell University
Pages 1
File Size 73.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 6
Total Views 153


this is a list of questions used to practice the material...


Cellular Transport: Insides vs. Outsides Video Notes/Questions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Osmosis – Amoeba Sisters What questions does osmosis answer? What is osmosis? What’s an example of a semi permeable membrane? What kind of transport is osmosis? Where does the water travel from and to? (high to low) What does a low water concentration mean in terms of concentration of solutes? (This is because the low cont. means there’s more solutes somewhere else than there is at the low cont. the opp is true, because a high water cont. would mean that there is more water than solutes). What will this semi permeable membrane let in or out (name 2 example of in, and 1 example of out)? Explain the concept of hypertonic (high cont. of solutes) + hypotonic (low cont. of solutes) Why would it be bad for the red blood cells if the IVs were pure water? What does isotonic mean? (Equal cont.) and why would this be important for the IV? What fish is best adapted to go into fresh water and salt water? How do plants get their water? Explain in terms of hyper and hypotonic.

Cell Transport – Amoeba Sisters 1. Why it is important for the cell membrane to control what goes in or out of the cell? homeostasis 2. What is simple diffusion? – moves with flow with cont gradients 3. What is facilitated diffusion and what kind of transport? – proteins help things pass + passive 4. What is protein channels in osmosis called for water to travel at a fast rate across a membrane? – aquaporins 5. What kind of gradient cont. requires energy and what kind of energy? – low to hig – against flow - ATP 6. What kind of transport causes molecules to go against gradients – active 7. What is endocytosis? – endo=in – fusing with the cell membrane causes vesicles to form which can take the substance into the cell. 8. What are the 3 different types of endocytosis? – phagocytosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis, and pinocytosis 9. What does the form of phagocytosis do? – psemopods wraps around substance, makes a vacuole, 10. What does receptor-mediated endocytosis do? – need substances need to bind with a receptor to get in 11. What is pinocytosis – cell takes in fluids 12. What is exocytosis? – exo = exit, gets rid of cell waste...

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