Ch 6 Notes - Intercultural Communication CMST 280 Book: Communication Between Cultures, 9th PDF

Title Ch 6 Notes - Intercultural Communication CMST 280 Book: Communication Between Cultures, 9th
Course Intercultural Communication 
Institution Bellevue College
Pages 8
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Intercultural Communication
CMST 280
Book: Communication Between Cultures, 9th Edition
Chapter: 6
Cultural Values: Road Maps for Behavior
Lecture notes/powerpoints...


Monday, October 21, 2019

Cultural Values:! Roadmaps for Behavior Intercultural Communication! Important Topics • Kohl’s Values! • Hofstede’s Value Dimension! • Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck’s Value Orientation! • ET Hall’s High & Low-Context Orientations! • Ting-Toomey’s Face and Facework! Perception & Values

- What we think and how we react to events is based on part on how we perceive the world, which is strongly influenced by cultural values!

- Culture influences one’s subjective reality and there is a direct link between culture, perception and behavior.! Perception

- On the most basic level, perception is the arousal of any of our senses.! - In order to process this “avalanche of stimuli” we must “sort out and make sense” of the data.!

- Perception is the process whereby people convert external events and experiences into meaningful internal understanding.! Reality is Constructed through Perception

- First-order realities! - Second order realities! • Shared or conflicting! • What % is accurately shared?!


Chapter 6

Monday, October 21, 2019 Characteristics of Perception I.

Perception is selective!

• Too much stimuli.! II. Perception is learned!

• Life experiences.! III. Perception is culturally determined!

• Culture teaches us the meaning of most of our experiences.! IV. Perception is consistent!

• Resists change.! V. Perception is inaccurate!

• See what we want to see.! Perceptual Tendencies

• Attribution — the process of attaching meaning to behavior.! • We make snap judgments! • We often judge ourselves more charitable that we judge others (self-serving bias)! • Negative verses positive impressions! • The obvious (intense, contrastive, repetitious).! Influences on Perception

- We understand that our perception is influenced by:! - Physiology (senses, health, biological cycles, neurobiology)! - Psychology (mood, self-concept)! - Culture! - Sex and gender roles! - Occupational roles! - Relational roles!


Chapter 6

Monday, October 21, 2019 Beliefs, Values & Behaviors Beliefs!

- Concept or idea that individual or group holds to be true! - Represent subjective conviction in the truth of something — with or without proof! - Learned! - Subject to cultural interpretation! Values

- Beliefs form foundation of values! - Cultural values provide set of guidelines that assist members in deciding good/bad, desirable/undesirable, right/wrong, etc.!

- Acquired through a variety of sources (family, history, proverbs, media, school, church, state, etc.) therefore tend to be broad-based, enduring and relatively stable! Behaviors!

- Outward manifestations of internalized beliefs and values! - Culture had regulatory influence on behavior! Cultural Patterns or Value Orientations

- Culture is multifaceted social construct! - Value Orientation is an umbrella term to collectively describe values that characterize dominant group in a culture.!

- Culturally based beliefs, values and behaviors shared by members of a culture.! - Encompass conditions that contribute to social group’s perception of world and how they live.!

• You are more than your culture! • Cultural patterns are integrated! • Cultural patterns are dynamic! • Cultural patterns can be contradictory!


Chapter 6

Monday, October 21, 2019 Kohl’s “The Values Americans Live By”!

- Personal Control Over Nature! - Change! - Time & Its Control! - Equality/Egalitarianism! - Individuality & Privacy! - Self-Help! - Competition & Free Enterprise! - Future/Past Orientation! - Action/Work Orientation! - Informality! - Directness, Openness & Honesty! - Practicality & Efficiency! - Materialism! 4

Chapter 6

Monday, October 21, 2019 Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck’s Value Orientations

- Based on idea that every individual deals with these universal questions called “value orientations”!

1. What is the character of human nature?! 2. What is the relation of humankind to nature?! 3. What is the orientation toward time?! 4. What is the value placed on activity?! 5. What is the relationship of people to each other?! Human Nature Orientation

- Evil! - Good & Evil! - Good! Person/Nature Orientation!

- Humans subject to nature! - Harmony with nature! - Mastery of Nature! Time Orientation!

- Past orientation! - Present orientation! - Future orientation! 5

Chapter 6

Monday, October 21, 2019 Activity Orientation

- Being — spontaneous expression of human personality! - Being-in-Becoming — stresses idea of development and growth! - Doing — describes activity in which accomplishments are measured by standard external to the individual! Hall’s High-Context & Low-Context Orientations

- Categorizes cultures as high or low context depending how much meaning is derived from contextual environment rather than actual words exchanged during communicative interactions!

- Culture provides selective screen between man and outside world therefore designated what we pay attention to or ignore!

- Context — information that surrounds an event!


Chapter 6

Monday, October 21, 2019 High-Context!

- Most of information is already in the person while little is coded, explicitly transmitted part of message!

- Meaning exchanged during encounter is often not communicated through words! - Significant degree of similarity among people leading to similar perceptions, experiences, and expectations producing well-defined social protocols.! Low-Context!

- High degree of diversity in population! - Tend to compartmentalize interpersonal contact! - Verbal message contains most of information, and little conveyed through context or participant’s nonverbal displays! Hofstede’s Value Dimensions

- Ranked 50 countries from 1 to 50 regarding individualism/collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance and masculinity/femininity. Later long-term/short-term orientation and countries order 1 to 23.!

- National rather than individual level meaning they characterize dominant culture! • Individualism/Collectivism! • High/Low Uncertainty Avoidance! • High/Low Power Distance (refers to equality)! • Masculinity/Femininity! • Long/Short Term Orientation! • Indulgence/Restraint! Minkov’s Cultural Dimensions!

- ! Face & Facework

- Face — self-image a person projects to other people! - Facework — actions you engage in to acquire or maintain face for yourself or give face to someone else! 7

Chapter 6

Monday, October 21, 2019

- Individualistic — concerned with maintaining own face! - Collectivistic — concern for others’ face! - During conflict situation 3 different face concerns come into play! 1. Self-face! 2. Other-face! 3. Mutual-face!

Chapter 6...

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