Chapter 05 - studying materials very helpful PDF

Title Chapter 05 - studying materials very helpful
Author stical baah
Course Psychology PSYC 386
Institution Loyola University Chicago
Pages 20
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studying materials very helpful...


MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Which the following is classified as a somatic symptom or related disorder? A : Obsessivecompulsive disorder B : Illness anxiety disorder C : Dissociative identity disorder D : Body dysmorphic disorder Correct Answer : B 2 : The common aspect of all somatic symptom disorders is a set of A : irrational beliefs about supernatural influences on ones health. B : irrational judgments of ones own physical attractiveness. C : excessive or maladaptive responses to physical symptoms or to associated health concerns. D : excessive or maladaptive responses to pain only. Correct Answer : C 3 : Illness anxiety disorder is present when A : normal bodily sensations are interpreted by the patient as a sign of a serious illness. B : real physical illness is exaggerated to the point where the patient can only focus on the pain. C : the patient has an unrealistic fear of contacting germs. D : the patient is truly ill but does not trust the medical establishment enough to seek treatment. Correct Answer : A 4 : Shelley experiences persistent feelings of detachment from herself, as if she were observing herself from outside her body. The experience is so intense that she often has trouble remembering who she is and functioning in a coherent manner. Shelley most likely suffers from A : severe anxiety attacks. B : a dissociative disorder. C : persistent depression. D : illness anxiety disorder. Correct Answer : B 5 : Joe just ate six chilidogs and drank a liter of soda. If Joe suffers from illness anxiety disorder, he would probably interpret any resulting stomach discomfort as A : his own fault for eating so much. B : the result of poor quality food. C : gas pains from overeating. D : a sign that something is seriously wrong with his stomach. Correct Answer : D 6 : Since Jane suffers from illness anxiety disorder, we can expect her to see her physician A : often and feel completely reassured that there is nothing wrong with her health. B : rarely but continue to believe that she is quite ill. C : almost never because she does not trust physicians. D : often but continue to be anxious about her health anyway. Correct Answer : D 1 / 20

7 : Jill is constantly worried that she will get sick. Although she feels fine now and believes that she is healthy, she still worries endlessly about developing a serious illness. Most likely Jill would be diagnosed with A : generalized anxiety disorder. B : illness anxiety disorder. C : a specific phobia of germs. D : body dysmorphic disorder. Correct Answer : B 8 : With regard to a diagnosis of illness anxiety disorder, women are A : as equally likely as men to be diagnosed. B : less likely than men to be diagnosed. C : more likely than men to be diagnosed. D : more likely than men to be diagnosed during middle to late adulthood, but no more likely than men to be diagnosed during teen years and early adulthood. Correct Answer : A 9 : Illness anxiety disorder is also known as (and previously listed in the DSM as) A : hypochondriasis. B : illness psychosis. C : fictitious disorder. D : dissociation. Correct Answer : A 10 : All of the following have been implicated in the development and maintenance of somatic symptom disorders EXCEPT A : the additional attention one receives when sick. B : a specific hypochondriac gene. C : the high incidence of disease in the family during the hypochondriacs childhood. D : stressful life events. Correct Answer : B 11 : A main difference between somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder is A : somatic symptom disorder has a real medical basis and illness anxiety disorder does not. B : somatic symptom disorder is heritable and illness anxiety is not. C : somatic symptom disorder is associated with physical exacerbation of real symptoms, whereas illness anxiety disorder is associated with distorted beliefs about normal bodily function. D : none; the two terms refer to the same disorder in DSM-5. Correct Answer : C 12 : Somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder have all of the following in common EXCEPT A : they are both outdated terms that are no longer officially part of the DSM. B : they are both associated with frequent visits to the doctor. C : disease conviction is a core feature of both disorders. D : for both, the essential problem is anxiety. 2 / 20

Correct Answer : A 13 : With regard to the treatment of illness anxiety disorder, some research supports the use of A : classical conditioning and operant conditioning. B : psychoanalysis. C : cognitive-behavioral treatment and stress management. D : humanistic therapy. Correct Answer : C 14 : Concerning one recent study of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatments for illness anxiety disorder, the most accurate statement among the following is that A : they are effective. B : they are not effective. C : they appear to be effective, as does CBT, but only CBT was significantly different from a placebo condition. D : neither the drug treatment nor CBT was found to be significantly more effective than a placebo condition. Correct Answer : C 15 : Which of the following is NOT a part of cognitive-behavioral therapy for illness anxiety disorder in Barsky and Aherns 2005 clinical trial? A : Reassurance to the patients that their symptoms did not reflect a serious illness B : Identifying and challenging illness-related misinterpretations of physical sensations C : Purposely creating symptoms by focusing attention on certain body areas D : Coaching on seeking less reassurance regarding patients illness concerns Correct Answer : A 16 : The cause for somatic symptom and related disorders is most likely A : biological. B : psychological. C : stressful life events. D : all of these are correct. Correct Answer : D 17 : Which of the following are typical characteristics of patients with illness anxiety disorder? A : Female and from lower socioeconomic groups B : Female and sexually conservative C : Male and impulsive D : Male and aggressive Correct Answer : A 18 : Which of the following statements is true with regard to the treatment of somatic symptom disorders? A : Cognitive-behavioral treatment has been demonstrated in several studies to be a very effective treatment. B : It is relatively easy to treat as long as the patient is willing to participate in therapy. C : Primary care physicians can usually treat patients by educating and reassuring patients. 3 / 20

D : They are difficult to treat and there are no treatments with proven effectiveness. Correct Answer : A 19 : Psychological factors affecting other medical conditions is considered A : a somatic symptom disorder. B : the cause for conversion disorder. C : the result of conversion disorder. D : an archaic term for illness anxiety. Correct Answer : A 20 : Kyop goeu, or __________________, is an example of a culture-bound somatic concern found in the Khmer people of Cambodia. A : a feeling of wind overload B : fear losing semen C : fear of genital retraction D : a sensation of something crawling in the head Correct Answer : A 21 : Functional neurological symptom disorder is associated with which disorder in the DSM-5? A : Conversion disorder B : Illness anxiety disorder C : Somatic symptom disorder D : None of these are correct Correct Answer : A 22 : Loss of physical functioning without any physical cause is most likely a case of A : conversion disorder. B : illness anxiety disorder. C : somatic symptom disorder. D : none of these are correct. Correct Answer : A 23 : Serena has completely lost the use of her right arm during the past year, but medical experts can find no physical reason for her paralysis. This could be an example of A : somatic symptoms disorder. B : illness anxiety C : conversion disorder. D : dissociative disorder. Correct Answer : C 24 : Min has been experiencing repeated seizures, but none of the neurologists he has visited could find any abnormal EEG activity. He is likely exhibiting a case of A : psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. B : globus hystericus. C : aphonia. D : dissociative disorder. 4 / 20

Correct Answer : A 25 : Historically, hysteria was thought to be the result of a A : dysfunctional ovary. B : tense vagina. C : wandering uterus. D : flip-flopped fallopian tubes. Correct Answer : C 26 : Conversion disorder patients were conceptualized by Freud as A : converting unconscious conflicts into physical symptoms. B : converting unconscious conflicts into defense mechanisms. C : experiencing physical symptoms as a result of the superego. D : experiencing internal conflicts as a result of physical illness. Correct Answer : A 27 : Conversion disorder symptoms generally appear A : out of the blue. B : following a physical injury to the affected area. C : following a traumatic event. D : in women with repressed sexuality. Correct Answer : C 28 : Which of the following would be typical for a patient suffering from a conversion disorder? A : Ability to avoid walking into things even though the patient reports being unable to see anything B : Ability to see some bright objects when calm but suffering complete loss of sight during a stressful period or emergency C : Performance far below average when asked to name objects in the visual field when the patient reports blindness D : Ability to name everything in the visual field even though the patient reports blindness Correct Answer : A 29 : Difficulty speaking without any physical or organic pathology is known as A : hysteria. B : malingering. C : aphonia. D : la belle indifference. Correct Answer : C 30 : Which of the following statements is correct regarding diagnosing a patients symptoms as a conversion disorder? A : It is quite apparent when a patient is malingering (faking), but it is difficult to determine whether symptoms are due to real physical disorders or a conversion disorder. B : It is quite apparent when a symptom is due to a real physical disorder, but it is impossible to determine the difference between a conversion disorder and patient malingering (faking). C : It is very difficult to determine whether symptoms are due to malingering (faking), real physical disorders, or a conversion disorder. 5 / 20

D : The act of diagnosing a conversion disorder can sometimes immediately alleviate the symptoms. Correct Answer : C 31 : Globus hystericus, a common conversion disorder symptom, is the sensation of a A : pain in the neck. B : swollen kidney. C : lump in the throat. D : lump in the breast. Correct Answer : C 32 : Which of the following statements is true about factitious disorders? A : Patients are usually revealed to be harboring a reason for malingering B : The symptoms are uncontrollable. C : There is no obvious reason for voluntarily producing symptoms. D : All of these are correct Correct Answer : C 33 : An example of factitious disorder imposed on another is A : deliberate actions directed toward making a child sick. B : a parent lying to a doctor, for example, saying that the child has had symptoms that never really existed. C : a parent developing the same symptoms that the child exhibits. D : convincing a child to lie to a doctor about factitious symptoms. Correct Answer : A 34 : Factitious disorders are a set of conditions that A : fall somewhere between malingering and conversion disorders. B : are completely under voluntary control like malingering. C : are a manifestation of physical symptoms mostly due to anxiety. D : are one form of typical child abuse. Correct Answer : A 35 : Parents suspected of facetious disorder imposed on another (Munchausen syndrome by proxy) show all of the following typical behaviors EXCEPT A : helping medical staff to discover the true nature of the childs illness. B : developing a positive relationship with medical staff. C : appearing extremely concerned and caring toward the child. D : purposefully making the child sick. Correct Answer : A 36 : In factitious disorders, the patient A : voluntarily makes up symptoms with no apparent motivation. B : is unaware that he or she is making up symptoms. C : truly experiences symptoms with no apparent physical cause. D : makes up symptoms in an effort to avoid work or to receive some other benefit. 6 / 20

Correct Answer : A 37 : According to your textbook, in some religious groups, seizures, paralysis, and trances are often seen as evidence of A : an increased power to cause natural disasters. B : contact with a loved one who has passed away. C : contact with God. D : none of these are correct Correct Answer : C 38 : The modern view of the causes of conversion disorder is A : completely different from Freuds ideas of the etiology of this disorder. B : somewhat similar to the causes that Freud described for this disorder. C : a combination of genetic predisposition and neurobiological trauma. D : based on social learning theory. Correct Answer : B 39 : Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement regarding conversion disorder symptoms? A : They uniquely belong to Western culture. B : They are common aspects of some religious/healing rituals. C : They do not constitute a disorder unless they persist and interfere with an individuals functioning. D : Some individuals who exhibit them are held in high esteem because they are sometimes seen as contact with God. Correct Answer : A 40 : With regard to la belle indifference (the observation that conversion disorder patients are not concerned about their symptoms), research suggests that A : conversion disorder patients display uncommonly high levels of concerns about their physical loss. B : Freuds explanation is essentially correct. C : conversion disorder patients show no difference in the distress over symptoms than those with organic disease. D : la belle indifference is an accurate description of the lack of concern about their physical loss in conversion disorder patients. Correct Answer : C 41 : Evidence for the influence of social and cultural factors in conversion disorder includes the fact that conversion disorder A : is almost exclusively experienced by women. B : is being diagnosed more frequently in our society. C : tends to occur in lower socioeconomic groups where there is less medical knowledge. D : tends to occur in wealthy areas where there is easy access to sophisticated medical tests. Correct Answer : C 42 : Freud called the reduction in anxiety by converting unconscious conflicts into physical symptoms 7 / 20

A : primary narcissism. B : secondary narcissism. C : primary gain. D : secondary gain. Correct Answer : C 43 : In treating conversion disorder, which of the following statements is true? A : Clients respond well to CBT. B : Clients respond well to hypnosis. C : Clients respond well when hypnosis and CBT are combined. D : Clients do not respond well to any treatment. Correct Answer : A 44 : According to your textbook, which of the following statement is true about the treatment of conversion disorder? A : The principle treatment strategy for conversion disorder is to identify and attend to the traumatic or stressful life event. B : The use of medication is generally supported in the treatment of conversion disorder. C : Social support and attention are the most effective method of treatment for conversion disorder. D : In treating conversion disorder, Freudian methods to access the unconscious are the most effective. Correct Answer : A 45 : Your textbook authors describe a treatment plan for conversion disorder involving A : in-depth exploration of psychological conflicts. B : regression to the early psychosexual stages of development. C : application of a strict behavioral program that includes reinforcement for each display of progress and punishment when necessary. D : removal of any reinforcing or supportive consequences that patients receive for limitations imposed by the disorder. Correct Answer : D 46 : Dissociation is likely to happen A : after an extremely stressful or a traumatic event. B : when there is potential secondary gain. C : when there is primary gain. D : when a patient is malingering. Correct Answer : A 47 : The experience of dissociation occurs in A : psychotic disorders only. B : individuals with dissociative disorders only. C : only in those individuals who have experienced great personal trauma. D : certain psychological disorders but also in nondisordered people at times. Correct Answer : D 8 / 20

48 : In healthy, well-adjusted individuals, dissociation typically occurs following A : calm, reflective periods. B : participation in a group activity. C : reading or any activity that requires great concentration. D : stress or a traumatic event. Correct Answer : D 49 : Depersonalization is defined as A : altered perception including loss of the sense of ones own reality. B : altered perception involving loss of the sense of reality of the external world. C : vivid hallucinations. D : the feeling that one is no longer a person. Correct Answer : A 50 : Derealization is defined as A : vivid hallucinations. B : altered perception involving loss of the sense of ones own reality. C : altered perception involving loss of the sense of reality of the external world. D : the feeling that one is no longer a person. Correct Answer : C 51 : Brain imaging studies have found that depersonalization is associated with all of the following EXCEPT A : deficits in perception. B : deficits in emotion regulation. C : dysregulation in the HPA axis. D : dysregulation of the visual cortices. Correct Answer : D 52 : Jason suddenly notices that the world looks weird to him. Some objects look bigger than normal and others look smaller. Cars passing by seem oddly shaped, and people appear dead or mechanical. Joe is experiencing A : derealization. B : depersonalization. C : classic early psychosis symptoms. D : mania. Correct Answer : A 53 : While walking home from work, Jordan suddenly looks around and, for a moment, cant remember where he is, how he arrived at this point on the road, or even why he is walking. Jordan is experiencing A : derealization. B : depersonalization. C : the early stages of what will eventually become a severe psychotic disorder. D : symptoms of a mood disorder. Correct Answer : B 9 / 20

54 : The diagnosis of derealization-depersonalization disorder is A : often co-occurring with other disorders. B : quite rare and only applicable to those diagnosed with psychosis. C : fairly common, since many people experience derealization and depersonalization. D : fairly common and applied to anyone who is frightened by an experience of derealization or depersonalization. Correct Answer : A 55 : Anxiety, mood, and personality disorders are commonly found in individuals with A : depersonalization-derealization disorder. B : dissociative amnesia. C : somatic symptom disorder. D : conversion disorder. Correct Answer : A 56 : Many people experience feelings of unreality during an intense panic attack. People undergoing intense stress or experiencing a traumatic event may also experience these symptoms, which characterize the newly defined A : acute stress disorder. B : facetious disorder imposed on another. C : dissociative amnesia. D : conversion disorder. Correct Answer : A 57 : In dissociative amnesia, the individual typically has no memory of A : any events. B : events prior to a trauma. C : selective events or emotional tone attached to them, particularly those involving trauma. D : events following a trauma. Correct Answer : C 58 : People who do not remember anything, including who they are, are said to suffer from A : dissociative fugue. B : poor memory retrieval. C : general amnesia. D : dissociative identity disorder. Correct Answer : C 59 : While Alice is under hypnosis, she expresses strong emotions about being in a car accident that caused the death of her oldest son. When not under hypnosis, she expresses no emotion about the death of her oldest son when talking about the accident. This absence of emotion when not under hypnosis is characteristic of A : general amnesia. B : selective amnesia. C : depersonalization. D : derealization. Correct Answer : B 10 / 20

60 : In dissociative fugue, the term fugue relates to A : confusion. B : flight or travel. C : loss of consciousness. D : hallucination. Correct Answer : B 61 : During a fugue state, patients diagnosed with dissociative fugue A : travel and typicall...

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