Chapter 4 exam psy322 - studying materials very helpful PDF

Title Chapter 4 exam psy322 - studying materials very helpful
Author stical baah
Course Psychology PSYC 386
Institution Loyola University Chicago
Pages 19
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studying materials very helpful...


MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 : Which of the following does NOT characterize the mood state known as anxiety? A : Increased heart rate B : Physical tension C : Euphoric mood D : Subjective sense of unease Correct Answer : C 2 : The alarm reaction to danger that is triggered by anxiety primarily involves the ________ nervous system. A : autonomic B : parasympathetic C : peripheral D : somatic Correct Answer : A 3 : According to the textbook, the experience of fear A : like anxiety, can be good for us. B : is an irrational response. C : is a neurotic response. D : is a culture-specific phenomenon. Correct Answer : A 4 : Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding anxiety? A : Anxiety is an evolutionary flaw. B : Anxiety used to have a function in our ancestors time, but is no longer relevant to modern humans C : Anxiety is good for us because it enhances performance D : Anxiety is sometimes good for us; it enhances performance to an extent, but too much of it can hinder performance too. Correct Answer : D 5 : Javier was attending his fifth baseball game at Wiggly Field, where he had previously had a panic attack. He did not know if he would have a panic attack today, but shortly after entering the stadium, he did. This type of panic attack is A : situationally predisposed. B : situationally bound. C : cued. D : uncued. Correct Answer : A 6 : Activating a massive response from the automatic nervous system which along with our subjective sense of terror, motivates us to escape or attack is known as ______. A : fear B : flight C : panic 1 / 19

D : anxiety Correct Answer : B 7 : DSM criteria of panic attacks include all of the following symptoms EXCEPT A : sweating. B : a fear of losing control or going crazy. C : trembling or shaking. D : migraine headaches. Correct Answer : D 8 : Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the heredity of anxiety? A : An inherited tendency can make us tense or uptight. B : A single gene makes us vulnerable to anxiety. C : Panic disorder does not run in families. D : Environmental stress is the direct cause of panic disorder. Correct Answer : A 9 : Which of the following neurotransmitter systems is associated not only with anxiety, but also with depression? A : GABA-benzodiazepine B : Noradrenergic C : Serotonergic D : Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) Correct Answer : D 10 : The prevalence rates for panic disorder show some degree of cross cultural variability. Which countries shows the lowest prevalence rates? A : Asian and African B : European C : United States America D : Australia Correct Answer : A 11 : According to Jeffrey Gray, a British neuropsychologist, the behavioral inhibition system (BIS) is activated by danger signals ________, resulting in the experience of anxiety. A : ascending from the brain stem B : descending from the cortex C : arising from both the brain stem and the cortex D : within the amygdala only Correct Answer : C 12 : According to recent research (Johnson et al., 2000), an increased risk of developing anxiety disorders was found among teenagers who A : smoked marijuana. B : smoked cigarettes. C : drank alcohol. D : used steroids. 2 / 19

Correct Answer : B 13 : Recent research by Britton et al, (2013) and others indicates that vulnerability to anxiety disorders is related to A : an over responsive limbic system. B : the number of unexpected occurrences in ones life. C : the number of siblings in ones family. D : genetic or biological factors only. Correct Answer : A 14 : Which of the following terms is most associated with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)? A : Fear B : Panic C : Worry D : Emotion Correct Answer : C 15 : According to your text, in what way can worry be useful? A : It helps us forget the past by thinking of the future. B : It helps us feel ready to take on a difficult task. C : It helps us plan for the future. D : All of these are correct Correct Answer : C 16 : People with GAD A : have a median age of onset based of 25 (based on interviews). B : have episodes that come and go in a cyclic pattern. C : have a 58 percent chance of recovery after having the disorder for 12 years. D : Are better prepared for daily activities and long term achievement. Correct Answer : C 17 : All of the following are symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) EXCEPT A : muscle tension. B : being easily fatigued. C : sleep disturbance. D : increased abilities to concentrate. Correct Answer : D 18 : Rodin and Langer (1977) demonstrated that older adults may be particularly susceptible to anxiety about ____________ or other life situations that begin to diminish whatever control they retain over events in their lives. A : loss of income. B : the wellbeing of their children. C : failing health. D : limited availability of transportation. Correct Answer : C 3 / 19

19 : According to your text, which physiological measure consistently distinguishes individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) from non-anxious normal subjects? A : Increased muscle tension B : Increased heart rate C : Decreased EEG beta activity D : Decreased skin conductance levels Correct Answer : A 20 : For generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), the typical pharmacological treatment of choice has been the category of drugs known as A : benzodiazepines. B : SSRIs. C : tricyclics. D : MAO inhibitors. Correct Answer : A 21 : . _______ is when a change in the stages of sleep to slow wave sleep produces a physical sensation of letting go that frightens an individual. A : Cultural Influences B : Flight C : Nocturnal panic D : Anxiety Correct Answer : C 22 : Agoraphobic avoidance behavior appears to be determined by A : how recently the last panic attack occurred. B : the extent to which the person expects another panic attack to occur. C : the number of panic attacks the person has had in the past. D : how severe the panic attacks have been. Correct Answer : B 23 : Panic disorder is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT? A : severe, unexpected rushes of fear or discomfort B : close relationship to agoraphobia C : belief that one is going crazy or dying when suffering a panic attack D : Preoccupation with minor daily events. Correct Answer : D 24 : Nocturnal panic attacks generally occur when an individual is A : in REM sleep. B : having a nightmare. C : deeply asleep. D : dreaming. Correct Answer : C 25 : A vulnerability to stress, which is a tendency to be generally ___________overactive to the 4 / 19

events of daily life. A : sociologically B : physiologically C : hypersexually D : neurobiologically Correct Answer : D 26 : Agoraphobia, which has come to mean fear of going out, derives from the Greek word agora, meaning A : marketplace. B : home. C : travel. D : safe. Correct Answer : A 27 : Jaey Dee Jaey, a rapper and street dancer, had recently been having panic attacks while giving performances. He was sitting in his room feeling very depressed. A friend texted him and suggested that they meet outside and spend some time working out to cheer up. As they they started becoming physically active, Jaey Dee Jaey had another panic attack. What is the best explanation for this occurrence? A : He was angry with the friend for insisting that he go out. B : The sudden change in cognitive arousal and mood triggered the panic attack. C : The physical sensations experienced during the workout had become an internal cue for panic to occur. D : The breakdancing was an unconditioned stimulus that resulted in a panic attack. Correct Answer : C 28 : Azaylee suffers from panic disorder and becomes anxious about climbing stairs, exercising, or being in hot rooms because these activities produce sensations similar to those accompanying a panic attack. In psychological terms, the exercise and hot rooms contribute to Azaylee becoming anxious because they have become A : conditioned stimuli. B : unconditioned stimuli. C : conditioned responses. D : unconditioned responses. Correct Answer : A 29 : In treating panic disorder, all of the following types of medications are used EXCEPT A : tricyclic antidepressants. B : SSRIs. C : Steroids. D : benzodiazepines. Correct Answer : C 30 : Name the professor whose cognitive theories explicate in detail, the cognitive processes that may be ongoing in panic disorder. A : David Clark B : Frederick Banting 5 / 19

C : Paul Ehrlich D : Karl Landsteine Correct Answer : A 31 : Which of the following procedures is NOT part of Barlows panic control treatment (PCT)? A : Cognitive therapy to modify conscious or unconscious perceptions about the dangerousness of feared situations B : Creation of mini panic attacks in the therapists office C : Exercises to elevate the heart rate or spinning to make the patient dizzy D : Reducing interfering memories from early experiences with frightening stimuli. Correct Answer : D 32 : A relative of yours who suffers from panic disorder asks you what treatment would have the most long-lasting benefits. Since you have just read about the double-blind NIMH research study evaluating psychological treatments with and without medication, you tell your relative to first try A : the drug imipramine. B : psychological treatment along with medication. C : panic control treatment that includes cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). D : any available treatment, since patients in all treatment conditions achieved the same longlasting gains. Correct Answer : C 33 : The urge to pull out ones own hair from anywhere on the body including the scalp, eyebrows, and the arms is referred as _____. A : excoriation B : trichotillomania C : retail therapy D : habit reversal training Correct Answer : B 34 : All of the following are characteristics common to specific phobias EXCEPT A : strong and persistent anxiety related to a specific object or situation. B : significant attempts by the anxious individual to avoid the phobic situation. C : recognition by the person with the phobia that the anxiety is excessive or unreasonable. D : Chronically decreased arousal of the autonomic nervous system. Correct Answer : D 35 : Although blood-injury-injection phobia is a specific phobia, it differs from others with regard to A : blood pressure and heart rate. B : level of anxiety. C : The way the fear is conditioned. D : Level of patients insight. Correct Answer : A 36 : _____________ is characterized as the label implies by repetitive and compulsive picking 6 / 19

of the skin, leading to tissue damage. A : Excoriation B : Trichotillomania C : Retail therapy D : Habit reversal training Correct Answer : A 37 : Which of the following is NOT an example of a situational phobia? A : Claustrophobia B : Fear of flying C : Fear of public buses D : Snake phobia Correct Answer : D 38 : The main difference between situational phobia and panic disorder (PD) is that A : people with situational phobia never experience panic attacks outside the context of the phobic situation. B : people with situational phobia experience panic attacks when confronted with the phobic situation as well as at other times. C : people with PD experience panic attacks only in specific situations. D : people with PD experience panic attacks only at specific times. Correct Answer : A 39 : According to your textbook, there are at least three ways of developing a phobia. Which is NOT one of these ways? A : Experiencing a panic attack in a specific situation B : Having a nightmare about a feared situation C : Observing someone else experience severe fear D : In certain conditions, being told about danger Correct Answer : B 40 : An affliction where a relatively normal-looking person thinks they are ugly and refuses to interact with others is known as ____________. A : body dysmorphic disorder B : flight C : panic. D : behavioral inhibition system. Correct Answer : A 41 : The typical age of onset for both animal and natural environment phobias peaks at around ___ years. A:7 B:9 C : 11 D : 13 Correct Answer : A 7 / 19

42 : Phobias characterized by fear of public transportation or enclosed places are called situational phobias, and the typical onset age for those who suffer from them is A : childhood. B : late adolescence. C : early adulthood. D : midlife. Correct Answer : C 43 : Which of the following statements is not accurate regarding Body dysmorphic disorder? A : A variety of checking rituals are common in people with BDD in attempts to alleviate their concerns. B : Many people with this BDD become fixated on mirrors. C : Excessive grooming and skin picking are also common in those suffering from BDD . D : BDD is seen more often in men than women. Correct Answer : D 44 : In the general population, approximately ________ percent of people have specific fears severe enough to be diagnosed as phobias. A:1 B : 11 C : 31 D : 51 Correct Answer : B 45 : What is the role of parents in treating separation anxiety disorder? A : Parents are instructed to separate themselves from the child for at least two weeks to expose him/her to the feared scenario B : Parents are instructed to accommodate their child by reassuring them promptly each time he/she expressed separation fears C : Parents can be coached real-time in how to respond appropriately to the childs resistance to separation D : Parents are not involved because the child must learn to independently solve their problems. Correct Answer : C 46 : A culture bound syndrome in Chinese cultures called pa-leng (or sometimes frigo phobia) often results in the sufferer A : appearing naked in public. B : wearing many layers of clothing. C : exercising compulsively. D : hoarding food. Correct Answer : B 47 : Which of the following statements is correct regarding the treatment of specific phobias? A : Structured exposure-based exercises are no longer considered necessary. B : Individuals with blood phobias must learn to relax their muscles to keep their blood pressure high enough to prevent fainting. C : Exposure-based exercises actually change brain functioning. D : Avoiding a phobic situation weakens the phobic response. 8 / 19

Correct Answer : C 48 : Naeem had a fear of riding on buses, so his mother had to drive him to school every day. Naeems phobia is a(n) _________ phobia. A : situational B : natural environment C : blood-injury-injection D : animal Correct Answer : A 49 : Which of the following would NOT be considered an example of social anxiety disorder (SAD)? A : A student who is reluctant to speak up in a classroom due to fear of embarrassing herself B : A male who has difficulty urinating in a public restroom when others are present C : A person who can only eat comfortably when he is alone D : An individual who cannot travel on public transportation without a family member present Correct Answer : D 50 : According to research as many as ________ percent of the general population suffer from social anxiety disorder (SAD) at some point in their lives. A:3 B : 12 C : 23 D : 33 Correct Answer : B 51 : The most prevalent psychological disorder in the general population is A : specific phobia. B : agoraphobia. C : social anxiety disorder (SAD). D : panic disorder. Correct Answer : A 52 : Unlike most of the anxiety disorders in which female sufferers predominate, the sex ratio is almost equal in A : agoraphobia. B : specific phobias. C : social anxiety disorder (SAD). D : panic disorder. Correct Answer : C 53 : The anxiety disorder called social anxiety disorder (SAD), involving anxiety about being evaluated or criticized, usually begins during A : childhood. B : adolescence. C : young adulthood. D : middle age. 9 / 19

Correct Answer : B 54 : In Japan, the anxiety syndrome termed taijin kyofusho involves a fear of A : performing onstage. B : personally offending others. C : embarrassing oneself. D : speaking to females. Correct Answer : B 55 : Most of the people with BDD seek other types of health professionals such as__________. A : plastic surgeons B : gynecologists C : nurse practitioners D : None of these are correct. Correct Answer : A 56 : The setting for posttraumatic stress disorder to occur follows an experience accompanied by all of the following, EXCEPT A : an individual experiences threatened death or witnesses death . B : an individual experiences paranoia, or witnesses a person experiencing paranoia. C : an individual experiences actual or threatened sexual violation. D : enduring repeated exposure to details of a traumatic event. Correct Answer : B 57 : Individuals suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) display a characteristic set of symptoms including all of the following EXCEPT A : persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the traumati event(s). B : sudden flashbacks in which the traumatic event is relived. C : decreased startle response and chronically decreased autonomic arousal D : memories and nightmares of the event. Correct Answer : C 58 : Following the 9/11/2001 attacks, among the sample of respondents who lived closest to the World Trade Center, the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was _________ percent. A:5 B : 10 C : 20 D : 25 Correct Answer : C 59 : Which of the following is an accurate statement about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? A : Acute stress disorder is diagnosed instead of PTSD if a persons symptoms begin 6 months or more after the traumatic event. B : PTSD occurs in all individuals who experience a traumatic event. C : Most people diagnosed with acute stress disorder do not eventually develop PTSD. 10 / 19

D : A diagnosis of acute stress disorder will change to a diagnosis of PTSD one month after the traumatic event occurs. Correct Answer : D 60 : The posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) prevalence rates of U.S. veterans returning home from the war in Vietnam was directly related to their A : high rates of drug addiction. B : youth and inexperience. C : amount of combat exposure. D : separation from family. Correct Answer : C 61 : Which of the following is an accurate statement about factors affecting treatment for PTSD? A : Victims of PTSD remember the traumatic events with perfect accuracy. B : Victims of PTSD often repress memories of the traumatic event. C : Re-exposure to the trauma should be accomplished quickly to assure the best therapeutic response. D : PTSD patients should never be re-exposed to emotions and situations that remind them of the trauma event. Correct Answer : B 62 : Obsessive-compulsive disorder is often accompanied by all of the following EXCEPT A : severe generalized anxiety. B : major depression. C : visual hallucinations. D : panic attacks. Correct Answer : C 63 : A process whereby the rituals are prevented and the patient is systematically exposed to the feared thoughts or situations is called _____. A : exposure and ritual prevention. B : thought-action fusion. C : body dysmorphic disorder. D : facetiously Correct Answer : A 64 : The compulsions that an individual with OCD uses to suppress disastrous consequences or ward off intrusive thoughts can be either A : behavioral or mental. B : positive or negative. C : biological or psychological. D : autonomic or somatic. Correct Answer : A 65 : Which of the following would NOT be an example of an OCD-related behavioral compulsion? A : Checking 11 / 19

B : Aggression C : Hand washing D : Ordering Correct Answer : B 66 : When the term magical is used to refer to OCD-related compulsive acts, it means A : the person with OCD believes he/she is possessed. B : compulsive behaviors sometimes result in unexplainable physical phenomena. C : the compulsions have no logical relation to the obsessions. D : many magicians have been diagnosed with OCD. Correct Answer : C 67 : ___________ are currently the indicated drug for panic disorder based on all available evidence. A : SSRIs B : SNRIs C : Venlafaxine D : None of these are correct. Correct Answer : A 68 : Regarding the obsessions seen in patients with OCD, the term need for symmetry refers to A : doing something a number of different ways. B : keeping things in perfect order. C : putting everything on ones right and nothing on the left, or vice versa. D : an illusion of imbalance between sides of the body. Correct Answer : B 69 : What element of OCD applies to Richard (the case described in the textbook), who was obsessed with the idea that if he did not eat in a certain ritualistic way, ...

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